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A Chinese proverb aptly signifies the importance of female literacy as ―If you plan for a few years, earn money; for ten years, then plant trees; but if you plan for a hundred years, educate the women‖. According to the census of India person who can read and write with understanding in any language aged above six years considered as literate. The population of women is almost half of the total population in Haryana. According to the census report 2011, the literacy rate in Haryana is 75.55% and 22th ranks in India. It has a wide gap between male and female literacy which accounts 84.06% and 65.94% respectively. Haryana's main concern is to tackle the problem of illiteracy among its female population. The data show that there is significant increase in female literacy rate. The study reveals the district-wise female literacy rate in Haryana. The analysis is based on district level secondary data from the 2001 and 2011 census of India. Data is processed with simple statistical techniques such as percentage.
International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research
Purposes: India is currently confronted with significant economic issues. Illiteracy, Unemployment, poverty, and unequal income distribution are only a few of the concerns that are influenced by India's literacy rate, either directly or indirectly. Researcher’s aim is to know if India's literacy rate is increasing at a slow or fast rate, especially after the passage of the Right to Education Act in 2009. This report is a small-scale survey containing data from people all throughout the country, asking a few key questions to get a better understanding of the situation. The purpose is to determine whether or not certain factors contribute to India's literacy rate. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study investigates the present state of education in India by gathering primary data using a questionnaire and analyzing it. The author applied Frequency Distribution and Chi-Square Tables methodology to operationalize variables and evaluate the paper’s hypothesis. Originality/Va...
Impact Factor(JCC): 1.8207-This article can be downloaded from ABSTRACT Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group or individual are transferred from one generation to the next through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training and or research. Generally, it occurs through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts. Education is mainly characterizes into formal education and informal education. With this background, in this paper an attempt has been made to explore the level of education and examine how it reflects the socioeconomic condition of the people. This is a case study of the Kalarayerkuthi Mouza of Cooch Behar –II Block. The study is based upon both primary as well as secondary sources of data, primary data were collected through household level survey in 2013 and total sample size is 100 households. Secondary data are collected from Census of India and District Statistical Hand Book. The finding of the study reveals that the study area has low level of education. In the study area, 71.90 per cent are total literate, 87.5 per cent are male and 51.61 per cent are female literate. Data also depicts that the difference between male and female literacy rate is very high. Majority of the educated people have primary and secondary levels of education. Level of higher education is very low in this area. Agriculture is the main occupation of the sample population, which reflects the low level of income.
This article evaluates the progress in literacy among the Indian states, from an age-cohort perspective. It argues that age-cohort analysis offers a robust understanding of the dynamics of literacy progress. The article clearly brings out the fact that, despite the accomplishment of universal elementary education, achieving the goal of full literacy is quite difficult, owing to the existence of an out-of-school-age illiterate population. Thus, the study suggests provision of an effective adult-literacy programme along with universal elementary education in order to realize the goal of full literacy. Further, it argues that comparisons based on the average literacy rate have led to a computation of a "literacy deprivation index" adjusted with age structure-and that such adjustment leads us to view the literacy gap across all the states as wider, given that it assumes lower values. This minimal standardization, along with the age structure of the population, offers a valid comparison of this commonly used indicator. Its prospect of progress, too, is largely dependent upon the emerging age structure of the population as a result of the unfolding demographic transition. Keywords Literacy • Age cohort • Group disparity Literacy rate, defined as the proportion of population able to read and write any language with understanding, is the most simple and widely used indicator to assess and compare the progress in educational development across regions. The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes literacy as a fundamental right of every individual.
A population's literacy skills have a bearing on how well a country performs economically. Moreover, the education of women plays a significant role in improving living standards in the state. Improving girls' educational levels has been demonstrated to have clear impacts on the health and economic future of young women, which in turn improves the prospects of their entire community. The present study is conducted to explore the status of female literacy in various districts of Uttar Pradesh. The female literacy rate of all the districts have been categorized under five heads: 1. Very high, 2. High, 3. Average, 4.Low and 5. Very low. Female literacy rates were plotted on graph through monochromatic colour scheme to give a clear picture and understanding of female literacy. A very high regional variation with a declining trend regarding the female literacy was observed throughout the study area.
