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One of the most significant roles of the Capuchin mission in the Ottoman capital was the friars’ ministry to the Latin Catholic slaves incarcerated in the prisons of the bagnes and the Seven Towers. The ritual and spiritual dimensions... more
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      CapuchinsSlavery In the Ottoman EmpireNon-Muslim Minorities in the Ottoman Empire
Written for Dr. Lamont King's Nationalism & the Global Economy course.
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      Slavery In the Ottoman EmpireSlaves in Ottoman Empire
Thousands of enslaved Georgian youth were sold in Ottoman slave markets throughout 17th and 18th centuries, however, some of them managed to voluntarily migrate towards Ottoman capital and major provinces in search for employment and... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMamluk StudiesMamluk HistoryOttoman Navy
Review of Leslie Pierce’s Empress of the East: How a European Slave Girl Became Queen of the Ottoman Empire in Renaissance Quarterly, Volume 72, Issue 2 (Summer 2019): 691-693.
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      Women's StudiesOttoman HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies
Seville, July 16th – 20th 2018
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      CaptivitySlavery In the Ottoman Empire
This monograph is a microhistory of slavery in Galata, Istanbul between the years 1560-1572, based on a detailed study of Arabic manumission contracts found in the court registers. It examines questions of forced labour, mukataba... more
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      Islamic LawOttoman HistoryPhysiognomyHistory of Slavery
This chapter examines the social history of slavery in the early Ottoman Empire. Arguing that the range of forms of enslavement and forced labour practiced in the Ottoman Empire cannot be described by the current ‘universal’ definitions... more
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      Islamic LawOttoman HistoryHistory of SlaveryHistory of the Mediterranean
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      Ottoman HistorySlaveryHistory of SlaveryOttoman Studies
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMoroccan Studies
Contents part 3 Raiders and Captives on the Northern Shore 6 "It Was the Poles That Gave Me Most Pain": Polish Slaves and Captives in the Crimea, 1475-1774 145 Mikhail Kizilov 7 How Captives Were Taken: The Making of Tatar Slaving Raids... more
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      History and culture of the Black Sea regionSlavery In the Ottoman Empire
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      African Diaspora StudiesHistory of SlaveryEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireCircassian Studies
Bu çalışmada Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun kadın köleleri, Harem-i Hümayun ve reaya özelinde karşılaştırmalı bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacını 16.-18. yüzyıllarda Osmanlı coğrafyasındaki kadın kölelerin... more
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      Gender StudiesSlaveryOttoman EmpireEarly modern Ottoman History
ll \t,r r r' ,, "Tyran[r-r]ical Mrlst( r's Arc thc Turks": Thc Cornparativc ( i)nt( \t ol Barbary Slavcry ( l)t't,l|, I \nt! In l7ll5, Barbrry corstirs ((nrrrrrl..t.,l rlr. ln)ston schooncr ,r,r,",? .rnd hersi\ Din .rcw .N thc lcsscl... more
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      Middle East & North AfricaEarly Modern CaptivityCorsairsMediterranean and North Africa
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    • Slavery In the Ottoman Empire
This article discusses how the reading of different genres of early modern Ottoman texts in tandem can illuminate the ways in which elite Ottoman understood categories of asl/cins (origin/"ethnicity"). These texts include treatises on... more
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      Islamic LawOttoman HistoryPhysiognomyEarly modern Ottoman History
Until recently, slavery studies had been dominated by the field of Atlantic and ancient era slavery. Other regions and eras had mostly been neglected. However, slavery existed in nearly every society in different parts of the world, in... more
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      Early Modern CaptivityOttoman History of POW (Prisoners of War)Slavery In the Ottoman EmpireNew Military History, Prisoners of War, Captivity
PhD dissertation "Ottoman Statesman of Georgian Origin during the XVIII-XIX Centuries in Maghreb" in Georgian
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      History of GeorgiaSlavery In the Ottoman EmpireOttoman AlgiersOttoman Tunis
This essay is, in part, an attempt to consider how these real and imagined Ottoman geographies are underpinned by the histories and afterlives of exploitation, exploration, and conquest. I am less concerned with retrieving these histories... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesBlack/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora Studies
Despite the fact that during the last decades Ottoman slavery became the subject of numerous publications, it is only very recently that the history of the black people in Ottoman lands has caught the attention of Ottomanists. The few... more
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      Ottoman HistoryBlack/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora StudiesHistory of Slavery
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      Sociocultural AnthropologyOrlando PattersonSlavery In the Ottoman Empire
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      Ottoman HistorySlavery In the Ottoman Empire
Osmanlı’da kölecilik dediğimizde aklımıza ilk ne geliyor? Gözümüzün önünde ne canlanıyor? Türkiye’de örgün eğitime tabi olmuş pek çok kişi için, ben dahil, bu soruya yanıt devşirme sistemidir. Gözümüzün önüne ya da aklımıza en önce,... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesSlavery In the Ottoman EmpireSociology of Ethnicity and Race
Few people know that during the Ottoman period large African groups having their own customs, traditions, and organization inhabited various parts of modern Greece and Asia Minor. From Heraklion and Chania to Athens, Giannina, Veroia,... more
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      Ottoman HistoryBlack/African DiasporaAbolition of SlaveryOttoman Empire
Please note, I have withdrawn this research paper from the MENACS conference at the University of Sussex on 27th - 28th April 2017.
