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This paper concerns the design and realization of a solar tracking system oriented to the PV conversion panels. In general, the electricity generated by the PV panels is influenced by the intensity of solar radiation and ambient... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSolar TrackerPhotovoltaic system
An accurate solar tracker matches array angles with solar angles throughout the day. Many studies have used the power produced by a tracked PV array as a proxy to characterize a tracker's accuracy. However, it is difficult to decouple the... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringRenewable EnergyControl SystemsAccuracy
The aim of this project is to utilize the solar energy that has been tracked for irrigation. To make solar energy utilization more efficient, we have designed a dualaxis solar tracker. This tracker automatically tracks the position of the... more
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      SolarSolar EnergySolar TrackerDual Axis
The paper presents the design of a reliable, accurate, and easy to install solar dual axis tracking system. This system utilizes the GPS for fixing the time, date and location in terms of longitude and latitude. Astronomical equations... more
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      Renewable EnergySolar TrackerComponent
Un tracker solaire ou suiveur de Soleil est une installation de production d’énergie solaire utilisant le principe de l'héliostat. C'est une structure portante qui permet d'orienter des panneaux solaires afin d'en augmenter la... more
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    • Solar Tracker
A sustainable powered standalone automatic Solar Tracking System is designed and successfully simulated to provide the best alignment of solar panel with position of the sun automatically, to extract an increased efficiency by 40 percent.... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainable EnergySolar CellsMicrocontrollers
A solar tracking device is a machine which contains a motor equipped with relevant sensors which orients the payload towards the sun. Payloads can be photovoltaic panels, reflectors, lenses or optical devices. In flat-panel photovoltaic... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringRenewable EnergySensor
Solar cell tracker using  any pic micro-controller PIC16F877A microcontroller
The embedded system controls a motor for a solar cell to direct the cell towards the sun to generate the
maximum power form the cell
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      Embedded SystemsPIC microcontrollerStepper MotorSollar Ennergy
Solar energy harvesting is blooming across the world, and it is being used for variety of applications; storing the electricity generated from the sunshine for future use is one among these.
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      Electrical EngineeringRenewable EnergySolar EnergyBattery
Photovoltaic system utilizes the naturally available solar energy without creating any negative effect on the environment. Solar energy is relatively available in different regions of the world and this makes it a very vital source of... more
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      Renewable EnergyPhotovoltaic Solar CellsSolar EnergySolar Irradiance and Solar Cell Efficiency
Free to download eBook on Practical Solar Tracking Design, following the sun solar tracking system, sun tracking system, sun tracker system, solar tracker system, sun positioning system, and sun path tracking with follow the sun position... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic Engineering
As the energy demand and the environmental problems increase, the natural energy sources have become very important as an alternative to the conventional energy sources. The renewable energy sector is fast gaining ground as a new growth... more
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      Solar TrackerLDRSingle Axis
Currently, generating electricity by solar energy is inefficient and costly. The energy extracted from a solar photovoltaic depends on solar insolation. For the extraction of maximum energy from the sun, the plane of a solar collector... more
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      PhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyPhotovoltaic Solar CellsSolar Energy
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      Solar EnergySolar CollectorSolar TrackerSolar Tracking Systems
Prinsloo, G.J. "Hardware Sun Tracking Systems and Digital Sun Position Hardware Solar Tracker Controllers". In Solar Tracking. GJ Prinsloo. 1st ed. Stellenbosch: SolarBooks, 2016. ISBN 978-0-620-61576-1. doi: 10.13140/2.1.2748.3201... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringComputer Science
This paper presents the design and practical implementation of a simple active dual- axis solar tracker (DAST) to track the sun’s movement by using fewer components and low- cost as well. A dual- axis mechanism is developed in order to... more
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      Low Cost TechnologyArduinoSolar TrackerLdr Sensor
Digitisation and automation are becoming increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, both inside and outside the house. They are all attempts to simplify, use easily, monitor and be aware of any devices in a house that are connected to the... more
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      SensorsSmart HomeGSMWSNs
Renewable energy exploration has rapidly gained importance as an alternative energy source with fossil fuels availability worldwide continue to deplete causing fluctuation in their prices. At the energy research and innovation level, it... more
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      Power SystemsRenewable EnergyEnergy EngineeringEnergy
Energy crisis is one of the most important issues in today's world. Conventional energy resources are limited and are one of the primary reason for environmental pollution. The use of renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular.... more
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      Solar CellDye Sensitized Solar CellsBuilding Integrated Solar Energy TechnologiesSolar
Society is currently struggling with the near extinction of fossil fuel, a non-renewable source of energy supply, resulting in the overburdening of electrical grid systems. This has contributed towards environmental pollution and... more
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      SolarArduinoPanel modelsPanel Data
Buying a car entails a cost, not counting the day to day high price tag of gasoline. People are looking for viable means of transportation that is cost-effective and can move its way through traffic faster. In the Philippines, motorcycle... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureSoftware EngineeringInformation Technology
One hour of solar energy is enough to meet the energy demand of entire Earth's population for one year. When the solar radiation reaches earth's top atmosphere it is relatively constant everywhere but the radiation near earth's surface... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnvironmental SustainabilityEconomySolar Energy
The goal of this project was to develop a laboratory prototype of a solar tracking system, which is able to enhance the performance of the photovoltaic modules in a solar energy system. The operating principle of the device is to keep the... more
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      ArduinoCleanerSolar Tracker
As the demand of power is increasing recently, power sector has been taking part as a significant role in our day nowadays life. solar power is one in all the foremost vital renewable energy sources on the world that should be collected... more
