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The relationship between music, the self/identity, and consumption is significant and widely acknowledged, yet it remains under-researched. To further our understanding of the symbolic consumption of music, this study evaluates the... more
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      MusicSelf and IdentityConsumer CultureConsumer Research
3 zasady publicznej obecności w social media; kanały publikacji utworów i na co zwrócić uwagę; kanały dystrybucji utworów i na co kłaść nacisk; band branding i rozwijanie świadomości marki.
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      Media ManagementArts and Heritage MarketingCulture, art and entertainment marketingArts Marketing
This paper carries out a study on the profitability of Spanish contemporary painting in relation to auction sales in the last decade. For this purpose, twenty Spanish artists from the second half of the twentieth century have been... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsArts and Heritage MarketingArt MarketCulture, art and entertainment marketing
Pałasz, M., 2013. Media społecznościowe - własne media instytucji kultury. Projektowanie treści. W R. Ulatowska, red. Przemysły Kreatywne 2.0.12. Kraków: Fundacja Rozwoju Kina, ss. 108–115. Popularność komercyjnych zastosowań mediów... more
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      CommunicationSocial MediaFacebookTwitter
Pałasz, M., 2015. Wydarzenia na Facebooku krok po kroku. W K. Rojek, red. Media społecznościowe w instytucji kultury. Gdańsk: Instytut Kultury Miejskiej, ss. 9–24. Instytucje kultury funkcjonują w dużej mierze od wydarzenia do... more
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      Social MediaFacebookEvent marketingSocial Media Marketing
In Western society, tattoos have historically signified deviance and those who were tattooed were often stigmatized as a result. Extant research examines the nature of stigma and identifies a number of stigma management strategies... more
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      StigmaConsumer CultureConsumer ResearchCulture, art and entertainment marketing
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      Critical TheorySex and GenderSexual DysfunctionSexual Abuse
This thesis analyses by comparison the processes by which literature becomes deep-rooted and popular music noble, in Brazil, to grasp the different logics of constructing the nation through culture. We examine successively the... more
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      Sociology of CultureAnthropologySociology of EducationPopular Music Studies
ABSTRACT The placement of brand references within mainstream entertainment (called here ‘entertainment marketing’) is a rapidly evolving marketing communications field in its scale and sophistication. Much previous research in the field... more
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      Consumer CultureExperiential MarketingCulture, art and entertainment marketingProduct Placement
Twentieth century’s visual convention have been deeply transformed. As first, according to the “remediation” paradigm (Bolter & Grusin, 1998), then following the grassroots authorship paradigm (Jenkins, 2006). The paper outlines a new... more
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      Cultural StudiesInformation ScienceVisual StudiesMedia Studies
This paper reports an interpretive study of young consumers’ subjective experience of television product placement in Thailand and the UK. The discussion of findings is structured by three pre-eminent themes induced from the data,... more
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      MarketingMedia StudiesTelevision StudiesAdvertising
This paper was submitted as part of an "Asia and Hollywood" module at Tembusu College, National University of Singapore. The paper explores the global phenomenon of arguably the most famous Japanese export,Hello Kitty, and offers a... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesGlobalizationPopular Culture
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      Art Economics and MarketsArts and Heritage MarketingArt MarketCulture, art and entertainment marketing
Media społecznościowe stały się czwartą władzą także w Polsce. Korzysta z nich kilkanaście milionów Polaków i niemal miliard osób na całym świecie. Branża kultury ma się w nich szczególnie dobrze - lub przynajmniej powinna tak się miewać... more
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      MarketingMedia ManagementSocial MediaSocial Media Marketing
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      Media StudiesGlobal mediaEntertainment HistoryEntertainment
Bakalaura darbā aplūkoti dažādi kino apmeklēšanas un filmu demonstrēšanas aspekti, īpaši reģionos un lauku apvidos. Auditorijas piesaiste kinoteātriem aplūkota no "mārketinga miksa" un "pieredzes ekonomikas" konceptu skatpunktiem.... more
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      Audience StudiesFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Culture, art and entertainment marketingFilm Marketing
Celem szkolenia jest dostarczenie praktycznej wiedzy z zakresu zarządzania mediami społecznościowymi oraz podwyższenie kompetencji uczestników w dziedzinie wykorzystania mediów społecznościowych dla celów marketingu kultury, aktywizowania... more
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      CultureMedia ManagementSocial MediaArts Management
In Italy, cultural policy has followed different paths: on one side it concentrated on television as the leading cultural industry, on the other side it worked at cultural decentralization, promoting and supporting a more resolute... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsCultural HeritageSociology of ArtCulture, art and entertainment marketing
It's 2010 and while record labels fight for survival, new innovative business models have been developed to thrive in this troubling music industry. This research paper examines the pros and cons of the five most promising business models... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingPerforming ArtsSocial Media
The article examines new aesthetic forms generated by videogames, referring especially to digital 3D.
