Journal Articles by Maycon Lopes
Social Sciences, 2021
This article is the result of ethnographic fieldwork among amateur dancers, mainly among gay adol... more This article is the result of ethnographic fieldwork among amateur dancers, mainly among gay adolescents from the outskirts of Salvador de Bahia (Brazil), who label themselves as “flexible”. This self-definition arises out of bodily flexibility techniques, cultivated through intense physical work. By focusing on specific training situations, such as stretching exercises, I trace understand how the “flexible” body is built. I propose that the language mobilized by these young people offer an important guide to understanding the distinctive elements of this practice. The practitioners’ accounts and my own observations of the practice indicate that the embodiment of acrobatic skills occurs in a process that weaves body and environment. Following Ingold, I argue that an ecological approach help us to comprehend this kinesthetic practice as spatial realization, as well as providing useful insights into its learning practices exploring the richly sensory dimension of learning practices and development of motor sensibilities, such as the sound and the imperative pain experience. Furthermore, I analyze how my interlocutors’ concept of body fits the theoretical idea of how bodies should not be defined by what they are, but rather by what they are able to do.
Etnofoor, 2020
Sex is not an activity commonly open to observation. Therefore, when a discipline such as anthrop... more Sex is not an activity commonly open to observation. Therefore, when a discipline such as anthropology, whose knowledge is mainly based on learning through participant observation, takes sexual practices as its object of analysis, a challenge arises. The possibility of adopting this method, which is anchored in firsthand experience, for research into sexual practices, would seem to be limited to sex that takes place in public spaces (Díaz-Benítez 2013). The public character of sex, however, does not mean that the public that witnesses these practices is made up of just anybody, an issue to which I will return. Another important characteristic of public sex is that there is frequently no verbal interaction. In this article, I consider silence to be an absence of conversation during sexual intercourse. When sex is practiced in public places, the before and after of the sex act are
Novos Debates, 2020
O que acontece quando uma métrica é contratada para abreviar o processo de avaliação da produção ... more O que acontece quando uma métrica é contratada para abreviar o processo de avaliação da produção científica? O presente ensaio problematiza alguns pressupostos e explora possíveis desdobramentos subjacentes à promoção do fator de impacto a elemento determinante no processo de avaliação do periodismo científico brasileiro. Para levar a cabo esse propósito, a primeira parte do material destina-se a reconstituir rapidamente a trajetória de incorporação do fator de impacto ao Qualis, instrumento gestado no domínio da CAPES para considerar a produção científica dos programas de pós-graduação do Brasil. Observa-se que alguns dos argumentos hoje encampados pelas Humanidades para contestar a proeminência dessa técnica analítica – o fator de impacto – na avaliação das revistas científicas, já se faziam soar no país através de outros campos disciplinares. A reflexão central do autor apoia-se no argumento de que a pluralidade de propostas, funções e repercussões que cumprem as publicações acadêmicas periódicas não pode ser adequadamente apreciada pelo mecanismo do fator de impacto – estado de coisas que nos convoca a reaver os termos do debate. Articulando um breve e provisório mapeamento de reflexões críticas que possam contribuir para as discussões atuais acerca dessa política de avaliação científica, as notas apresentadas no ensaio encontram na mirada multidimensional, tendência que deve subsidiar as futuras avaliações dos programas que integram o Sistema Nacional de Pós-Graduação, um dos núcleos da crítica dirigida à nova edição do Qualis. Entende-se, assim, que o fator de impacto e suas premissas, orientação mais recente assumida pela CAPES, está em franco desacordo com o que o próprio órgão propõe mediante o novo modelo de avaliação multidimensional.
Na esteira da alteração dos padrões demográficos, a velhice marca de modo sem precedentes a socie... more Na esteira da alteração dos padrões demográficos, a velhice marca de modo sem precedentes a sociedade contemporânea. Ser idoso tem sido largamente descrito na literatura como uma experiência de solidão, sentimento de caráter multifacetado que se origina na insatisfação com as relações interpessoais. Este trabalho foca a associação entre tal estado psíquico e o envelhecimento, e mensura a incidência deste sentimento em uma amostra composta por 64 idosos que participaram do projeto Bem Envelhecer, da Rede Europeia Anti-Pobreza (EAPN/Portugal). Privilegia-se neste estudo a relação entre as variadas dimensões da solidão e o cruzamento da mesma com diversas variáveis. Para tanto, fora aplicado um inquérito com questões sociodemográficas e a escala SELSA-S (Short Version of the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults). Os resultados apontam para a preponderância entre os participantes da pesquisa dos vínculos familiares, em detrimento dos sociais e românticos, e o período etário de 60 a 70 anos como particularmente vulnerável à emergência da solidão.
In the wake of changes to demographic patterns, old age marks, in a manner without precedent, contemporary society. Being an older person has been broadly described in the literature as a solitary experience, a feeling with a multifaceted character that is determined by insatisfaction with interpersonal relationships. This study seeks to evaluate the scale of the different dimensions of this phenomenon (familial, social, romantic) in the group of older persons who participated in the project Successful Aging of the European Antipoverty Network - Portugal. We further seek to study the association between the socio-demographic characteristics of the target-population and the diverse dimensions of loneliness. To this end, a questionnaire containing socio-demographic questions and the SELSA-S scale (Short Version of the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults) was applied on a group of 64 older persons. The results indicate a greater vulnerability of the 'younger' older persons to loneliness and the preponderance of the familial dimension of loneliness when compared with the social and romantic dimensions of this phenomenon.
