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Invasion Biology, the study of biota redistributed via human agency, has traditionally traced its founding to Charles Elton’s 1958 book The Ecology of invasions by Animals and Plants. But there were many substantial, scientific... more
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      American HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceEnvironmental PhilosophyEnvironmental Education
Daga, Vanessa S.; Valter M. Azevedo-Santos, Fernando M. Pelicice, Philip M. Fearnside, Gilmar Perbiche-Neves, Lucas R. P. Paschoal, Daniel C. Cavallari, José Erickson, Ana M. C. Ruocco, Igor Oliveira, André A. Padial & Jean R. S. Vitule.... more
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      Aquatic EcologyBrazilInvasive SpeciesBiodiversity
Abrupt collapse of the tropical rainforest biome (Coal Forests) drove rapid diversification of Carboniferous tetrapods (amphibians and reptiles) in Euramerica. This finding is based on analysis of global and alpha diversity databases in a... more
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      Landscape EcologyEvolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEnvironmental Geography
ABSTRAK Interaksi trofik pasca masuknya ikan introduksi ataupun ikan asing invasif merupakan dasar untuk mengkaji tekanan ekologis terhadap ikan asli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis interaksi trofik komunitas ikan pasca... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheriesInvasive species ecologyFisheries Management
A 20. század második felében a sáskajárások gyakorisága Magyarországon és a tágabb térségben radikálisan lecsökkent; ugyanakkor az utóbbi évezredben egészen 1947-ig a sáskák tömeges megjelenése, és a mezőgazdasági termelésben okozott... more
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      Cultural HistoryEnvironmental ScienceAnimal ScienceAnimal Behavior
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui invasi A. catechu ke dalam kawasan Hutan Alam Palanro Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin. Untuk penelitian ini, dibuat 2 jalur dengan posisi melintang dan membujur (Utara-Selatan dan... more
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      Invasive species ecologyInvasive SpeciesInvasion EcologyBiological invasions
Assessing the impacts of invasive organisms is a major challenge in ecology. Some widespread invasive species such as crayfish are potential competitors and reciprocal predators of ecologically and recreationally important native fish... more
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      ZoologyEnvironmental ScienceEcosystems EcologyAquatic Ecology
In a recent paper ), we published a statistical model for predicting invasiveness of exotic woody plant species in New England. A dataset was compiled of 28 biological/ecological characters for each of 248 exotic trees, shrubs, and lianas... more
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      BotanyPlant EcologyClimate ChangeClimate Change Adaptation
The global trade of species promotes diverse human activities but also facilitates the introduction of potentially invasive species into new environments. As species ignore national boundaries, unilateral national decisions concerning... more
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      ArgentinaChileSpecies invasionsConvention on Biological Diversity
Environmental narratives have become an increasingly important area of study in theenvironmental humanities. Rob Nixon has drawn attention to the difficulties of representing the complex processes of environmental change that inflict... more
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      Media StudiesScience CommunicationEnvironmental CommunicationEnvironmental Management
The Allegheny River Islands Wilderness (ARIW) consists of seven islands located along 90 km of the Allegheny National Wild and Scenic River in northwestern Pennsylvania. I surveyed riparian plant communities in the ARIW to provide an... more
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      Plant EcologyNatural HistoryInvasive SpeciesInvasion Ecology
Invasive species are one of the most significant causes of biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem services, which underlines the importance of their detection and their study. The Asian clams (Corbiculidae) are invasive organisms that... more
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      ZoologySpecies invasions
Invasive species are one of the most significant causes of biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem services, which underlines the importance of their detection and their study. The Asian clams (Corbiculidae) are invasive organisms that... more
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    • Species invasions
The American mink is a widespread invasive carnivore in Patagonia, and due to its foraging behavior that allows it to exploit a wide variety of prey, it is the exotic carnivore with the highest potential impact on the region’s... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementInvasive species ecologyEcologyInvasive Species
All highly cryptic drywood termites derive their food and water from a single piece of wood. Despite the fact that most species share the same life cycles, only a few have become invasive tramp species. Variation in production of... more
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      Invasion EcologyBiological invasionsSpecies invasionsTermites
The research on occurrence of exotic and invasive turtles in Latvia was conducted as a part of the research on Emys orbicularis distribution and ecology in Latvia. Up to 2011 six exotic species and subspecies of turtles were recorded in... more
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      Invasive species ecologyInvasive SpeciesBiological invasionsSpecies invasions
Fragments of a scull and lower jaws of Nutria were found near river Maritsa, close to Harmanli town. There are suitable habitats for this species in the area, overgrown with reed and rush near the bank and the islands in the river. The... more
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    • Species invasions
The Giant African Snail (Achatina fulica) is considered to be one the world’s 100 worst invasive alien species. The snail has an impact on native biodiversity, and on agricultural and horticultural crops. In India, it is known to feed on... more
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      Climate ChangeLand SnailsSpecies invasions
One of the most significant ecological and economic impacts of exotic species is associated with their role as vectors for the introduction of parasites into invaded areas. Exotic parasites may have devastating impacts on invaded... more
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      ParasitologyEnvironmental ScienceAquatic EcologyExotic Species
Biological invasions are considered one of the major threats to the Earth’s biota and their prevention and control are widely suggested. A key step within this is to gather knowledge and data on the impacts of introduced species on native... more
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      Environmental EducationScience CommunicationConservation BiologyInvasive species ecology
Purpose of Review Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes amebiasis, which remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. E. histolytica causes tissue destruction which leads to clinical disease. This... more
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      MicrobiologyCytokinesInflammationSpecies invasions
Tubastraea tagusensis and T. coccinea (Scleractinia: Dendrophylliidae) are two corals that have invaded and impacted the southwest Atlantic since the 1980s. Here, we investigated experimentally the use of plastic and raffia sheets,... more
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      Invasion EcologyBiological invasionsSpecies invasionsInvasion biology