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryAnglo-Ottoman RelationsOttoman and England
Turcica, revue d'études turques, tome 33 (2001), p. 191-213
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of SlaveryOttoman-Habsburg relationsOttoman Military History
This thesis considers antislavery efforts in the Ottoman Empire within the broader context of British global antislavery efforts from roughly 1830 to 1880. Most scholars writing about antislavery in this period argue that British... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of SlaveryAbolition of SlaveryAnti-slavery
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      SlaveryOsmanlı Sosyo-Ekonomik TarihiOsmanlı TarihiKölelik
Stories of Ottoman soldiers, captured and led to the West are rare; here we have the story of Osman Aga, a young sipahi, born in Temesvar, the actual Timisoara in Roumania. After the surrender of Lipova, he spent eleven years (1688-1699),... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of SlaverySlavery In the Ottoman Empire
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      History of SlaveryMamluk HistoryMedieval SlaveryHistory of slavery in the Mediterrenean
This paper discusses the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and Crimean Khanate during the 15th and 16th centuries through the lens of slavery and the economics of the slave trade.
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      Ottoman HistorySlavery In the Ottoman Empire
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      AgencyIstanbulInteragencySlavery In the Ottoman Empire
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman LawSlavery In the Ottoman Empire
The history of slavery in the Muslim world began with institutions inherited from pre-Islamic Arabia. The Quranic injunctions against the abuse of slaves and reduced warfare and raiding limited the extent of enslavement in the Arabian... more
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      SlaveryHistory of SlaveryAbolition of SlaveryAbolitionism
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      History of SlaveryPrisoners of WarEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireHistory of Istanbul
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      Gender StudiesOttoman HistorySlavery In the Ottoman Empire
This contribution aims to investigate mobility in the context of Ottoman slavery. Mainly on the basis of seventeenth-century Istanbul court records, the study deals with the question of mobility by focusing on female household slaves in... more
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      SlaveryEarly modern Ottoman HistoryMobilitySlavery In the Ottoman Empire
Band 7
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      Middle East HistorySlavery In the Ottoman EmpireSlavery in the Islamic WorldGlobal slavery
Slavery existed in Jerusalem during the nineteenth century until its abolition in the 1880s. Some Western travellers to he city noted the presence of slaves in the city and a handful provided detailed descriptions of the slaves. These... more
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      Historical GeographyJerusalemBritish Mandate, PalestineJerusalem in the 19th Century
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Slavery in the Muslim WorldSlavery In the Ottoman Empire
This article explores the transition from enslavement to post-emancipation realities in the Muslim-majority societies of the Middle East and North Africa during the last stage of empire and the first phase of nation-building. The main... more
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      History of SlaveryAbolition of SlaveryEmancipationManumission
in workshop "Being Everybody's Slaves: Public Slavery in the Ancient and Modern World,
Newcastle upon Tyne, 22nd – 24th March 2018
Boiler House, Newcastle University
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      CaptivitySlavery In the Ottoman Empire
The micro-historical paper shows that soldiers from a low social class were not "socially dead" either as prisoners of the Ottomans or as personal slaves in the Balkan region. Bernhard Teutschmann, a subject of Count Ludwig II. of... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of SlaveryEarly Modern Europe17th-Century Studies
Stephan Conermann (Hg.): Sklaverei in der Vormoderne. Beispiele aus außereuropäischen Gesellschaften [= Dhau. Jahrbuch für außereuropäische Geschichte / 2], St. Ingbert 2017
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      Ottoman Court RecordsSlavery In the Ottoman Empire
« Une culture de la résistance ? Stratégies et moyens d’émancipation des esclaves dans l’Empire ottoman au XVIe siècle » in Stefan Hanß & Juliane Schiel (eds.), Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500–1800) – Neue Perspektiven auf... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of SlaveryEarly Modern Europe16th Century (History)
This is the rationale and program of the conference held in Bonn a few weeks ago. The event was the first to be fully dedicated to work done in recent years in the burgeoning sub-field of enslavement in the Ottoman Empire. Professor... more
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      History of SlaverySlavery In the Ottoman EmpireSlavery in the Islamic WorldSlavery in Qajar Iran
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      Abolition of SlaveryAbolitionismSlavery In the Ottoman Empire
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      Modern Greek HistoryOttoman-Venetian relationsHistory of the MediterraneanOttoman-French Relations
Mode of publication: Worldwide periodical, published annually every December Note to contributors: YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies accepts submissions in English and Turkish. Articles should conform to the usage of The Chicago Manual... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesBlack/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora Studies
This contribution aims to look through a common lens at two important components of early modern Ottoman society, namely the endowment system and the institution of slavery. The relationship and intersections of these two fields will be... more
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      Islamic Pious Endowments (awqaf)Ottoman Court RecordsSlavery In the Ottoman Empire