Pessoas trans, incluindo travestis, mulheres transexuais, apresentam taxas desproporcionalmente e... more Pessoas trans, incluindo travestis, mulheres transexuais, apresentam taxas desproporcionalmente elevadas de HIV/AIDS em comparação com o restante da população. Entretanto, são poucos os estudos quantitativos/qualitativos com pessoas trans no Brasil. Assim, uma equipe de pesquisadores de diferentes áreas desenvolve um projeto de pesquisa interdisciplinar com o objetivo de conhecer as condições e os modos de vida, e ao mesmo tempo investigar fatores determinantes da infecção pelo HIV, sífilis e hepatites B e C entre travestis e mulheres transexuais. Neste artigo, pretende-se descrever a experiência de implantação e desenvolvimento do estudo com uma abordagem etnoepidemiológica em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. O mapeamento da população começou com uma pesquisa formativa que foi crucial para orientar o inquérito epidemiológico. A produção de dados etnoepidemiológicos é um desafio cotidiano para os pesquisadores, produzindo uma série de reflexões sobre os limites de nossos conceitos e categorias para traduzir a diversidade de práticas e experiências das participantes da pesquisa.
Trans persons, including transvestites and transsexual women, show disproportionately high HIV/AIDS rates when compared to the rest of the population. However, few quantitative/qualitative studies have addressed trans persons in Brazil. Thus, a team of researchers from different fields is developing an interdisciplinary research project with the objective of shedding light on living conditions and ways of life among transvestites and transsexual women, while investigating determinant factors for HIV infection, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C. The article is intended to describe the experience with the implementation and development of an ethno-epidemiological study in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil. Mapping the population began with a formative survey that was crucial for orienting the epidemiological survey. The production of ethno-epidemiological data posed a daily challenge for the researchers, triggering a series of reflections on the limits of our concepts and categories for translating the diversity of study participants’ practices and experiences.
A partir do relato de uma situação extrema – de violência e ameaça direta à vida – experimentada ... more A partir do relato de uma situação extrema – de violência e ameaça direta à vida – experimentada no curso de uma etnografia, pretendo neste texto abordar questões metodológicas e éticas mais amplas inerentes à dinâmica do trabalho de campo. Exploro, entre outros pontos, a introdução (neste caso, indevida) de dispositivos fotográficos durante a observação participante e os desdobramentos do episódio na produção dos dados e na conformação da investigação de modo geral. Argumento que diante da violência que permeia a cidade contemporânea, e a que necessariamente – com níveis de risco variados – os estudiosos estão expostos nas chamadas pesquisas in loco em contextos marcados pela criminalidade (como favelas dominadas pelo tráfico de drogas), é fundamental discutirmos medidas que possam vir ao auxílio dos mesmos, seja para não comprometer a realização do estudo, seja, principalmente, para salvaguardar sua integridade física e psíquica.
palavras-chave ética de pesquisa; trabalho de campo; etnografia; perife-ria; fotografia.
Based on the retelling of an extreme situation – of violence and direct threat to life – experienced in the course of fieldwork, in this text, I wish to deal with broader methodological and ethical questions inherent in the dynamics of fieldwork. I investigate among other points, the introduction (unwarranted, in this case) of photographic devices during the participant observation and the consequences of this episode in the findings and in the formation of the investigation in general. I argue that given the violence that permeates the modern city, and to which necessarily, with variable risk levels, researchers are exposed in the so called research in loco in contexts charac-terized by criminality (such as slums dominated by the drug trade), it is fun-damental to consider strategies that could be of assistance, be they so as not to compromise the realization of the study, or primarily to safeguard their physical and psychological integrity.
keywords research ethics; fieldwork; ethnography; urban periphery; photography.
Este artigo é fruto do esforço de apresentar uma crítica sistemática à Lei Antibaixaria, aprovada... more Este artigo é fruto do esforço de apresentar uma crítica sistemática à Lei Antibaixaria, aprovada pela Assembleia Legislativa do Estado da Bahia em 2012. Para isso, primeiramente contextualizo o cenário, enredado pelo pagode, em que fora travada uma disputa político-ideológica acerca da representação da mulher. Em seguida, examino de modo minucioso alguns dos pressupostos que fundamentaram a Lei Antibaixaria, observando a relação destes com aqueles que embasaram o movimento antipornografia, iniciado nos EUA dos anos 70. Já na última parte do texto, realizo uma breve ponderação acerca de estudos que têm sido realizados sobre o pagode baiano e as relações de gênero nele tecidas, apontando suas principais limitações.
The aim of this article is a systematic critique of the law Antibaixaria, passed by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Bahia in 2012. With this in mind I firstly contextualize the case concerning pagode, and its generation of a political/ideological dispute regarding the representation of women. Next, I examine some of the presuppositions that grounded the law Antibaixaria, relating them to the anti-pornography movement initiated in the USA in the 70’s. Finally, I undertake a brief presentation of the studies that have been made of pagode from Bahia, pointing out their principal limitations and the gender relations discussed there in.
Sexuality & Culture, 2014
In Gregg Araki's film Mysterious Skin, the two protagonists Neil McCormick and Brian lackey share... more In Gregg Araki's film Mysterious Skin, the two protagonists Neil McCormick and Brian lackey share an experience of sexual abuse occurring in their childhood. Although a childhood experience, its formative nature creates profound repercussions in the progression of their lives which, although divergent in character, maintain this formative moment in common. Through principal themes of the skin, the face, existential gravity, and the phantasm we examine the relation between the abuse and the parallel biographies of its subjects. Presenting different affective investments, the case of Neil uncovers an understanding of the event which will be complicated through the question of pleasure, while the story of Brian, with its metaphor of alien abduction considers the abuse from the perspective of an equally precarious representation. The film suggests that the character of the lives of the two boys is a product of this experience of pedophilia and that they are driven to revisit and re-evaluate its significance, as a figure that entraps them and complicates their transition into adult life. (MCCULLOCH, 2008).
