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      Public FinanceHigher EducationCapitalismMoney and Banking
Research on childhood sexual abuse has often examined, in isolation of one another, such highly correlated risk factors as parental substance abuse, domestic violence, and pathological family functioning. Investigating comorbid... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyDomestic ViolenceSexual Abuse
HR: Management & Training Journal
Vol 2, No 2  June, 2018
pp. 11-13.

This article is written in the Myanmar language in the country's top human resources journal.
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      MyanmarCurrent Education in MyanmarSoutheast Asian Studies/ MyanmarSociopathy
Week 8 Final 2 Psychological Analysis and History of Richard Trenton Chase
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      CannibalismPsychopathologySerial killersParanoia
IT’S EVERYWHERE Gaslighting is simply impossible to comprehend, identify, and permanently eradicate without an accurate understanding of what it is and how it evades detection. Because of its complex nature and apparent invisibility, it... more
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      Narcissism (Psychology)Narcissistic Personality DisorderStockholm SyndromeBrainwashing
Despite similar emotional deficiencies, primary psychopathic individuals can be situated on a continuum that spans from controlled to disinhibited. The constructs on which primary psychopaths are found to diverge, such as self-control,... more
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      Aggression (Psychology)Personality DisordersPsychopathologyDopaminergic Neurotransmision
People who enter the biomedical field and have felt empathy for animals, but who learn to suppress those feelings and to accept and engage in animal research, are sociopaths. People who happily experiment on animals with no empathy for... more
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      Medical AnthropologyCritical Medical AnthropologyAnimal Rights/LiberationPsychopathy
This thesis is an analysis of both Doyle's original detective and Moffat and Gatiss' updated version of the detective, seeking answers about the alleged connection between the famous sleuth and pathological psychology. My claim is that... more
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      PsychopathyAdaptation (Film Studies)Sherlock HolmesSociopathy
Symptoms of Harm OCD are described in order to make diagnosis more straightforward. In addition, differential diagnosis between Harm OCD and other conditions is examined. The problem of the prediction of dangerousness is examined and... more
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      HomicideOCD treatmentOCDRisk, dangerousness and public protection
The normalisation of psychopathy.
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      ReflexivitySocial MediaCapitalismWork and Labour
Psychopathic individuals identified through contemporary instruments vary considerably in personality and etiological background, which creates confusion in practice and inconsistency in data. The goal of this paper is to clarify this... more
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      NeuroscienceBorderline Personality DisorderNarcissism (Psychology)Affective Neuroscience
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      Film StudiesGenre studiesGovernmentalityNeoliberalism
Evidence is presented that Mathew Franklin Whittier, known by historians only as the younger brother of poet John Greenleaf Whittier and the author of the satirical "Ethan Spike" series, was the real and original author of "The Raven."... more
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      Victorian StudiesAuthorship AttributionVictorian studies (Literature)Victorian poetry
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      Virtue EthicsVirtues and VicesNeurodiversitySociopathy
Pouvoir, sexe et climat. Biopolitique et création littéraire chez G. R. R. Martin, Avion, Éditions du Cénacle de France, 2017. (ISBN 978-2-916537-22-1)
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      Clinical PsychologyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPragmatism
Since its theoretical inception, psychopathy has been considered by philosophers, clinicians, theorists, and empirical researchers to be substantially and critically explained by genetic factors. In this systematic review and structural... more
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      Empathy (Psychology)FearPsychopathySerotonin
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      Gothic LiteratureEdgar Allan PoeHorror LiteratureMadness
On any given day, sociopaths are responsible for 80% to 90% of all conflicts and turmoil in any given workplace. They know what they are while most of us are completely ignorant of their true nature. Most sociopaths deliberately wear a... more
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      ManagementHuman Resource ManagementCorporate PsychopathySociopathy
Richard Ramirez was convicted on thirteen counts of murder along with a host of other offenses. Ramirez can be categorized as an organized serial offender who prefers mixed sexual homicide (Douglas, Burgess, et al, 1992), as well as, an... more
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      Abnormal PsychologyForensic PsychologyCriminal JusticePsychopathy
Većina ljudi, ali i stručnjaka, termine psihopata i sociopata upotrebljava kao sinonime. I to nije pogrešno. Nasuprot tome, postoji određena grupa eksperata koja argumentovano pravi razliku između ova dva termina, a u isto vrijeme ističe... more
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      PsychopathologyPsychopathyAntisocial Personality DisorderConduct Disorder
Exploring how psychopathy and sociopathy are gendered and culturally conservative concepts. Firstly through the intrinsic sexism of fictional portrayals and secondly by examining how politicised sciences take the liberties of narrative to... more
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      Critical TheoryGender StudiesSex and GenderFilm Theory
