Socio Economic and Educational Issues of Muslims
Recent papers in Socio Economic and Educational Issues of Muslims
The madrasa and extremism interrelationship is a twenty-first-century discourse. It grabbed international limelight after terrorists struck United States on September 11, 2001, in one of the most audacious attacks ever leaving around 3000... more
While summarizing the central thesis of my presentation, I would prefer to ask the following questions. Do the Muslims of India bear responsibility for their present condition? Has it come about because they have gone wrong somewhere,... more
Education is the single most important instrument for social and economic changes in any community. India has a spectrum of religions, castes, classes and communities. The educational outcomes of each religion and communities are not the... more
Women in Muslim society of traditional Bengal used to live in a much closed social environment under many socio-cultural restrictions. They observed strict seclusion or the system of purda suffering from several social disabilities. It... more
Women in Muslim society of traditional Bengal used to live in a much closed social environment under many socio-cultural restrictions. They observed strict seclusion or the system of purda suffering from several social disabilities. It... more
In this article discussion is made on the educational problems of Muslim minority in India. The reasons are cited that why the community lagged behind in this field. The study of article may bring to light various difficulties faced by... more
The Aligarh Movement was launched by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan along with his associates for the renaissance of Indian Muslims in the second half of the 19th century. Though this movement was multi-dimensional with respect to social, political,... more
I theorize that the idea of knowledge and education has shifted in Islam from an inclusive and rational search for all knowledge to a narrowed focus on religious knowledge, void of rationality. By synthesizing literature on education and... more
Women in Muslim society of traditional Bengal used to live in a much closed social environment under many socio-cultural restrictions. They observed strict seclusion or the system of purda suffering from several social disabilities. It... more
There are interesting examples about the balance of consumption/savings in Quran. The Prophet Solomon was the richest man of the world and the most obedient man of his time and his palace was from crystal. If a Muslim gives the zakat’s of... more
This paper highlights influence of colonizers on the Muslim educational systems of the Indian subcontinent which has a mixed reaction among Muslim educationists-some of whom consider colonization as an actor of educational development and... more