Com base em vivências e observações específicas, analiso neste ensaio diversas possibilidades de ... more Com base em vivências e observações específicas, analiso neste ensaio diversas possibilidades de acionamento do binarismo pureza/impureza no discurso e práticas de prevenção ao HIV. Considero que, ao passo que este é fundamental para a conformação dos soropositivos como fontes de ameaça, ele atualiza a associação da epidemia ao temor e mesmo à morte – imagens muitas vezes estruturantes das táticas preventivas da saúde pública. Observo ainda a sua contextualização com o que poderíamos chamar de políticas do risco, as quais, ao instituírem o controle nas nossas relações sexuais, faz dos doentes de aids uma espécie de vítima culpada. Ao mesmo tempo, a tentativa de mudança de comportamento sexual pela via da racionalização do sexo apresenta sérios limites e gera resultados muito variáveis, uma vez que se distancia de modo considerável do imaginário erótico. Por fim, receio como algumas estratégias preventivas do próprio movimento LGBT podem incorrer na reificação dessa população como grupo de risco, categoria distintiva ante a moralização da epidemia da aids.
Este ensaio busca refletir sobre a fase inicial do grupo musical Fantasmão, e, sobretudo, acerca ... more Este ensaio busca refletir sobre a fase inicial do grupo musical Fantasmão, e, sobretudo, acerca das inovações discursivas produzidas dentro do gênero conhecido como pagode baiano. Deslocando o corpo negro como objeto erótico através da sua performance de palco sem coreografia (CHAGAS, ANDRADE, LOPES et al., 2009), o grupo problematiza as hierarquizações sociais baseadas na raça. Ao abdicar do discurso e gestuais eróticos, que marcam este gênero musical, o Fantasmão cruza as categorias marginais procedentes da negritude e da pobreza, localizando no gueto uma dimensão de comunidade, que parece ainda mais fortalecida quando trava diálogo com outros gêneros musicais da “cultura negra”, como o rap e o reggae.
This essay seeks to reflect on the initial phase of the band Fantasmão, and on the discursive innovations produced within the genre known as pagode baiano. Dislocating the negro body as an erotic object through its performance from the stage without choreography (CHAGAS, AN-DRADE, LOPES et al., 2009), the group problematizes the social hierarchies based on race. in abdicating erotic discourse and, which characterize this musical genre, Fantasmão crosses marginal categories deriving from black culture and poverty, localizing in the ghetto a dimension of community that seems still further strengthened when it dialogue with other musical genres from "black culture" such as rap and reggae.
Book Chapters by Maycon Lopes
Glossário de (des)identidades sexuais, 2023
Esse verbete nasce dos principais achados de uma etnografia entre dançarinos amadores, notadament... more Esse verbete nasce dos principais achados de uma etnografia entre dançarinos amadores, notadamente adolescentes e jovens gays da periferia de Salvador que se denominam “flexíveis”. A noção de pessoa flexível surge de técnicas de flexibilidade corporal cultivadas por meio de intenso trabalho físico. A flexibilidade — como a prática é conhecida — é uma arte eminentemente híbrida, conversando com a cultura ballroom (voguing), a ginástica rítmica e o contorcionismo...
LOPES, Maycon. Flexível. In: LINO E SILVA, Moisés; VEGA SANABRIA, Guillermo (Orgs.). Glossário de (des)identidades sexuais. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2023. p. 131-137.
Retratos: sociólogos e sociólogas brasileiras, 2022
LOPES, Maycon. Paulo César Alves. In: LIMA, Jacob Carlos; Helena Bomeny. (Orgs.). Retratos: soció... more LOPES, Maycon. Paulo César Alves. In: LIMA, Jacob Carlos; Helena Bomeny. (Orgs.). Retratos: sociólogos e sociólogas brasileiras - volume II. Florianópolis: Tribo da Ilha, 2022. p. 437-441.
Diversidade em Perspectiva, 2020
Recupero neste ensaio algumas contribuições de autores herdeiros do pragmatismo clássico e do cha... more Recupero neste ensaio algumas contribuições de autores herdeiros do pragmatismo clássico e do chamado “empirismo radical”, com destaque à filósofa da ciência Isabelle Stengers. O meu argumento é que a originalidade de suas proposições, ainda parcamente traficadas para os estudos de gênero e sexualidade, pode ser bastante proveitosa para repensarmos nossa prática enquanto estudiosos, de modo geral, de grupos historicamente subordinados. Ocupado com este propósito, transito entre a teoria da interseccionalidade, posta em revista, e uma sumária e introdutória exposição do que tem ficado conhecido como o turno especulativo da teoria social contemporânea. Neste pouco ortodoxo percurso, traço um deslocamento — ao meu ver, de magna consequência ética — da ênfase na fraqueza ao realce da força dos sujeitos a quem vamos ao encontro no trabalho de campo.
Palavras-chave: Isabelle Stengers; Pragmatismo; Teoria Social; Marcadores sociais da diferença; Interseccionalidade; Ética em pesquisa
SILVA, Luís Augusto Vasconcelos da; LOPES, Maycon. Corpos híbridos e transexualidade: para além d... more SILVA, Luís Augusto Vasconcelos da; LOPES, Maycon. Corpos híbridos e transexualidade: para além da dicotomia de gênero. In: COELHO, Maria Thereza Ávila Dantas; SAMPAIO, Liliana Lopes Pedral. (Orgs.). Transexualidades: um olhar multidisciplinar. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2014. p. 25-39.