“The surest way to keep people down is to educate the men and neglect the women. If you educate a man you simply educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a whole nation.” This well-known saying is attributed to the Ghanaian scholar Dr James Emmanuel Kwegyir-Aggrey (1875-1927), an intellectual, missionary, and teacher, who said this in a lecture and convinced Governor Guggisberg that Achimota College should be co-educational. The significance of this quote stands true for India as we try to achieve our targets of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which focus heavily on literacy and gender issues. Gender gap in literacy is a hindrance in almost every under developed and developing country of the world. While India has made every effort to ensure sex disparity in literacy is brought down as overall literacy levels increase year after year, to be reported every time a census is conducted; there are several aspects which demand attention till date. This paper endeavours to study these complex issues and their dynamics in the light of trends emerging in Gujarat over census conducted in 2001 and 2011.
Literacy implies the ability to read and write as well as understand. But practically it involves a broader aspect. Literacy is the sole input for human resource development. It also helps in overcoming the hurdles of life. Education is one of the foremost necessities for all round development of human being. It ensures long and prosperous living. Literacy feeds in being educated. For a country or state a better literacy rate helps to improve the performance in the context of a number of socio-economic indicators. A better literacy facilitates low infant mortality, low maternal mortality, low rates of fertility, better life expectation, better human capital formation, better standard of living etc. Historically there exist wide gape in literacy rate and educational attainment between the male and female. The male always being dominating tend to overshadow their counterparts in the society. As a result women become the deprived section of the society in almost each and every component of socio-economic development. Increase in literacy facilitates increasing knowledge which ultimately enlightens the numerous paths of human life. Right of being literate is fundamental for all. But women are always lagging behind the men.
Over the last two decades, significant improvements have been observed the proportion of literate women, from 39 % in 1991 to 54 %in 2001. High women's literacy levels have been observed in states of Kerela, Mizoram and Goa However even today, there exists over 193 million women who are still illiterate. The states having the lowest literacy level for women in the country are Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand. In Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh, the literacy levels have been far below the all-India average. Inequality in education in Rajasthan has been a result of gender and caste attitudes.
Ciclo Pren-te els dilluns amb filosofia. Librería Laie. Barcelona, 03 de diciembre de 2018, 2018
Hay dos imágenes que se asocian al nombre Wittgenstein. La de aquel joven genial y un punto arrogante que afirmó haber solu-cionado definitivamente las angustias racionales mediante el análi-sis lógico del lenguaje, y la del pensador que insistiría posterior-mente en la necesidad de que la filosofía renunciara a buscar el modelo primigenio de todo y prestara atención a la diversidad de formas que adopta lo real. Porque la filosofía entra en escena en el momento en que se interrumpe el sentido vigente y se origina un estado de pasmo ("Un problema filosófico tiene la forma: 'no me oriento'"; PhU, § 123). Entonces resulta imprescindible producir una nueva inteligencia de lo que sucede; y solo una razón imagina-tiva, adiestrada en la variación, será capaz de ello. La filosofía se sometería a una prueba decisiva con ocasión del proyecto del Tractatus. Este se proponía explorar la forma lógica común al lenguaje y al mundo, con el objetivo de hallar el funda-mento sobre el que podría establecerse una nueva claridad que permitiera distinguir entre lo que puede ser dicho y lo que no. Pero la propia enunciación de aquel fundamento mostraría al final su rostro paradójico. Exigía ir más allá de la lógica. No resulta factible formular en oraciones con sentido aquello que hace posible que las proposiciones representen la realidad. No obstante, ello se muestra cada vez que se dice algo.
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