Sociology of Cycling
Recent papers in Sociology of Cycling
The disadvantages of over-reliance on the private car become more apparent as congestion increases and transportation emissions rise. The literature suggests that cycling may support the development of sustainable cities, and needs to be... more
Competitive cycling has always been particularly popular in the Benelux, France and Italy, but has spread first continetally and then globally in recent decades. But how global is actually competitive cycling today? In this article we... more
Un elemento acompaña al viaje de forma ineludible: el mapa. Cuando la popularidad de la bicicleta creció durante los últimos años del siglo XIX, la visión del espacio urbano y rural de los ciclistas se plasmó también en una particular... more
A B S T R A C T This article compares the current state of cycling in London to the Amsterdam cycling transition of the 1970s, applying the Multi-Level Perspective to identify potential pathways and obstacles to the wider adoption of the... more
There is strong evidence that athletes have approached the improvement of their performance with intelligence and creativity from the very beginnings of formal competition. This has involved the evolution of training methods, the... more
This article develops the concept of " smart velomobility " that is concerned with networked practices, systems and technologies of cycling. The concept draws on velomobility, Smart Mobility/Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Smart... more
El cantón de Osa, ubicado en el Pacífico Sur, es uno de los más extensos en territorio, aunque poco poblado en relación a su densidad, caracterizándose por un entorno rural, predominantemente agropecuario, aunque el turismo y sector... more
Why did cycling become professional as early as the late nineteenth century, while other sports (such as rugby) and other sport events (such as the Olympic Games) remained amateur until the 1980s? Why are the organizers of the most... more
This paper demonstrates the evolving nature of qualitative field research and is structured upon themes emerging from the data. Following an initial critique of concepts, data was collected progressively at Bikeability training events in... more
State leaders in the Arabian Peninsula have increasingly sought to host globalized sporting events to broadcast a cosmopolitan and modern image of the region. These efforts are typically interpreted as examples of states exercising 'soft... more
Contents : 1. French Cycling: Issues and Themes 2. The Early Years: Cycling in Search of an Identity (1869-91) 3. Towards Sporting Modernity: Sport as the Driver of Cycling (1891-1902) 4. The Belle Epoque and the Great War:... more
Der vorliegende Sammelband ist eine anerkennenswerte studentische Leistung, die im Bachelorstudiengang Geographie am Geographischen Institut der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen im Rahmen des „Integrativen Projekts“ (5. Fachsemester)... more
Chapter published in Spinney, J., Reimer, S. & Pinch, P., (eds) Mobilising Design. Routledge 2017
This paper concerns the co-constitution of citizens and environments, and how the association of outdoor spaces produced as particular ‘natures’ with particular performative norms produces distinct spatialities of inclusion and exclusion.... more
The number of cities offering bikeshare has increased rapidly, from just a handful in the late 1990s to over 800 currently. This paper provides a review of recent bikeshare literature. Several themes have begun to emerge from studies... more
Die kulturelle Symbolik des Radfahrens entfaltet sich in Frankreich zwischen Komödie und Tragödie. Das Alltagsrad muss erst Mode werden, um sich durchzusetzen Auf dem Pariser Messegelände fand kürzlich zum zweiten Mal die französische... more
This article explores the contemporary co-production of bicycle practices in Copenhagen and the heterogeneous work involved in making a city pro-cycling. Attention is given as much to the sayings and doings of everyday commuters, as to... more
Cycling: A Sociology of Vélomobility explores cycling as a sociological phenomenon. Drawing on extensive ethnographic fieldwork, it considers the interaction of materials, competencies and meanings that comprise a variety of cycling... more
In recent years, bicycle infrastructure has emerged as a valued part of urban development policy in many American cities, and a process that depends on the normalization of cycling practice in three respects. First, the various ‘less... more
This paper is concerned with the Bicycle Culture in Beirut where the aim is to nurture and celebrate the two-wheeled culture. It targets the young generation and the existing bikers of Beirut, hoping to reshape the way they experience... more
This dissertation considers the precarity and politics of the everyday lives of sport for development participants within a post-genocide Rwanda. Pushing beyond sport for development research that has traditionally centered on... more
chapter published in D. Turner (ed.) Transport and its place in history: making the connections Abingdon: Routledge pp. 153-168
[PT] A desigualdade de gênero no espaço urbano se expressa, também, através de padrões de mobilidade e modos de deslocamento. Com base em dados quantitativos e qualitativos sobre o uso de bicicletas na cidade de São Paulo, este artigo é... more
Draft chapter for Cox, P. and Koglin, T. (2020) The Politics of Cycling Infrastructure Bristol: Policy Press As a growing number of authors demonstrate, ‘infrastructure is never neutral and always inherently political’ (Nolte 2016, p.... more
1. L'aggettivo "ciclabile" fa riferimento a tipi di spazi materiali (luoghi, infrastrutture, ecc.) disponibili a essere percorsi o fruiti attraverso l'uso della bicicletta; tale aggettivo, pertanto, risulta improprio quando associato a un... more
The purpose of this study is to increase our understanding of the variables that influence cycling to school. Eight students aged between 11-16, from a high school located in the northwest of England participated in a process of... more
AOM Larsen, J., & Christensen, M. D. (2015). The unstable lives of bicycles: the 'unbecoming'of design objects. Environment and Planning a, 47(4), 922-938.
So far, this thesis has been concerned with two main tasks. One involves the utopia of building a different future than the one the system of automobility has already made possible. The proposition I make is that this divergent future... more
Why is there strategy, not just brute force, in cycling competitions? What are the recurring strategic interactions amongst riders? And what can economists learn from riders’ behaviors? Cycling may be one of the most strategically... more
During the past two decades, there has been a significant growth of sociological studies into the ‘body pedagogics’ of cultural transmission, reproduction and change. Rejecting the tendency to over-valorise cognitive information, these... more
In Kolkata, citizens defy police attempts to squeeze bicycles off the road As of today, 70 roads in the West Bengal capital still do not permit cycling.
In January 2012 a moral panic about ‘hoon cyclists’ erupted after sports celebrity Shane Warne had an altercation with a cyclist on St Kilda Road, Melbourne. Warne took to Twitter and posted an account of the event. The altercation served... more
The use of the bicycle in the city of São Paulo for purposes of mobility is not a new phenomenon, much less brought and/or based on existing infrastructure. Cyclists have faced the city streets for more than 10 years, and have had growing... more
Purpose This article develops a gendered understanding of women's experience of a mass cycle tour event. The research findings have implications for how active tourism events are conceptualised, promoted and managed as gender inclusive.
Social change is at the center of solutions to the problems of the environment. Yet social change is sometimes elusively described. Through empirical inquiries guided by socialization theories, the present article aims to identify... more
Since the turn of the 21st century, cycling has been reconsidered as utilitarian transport. Starting generally from a very low percentage of modal share, it has surged in many major cities of the Global North. Cycling is being... more
In this chapter I use Lefebvre's production of space ideas to analyze the production of nature and expand Lefebvrian ecological analysis. I apply the concepts of spatial practice, representational spaces, representations of space and... more
In western societies, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic restrictions created a boom in cycling activity and business. This article reports findings from an Australia-wide survey that invited responses from those who changed their cycling... more