Libros by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023
This book uncovers the history of The Volunteers, a Spanish loyalist militia who were committed t... more This book uncovers the history of The Volunteers, a Spanish loyalist militia who were committed to upholding Spanish imperial interests and influence in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Santa Domingo and The Philippines as the age of empire came to a close. Unpicking the relationship between local and imperial administrations and highlighting the contribution of voluntary units to colonial warfare, Padilla Angulo shows how Spanish loyalism persevered in the colonies even as the last bastions of the empire were dismantled.
Revealing the complexity and diversity of The Volunteers themselves in various colonies, Volunteers of the Empire shows how thousands of young men of Spanish, African and Asian descent were united in the defence of Spanish sovereignty in times of anti-colonial struggle that were civil wars in all but name. It uncovers a fascinating history of a militia that became an essential element of Spanish imperialism and the armed wing of Spanish loyalism during the second half of the 19th century. Through their fluctuating relationship with the authorities in Spain, The Volunteers provide a fresh perspective into the global and local complexities of nation-building, nationalism and citizenship.
Capítulos de libro by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
Geohispanidad. La potencia hispana en el nuevo orden geopolítico, 2024
La guerra en México y el Caribe: lo inadvertido, lo oculto y lo olvidado, 2023
Además de entablar duros combates durante dos lustros en la manigua,
Il Mulino, 2022
Bandoleros e briganti, guerriglieri e partigiani: il lungo Ottocento è stato costellato da un’inc... more Bandoleros e briganti, guerriglieri e partigiani: il lungo Ottocento è stato costellato da un’incredibile varietà di uomini in armi. Figure carismatiche e dai tratti leggendari, sono state a capo di fenomeni di resistenza popolare, rivolte etnico-religiose, insurrezioni e ribellioni politiche. Operanti tramite forme di lotta non convenzionale, hanno sfidato comandanti e generali imperiali, messo in crisi secolari strutture di potere e sancito la nascita di nuovi ordinamenti, spesso legittimandosi con l’uso di narrazioni simboliche altamente evocative. In un’epoca di frontiere porose e istituzioni in via di consolidamento, le autorità hanno fatto ricorso a pratiche di repressione sempre più pervasive per liquidare la minaccia politica del banditismo e del brigantaggio. Il volume riunisce vari casi di studio di insorgenza e contro-insorgenza – dall’Europa mediterranea all’America Latina, dall’Africa del nord ai Balcani, fino al Mezzogiorno – per indagare approcci teorici, indirizzi operativi e strategie militari che hanno marcato l’evoluzione della guerra irregolare tra la metà del Settecento e lo scoppio del primo conflitto mondiale
"Men in Arms". Insorgenza e contro-insorgenza nel mondo moderno (Alessandro Bonvini, coord.), 2022
Bandoleros e briganti, guerriglieri e partigiani: il lungo Ottocento è stato costellato da un'inc... more Bandoleros e briganti, guerriglieri e partigiani: il lungo Ottocento è stato costellato da un'incredibile varietà di uomini in armi. Figure carismatiche e dai tratti leggendari, sono state a capo di fenomeni di resistenza popolare, rivolte etnico-religiose, insurrezioni e ribellioni politiche. Operanti tramite forme di lotta non convenzionale, hanno sfidato comandanti e generali imperiali, messo in crisi secolari strutture di potere e sancito la nascita di nuovi ordinamenti, spesso legittimandosi con l'uso di narrazioni simboliche altamente evocative. In un'epoca di frontiere porose e istituzioni in via di consolidamento, le autorità hanno fatto ricorso a pratiche di repressione sempre più pervasive per liquidare la minaccia politica del banditismo e del brigantaggio. Il volume riunisce vari casi di studio di insorgenza e contro-insorgenza-dall'Europa mediterranea all'America Latina, dall'Africa del nord ai Balcani, fino al Mezzogiorno-per indagare approcci teorici, indirizzi operativi e strategie militari che hanno marcato l'evoluzione della guerra irregolare tra la metà del Settecento e lo scoppio del primo conflitto mondiale. ALESSANDRO BONVINI è assegnista di ricerca presso la Scuola Superiore Meridionale. Si occupa di storia globale del XIX secolo. È autore, tra l'altro, di «Risorgimento atlantico. I patrioti italiani e la lotta internazionale per le libertà» (Laterza, 2022). «Men in arms» Insorgenza e contro-insorgenza nel mondo moderno a cura di Alessandro Bonvini BONVINI
During the transition from ancien régime to liberalism that took place in Spain during the first ... more During the transition from ancien régime to liberalism that took place in Spain during the first third of the 19th century, the military became a prominent political actor. Many soldiers were members of the country’s first liberal parliament, which in 1812 passed one of the world’s oldest liberal charters, the so-called Constitution of Cádiz. Furthermore, the armed forces fought against the Napoleonic Army’s occupation and, once the Bourbon monarchy was restored, often took arms against the established power. Nineteenth-century Spain was prey to instability due to the struggle between conservative, progressive, liberal, monarchical, and republican factions. It was also a century full of missed opportunities by governments, constitutions, and political regimes, in which the military always played an active role, often a paramount one. Army and navy officers became ministers and heads of government during the central decades of the 19th century, often after a coup. This changed with t...
