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      BiographyLiterary translationHistory of Colonial PeruSpanish Colonial History
Los tenedores de bonos de la Deuda Inglesa aceptaron la entrega de títulos de propiedad de terrenos baldíos en la provincia de Esmeraldas, en cuyas extensiones podían aprovechar los recursos naturales, exportarlos y beneficiarse... more
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      Economic HistoryBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )IndependenceEcuadorian history
This paper applies an innovative, multidisciplinary approach to the human and cultural remains recovered from the cemetery of El Chorro de Maíta, Cuba. The study of this indigenous cemetery, dated to late prehistoric and early contact... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryStable Isotope AnalysisBioarchaeology
A few years ago the Juan Cortez archaeological site 16NA758 was recorded by the regional archaeology program of Louisiana. This historic site was attributed to Juan Cortez (often noted as John Cortes) who was listed on plat maps as the... more
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      Historical ArchaeologySpanishTexas HistoryLouisiana history
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      Philippine HistorySpanish Colonial History
Los virreyes de América fueron personas que, en muchos casos, no desearon serlo. Los reyes de España, ayudados por el Consejo de Indias, procuraban elegir bien, porque eran los cargos de mayor responsabilidad y trascendencia. Los... more
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      Latin American StudiesHispanic StudiesEstudios LatinoamericanosIndependencias Hispanoamericanas
La Biblioteca Nacional de España cuenta con un ejemplar de la obra de Antonio Pigafetta titulada Il viaggio fatto da gli spagniuoli a torno a'l mondo, publicado en Venecia en 1536 por L. A. Giunta, referenciado como Edit 16, CNCE 73425 y... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Cuban HistoryColonial Latin American HistoryColonial HistoryConcentration Camps
By the 1570’s, Potosí, and its silver, had become the hub of a commodity revolution that reorganized Peru’s peoples and landscapes to serve capital and empire. This was a decisive moment in the world-ecological revolution of the long... more
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      Economic HistoryHistorical SociologyMarxismEarly Modern History
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      Gender HistoryMicrohistoryCourt historySpanish Colonial History
The present work focuses on the constitutional thought of Juan Egaña Risco. For that matter we confront two of his original works, where we study the political and legal principles that informed his scheme, while we try to see through the... more
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      EnlightenmentBourbon Reforms in Spanish AmericaSpanish Colonial History
¿cómo entender el pasado compartido de las sociedades propias del Oceáno Pacífico y aquellas (euroamericanas) que intruyeron en los espacios oceánicos desde el siglo XVI desde puntos de vista que coloquen en su justa dimensión tanto a los... more
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      Historical AnthropologyHistorical ArchaeologyPortuguese HistoryEarly Modern Portuguese History
Los restos de uno de los primeros ingenios azucareros de las Américas ubicados al sur-este de la ciudad dominicana de San Juan de La Maguana, escenario de los comienzos del encuentro entre europeos, indígenas y africanos que marcó para... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHistorical ArchaeologyLatin American and Caribbean History
This thesis reviews the architectonic heritage from Spanish colonization of English Caribbean territories, and the legacy produced prior to English and other European conquests from Spain. Investigation commences with the 1492 arrival of... more
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      Spanish HistoryVernacular ArchitectureChristopher Columbus and Early European ExplorationSpanish Colonial History
The article of Didac Cubeiro focuses on global transportation history after the advent of steam-powered ships and port and harbor improvements that transformed the world, a process seen in the development of Manila and other ports in the... more
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      Philippine HistoryColonial HistorySpanish Colonial HistoryPorts Cities and Ports Systems History
Este artículo plantea una clasificación provisional de los diversos tipos de variantes que pueden hallarse en documentos indianos, entendiendo como variantes las distintas formas de expresión que corresponden a un mismo contenido... more
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      DiplomaticsLanguage VariationSpanish Colonial History
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    • Spanish Colonial History
This paper applies an innovative, multidisciplinary approach to the human and cultural remains recovered from the cemetery of El Chorro de Maíta, Cuba. The study of this indigenous cemetery, dated to late prehistoric and early contact... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryStable Isotope Analysis
Este trabajo quisiera marcar un momento de reflexión sobre el estado actual de la investigación histórica española pero también en otros países, sobre el Magreb en la época moderna. Nos parece necesario subrayar hasta qué punto las... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesSpain (Mediterranean Studies)Maghreb studiesModern Spanish History
En el siglo XVI, un grupo de mujeres del Virreinato del Perú ocupó un privilegiado lugar en la naciente sociedad colonial. Este grupo fue el de las encomenderas, es decir mujeres que disfrutaron de la merced de la encomienda, por la cual... more
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      Women's HistorySpanish Colonial PeruEstudios de GéneroWomen and Gender Studies
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      Legal HistoryHistoria del DerechoSpanish Colonial HistoryHistoria Del Derecho Indiano
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    • Spanish Colonial History
Las alianzas, los congresos y la entrega de regalos fueron algunas de las prácticas implementadas por las autoridades coloniales de Luisiana, con las que buscaron salvaguardar su seguridad en el territorio, así como el dominio del mismo... more
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      Louisiana historyFrench Colonial History18th Century French LouisianaSpanish Colonial History
This picture book will allow you to take a trip through the Magdalena river, from Cartagena de Indias to Honda -the center of goods distribution of the New Kingdom of Granada during the eighteenth century- and discover the peoples of the... more
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryChildren's LiteratureColonial America
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      Philippine HistorySpanish Colonial History
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      Cuban HistoryPuerto Rican HistoryCounterrevolutionSpanish Colonial History
I wrote a “choose your own adventure” in the colonial Andes to bring my dissertation research alive. The adventure will be from the perspective of a native Andean woman and help you understand a bit better what it was like to live during... more
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      ArchaeologyTextile Workers (Labor History)Peruvian HistorySpanish Colonial Peru
Original in Catalan. First published as an Appendix to personal memoir by Joan M. Rubiés i Trias, Històries de la Guinea Espanyola.
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      Equatorial GuineaSpanish Colonial History
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      Legal HistoryPolitical ScienceHistoria del DerechoSpanish Colonial History
II Acknowledgements III Author’s Declaration V Author’s Note IX
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistoryImperial History
Analitzant les polítiques d'infraestructures i comunicacions projectades durant la segona meitat de S XIX per l'administració espanyola a Filipines, establim una connexió amb l'expansió i el desenvolupament d'aquestes per part de... more
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      Railway and Transportation HistoryPhilippine HistorySpanish Colonial History
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      Renaissance HistoryRenaissance HumanismLatin Language and LiteratureRenaissance Historiography