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This paper decomposes global inequality in redistribution, using data from the World Development Indicators data set of the World Bank. It finds that per capita income has a modest, yet persistent effect on redistribution. More... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
Anarchism and geography have a long and disjointed history, characterized by towering peaks of intensive intellectual engagement and low troughs of ambivalence and disregard. This paper traces a genealogy of anarchist geographies back to... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsHistoryEuropean History
Employing a poststructuralist-meets-anarchist stance that advances conceptual insight into the nature of sovereign power, this article examines the dialectics of capitalism/primitive accumulation, civilization/savagery, and law/violence,... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEconomic HistorySociology
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      EconomicsSocialist EconomicsAustrian EconomicsHistory of Economic Thought
After the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, the Soviet leadership fully mobilized Kazakhstan's populations for war. Communist Party and government officials in Moscow and Almaty responded to this crisis by conscripting... more
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      Military HistorySocialist EconomicsRace and EthnicityCentral Asian Studies
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      Socialist EconomicsNew LeftMarxist political economyValue Form Theory
sebuah buku politik ekonomi aksi oleh revolusioner Melayu Minangkabau
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      Socialist EconomicsPhilosophyPolitical ScienceIndonesian Studies
The overarching question of this article is how can we develop a critical understanding of the social place of highways and automobility in the case of a non-capitalist European context such as socialist Albania? Socialism was a period of... more
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      Real EstateHistoryEuropean HistorySociology
This paper challenges the mainstream social scientific approach that emphasizes “moral inferiority” in corruption and bribery in Central and Eastern Europe. We argue that in many cases, people participate in informal organizational... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational Behavior
This gives a number or examples of the use of Kantorovich's method applied to economic optimisation. The greater part of the document is a detailed literate programming presentation of a programme to implement Kantorovich's method using... more
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      Socialist EconomicsOperations research and Optimization
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsSocialist Economics
Artículo incluido en “Pensar Históricamente. Pasado, presente, futuro.” Año 1. Nº 1.  Segundo semestre 2011. ISSN 1853-8843
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      Socialist EconomicsMarxismLatin American HistorySocialism
Using a historical approach, I argue why the recent agreement between United States and Cuba is an immediate and historic victory for the Cuban revolution, putting it in a stronger position to face an array of challenges. In Part 2, I... more
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      Socialist EconomicsMarxismCuban StudiesMarxist theory
The measures introduced by Raúl Castro since 2008 and the most recent US–Cuba policy change indicate that Cuba is shifting from a planned and highly centralised state socialist economic model toward one in which economic actors and... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologyAsian Studies
Using a historical approach, I argue why the recent agreement between United States and Cuba is an immediate and historic victory for the Cuban revolution, putting it in a stronger position to face an array of challenges. In Part 2, I... more
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      Socialist EconomicsMarxismCuban StudiesMarxist theory
Trust is an essential part of individual lives and the workings of modern society. Not only democracies, but also dictatorships like the Soviet state and authoritarian regimes like post-war European socialist societies needed trust as a... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
This article will enquire into the everyday life of the Romanians in the 1980s using the queue (the omnipresent food line) as its starting point of enquiry into reactions and perceptions of shortages. I count among the reactions to... more
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      Socialist EconomicsRomanian HistoryOral historyCommunism
Il 28 giugno del 1948, con la risoluzione di Bucarest, la Jugoslavia veniva espulsa dal Cominform. Era il culmine di una crisi che trovava le sue ragioni nel fiero autonomismo dei comunisti jugoslavi dall'URSS, nonché in frizioni di... more
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      Socialist EconomicsSocialismsCommunism (Revolutions)Yugoslavia
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsSocialist Economics
Resumen: La contribución italiana al debate sobre el cálculo económico socialista (SECD) no puede limitarse a las aportaciones importantes y funda mentales de Pareto y Barone. De hecho, si sus contribuciones son todavía ambiguas y tenemos... more
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      Socialist EconomicsAustrian EconomicsBruno Leoni
Covid-19 has highlighted the destructiveness of modern agro-industry upon biosphere and humanity. Its contribution to environmental degradation intertwines with socioeconomic inequality and labour exploitation. There are increasing calls... more
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      Rural SociologySocialist EconomicsMarxismAgroecology
The paper addresses the question of East/West hierarchies in academe, and the conditions of the epistemic position and public authority of East and Central European scholarship, through a case study of a major institute of Hungarian... more
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      Socialist EconomicsHistory of IdeasSocialismCentral and Eastern Europe
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      Economic HistorySocialist EconomicsCuban StudiesCuban History
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryModern History
These two books in different ways speak to the current global economic crisis – and contribute in different ways to our understanding of the causes and consequences of that crisis and what opportunities for transformation it presents. Rod... more
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      Feminist EconomicsSocialist EconomicsPolitical EconomyCapitalism
For the last twenty years, the Left has appeared to lack any alternative to the existing social and economic order. In recent years, communist movements have only existed as serious forces in a few countries, for example India and Nepal,... more
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      Socialist EconomicsMarxist EconomicsCommunismSoviet Union (History)
This paper reviews Vietnam’s recent experience with reforming the state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector. It therefore sets the stage by overviewing key developments since Đổi Mới and highlighting some stylized facts about the SOE sector... more
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      Socialist EconomicsVietnamTransition EconomiesVietnamese Economy
SSCB'de sosyalizm yaşandı mı? Evet! Mehmet İnanç Yordam'ın Yaşanmamış Sosyalizm adlı kitabının eleştirisi.