Fernando Puell de la Villa & David García Hernán (eds.). War and Population Displacement. Lessons of History. Brighton, Portland & Toronto: Essex University Press, 2018
Fernando Puell de la Villa & David García Hernán (eds.). Los efectos de la guerra: desplazamientos de población a lo largo de la historia. Madrid: Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado-UNED., Jun 2017
Artículos by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
Fronteres del carlisme: del Berguedà a Ultramar, May 7, 2016
Para entender el siglo XIX español con posterioridad a 1825 resulta indispensable incluir a Cuba,... more Para entender el siglo XIX español con posterioridad a 1825 resulta indispensable incluir a Cuba, Puerto Rico y Filipinas. El carlismo, como fenómeno central de nuestra historia, no es una excepción. Durante más de sesenta años trató de jugar sus cartas en el mundo ultramarino, priorizando la acción de tipo conspirativo en detrimento del desarrollo de un apoyo popular vital para el triunfo de cualquier causa política.
Las Fuerzas Armadas (FAS) son el instrumento con el que los Estados están acometiendo las "Nuevas... more Las Fuerzas Armadas (FAS) son el instrumento con el que los Estados están acometiendo las "Nuevas Guerras". Las FAS como instrumento de política exterior de los Estados, tienen que ejecutar diferentes operaciones (asistencia humanitaria, ayuda a la reconstrucción, entrenamiento de las fuerzas locales, mantenimiento de la paz, de combate, inteligencia, etc.) al mismo tiempo, más que secuencialmente. Por tanto, en el recién nacido siglo XXI estamos viendo nuevos aspectos de la guerra. La guerra asimétrica ha cambiado muchas reglas del juego, imponiendo una profunda transformación en las FAS, no sólo táctica, sino también estructural, de preparación y mental.
Tesis doctoral by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
II Acknowledgements III Author’s Declaration V Author’s Note IX
Presentaciones by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
The struggle for sovereignity was at the core of the international transition from the Ancien ... more The struggle for sovereignity was at the core of the international transition from the Ancien Régime to the Modern World. Since the Atlantic Revolutions and up to the First World War, the rise of new empires and nation-states sharpened phenomena of violence, producing a long series of civil wars, colonial conflicts, and revolutions. In an age of porous frontiers and fragile institutions, challenging or defending the order engaged not only official forces or regular armies, but also a varied range of irregular “men with guns” – such as bandoleros, brigands, Cossacks, counter-insurgents, haiduks, and partisans.
Charismatic figures, organized in private companies and mobile corps, spear-headed political rebellions, ethnoreligious riots and anti-state activities, often adopting banditry, guerrilla and paramilitary methods and techniques. Experts in ambushes, incursions, sabotage, expropriations and killing of civilians and officials, they acted both in situations of declared war and in conditions of peace, especially in peripheral and rural areas with little state control, not excluding raids in urban centers as well. While their rule was often violent, they did not rely solely on coercion. Irregular groups and pro-state militia alike tried to legitimize their rule by employing symbolic, moral, religious, and political narratives.
Scholars have usually analyzed imperial and nationmaking as a top-down process. Therefore, the complexity of the arrangements between state and non-state actors and their crucial role has long been overlooked. By bringing together a variety of irregular warfare cases in Latin America, Mediterranean, Central Europe, North-Africa and Asia, this conference seeks to understand the ways in which non-state armed actors collaborated, resisted and shaped the advent of the modern empires and nation-states from the 1750s to 1915
La lotta per la sovranità è stata al centro della transizione dall’ancien régime all’età contempo... more La lotta per la sovranità è stata al centro della transizione dall’ancien régime all’età contemporanea. Dalle rivoluzioni atlantiche alla Prima guerra mondiale, i fenomeni di insorgenza e contro-insorgenza hanno definito la nascita dei nuovi stati-nazione e la formazione dei nuovi imperi. In un’epoca di frontiere porose e istituzioni fragili, sfidare o difendere l’ordine ha impegnato non solo forze ed eserciti regolari, ma anche una variegata gamma di “uomini in armi”. Figure carismatiche, organizzate in compagnie private o unità irregolari molto mobili, hanno guidato azioni di banditismo, guerriglia politica e rivolta etnico-religiosa, intrecciando ambizioni individuali a più generali rivendicazioni di tipo. Il seminario riunisce casi di studio dall’America Latina all’Europa centrale, fino all’Africa del nord, al fine di esplorare pratiche operative e strategie militari della guerra irregolare nel mondo moderno
Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, el cuerpo de Voluntarios se desarrolló como uno de los fe... more Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, el cuerpo de Voluntarios se desarrolló como uno de los fenómenos más característicos de la Cuba decimonónica y del proyecto imperial de España en la Gran Antilla. Esta milicia, integrada por voluntarios naturales de la España metropolitana y de Cuba, jugó un papel esencial como fuerza auxiliar del poder español en la isla, con un número de integrantes que oscilaba entre los 60.000 y los 80.000. Durante sus más de cuatro décadas de existencia, fue la expresión del españolismo más radical en Cuba, en oposición al poderoso movimiento independentista local.