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      Visual StudiesNew MediaDesignDigital Humanities
Las celebraciones feriales se han posicionado en el mercado empresarial como una de las formas de promoción más rentables. Pero qué grado de eficiencia obtienen los oferentes en estas manifestaciones comerciales. El objeto de esta... more
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      Art MarketCulture, art and entertainment marketingArts MarketingFine art, art market, art auction
Purpose -The internet is transforming possibilities for creative interaction, experimentation and cultural consumption in China and raising important questions about the role that "publishers" might play in an open and networked digital... more
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      Web 2.0ChinaCrowdsourcingChinese Media Studies
Entertainment is often undervalued but its links with show biz, advertising, politics and consummation cultures are by now very strong. In media, advertising, tourism, cruises, food and beverages, gambling, fitness, theme parks, malls we... more
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      New MediaDigital HumanitiesDigital HumanitiesDigital Media
"In the article the main aspects of emergence and formation of the entertaining journalism in Ukraine of the 1920s are considered on the example of the illustrated "UZh" ("Universal Magazine") that was issued in Kharkiv (1928–1929). It is... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
Arti Gra che Favia S.r.l. -Modugno (Ba) Chiuso nel mese di settembre
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      Information ScienceVisual StudiesNew MediaWeb 2.0
Plebańczyk, K. & Szulborska-Łukasiewicz, J. red., 2015. Kultura pod lupą. Funkcjonowanie domów kultury na przykładzie Nowohuckiego Centrum Kultury. Raport z projektu naukowo-badawczego, Kraków: Attyka. /// Plebańczyk, K. & Pałasz, M.,... more
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      Arts ManagementArts and Heritage MarketingCulture, art and entertainment marketingArts Marketing
Badacze nie są zgodni, co do istotności wpływu obecności organizacji w mediach społecznościowych na sprzedaż produktów i usług. Zgoda panuje natomiast, jeśli chodzi o ocenę skuteczności promowania za ich pośrednictwem - IDEI. A czyż nie... more
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      Cultural HeritageMuseumSocial MediaMuseums
Analiza - 58 muzeów w Krakowie: z jakich mediów społecznościowych korzystają; które krakowskie muzea najlepiej sobie radzą; jak mierzyć efektywność komunikacji.
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      Arts ManagementArts and Heritage MarketingCulture, art and entertainment marketingArts and Cultural Management and Administration
The art market has a wide range of sectors, including the Memorabilia, a market in which the attractiveness of the pieces is as memorable for its particular history; who owned it or where and how remarkable historical moment was present.... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsArts and Heritage MarketingArt MarketCulture, art and entertainment marketing
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    • Culture, art and entertainment marketing
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      Institutional TheoryEntertainmentCulture, art and entertainment marketingLegitimation Code Theory
Facebook: wydarzenia, dystrybucja, aktualizacje, cross-promocja, społeczność.
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      Event marketingArts and Heritage MarketingSocial Media MarketingCulture, art and entertainment marketing
To introduce the inaugural edition of Arts Marketing an International Journal. To highlight its vision for arts marketing and to establish its research agenda.
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      CultureCulture, art and entertainment marketingArts Marketing
The present paper focuses on the critical role of message design and production in the communication strategy of cultural organizations and the importance of the message‟s innovative and interactive character, in order for it to transfer... more
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      Culture, art and entertainment marketingMuseum MarketingAudience Engagement
Positioning strategy for a new community orchestra to exploit a market gap based on empirical survey results - the Pops orchestra category. Marketing implications to survive in an oversaturated and declining market that is the Toronto... more
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      Performing ArtsMarketing ResearchMarketing StrategyBrand Positioning