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      SensorStepper MotorSolar TrackerSolar Panel
This paper focuses on achieving simplest and effective design for an electronic active tracking system. It was found that the sensor could be enhanced by using four phototransistors longitudinally shaded by 50 % of their area with black... more
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      PVSolar Tracker
This paper presents an intelligent of single axis automatic adaptive photovoltaic solar module. A static solar panel has an issue of efficiency on shading effects, irradiance of sunlight absorbed, and less power generates. This aims to... more
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      Internet of Things (IoT)Real Time systemSolar TrackerWeb-Based
Photovoltaic (PV) is one of the most important sources of renewable energy in the world. Its current efficiency could be increased up to 60% by using dual axes solar tracker, which maximise PV exposure to sun. The most important component... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPhotovoltaicsSolar Tracker
Bifacial photovoltaic dual-axis tracker systems have the potential to out-perform other module/mounting configurations at high latitudes, where the reflectivity of snow in winter boosts bifacial performance and the low solar... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyEnergy
Every optical system for sunlight concentration requires following the sun in its movement. The sun tracking method is essentially chosen on the base of collection geometry and optical system configuration. A simple, useful, and original... more
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      Solar EnergySolar trackers and concentratorsSolar CollectorSolar Tracker
CSP Ganged Heliostat Technologies Investigations in a Tensile Based Non-imaging System Abstract: Background Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) and specifically Power Tower or Beam Down type systems achieve high levels of solar concentration... more
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      PhotonicsAdaptive OpticsSolar trackers and concentratorsCSP
Solar tracking system using pic microcontroller 16f877a or any pic have analog to digital converter , In this article you will learn what is solar tracking system? Why We need of solar tracking system ? Which methods of solar tracking... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringRoboticsComputer Science
Solar energy is becoming one of the most expanding renewable energy it is getting more prominence. Sun trackers can substantially improve the electricity production of a photovoltaic (PV) system. This paper proposes a novel design of a... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsSolar EnergyPhototransistor
Automated irrigation system focuses on optimizing the usage of water in agricultural land. In this project, we aim at establishing a very fast communication link with the farmer. This makes it easy for the farmers to monitor the soil and... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringRenewable EnergyControl Systems
Main motivation of this project is to design a wireless based solar powered robotic system in order to optimize the power by improving the utilization of solar power. A new idea has been presented for wireless solar powered mobile robotic... more
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      EngineeringRoboticsRenewable EnergyStepper Motor
Mineral quartz is a hard / rigid crystalline stone accessible in large quantities all over the world in a variety of shapes. This mineral is a common element on the soil of earth consisting of more than 26 % of the earth layer and is... more
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      Wind EnergySolar CellSolar ConcentratorsBuilding Integrated Solar Energy Technologies
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, along with economies of scale and advances in hardware, software, and network technologies, have accelerated the explosion of connected objects across the Internet. A connected object can be... more
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      Computer SciencePhotovoltaicsSolar EnergyGreen energy technology
The aim is to build a solar tracking system based on the direction of the light intensity. The motors should be controlled such that they point the light sensors towards the direction of the light source so as to maximize the light sensor... more
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      Electronic EngineeringSensors and SensingElectronicsEmbedded Systems
This paper focus on the design and construction of an optimization charging system for Li–Po batteries by means of tracked solar panels. Thus, the implementation of a complete energy management system applied to a robotic vehicle.... more
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      PhotovoltaicSolar TrackerRobotic vehicle
Solar energy is coming up as a major source of energy. The need of the hour is renewable energy resources with cheap running costs. With the current systems for solar energy harvesting, we have high production only at fixed times mostly... more
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    • Solar Tracker
The aim of this project is to utilize the solar energy that has been tracked for irrigation. To make solar energy utilization more efficient, we have designed a dual axis solar tracker. This tracker automatically tracks the position of... more
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      SolarSolar EnergySolar TrackerDual Axis
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      Renewable EnergyMicrocontrollerSolar TrackingSolar Tracker
This paper presents the design and practical implementation of a simple active dual- axis solar tracker (DAST) to track the sun’s movement by using fewer components and low- cost as well. A dual- axis mechanism is developed in order to... more
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      EngineeringLow Cost TechnologyArduinoEnergy Science and Engineering
Prinsloo, G.J., Dobson, R.T. and Schreve, K. 2014. Mechatronic Platform with 12m2 Solar Thermal Concentrator for Rural Power Generation in Africa. Energy Procedia 49(1). p 1470-1480. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.03.156 Electrical power... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Photovoltaic system utilizes the naturally available solar energy without creating any negative effect on the environment. Solar energy is relatively available in different regions of the world and this makes it a very vital source of... more
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      Electrical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceComputer ScienceRenewable Energy
Every optical system for sunlight concentration requires following the sun in its movement. The sun tracking method is essentially chosen on the base of collection geometry and optical system configuration. A simple, useful, and original... more
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      Solar EnergySolar trackers and concentratorsSolar CollectorSolar Tracker
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Environmental ScienceComputer ScienceRemote SensingSolar Energy
ABSTRACT This study presents a two-axis solar tracking system equipped with a small concentrator module for electricity generation through a multijunction solar cell. The system can accurately track the sun without the need of calibration... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnergyMicrocontroller
One of the major challenges of all nations today is to find new energy sources to meet the needs for continued growth in Energy Term. The conversion of sunlight into electricity via photovoltaic solar cells is becoming a necessity in... more
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      ArduinoSolar EnergySolar Tracker