This is a brief overview of the guidelines that dominated the imperial policy of Spain during the... more This is a brief overview of the guidelines that dominated the imperial policy of Spain during the 19th century, after the loss of the bulk of the American empire by 1825.
Aquest text és la presentació oferida al IV Simposi d'Història del Carlisme, resum de l'article "... more Aquest text és la presentació oferida al IV Simposi d'Història del Carlisme, resum de l'article "El Carlismo en Ultramar", publicat a les actes del dit simposi.
The Institute of Volunteers, which was first created in Cuba in 1855, and extended to Santo Domin... more The Institute of Volunteers, which was first created in Cuba in 1855, and extended to Santo Domingo in 1861, Puerto Rico in 1864, and the Philippines in 1896, represents one of the most unexplored phenomena of the Spanish imperialism. This was a militia composed of Spaniards from both the Iberian Peninsula and her islands, as well as from the Overseas territories. It was created as an auxiliary force to the regular Army but often came to represent the interests of the Loyalist elites in the colonies, which not always coincided with the Spanish Government. In this paper, we explore to what extend the Volunteers were a tool for the Spanish imperialism, or rather an autonomous Loyalist phenomenon.
Libros by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
Revealing the complexity and diversity of The Volunteers themselves in various colonies, Volunteers of the Empire shows how thousands of young men of Spanish, African and Asian descent were united in the defence of Spanish sovereignty in times of anti-colonial struggle that were civil wars in all but name. It uncovers a fascinating history of a militia that became an essential element of Spanish imperialism and the armed wing of Spanish loyalism during the second half of the 19th century. Through their fluctuating relationship with the authorities in Spain, The Volunteers provide a fresh perspective into the global and local complexities of nation-building, nationalism and citizenship.
Capítulos de libro by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
Artículos by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
Tesis doctoral by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
Presentaciones by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo
Charismatic figures, organized in private companies and mobile corps, spear-headed political rebellions, ethnoreligious riots and anti-state activities, often adopting banditry, guerrilla and paramilitary methods and techniques. Experts in ambushes, incursions, sabotage, expropriations and killing of civilians and officials, they acted both in situations of declared war and in conditions of peace, especially in peripheral and rural areas with little state control, not excluding raids in urban centers as well. While their rule was often violent, they did not rely solely on coercion. Irregular groups and pro-state militia alike tried to legitimize their rule by employing symbolic, moral, religious, and political narratives.
Scholars have usually analyzed imperial and nationmaking as a top-down process. Therefore, the complexity of the arrangements between state and non-state actors and their crucial role has long been overlooked. By bringing together a variety of irregular warfare cases in Latin America, Mediterranean, Central Europe, North-Africa and Asia, this conference seeks to understand the ways in which non-state armed actors collaborated, resisted and shaped the advent of the modern empires and nation-states from the 1750s to 1915
Revealing the complexity and diversity of The Volunteers themselves in various colonies, Volunteers of the Empire shows how thousands of young men of Spanish, African and Asian descent were united in the defence of Spanish sovereignty in times of anti-colonial struggle that were civil wars in all but name. It uncovers a fascinating history of a militia that became an essential element of Spanish imperialism and the armed wing of Spanish loyalism during the second half of the 19th century. Through their fluctuating relationship with the authorities in Spain, The Volunteers provide a fresh perspective into the global and local complexities of nation-building, nationalism and citizenship.
Charismatic figures, organized in private companies and mobile corps, spear-headed political rebellions, ethnoreligious riots and anti-state activities, often adopting banditry, guerrilla and paramilitary methods and techniques. Experts in ambushes, incursions, sabotage, expropriations and killing of civilians and officials, they acted both in situations of declared war and in conditions of peace, especially in peripheral and rural areas with little state control, not excluding raids in urban centers as well. While their rule was often violent, they did not rely solely on coercion. Irregular groups and pro-state militia alike tried to legitimize their rule by employing symbolic, moral, religious, and political narratives.
Scholars have usually analyzed imperial and nationmaking as a top-down process. Therefore, the complexity of the arrangements between state and non-state actors and their crucial role has long been overlooked. By bringing together a variety of irregular warfare cases in Latin America, Mediterranean, Central Europe, North-Africa and Asia, this conference seeks to understand the ways in which non-state armed actors collaborated, resisted and shaped the advent of the modern empires and nation-states from the 1750s to 1915
The papers were presented by:
- Stuart Bennet (HiPLA): 'Reactionary Events and Subjectivity: What Chile's 1973 Coup Tells Us About the Failure of Britain's Marxist Left.'
- Andrew Giles (HiPLA): 'Spain and antipsychiatry.'
- Bethany Pleydell (HA): 'Hispanicising the English Wardrobe: Spanish Fashions in Tudor England.'
- Fernando J. Padilla (HiPLA): 'Colonial ideas in the Spanish Empire (1820-1898).'
- Jade Boyd (HiPLA): 'Lorca in Colour: Activating the Reader'