LOPES, Maycon. Fazer-se mulher transexual: mediações e contratempos. In: COLLING, Leandro; THÜRLER, Djalma. (Orgs.). Estudos e políticas do CUS: Grupo de Pesquisa Cultura e Sexualidade. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2013, p. 287-311.
A partir de suas histórias de vida, exploro neste estudo os itinerários e práticas de transformaç... more A partir de suas histórias de vida, exploro neste estudo os itinerários e práticas de transformação corporal adotadas por três mulheres transexuais, bem como os sentidos, expectativas e repercussões deste processo. Para a produção dos “novos” corpos das colaboradoras desta investigação, implicaram suas redes de sociabilidade, sobretudo no que tange aos procedimentos técnicos adotados, seus recursos financeiros, que constrangem ou alargam as possibilidades de escolha entre as “possíveis” intervenções, e as convenções de gênero e desejo à baila. Busco ainda compreender como estas transexuais se posicionam em relação a suas identidades, e também os conflitos e tensões inerentes à aspiração de serem reconhecidas socialmente como mulheres. Neste sentido, é possível perceber ao longo do trabalho, como certas concepções acerca do que é “ser travesti” importam para a definição de mulher transexual, de modo que nas suas narrativas, ainda que inconscientemente, elas lançam mão da estratégia de negar a identidade travesti para, então, constituir-se mulher. Fica também evidente no texto como, em verdade, este recurso integra todo um empenho de inscrever sua subjetividade na norma heterossexual, que pressupõe uma linha coerente entre sexo, gênero, desejo e prática sexual. Circunscrever suas experiências na heteronormatividade acaba por tornar-se pauta-chave na luta cotidiana pelo reconhecimento social almejado por essas mulheres. Finalmente, observo como suas relações afetivo-sexuais ocupam lugar de destaque na recorrente avaliação por elas operada a respeito de alcançarem ou não êxito na urgente demanda de serem identificadas como mulheres. É quando, no mais íntimo (mas também público) projeto de fazer-se mulher, a ausência de reconhecimento pode ganhar contornos particularmente dramáticos.
Working from life stories, I explore in this study the itinerary and practices of bodily transformation adopted by three transsexual women, as well as the meanings, expectations, and repercussions of this process. The production of “new” bodies for the collaborators in this investigation, implied their social networks, especially in respect of the technical procedures adopted and their financial resources that restricted or broadened the possibilities of choice amongst the “possible” interventions, and the conventions of gender and desire, there present. Further, I seek to understand how these transsexuals position themselves in relation to their identity, and also the conflicts and tensions inherent to the aspiration of being socially recognized as women. In this sense, it is possible to perceive throughout the study, how certain conceptions around what it is to “be transvestite” matter for the definition of transsexual women, in such a way that in their narratives, even if unconsciously, they seek to deny the trasvesti identity, to subsequently construct themselves as women. It also becomes evident in the text how, in truth, this use integrates an effort to inscribe their subjectivity in a heterosexual norm, that presupposes a coherent line between sex, gender, desire, and sexual practice. In circumscribing their experiences within heteronomativity, it ends up becoming the corner-stone in the daily fight for social recognition desired by these women. Finally, I observe how their affective-sexual relations occupy a central position in the recurrent evaluation operated by them in respect of the achievement or not of the urgent need to be identified as women. This is when, in the most intimate (but also in the public) project of making oneself-woman, the absence of recognition can assume particularly dramatic forms.
Book Reviews by Maycon Lopes
Resenha de "Sapos e princesas: prazer e segredo entre praticantes de crossdressing no Brasil", de... more Resenha de "Sapos e princesas: prazer e segredo entre praticantes de crossdressing no Brasil", de Anna Paula Vencato (Annablume, São Paulo, 2013).
Papers by Maycon Lopes
Tanto na literatura científica disponível sobre pessoas trans quanto no senso comum, é frequente ... more Tanto na literatura científica disponível sobre pessoas trans quanto no senso comum, é frequente a referência a um corpo que mescla características convencionalmente masculinas e femininas como um corpo prototravesti ou pretransexual. Este trabalho, que tem o propósito de pôr em revista tal premissa, consiste em um estudo etnográfico com um jovem negro de classe popular cuja apresentação visual se enquadra nesse perfil (de inconformidade de gênero). No curso da pesquisa foi possível observar, a partir da compreensão do corpo como um capital, um processo de desfeminilização levado a cabo por meu interlocutor, orientado pela necessidade de inserção no mercado de trabalho e por um ávido desejo de ascender socialmente. Esta etnografia, ao complicar a linearidade do chamado modelo progressivo ou etapista de identidade trans, termina por lançar luz para as possíveis condições de emergência da identidade gay em um contexto periférico. Enquanto uma atribuição respeitável, esta é acionada em oposição às vexatórias categorias de bicha e viado, e reclama um expediente de afastamento moral de seus vizinhos da favela por parte do sujeito etnográfico. Articula-se nessa laboriosa fabricação de identidade sexual não apenas o gênero como também a classe e o poder de consumo. Por fim, argumento que o projeto de mobilidade ascendente é a chave para a mediação e compreensão da transformação corporal operada. Através de um roteiro por vezes claudicante, meu colaborador de pesquisa busca recursos para perseguir o sonho de um diploma universitário, apostando em um poderoso encontro entre capital corporal e cultural.
