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Review of Franck Cochoy's book 'On Curiosity: The Art of Market Seduction' published by Mattering Press in 2016.
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      Consumption and Material CultureSocial Studies of MarketingScience and Technology Studies
In this paper, we use ethnographic methods to describe the market making activities of Première Vision, Paris, the leading trade fair in the clothing fabric industry. Through collective action and powerful representational practices,... more
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      Fashion designTextilesInternational TradePostmodernism
It is all too easy to think that advertising is not terribly important and not worthy of serious analysis. It is the bit before the movie when we talk to our friends, the break that lets us go to the toilet when we are watching TV, the... more
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      AdvertisingMarketing TheoryCritical MarketingAdvertising and Society
Dance is proven to offer a myriad of physical, psychological, and social benefits. However, because dance has been frequently perceived as a feminine practice, there is a prevailing prejudice towards boys who dance, making it hard for... more
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      Social MarketingStereotypes and PrejudiceGender EqualityGender and Sport
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      Media StudiesAdvertisingAdvertising And Social CultureMarketing Theory
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      Critical TheoryMarketingAdvertisingMarshall McLuhan
Dance is proven to offer a myriad of physical, psychological, and social benefits. However, because dance has been frequently perceived as a feminine practice, there is a prevailing prejudice towards boys who dance, making it hard for... more
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      Social MarketingStereotypes and PrejudiceGender EqualityGender and Sport
(Marketing logics and strategies of family farming in the Agreste of Paraíba) Abstract: The article presents the results of an analysis on markets’ social construction made-up by family peasants in the Agreste of Paraíba (Brazil). Logics... more
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      BrazilAgroecology and Rural DevelopSocial Studies of Marketingagrofood products marketing
Over the years the gradual exploration by different scholars, and practicing experts, marketing as a subject has been branched out into different domains or specialized areas. Social marketing is one such area. Social Marketing is a... more
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      ManagementMarketingSocial MovementsSocial Work
Tema rada je prisustvo mizoginije i seksizma u televizijskim reklamama koje obiluju rodnim stereotipima. Analizirani korpus čine reklame emitovane u Srbiji na televizijama sa nacionalnom frekvencijom u periodu od jeseni 2018. do leta... more
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      Spanish LinguisticsGender LinguisticsTV studiesApplied Linguistics Spanish
Este libro “Sabor, Aromas y Cultura Gastronómica,” se presenta en el contexto de la celebración de 200 años del Bicentenario del Perú y une a dos sociólogos, Hernán J Gonzales Espinoza y Jorge Yeshayahu Gonzales-Lara, nos llevan a un... more
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      HistorySociologyGastronomySocial Studies of Marketing
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      MarketingMarketing ResearchMarketing TheoryHistory of Marketing Thought
Devising Consumption explores the vital role played by the financial service industries in enabling the poor to consume over the last hundred and fifty years. Spending requires means, but these industries also offered practical marketing... more
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      History of Social Policy and the Welfare StateAmerican PragmatismConsumer creditSocial Studies of Marketing
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      Economic SociologySocial Studies of MarketingScience and Technology Studies
OBJECTIVE: To set out key questions, issues and topics covered in the module. To contextualize modern advertising and its relationship with culture, the economy and society.
