Sociology of popular entertainment
Recent papers in Sociology of popular entertainment
"The contemporary justification for zoos is based on their ability to act as sites of wildlife conservation. Alongside this is the reality that zoos have historically been defined as sites for the entertainment of the general public and... more
In a 1935 radio address, Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic movement, elucidated his concept of the religio athletae when he stated, “the ancient as well as the modern Olympic Games have one most important feature in... more
J’aimerais illustrer les sonorités parfois harmonieuses, parfois conflictuelles au sein d’une ville, en prenant en compte le silence. En ce qui concerne les paysages sonores, nous avons aussi intégré la notion de bruit dans notre... more
This article discusses four Hellenistic terracotta figurines that belong to a class commonly categorized as grotesques. It is demonstrated that physical deformities of the portrayed personages should be attributed to particular medical... more
Il saggio mette in evidenza i rapporti tra cinema, fumetto e videogioco, generi che hanno spesso tratto ispirazione l'uno dall'altro, e che presentano un comune stile grafico, in cui la forma prevale sui contenuti, a conferma... more
Παρόλο που η Οπερέττα στην Ελλάδα συνδέθηκε από νωρίς με την προσπάθεια εξευρωπαϊσμού της θεατρικής μας ζωής, έμενε πάντα ένα περιθώριο για την εισροή ντόπιων στοιχείων τόσο στη μουσική της με λαϊκούς σκοπούς και ρυθμούς, όσο και στο... more
- by Manolis Seiragakis
- Popular Music Studies, Theatre History, Sociology of popular entertainment, Popular entertainments: circus, fair midways, amusement parks, variety acts, wild west shows, freaks and animals, etc -- 19th-century printing, advertising, and marketing; consumer goods -- Museum history and the exhibition of marvels and curiosities.
Twentieth century’s visual convention have been deeply transformed. As first, according to the “remediation” paradigm (Bolter & Grusin, 1998), then following the grassroots authorship paradigm (Jenkins, 2006). The paper outlines a new... more
Published as part of "Istanbul's Cultural Inventory Project," book series which was commissioned and funded by the Turkish Ministry of Culture, Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency and... more
Full document in download. Or broken up as slide-show on HuffPo link below.
Following closely public debates of the 1920s–1950s about the nature and purpose of a distinctively “Soviet” laughter and comedy, I will try to distill arguments and rationales that were used by producers of Stalinist culture for... more
Π αρά τη χαώδη σήμερα σχετική βιβλιογραφία, το άρθρο του Γιάννη Σιδέρη για τη σχέση του Θεάτρου Σκιών με τα υπόλοιπα είδη θεάτρου, δημοσιευμένο στο σχετικό αφιέρωμα του περιοδικού Θέατρο του Κ. Νίτσου στα 1963 δε φαίνεται να βρήκε... more
Pensiamo che sia necessario tracciare il significato simbolico dello spazio urbano di Istanbul nell’ambito della sua complessa geografia umana, ripercorrendone la storia1 ricca di racconti, episodi brevi, rotture, discontinuità e... more
Entertainment is often undervalued but its links with show biz, advertising, politics and consummation cultures are by now very strong. In media, advertising, tourism, cruises, food and beverages, gambling, fitness, theme parks, malls we... more
"Nairobi'den İstanbul'a Dans Eden Bir Aşk Hikayesi" (A Dancing Love Story from Nairobi to Istanbul: Transnational Creative Professionals" Istanbul Kent Kültürü Dergisi (Istanbul Journal of Urban Culture) No: 62, s./pp. 82-83.