Both in the available scientific literature regarding transgender persons and in common sense, we find reference to a body, which mixes conventionally masculine and feminine characteristics like a pre-transsexual. The present research, which aims to reconsider such a premise, consists in an ethnographic study of a black working class young whose visual self-presentation fits this profile (of gender nonconforming). In the course of the research, it was possible to observe, based on an understanding of the body as capital, a process of defeminization undertaken by my interlocutor, aimed to fulfill a need to integrate themselves into the labor market and from an avid desire for social ascension. This ethnography, by complicating the linearity of the so-called progressive or step-by-step model of transgender identity, ends up shedding light on the possible conditions of emergence of gay identity on the urban outskirts. As a respectable attribution, it is used in opposition to the derogatory categories of faggot/queer (“bicha”, “viado”), and claims an imperative of moral withdrawal from his neighbors in the shantytown (“favela”) on the part of the ethnographic subject. Not only gender but also class and buying power are articulated in this laborious fabrication of sexual identity. Finally, I argue that the project of ascendant mobility is the key to the mediation and understanding of the bodily transformation operated. Through an at times uneven script, my research partner seeks the resource to pursue the dream of a university diploma, betting on the powerful meeting point between bodily and cultural capital.
Part of a research project in the embryonic stages, this work intends to observe certain regulari... more Part of a research project in the embryonic stages, this work intends to observe certain regularities of interaction that occur on the amateur pornographic website Cam4. I present the particularities of this on-line platform, relating it, amongst other more or less secondary questions, to the web 2.0 guidlines and the complex production of the so called “reality effect”. Next, I discuss the construction of heterosexual masculinities from the perspective of the performers, that exhibit themselves in a context marked by the the constant identificatory interpolation of spectators, who, in their overwhelming majority, are men who desire other men. As such, I observe the phenomenon of the spectacularization of cumming on Cam4 and trace, in the development of the research, some points for future investigations that conceive it as corpus.
Parte de uma pesquisa em fase embrionária, o presente trabalho tem por intuito observar certas regularidades de interações que se desenrolam no site de pornografia amadora Cam4. Apresento as peculiaridades desta plataforma online, relacionando-a, dentre outros aspectos mais ou menos secundários no texto, com as diretrizes da web 2.0 e a complexa produção do chamado “efeito de realidade”. Em seguida, discuto sobre a construção de heterossexualidades masculinas através dos performers, que se exibem em um contexto povoado pela constante interpelação identitária por parte dos espectadores, os quais, em sua maciça maioria, são homens que desejam outros homens. Por fim, observo o fenômeno da espetacularização do gozo no Cam4 e traço, no decorrer do trabalho, alguns apontamentos para futuras investigações que o tomem como corpus.
Psicologia Revista
Na esteira da alteração dos padrões demográficos, a velhice marca de modo sem precedentes a socie... more Na esteira da alteração dos padrões demográficos, a velhice marca de modo sem precedentes a sociedade contemporânea. Ser idoso tem sido largamente descrito na literatura como uma experiência de solidão, sentimento de caráter multifacetado que se origina na insatisfação com as relações interpessoais. Este trabalho foca a associação entre tal estado psíquico e o envelhecimento, e mensura a incidência deste sentimento em uma amostra composta por 64 idosos que participaram do projeto Bem Envelhecer, da Rede Europeia Anti-Pobreza (EAPN/Portugal). Privilegia-se neste estudo a relação entre as variadas dimensões da solidão e o cruzamento da mesma com diversas variáveis. Para tanto, fora aplicado um inquérito com questões sociodemográficas e a escala SELSA-S (Short Version of the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults). Os resultados apontam para a preponderância entre os participantes da pesquisa dos vínculos familiares, em detrimento dos sociais e românticos, e o período etário ...
Neste ensaio procuro apreender corpo provocando um diálogo entre a teoria queer e a fenomenologia... more Neste ensaio procuro apreender corpo provocando um diálogo entre a teoria queer e a fenomenologia. Para tanto, recorro ao primado heideggeriano do Dasein, à corporeidade e experiência em Merleau-Ponty e a hermenêutica em Gadamer, postulados que recusam de modo radical o centrado sujeito cartesiano. Aqui discuto como a compreensão do corpo na sua contingência constitutiva e totalidade impregnada de significação o revela potencialmente sede de subversões à heteronormatividade. Num
relevo poético inconformado com a substancializante rigidez proposta pelas oposições binárias do Ocidente, o corpo encontra na metáfora da viagem a denúncia de um ser inacabado: atalhos que se abrem em toda experiência.
In this essay I seek to apprehend the body by provoking a dialogue between queer theory and phenomenology. As such I have recourse to the Heideggerian primacy of Dasein, to the corporeal and experience in Merleau-Ponty, and to Gadamer's hermeneutics; postulates that in a radical way refuse the centered, Cartesian subject. I discuss how a comprehension of the body in its constitutive contingency and totality impregnated with signification, reveals it as the potential home of a subversion of heteronormativity. In poetic relief with the substantialist rigidity proposed by the binary oppositions of the Occident, the body encounters in the metaphor of the voyage the revelation of an open being moving via connections which open themselves out into all experience.