Samples of Dreissena polymorpha were collected at several sites along the River Shannon navigation in Ireland, to determine the occurrence and distribution of their obligate host-specific commensalistic ciliate, Conchophthirus acuminatus,... more
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      Environmental ScienceAquatic EcologyInvertebrate BiologyFreshwater Biology
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      Exotic SpeciesLand SnailsMalacologyInvasive species ecology
Cabombaceae is a small cosmopolitan family of aquatic plants that are popular in the aquarium trade on account of their pretty, feathery, submerged leaves. Their flowers, with a diameter about that of a 20 cents Malaysian coin, resemble... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyMicrobiologyEnvironmental Education
Purpose of Review Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes amebiasis, which remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. E. histolytica causes tissue destruction which leads to clinical disease. This... more
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      MicrobiologyCytokinesInflammationSpecies invasions
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      ParasitologyAquatic EcologyInvertebrate BiologySymbiosis
Between June and August, 1993, adult Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugenis were collected from well-established populations at two sites along the international section of the St. Lawrence River. The mussels were taken to the... more
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      ZoologyAquatic EcologyInvertebrate BiologyConservation Ecology
Non-native species have reached South American ecosystems and may be threatening the exceptional biodiversity of this region. However, people often value and exploit introduced species not knowing that they are non-natives, nor... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservation EcologyInvasive species ecologyEcology
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      GeographyConservation BiologyArgentinaEcology
Purpose of Review Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes amebiasis, which remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. E. histolytica causes tissue destruction which leads to clinical disease. This... more
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      MicrobiologyCytokinesInflammationSpecies invasions
The American mink is a widespread invasive carnivore in Patagonia, and due to its foraging behavior that allows it to exploit a wide variety of prey, it is the exotic carnivore with the highest potential impact on the region's... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementInvasive species ecologyEcologyInvasive Species
Invasive species are one of the most significant causes of biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem services, which underlines the importance of their detection and their study. The Asian clams (Corbiculidae) are invasive organisms that... more
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      ZoologySpecies invasions
In the result of the carried out study since 2004, Perccottus glenii was found in 5 basins in Latvia, inhabited by Bombina bombina, situated in Daugavpils district and belonging to three populations: Ilgas, Demene, and Medumi. All the... more
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      FisheriesInvasive species ecologyAnuransInvasive Species
The introduction of non-native species has been one of the most damaging human impacts on specific ecosystems and the environment in general. Invasive species, such as the Zebra Mussel (Dreisenna polymorpha), are often introduced into an... more
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      Environmental GeographyInvasive species ecologyInvasive SpeciesBiological invasions
Golden mussel is an invasive species in Brazil which impacts local environments, dislocating native species and altering microecological conditions as well as affecting hydroelectric power plants and water treatment systems. The objective... more
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      Remote SensingWater qualityMathematical ModellingWater Resources Management
Purpose of Review Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes amebiasis, which remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. E. histolytica causes tissue destruction which leads to clinical disease. This... more
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      MicrobiologyCytokinesInflammationSpecies invasions
The American mink is a widespread invasive carnivore in Patagonia, and due to its foraging behavior that allows it to exploit a wide variety of prey, it is the exotic carnivore with the highest potential impact on the region's... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementInvasive species ecologyEcologyInvasive Species
Community assembly is the process that species grow and interact to establish a community. In present study, a generalized, rule-based network evolution model, CommAssembly, for community assembly was proposed. The model is based on... more
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      Species invasionsDifferential EquationsSpecies interactionsCommunity Assembly
In the result of the carried out study since 2004, Perccottus glenii was found in 5 basins in Latvia, inhabited by Bombina bombina, situated in Daugavpils district and belonging to three populations: Ilgas, Demene, and Medumi. All the... more
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      FisheriesInvasive species ecologyAnuransInvasive Species
Invasion biology is well-positioned epistemologically, theoretically and practically to address the challenge of being both scientifically and socially relevant. Yet, how well are we achieving these two dimensions of academic inquiry and... more
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      Invasive species ecologyEcologyInvasive SpeciesInvasion Ecology
Studies on the spread, recruitment, ecological impact or control of nuisance bivalves require reliable species identification, especially of larval and postlarval stages. We have used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques to... more
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      ZoologyAquatic EcologyConservation BiologyFreshwater Biology
Studies on the spread, recruitment, ecological impact, or control of nuisance bivalves require proper species identification, especially of larval and postlarval stages. We have used a combination of optical and scanning electron... more
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      MalacologyFreshwater BiologyInvasive species ecologyInvasive Species
Invasion biology is well-positioned epistemologically, theoretically and practically to address the challenge of being both scientifically and socially relevant. Yet, how well are we achieving these two dimensions of academic inquiry and... more
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      BibliometricsSocial-Ecological SystemsInvasive species ecologyInvasive Species
Non-native species have reached South American ecosystems and may be threatening the exceptional biodiversity of this region. However, people often value and exploit introduced species not knowing that they are non-natives, nor... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationConservation EcologyCulture
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      GeographyEarth SciencesCoral ReefsInvasion Ecology
Purpose of Review Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes amebiasis, which remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. E. histolytica causes tissue destruction which leads to clinical disease. This... more
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      MicrobiologyCytokinesInflammationSpecies invasions
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      Invasion EcologyBiological invasionsSpecies invasionsInvasion biology
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      Environmental ScienceAquatic EcologyConservation BiologyInvertebrate Biology
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      ZoologyEnvironmental ScienceConservation BiologyInvertebrate Biology