Part of Istanbul Journal of Urban Culture's Special Dossier on Entertainment in Istanbul edited by Volkan Aytar, this is an interview with music columnist and DJ Murat Beşer, published in Istanbul Journal of Urban Culture, No. 62, January... more
ABSTRACT Superimposed on a highly heterogeneous social texture further shaped by successive waves of inmigration, Istanbul’s urban policy shifted from a statecentered to a more entrepreneurial approach since the mid-1980s. Concurrently,... more
"In the article the main aspects of emergence and formation of the entertaining journalism in Ukraine of the 1920s are considered on the example of the illustrated "UZh" ("Universal Magazine") that was issued in Kharkiv (1928–1929). It is... more
Holograms have been in the public eye for three-quarters of a century, but their influences have deeper cultural roots. No other visual experience is quite like interacting with holograms; no other cultural product melds the technological... more
This chapter analyses the process of social bifurcation and ethnicization of the labourscape in Istanbul’s globalizing urban tourism and entertainment sector. Tourism in Istanbul is part of a larger amalgamation that includes tourism,... more
""""During the making of The Wizard of Oz, MGM and manager Leo Singer belittled hypopituitary Munchkin interpreters and blatantly discriminated against other types of dwarfism, while perpetrating racial discrimination against black little... more
"İstanbul çok hızlı tüketiyor bir soluklanmalı-İtalyan Executive Chef Carlo Bernardini ile İstanbul'da Yemek Kültürü Hakkında" (Istanbul's Food Culture with Italian Executive Chef Carlo Bernardini" Istanbul Kent Kültürü Dergisi (Istanbul... more
"Düz Eğlenceye Çapraz Bakarken" Eğlence Dosyası Sunum Yazısı, İstanbul Kent Kültürü Dergisi, Sayı: 62, Ocak 2008, s. 46-47 - Introductory Article of the Istanbul Journal of Urban Culture's Special Dossier on Entertainment in Istanbul No.... more
The book provides an outlook of many accusations against Television in the XX Century, reconstructing their cultural roots and precedents. Il volume discute le molteplici accuse che sono state rivolte alla televisione nel Novecento e ne... more
While ethnic neighborhoods are usually associated with poverty, crime and social problems, they have also emerged as places of leisure and consumption, providing opportunities for numerous entrepreneurs and employees. Local and national... more
"Kültürel Dolaşımın Ulus-Aşırı Aktörleri: DJ'ler" (DJs: Transnational Actors of Cultural Flows" İstanbul Kent Kültürü Dergisi (Istanbul Journal of Urban Culture) Sayı/No: 62, Ocak-January 2008, s./pp. 75-79
""Reviews "This cutting-edge analysis of where religion may be heading is theoretically sophisticated and yet highly readable." -- Donald E. Miller, Executive Director of the Center for Religion and Civic Culture, University of... more
Published on Nov 2, 2015 Popular culture is a cunning, persuasive - and pervasive - "educator" that influences students' ideas about gender and sexuality 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet Dr. Kristin Lieb believes that while teachers... more
CirCommons, the journal of Contemporary Circus, offers a shared platform to academics and practitioners investigating the field of circus arts, and the nexus of circus and other forms of performance. This month: Sarah Muehlbauer writes... more
Já presente na antiguidade clássica, a publicidade - entendida como qualidade daquilo que é público e colectivamente mobilizador - continua a ser um conceito central das sociedades. A reflexão que agora se divulga procura avaliar as suas... more
Οι έννοιες του λαϊκού και της λαϊκότητας καταλαμβάνουν διαφορετικά πολιτισμικά νοήματα και συνδηλώσεις σε διαφορετικά ιστορικά και πολιτισμικά συμφραζόμενα. Το παρόν κείμενο επιχειρεί να καταγράψει ορισμένες όψεις μιας «λαϊκής»... more
Presentation at International Conference on The Wizard of Oz and the Cultural Imagination, Brighton CineCity Film Festival
Constructions of Spaces of Music in Istanbul Figure 2 : Musiques du monde et musiques turques dans le café "On the Rocks"
In the 1930s, everyone affectionately called hypopituitary short-statured people ‘midgets’ – themselves included. The 1939 classical MGM movie ‘The Wizard of Oz’ credited the height-impaired actors as ‘The Munchkins’. First aired on TV... more
How can one cohabit with sounds? When one talks about culture, it is a little dangerous... How to understand this culture? There are easy means, one could say that culture is simply a civilization. But I talk here about Turkey, and we... more
One year prior to the release of the all-time classic “The Wizard of Oz”, featuring the acclaimed Munchkins, Sam Newfield directed “The Terror of Tiny Town”, advertised as the first 'comedy western with an all-midget cast', starring “Jed... more
In early modern times, dwarfs were considered deformed and, hence, socially discriminated against, by average-statured individuals as well as by other little folks we used to call 'midgets', who were conceptualized as “no freaks, no... more
Here is the first published mention and development of netnography. Based on a 2006 conference presentation in Tuscon, AZ at ACR.