Journal Articles by Maycon Lopes
In the wake of changes to demographic patterns, old age marks, in a manner without precedent, contemporary society. Being an older person has been broadly described in the literature as a solitary experience, a feeling with a multifaceted character that is determined by insatisfaction with interpersonal relationships. This study seeks to evaluate the scale of the different dimensions of this phenomenon (familial, social, romantic) in the group of older persons who participated in the project Successful Aging of the European Antipoverty Network - Portugal. We further seek to study the association between the socio-demographic characteristics of the target-population and the diverse dimensions of loneliness. To this end, a questionnaire containing socio-demographic questions and the SELSA-S scale (Short Version of the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults) was applied on a group of 64 older persons. The results indicate a greater vulnerability of the 'younger' older persons to loneliness and the preponderance of the familial dimension of loneliness when compared with the social and romantic dimensions of this phenomenon.
Trans persons, including transvestites and transsexual women, show disproportionately high HIV/AIDS rates when compared to the rest of the population. However, few quantitative/qualitative studies have addressed trans persons in Brazil. Thus, a team of researchers from different fields is developing an interdisciplinary research project with the objective of shedding light on living conditions and ways of life among transvestites and transsexual women, while investigating determinant factors for HIV infection, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C. The article is intended to describe the experience with the implementation and development of an ethno-epidemiological study in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil. Mapping the population began with a formative survey that was crucial for orienting the epidemiological survey. The production of ethno-epidemiological data posed a daily challenge for the researchers, triggering a series of reflections on the limits of our concepts and categories for translating the diversity of study participants’ practices and experiences.
palavras-chave ética de pesquisa; trabalho de campo; etnografia; perife-ria; fotografia.
Based on the retelling of an extreme situation – of violence and direct threat to life – experienced in the course of fieldwork, in this text, I wish to deal with broader methodological and ethical questions inherent in the dynamics of fieldwork. I investigate among other points, the introduction (unwarranted, in this case) of photographic devices during the participant observation and the consequences of this episode in the findings and in the formation of the investigation in general. I argue that given the violence that permeates the modern city, and to which necessarily, with variable risk levels, researchers are exposed in the so called research in loco in contexts charac-terized by criminality (such as slums dominated by the drug trade), it is fun-damental to consider strategies that could be of assistance, be they so as not to compromise the realization of the study, or primarily to safeguard their physical and psychological integrity.
keywords research ethics; fieldwork; ethnography; urban periphery; photography.
The aim of this article is a systematic critique of the law Antibaixaria, passed by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Bahia in 2012. With this in mind I firstly contextualize the case concerning pagode, and its generation of a political/ideological dispute regarding the representation of women. Next, I examine some of the presuppositions that grounded the law Antibaixaria, relating them to the anti-pornography movement initiated in the USA in the 70’s. Finally, I undertake a brief presentation of the studies that have been made of pagode from Bahia, pointing out their principal limitations and the gender relations discussed there in.
This essay seeks to reflect on the initial phase of the band Fantasmão, and on the discursive innovations produced within the genre known as pagode baiano. Dislocating the negro body as an erotic object through its performance from the stage without choreography (CHAGAS, AN-DRADE, LOPES et al., 2009), the group problematizes the social hierarchies based on race. in abdicating erotic discourse and, which characterize this musical genre, Fantasmão crosses marginal categories deriving from black culture and poverty, localizing in the ghetto a dimension of community that seems still further strengthened when it dialogue with other musical genres from "black culture" such as rap and reggae.
Book Chapters by Maycon Lopes
LOPES, Maycon. Flexível. In: LINO E SILVA, Moisés; VEGA SANABRIA, Guillermo (Orgs.). Glossário de (des)identidades sexuais. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2023. p. 131-137.
Palavras-chave: Isabelle Stengers; Pragmatismo; Teoria Social; Marcadores sociais da diferença; Interseccionalidade; Ética em pesquisa
Working from life stories, I explore in this study the itinerary and practices of bodily transformation adopted by three transsexual women, as well as the meanings, expectations, and repercussions of this process. The production of “new” bodies for the collaborators in this investigation, implied their social networks, especially in respect of the technical procedures adopted and their financial resources that restricted or broadened the possibilities of choice amongst the “possible” interventions, and the conventions of gender and desire, there present. Further, I seek to understand how these transsexuals position themselves in relation to their identity, and also the conflicts and tensions inherent to the aspiration of being socially recognized as women. In this sense, it is possible to perceive throughout the study, how certain conceptions around what it is to “be transvestite” matter for the definition of transsexual women, in such a way that in their narratives, even if unconsciously, they seek to deny the trasvesti identity, to subsequently construct themselves as women. It also becomes evident in the text how, in truth, this use integrates an effort to inscribe their subjectivity in a heterosexual norm, that presupposes a coherent line between sex, gender, desire, and sexual practice. In circumscribing their experiences within heteronomativity, it ends up becoming the corner-stone in the daily fight for social recognition desired by these women. Finally, I observe how their affective-sexual relations occupy a central position in the recurrent evaluation operated by them in respect of the achievement or not of the urgent need to be identified as women. This is when, in the most intimate (but also in the public) project of making oneself-woman, the absence of recognition can assume particularly dramatic forms.
Book Reviews by Maycon Lopes
Papers by Maycon Lopes
Both in the available scientific literature regarding transgender persons and in common sense, we find reference to a body, which mixes conventionally masculine and feminine characteristics like a pre-transsexual. The present research, which aims to reconsider such a premise, consists in an ethnographic study of a black working class young whose visual self-presentation fits this profile (of gender nonconforming). In the course of the research, it was possible to observe, based on an understanding of the body as capital, a process of defeminization undertaken by my interlocutor, aimed to fulfill a need to integrate themselves into the labor market and from an avid desire for social ascension. This ethnography, by complicating the linearity of the so-called progressive or step-by-step model of transgender identity, ends up shedding light on the possible conditions of emergence of gay identity on the urban outskirts. As a respectable attribution, it is used in opposition to the derogatory categories of faggot/queer (“bicha”, “viado”), and claims an imperative of moral withdrawal from his neighbors in the shantytown (“favela”) on the part of the ethnographic subject. Not only gender but also class and buying power are articulated in this laborious fabrication of sexual identity. Finally, I argue that the project of ascendant mobility is the key to the mediation and understanding of the bodily transformation operated. Through an at times uneven script, my research partner seeks the resource to pursue the dream of a university diploma, betting on the powerful meeting point between bodily and cultural capital.