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      Socialist EconomicsSoviet HistoryCommunismHistory of the USSR
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistoryEuropean History
Contemporary theories of social emancipation contend that it is time to dispense with the concept of revolution and leave it merely as the legacy of political struggles belonging to the age of industrial economy. Today's globalization,... more
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      Socialist EconomicsPolitical PhilosophyMarxist political economyThe Hegelian Recognition / The Dialectic of Master and Slave Relationship
Cooperating with other women in their communities and allying beyond local First Nations were necessary stratagems. The final substantive chapter, by Cybéle Locke, delves into the ways Maori women activists moved from race-based protest... more
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      Russian StudiesSocialist EconomicsSocial CapitalPost-Soviet Regimes
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      SociologySocial MovementsSocialist EconomicsSocial Sciences
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      Socialist EconomicsMarxismDemocratic TheorySocialism
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      EconomicsSocialist EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtSocialism
forthcoming in Lisa Drummond and Douglas Young (eds.) Socialist and Post-socialist Urbanisms: Critical Reflections from a Global Perspective. (Routledge)
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      Socialist EconomicsSocialismsPostsocialismPost-Socialist Societies
Will people put effort in for other people
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      Socialist EconomicsAmerican Cultural SociologyStatismSocialist and Post-Socialist Area Studies
Who has the easiest life in Poland? Mainly large enterprises. The sectoral and ministerial plans depend directly on their work. If they go short of a single screw, the minister thunders and the lightning flashes… Next, things are not too... more
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      Socialist EconomicsBusiness HistoryHistory of HungaryHistory of Czechoslovakia
The relevance of computer science to economic planning is defended. An algorithm for constructing a balanced economic plan is presented and found to be of time order N log(N ) in the complexity of the economy. The time taken to perform a... more
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      Socialist EconomicsComputational ComplexityTheory of Planned Behaviour
The DPRK is said to be an economist's nightmare. There are almost no reliable statistics available, making any analysis speculative at best. The few useable figures that we have, though, fly in the face of the media's curious insistence... more
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      Socialist EconomicsKorean StudiesNorth Korea (politics and society)North Korea
The state is always built on the historical, economic, cultural and traditional bases of a certain society. The socialist rule-of-law state (socialist law-governed state) has a profound origin from the views in the history of NNPQ, but... more
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      Socialist EconomicsTraditional MedicineOral TraditionsPost-Socialist Societies
This article sets to analyze the manpower planning approach in respect of the Romanian higher education system during communism. The arguments used intend to demonstrate that long-term planning, although commonly used in the context of... more
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      Economic HistorySocialist EconomicsRomanian HistoryHigher Education
Мы закончили переводить, анализировать и дальше исследовать чертвертую главу книги Сыроежина. Такое изучение требовало помочь других источников Советского времени, чтобы дать лучшие результаты в этой, комплексной, работе: в частности,... more
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      Socialist EconomicsPolitical EconomySoviet HistoryMarxism
ABSTRACT & RÉSUMÉ & RESUMO & ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: One of the outstanding aims of most liberation movements has been to increase the economic well-being of their people, Guinea-Bissau being no exception in this respect. How far has the new... more
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      Socialist EconomicsDevelopment StudiesAfrican HistoryWest Africa
7 Naša izhodišča se nanašajo na Balibarjevo teorijo tranzicije (1970) in na konkretno analizo socializmov Charlesa Bettleheima (1975). MI_postfordizem_203-244_final.in2 2 MI_postfordizem_203-244_final.in2 2 9.4.2010 9:47:29 9.4.2010... more
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      Socialist EconomicsSocialismsYugoslaviaHistory of Capitalism
Partendo da una descrizione dei modelli dell’autogestione di Vanek e Jossa e un breve excursus storico nel primo capitolo, continueremo mostrando come l’approccio della teoria della libertà ci permetta di analizzare la natura oppressiva... more
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      Socialist EconomicsAutogestioneSelfmanagement
This article explores child care and preschool educational policies in Hungary from the end of World War II until the 1956 revolution, focusing mainly on the forms of organization of preschool education, methods of financing, and the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGender StudiesSocialist EconomicsSocial Policy
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      Economic HistorySocialist EconomicsMethodologyColonial America
1. He concedes that Cottrell and Cockshott's model is the only coherent intellectual opposition that the Austrian school face from the left 2. He concedes that we have demolished the argument that socialist calculation is too complex to... more
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      Socialist EconomicsAustrian Economics
This paper examines the possibility of developing a transnational counter-hegemony organised around labour to challenge and check the forces of global capital.
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      EconomicsSocialist EconomicsPolitical Economy
My Awakening: How I came to see the Text Jeffrey Ross, who teaches English at a College in Arizona, explains how he learned to see the Text I have developed a frightening, yet powerful awareness. I now stand, mannequin-like, in the store... more
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      Organizational BehaviorCollective BehaviorCultural StudiesSocial Change