« C'est en un mot dans ce sentiment naturel, plutôt que dans des arguments subtils, qu'il faut chercher la cause de la répugnance que tout homme éprouverait à mal faire, même indépendamment des maximes de l'éducation. Quoiqu'il puisse... more
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      EthicsCreativityEmpathy (Psychology)Thomas Jefferson
Procjenjuje se da u opštoj populaciji 1% ljudi zadovoljava kriterijume za dijagnozu psihopatije. Zapravo, savremeni naziv za psihopatiju je antisocijalni poremećaj ličnosti. Međutim, rezultati istraživanja provedenih na menadžerima firmi,... more
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      Organizational PsychologyPsychopathologyPsychopathySociopathy
This paper proposes an approach to the limits that democracy confronts in the consolidation and radicalization of its civilizing experience. His descriptive typifies the dimensions and the vectors that originate and promote degradation of... more
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The zodiac and the cryptograms that remain unsolved
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      Criminal JusticeCriminal Profiling of Serial KillersSociopathyZodiac Killer
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    • Sociopathy
How is it that we have concluded that certain traits in clinical psychopaths actually have a genetic source and not simply the product of environmental influence? One of the key factors is what we call "Exact Duplication" (E.D.). Now,... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPersonality Psychology
Any social and political arrangement depends on acceptance. If a substantial part of a people does not accept the authority of its rulers, then those can only remain in power by means of force, and even that use of force needs to be... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionCultural StudiesFuture Studies
Throughout the writing of The Psychopath Factory: How Capitalism Organizes Empathy a certain real-life character haunted me. Jimmy Savile. Savile never quite fitted into my scheme of categorization. On one hand, he knew how to behave... more
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      Popular CultureDeception / Lying (Deception Lying)PsychopathyManipulation
I make a distinction between psychopathy and sociopathy. The two terms are commonly used in an interchangeable way, as if they are one and the same, but in my view there is an important difference. I argue that sociopathy ought to refer... more
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      LiteraturePopular CultureLiterature and cinemaCinema
Psychopathy is a personality disorder associated with substantial antisocial behaviors and a callous lack of empathy. According to leading research, psychopaths are responsible for at least half of society’s violent crime and make up a... more
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      Moral PsychologyViolencePsychology of EvilPsychopathology
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      Narcissists and their relationshipsSociopathyForensic Architecture
This file contains the table of contents, and chapter 1 of a book, co-written with Katrina L. Sifferd, and Tyler K. Fagan.
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      SchizophreniaMetaphysics of ConsciousnessConsciousnessExecutive Functions (Cognitive Neuroscience)
Recently, Myanmar’s Ministry of Commerce announced that the country would reached its target of US$6 billion regarding foreign direct investments (FDI) by the end of the nation’s current fiscal year (2017/18 fiscal year ending March 31 –... more
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      ManagementHuman Resource ManagementPsychopathsCorporate psychopaths
Communist conspirisists in our families and homes. Parents need to stay careful
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      CryptozoologyJournalismFashion designFeminist Theory
JOE HILL FOR YOUR CONFINEMENT DURING CHRISTMAS Joe Hill is the worthy and hard-trying son of his father and he must have suffered a lack of candy for Christmas celebration in his family when he was a kid. So he imagines permanent eternal... more
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      Child abuse and neglectPsychopathologyHorror CinemaChristmas
1) We will engage the general public in order to hold those accountable who betray the common good by attempting to hijack the American Dream and impede sociopolitical progress, and who demonstrate disregard for basic human rights due to... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityActivismPublic Sector Accountability
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      Friedrich NietzscheThrillerPsychopathyAlfred Hitchcock
Christmas 2020 is not going to be gorry per see but it is going to be COVIDy, over and over again, with the Christmas turkey in the center and all the dressings and trimmings and garnishings, but no one to enjoy it, either locked up in... more
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      Crime fictionThrillerPsychiatry and PsychopathologyChristmas
Source Doc: For your conscious intent, You DO 'get what you deserve'! See link for this image: 'Why We Fail and How' Not that your intent is... more
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      Software EngineeringIconoclasmIntuitionTransactional Leadership
A brief discussion for Stanford University Press on why the centrality to discussions of Madoff and Trump of sociopathy is misguided.
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      Media StudiesSociopathyDonald Trump
Research on childhood sexual abuse has often examined, in isolation of one another, such highly correlated risk factors as parental substance abuse, domestic violence, and pathological family functioning. Investigating comorbid... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyDomestic ViolenceSexual Abuse
Communities and Persons: The loss of community is frequently seen as a personal loss, i.e., as a loss for persons as social beings. The loss of community entails the loss of certain kinds of social relationships, and the loss of these... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyPsychiatrySocial Work