Parte de uma pesquisa em fase embrionária, o presente trabalho tem por intuito observar certas regularidades de interações que se desenrolam no site de pornografia amadora Cam4. Apresento as peculiaridades desta plataforma online, relacionando-a, dentre outros aspectos mais ou menos secundários no texto, com as diretrizes da web 2.0 e a complexa produção do chamado “efeito de realidade”. Em seguida, discuto sobre a construção de heterossexualidades masculinas através dos performers, que se exibem em um contexto povoado pela constante interpelação identitária por parte dos espectadores, os quais, em sua maciça maioria, são homens que desejam outros homens. Por fim, observo o fenômeno da espetacularização do gozo no Cam4 e traço, no decorrer do trabalho, alguns apontamentos para futuras investigações que o tomem como corpus.
relevo poético inconformado com a substancializante rigidez proposta pelas oposições binárias do Ocidente, o corpo encontra na metáfora da viagem a denúncia de um ser inacabado: atalhos que se abrem em toda experiência.
In this essay I seek to apprehend the body by provoking a dialogue between queer theory and phenomenology. As such I have recourse to the Heideggerian primacy of Dasein, to the corporeal and experience in Merleau-Ponty, and to Gadamer's hermeneutics; postulates that in a radical way refuse the centered, Cartesian subject. I discuss how a comprehension of the body in its constitutive contingency and totality impregnated with signification, reveals it as the potential home of a subversion of heteronormativity. In poetic relief with the substantialist rigidity proposed by the binary oppositions of the Occident, the body encounters in the metaphor of the voyage the revelation of an open being moving via connections which open themselves out into all experience.
In the wake of changes to demographic patterns, old age marks, in a manner without precedent, contemporary society. Being an older person has been broadly described in the literature as a solitary experience, a feeling with a multifaceted character that is determined by insatisfaction with interpersonal relationships. This study seeks to evaluate the scale of the different dimensions of this phenomenon (familial, social, romantic) in the group of older persons who participated in the project Successful Aging of the European Antipoverty Network - Portugal. We further seek to study the association between the socio-demographic characteristics of the target-population and the diverse dimensions of loneliness. To this end, a questionnaire containing socio-demographic questions and the SELSA-S scale (Short Version of the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults) was applied on a group of 64 older persons. The results indicate a greater vulnerability of the 'younger' older persons to loneliness and the preponderance of the familial dimension of loneliness when compared with the social and romantic dimensions of this phenomenon.
Trans persons, including transvestites and transsexual women, show disproportionately high HIV/AIDS rates when compared to the rest of the population. However, few quantitative/qualitative studies have addressed trans persons in Brazil. Thus, a team of researchers from different fields is developing an interdisciplinary research project with the objective of shedding light on living conditions and ways of life among transvestites and transsexual women, while investigating determinant factors for HIV infection, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C. The article is intended to describe the experience with the implementation and development of an ethno-epidemiological study in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil. Mapping the population began with a formative survey that was crucial for orienting the epidemiological survey. The production of ethno-epidemiological data posed a daily challenge for the researchers, triggering a series of reflections on the limits of our concepts and categories for translating the diversity of study participants’ practices and experiences.
palavras-chave ética de pesquisa; trabalho de campo; etnografia; perife-ria; fotografia.
Based on the retelling of an extreme situation – of violence and direct threat to life – experienced in the course of fieldwork, in this text, I wish to deal with broader methodological and ethical questions inherent in the dynamics of fieldwork. I investigate among other points, the introduction (unwarranted, in this case) of photographic devices during the participant observation and the consequences of this episode in the findings and in the formation of the investigation in general. I argue that given the violence that permeates the modern city, and to which necessarily, with variable risk levels, researchers are exposed in the so called research in loco in contexts charac-terized by criminality (such as slums dominated by the drug trade), it is fun-damental to consider strategies that could be of assistance, be they so as not to compromise the realization of the study, or primarily to safeguard their physical and psychological integrity.
keywords research ethics; fieldwork; ethnography; urban periphery; photography.
The aim of this article is a systematic critique of the law Antibaixaria, passed by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Bahia in 2012. With this in mind I firstly contextualize the case concerning pagode, and its generation of a political/ideological dispute regarding the representation of women. Next, I examine some of the presuppositions that grounded the law Antibaixaria, relating them to the anti-pornography movement initiated in the USA in the 70’s. Finally, I undertake a brief presentation of the studies that have been made of pagode from Bahia, pointing out their principal limitations and the gender relations discussed there in.
This essay seeks to reflect on the initial phase of the band Fantasmão, and on the discursive innovations produced within the genre known as pagode baiano. Dislocating the negro body as an erotic object through its performance from the stage without choreography (CHAGAS, AN-DRADE, LOPES et al., 2009), the group problematizes the social hierarchies based on race. in abdicating erotic discourse and, which characterize this musical genre, Fantasmão crosses marginal categories deriving from black culture and poverty, localizing in the ghetto a dimension of community that seems still further strengthened when it dialogue with other musical genres from "black culture" such as rap and reggae.
