Slow Fashion
Recent papers in Slow Fashion
Purpose: How can people be involved within their geographic location in the new ideas and activities in emerging the circular fashion industry? This paper is written by a systems designer (author1) who worked alongside two textile design... more
Neither fashion nor time are neutral. Both serve political, technological and economic functions of society. Slowing down time serves some more than others. This also applies for slow fashion.
Palabras clave: moda, sostenibilidad, lujo, fast fahion, slow fashion, greenshowroom, soethic, celebritys. Resumen: En principio Sostenibilidad y Lujo podrían parecer conceptos antagónicos, no obstante un detenido análisis de los mismos,... more
versione eBook di "Moda, design e sostenibilità" di Kate Fletcher a cura di Alessandro Castiglioni e Gianni Romano Isbn 9788874902651 Potrebbe stupire la scoperta che il presente libro sia soltanto la prima edizione italiana dei testi di... more
Over the past decade, representations of women in fashion have gained in naturalness and "authenticity". Old concepts of "prettiness" and conventional attractiveness are being invalidated. Fashion that plays to the female gaze is the... more
At first thought, technology and sustainable fashion might appear to hold contrasting ideals; however, an investigation into technology and sustainable fashion yields complex symbiotic relationships between the two areas. Technology is... more
In today's fashion world, trends die almost as soon as they are born—creating a fast fashion system that equally requires both production and consumption to speed up. The result is an unsustainable industry, in social, environmental, and... more
We are aware of fashion's unsustainable practices that put our environment, it's habitats and inhabitants at risk through overconsumption and exploitation. However, how can we solve these issues and create a shift in the system. This... more
A Bachelor of Arts's thesis - general research about fashion sustainability and the concept of 'second-hand' in aspects of both environmental interaction and cultural implication concerning the identity of Hongkongnese and its history.
Este trabajo trata sobre la situación actual de la industria de la moda, insostenible desde un punto de vista medioambiental y socioeconómico y detecta diversas alternativas que trabajan por una moda sostenible, que, lejos de devaluar la... more
Chapter in Sustainable Fashion: New Approaches
Published by the Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Published by the Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Purpose: How can people be involved within their geographic location in the new ideas and activities in emerging the circular fashion industry? This paper is written by a systems designer (author1) who worked alongside two textile design... more
This article looks at the work of contemporary Dutch fashion designer Alexander van Slobbe (1959) and examines how, since the 1990s, his fashion practices have consistently and consciously put forward a unique reflection on questions... more
The paper introduces research in progress that investigates an emerging version of fashion culture by studying the mediation of " actual " , " personal " and long-lasting fashion in increasingly successful biannual magazines (The... more
The fashion industry is experiencing rapid structural change as new manufacturing and distribution technologies emerge. Simultaneously, the environmental impact of garment production and the sector’s record on workers’ rights provokes... more
El presente trabajo de investigación pretende acercar al lector el concepto de sostenibilidad y su evolución en la industria textil. Se hace especial énfasis en conocer las diferencias entre el fast fashiony el slow fashiony el uso del... more
O presente artigo disserta sobre ações que destacam um novo olhar do consumidor ao encarar a moda. Nos últimos anos, cresceu em grande escala a busca por produtos que passam por um processo de produção sustentável e justo, desde a compra... more
Esta pesquisa apresenta o que é customização em massa, qual sua relevância e aplicabilidade para o setor da moda, sua ligação com sustentabilidade e Slow Fashion, bem como qual o papel do designer de moda neste contexto. Para ilustrar... more
Esta pesquisa visa apontar possibilidades de conexões entre o reaproveitamento de tecidos obsoletos doados por pequenos ateliês de costura da cidade e o trabalho de pesquisa com a cultura local. Por isso o nome da marca: D‟aqui. A marca... more
Este estudo exploratório interessa-se pela ideia do consumidor crítico (Lang e Gabriel, 2005) o qual repensa seus atos de consumo num viés ético e moral. Neste trabalho, o assunto é trabalhado através da exploração conceitual do consumo... more
This paper considers the case of the Service Shirt, a proof of concept prototype made as part of a design researchers in¬ residence programme at a fashion brand, within a scientific research consortium. During the development of the... more
O presente artigo busca mapear as marcas de moda de São Paulo que em seus discursos usam características associadas ao conceito de produção de moda do movimento slow fashion. Para tanto, escolhemos os bairros de Pinheiros e da Vila... more
El uso y consumo de productos ecológicos y sostenibles con el medio ambiente implican un alto coste por la complejidad de su cadena de producción y, la moda de lujo es una industria que cada vez se ve más influenciada por el fenómeno de... more
Neste artigo, investiga-se o consumo consciente de moda e como ele está sendo empregado pelas marcas de moda nacionais para sua própria identidade e produção. Para compreensão teórica, foram usados os conceitos de consumo por meio da... more
Future Scenarios for the Development of Slow Fashion Collection: Brisa Slow Fashion case study ABSTRACT This article brings, as a starter, future scenarios for design insights into sustainable development. For this, elements of the... more
Fashion in the 21st century is typically fast fashion, characterised by mass production, high turnover, and goods designed for a short lifespan. The kimono appears to be the antithesis of fast fashion in terms of production and... more
Fashion in the 21st century is typically fast fashion, characterised by mass production, high turnover, and goods designed for a short lifespan. The kimono appears to be the antithesis of fast fashion in terms of production and... more
Diplomová práce vytváří dočasně místně specifickou instalaci. Téma instalace je mířeno záměrně do prostředí obchodního domu, tedy heterotopického místa, které problém rychlé módy reprodukuje a symbolizuje. Diplomová práce k problému... more
This research explores slow fashion in relation to its capacity to holistically embrace mindfulness in order to enrich the sustainable approach to fashion for enhanced well-being. Slow fashion seems to embrace a concept at the heart of... more
El presente trabajo de investigación pretende acercar al lector el concepto de sostenibilidad y su evolución en la industria textil. Se hace especial énfasis en conocer las diferencias entre el fast fashiony el slow fashiony el uso del... more
Esta pesquisa visa apontar possibilidades de conexoes entre o reaproveitamento de tecidos obsoletos doados por pequenos atelies de costura da cidade e o trabalho de pesquisa com a cultura local. Por isso o nome da marca: D’aqui. A marca... more