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      AdvertisingAdvertising And Social CultureAdvertising and MediaRaymond Williams
By describing how consumers are qualified and mobilised in advertising agencies, this paper aims to contribute to this increasing body of literature which explores ordinary marketing and advertising practices, knowledge and devices. This... more
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      Economic SociologyCultural SociologyAdvertisingConsumption Studies
Most of the time, religion viewed as a motive for conflict and has emerged as a key component in many current and past conflicts. However, religion does not always drive violence; it is also an integral factor in the peace building and... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsIslamic EconomicsEconometrics
This is a teaser. It is part of chapter one of a forthcoming collection - The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing Studies - which I have co-edited with Matthew Higgins, Janice Denegri-Knott and Rohit Varman. To get the rest, you'll... more
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      Critical TheoryMarketingReligionGender Studies
Tomás Ariztía 2
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      MarketingEconomic SociologyConsumption StudiesCultural Economy
This introduction to the Anthropology for Sale special issue makes a case for renewed attention to the selling and salescraft in anthropology. Rather than presume to know in advance what kinds of ethics and interests underpin the moment... more
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      MarketingCultural GeographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEconomic Anthropology
We have seen that advertising is a form of communication that aims to promote and persuade. We have also seen how those two aims are achieved through a combination of language and media. We have seen how advertising has turned to cultural... more
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      Media StudiesAdvertisingAdvertising And Social CultureMarketing Theory
Dance is proven to offer a myriad of physical, psychological, and social benefits. However, because dance has been frequently perceived as a feminine practice, there is a prevailing prejudice towards boys who dance, making it hard for... more
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      Social MarketingStereotypes and PrejudiceGender EqualityGender and Sport
Este artículo presenta una descripción (en sentido rortiano) del marketing capaz de hacer frente a las principales críticas que se lanzan contra el mismo. Se comienza haciendo un repaso de dichas críticas, para posteriormente analizar... more
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      MarketingSocial MarketingSocial Studies of Marketing
Dance is proven to offer a myriad of physical, psychological, and social benefits. However, because dance has been frequently perceived as a feminine practice, there is a prevailing prejudice towards boys who dance, making it hard for... more
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      Social MarketingStereotypes and PrejudiceGender EqualityGender and Sport
A social marketing intervention would be effective only if it brings about positive social behaviour change in a target population, in this case; adoption of HIV prevention methods. The study is a survey conducted in Maiduguri metropolis... more
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      Social PsychologyGender StudiesSocial SciencesSocial Marketing
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      MarketingMarketing TheoryMarketing thought, Marketing historyHistory of Marketing Thought
O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma análise da construção social dos mercados pelos agricultores familiares do Agreste da Paraíba (Brasil). As estratégias e lógicas de comercialização foram observadas junto a 12 famílias inseridas ou... more
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      SociologyBrazilAgroecology and Rural DevelopSocial Studies of Marketing
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      Business EthicsEthicsApplied EthicsCorporate Social Responsibility
This paper aims to reflect on some key issues linked to the production of digital objects in business settings. In doing so, it problematizes current social science scholarship, which emphasizes the analysis of digital data and... more
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      DatabasesValuationConsumersData Practices
As the world struggles to sustain mass consumption as a lifestyle of choice, the need for sustainable behaviour becomes increasingly evident. Even though there are already a number of technical and legislative solutions underway, we still... more
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      MarketingPR and AdvertisingDesignSocial Research Methods and Methodology
In this short paper I sketch out what I think critical marketing studies is.
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      Critical Management StudiesMarketing TheoryConsumer Culture TheoryCritical Marketing
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      HistoryMilitary HistorySociologyCultural Studies
A major point of divergence of Social Marketing from other fields of Marketing is with respect to the objectives of the marketer. Social marketing seeks to influence social behaviors not to benefit the marketer, but to benefit the target... more
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      MarketingSocial ChangeSocial WorkHealth Communication
The department of census and statistics in Sri Lanka done the first legal census in 1871. That was the first legal census in south Asia. After that there were population censusesin The study aimed to evaluate the population census was in... more
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      ReligionHistoryHuman GeographyHealth Sciences
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of social marketing applications on customers behavior and loyalty. Besides it is aimed to specify difference of opinions in terms of demographic variables. For this purpose, a... more
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      MarketingSocial MarketingSocial Studies of Marketing
Este artículo presenta una descripción (en sentido rortiano) del marketing capaz de hacer frente a las principales críticas que se lanzan contra el mismo. Se comienza haciendo un repaso de dichas críticas, para posteriormente analizar... more
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      MarketingSocial MarketingSocial Studies of Marketing
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      MarketingSocial Studies of MarketingMarketing de Contenidos