LOPES, Maycon. Flexível. In: LINO E SILVA, Moisés; VEGA SANABRIA, Guillermo (Orgs.). Glossário de (des)identidades sexuais. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2023. p. 131-137.
Palavras-chave: Isabelle Stengers; Pragmatismo; Teoria Social; Marcadores sociais da diferença; Interseccionalidade; Ética em pesquisa
Working from life stories, I explore in this study the itinerary and practices of bodily transformation adopted by three transsexual women, as well as the meanings, expectations, and repercussions of this process. The production of “new” bodies for the collaborators in this investigation, implied their social networks, especially in respect of the technical procedures adopted and their financial resources that restricted or broadened the possibilities of choice amongst the “possible” interventions, and the conventions of gender and desire, there present. Further, I seek to understand how these transsexuals position themselves in relation to their identity, and also the conflicts and tensions inherent to the aspiration of being socially recognized as women. In this sense, it is possible to perceive throughout the study, how certain conceptions around what it is to “be transvestite” matter for the definition of transsexual women, in such a way that in their narratives, even if unconsciously, they seek to deny the trasvesti identity, to subsequently construct themselves as women. It also becomes evident in the text how, in truth, this use integrates an effort to inscribe their subjectivity in a heterosexual norm, that presupposes a coherent line between sex, gender, desire, and sexual practice. In circumscribing their experiences within heteronomativity, it ends up becoming the corner-stone in the daily fight for social recognition desired by these women. Finally, I observe how their affective-sexual relations occupy a central position in the recurrent evaluation operated by them in respect of the achievement or not of the urgent need to be identified as women. This is when, in the most intimate (but also in the public) project of making oneself-woman, the absence of recognition can assume particularly dramatic forms.
Both in the available scientific literature regarding transgender persons and in common sense, we find reference to a body, which mixes conventionally masculine and feminine characteristics like a pre-transsexual. The present research, which aims to reconsider such a premise, consists in an ethnographic study of a black working class young whose visual self-presentation fits this profile (of gender nonconforming). In the course of the research, it was possible to observe, based on an understanding of the body as capital, a process of defeminization undertaken by my interlocutor, aimed to fulfill a need to integrate themselves into the labor market and from an avid desire for social ascension. This ethnography, by complicating the linearity of the so-called progressive or step-by-step model of transgender identity, ends up shedding light on the possible conditions of emergence of gay identity on the urban outskirts. As a respectable attribution, it is used in opposition to the derogatory categories of faggot/queer (“bicha”, “viado”), and claims an imperative of moral withdrawal from his neighbors in the shantytown (“favela”) on the part of the ethnographic subject. Not only gender but also class and buying power are articulated in this laborious fabrication of sexual identity. Finally, I argue that the project of ascendant mobility is the key to the mediation and understanding of the bodily transformation operated. Through an at times uneven script, my research partner seeks the resource to pursue the dream of a university diploma, betting on the powerful meeting point between bodily and cultural capital.
Parte de uma pesquisa em fase embrionária, o presente trabalho tem por intuito observar certas regularidades de interações que se desenrolam no site de pornografia amadora Cam4. Apresento as peculiaridades desta plataforma online, relacionando-a, dentre outros aspectos mais ou menos secundários no texto, com as diretrizes da web 2.0 e a complexa produção do chamado “efeito de realidade”. Em seguida, discuto sobre a construção de heterossexualidades masculinas através dos performers, que se exibem em um contexto povoado pela constante interpelação identitária por parte dos espectadores, os quais, em sua maciça maioria, são homens que desejam outros homens. Por fim, observo o fenômeno da espetacularização do gozo no Cam4 e traço, no decorrer do trabalho, alguns apontamentos para futuras investigações que o tomem como corpus.
relevo poético inconformado com a substancializante rigidez proposta pelas oposições binárias do Ocidente, o corpo encontra na metáfora da viagem a denúncia de um ser inacabado: atalhos que se abrem em toda experiência.
In this essay I seek to apprehend the body by provoking a dialogue between queer theory and phenomenology. As such I have recourse to the Heideggerian primacy of Dasein, to the corporeal and experience in Merleau-Ponty, and to Gadamer's hermeneutics; postulates that in a radical way refuse the centered, Cartesian subject. I discuss how a comprehension of the body in its constitutive contingency and totality impregnated with signification, reveals it as the potential home of a subversion of heteronormativity. In poetic relief with the substantialist rigidity proposed by the binary oppositions of the Occident, the body encounters in the metaphor of the voyage the revelation of an open being moving via connections which open themselves out into all experience.
"My real name is Wanda": discussing gender and sexuality in Sandman - A Game of You
This text discusses the sexual identities and genders represented in the book A Game of you, from the graphic novel series Sandman, focusing especially on the character of Wanda. The study is centered on aspects of the language associated with questions of identity in the fictional construction of characters. We seek to establish interpretations that dialogue with the social reality of the subjects evoked there. Published originally at the beginning of the 90's, Sandman presents itself as consonant with the lived experiences of marginal identities, such as lesbians and transsexuals. In the Sandman story line, practices shared by urban minorities are show by the characters through specific marks and traces - outfits, language, behavior, and even in their imaginary nocturnal dreams and desires - whose own contingencies are revealed in the constitutive dilemmas of these identities. The articulation of these subjectivities in groups of belonging identifiable in contemporary society makes Sandman a vivid narrative, to the extent that it offers its readers a fictional world loaded with quotidian social experiences characteristic of the great urban centers. This being the case, we defend that the work interpolates the readers with its characters, provoking the exercise of an alterity that enables the opening of multiple horizons of significance.