Sexual Violence Against Women in Armed Conflict
Recent papers in Sexual Violence Against Women in Armed Conflict
Es gehört zum Alltagswissen, dass sexuelle Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten allgegenwärtig ist. Gegenstand gesellschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen und wissenschaftlicher Forschung wurde sie jedoch erst in jüngster Zeit. Im Zuge der... more
P. Zawada, Kobiety w armii izraelskiej, [w:] Kobiety w przestrzeni społeczno-politycznej. Wybrane zagadnienia, Olsztyn 2017, s. 62-75. Izrael w styczniu bieżącego roku został uznany przez czasopismo „The American Interest” za ósmą... more
When I go to the rural areas and ask people about 1325, they say, what is that? Is that a taxi number? Even educated people don’t know about 1325. How can we expect people in the village to know all these numbers and remember them? They... more
Este libro, producto de una beca del Centro Carter de Estados Unidos, aborda el impacto del desplazamiento, la tortura, la violencia sexual y las minas antipersonal, en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano, en la salud mental de las... more
2007 habe ich als Postdoktorandin am Centro de Estudos Sociais (Universität Coimbra, Portugal) ein Forschungsprojekt begonnen, das die Darstellung von Vergewaltigungen deutscher Frauen und Mädchen im Zweiten Weltkrieg in der Literatur der... more
The current recognition of sexual violence as a weapon, tactic or strategy offers an allegedly clear image of a wartime atrocity perpetrated against civilians. This image allows states and organisations to act in accordance with... more
The systematic rape of women has been a regular feature of war and in today's civil conflicts, rape is a systematic and brutal weapon used by armed groups against civilian populations. Though rape has occurred in mass and systematic forms... more
Savaşlar tarihi insanlık tarihi kadar eskidir. Ancak tarih kitapları sadece savaşları erkekler üzerinden kazanılan zaferler ve yenilgiler üzerinden yazar. Ancak bu savaşların bir de sözlü tarihi, tanıkları ve aslında bu savaşlardan en çok... more
Despite the proliferation of trauma and memory research in recent years, we know very little about the contribution of transitional justice mechanisms to psychological healing and societal reconciliation in the aftermath of genocide,... more
the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East -that have experienced armed conflict over the past twenty years. The second part of the report, entitled Implications for the Security Sector, explores strategies for security and justice... more
DEMUS presenta la publicación Mujeres en la Mira. Observatorio de Sentencias, una compilación de artículos jurídicos que analiza jurisprudencia nacional y supranacional en materia de derechos humanos de las mujeres. Su difusión no solo... more
SİLAHLI ÇATIŞMALARDA KADINLARA YÖNELİK SOYKIRIM SAİKİYLE CİNSEL ŞİDDET KULLANIMI: RUANDA ÖRNEĞİ İlk hayatın başladığı andan bugüne değin insanın en temel isteği “hayatta kalmak” olmuştur. Hayatta tutunmak için de yegane ihtiyaç duyduğu... more
The article focuses on sexual/ized violence experienced by the female members of Ukrainian nationalist underground, its sympathizers, and civilians during Soviet counterinsurgency in Western Ukraine in the late Stalinist period. It... more
Joseph Vilsmaiers Film Stalingrad (1993) und Ulla Hahns Roman Un-scharfe Bilder (2005) sind Teil einer Tendenz der Nach-Wende-Erinne-rungskultur, die die Rolle der Deutschen als Täter im Zweiten Weltkrieg postuliert, aber das Leid der... more
The Institute of Human Rights Communication, Nepal (IHRICON) conducted action research in late 2006 in conflict affected Districts of Banke, Bardia, Doti, Achham and Rolpa in Nepal. The major objective of this research was to identify... more
En este texto se plantea la aparición de un paradigma novedoso en el sistema interamericano para la protección de las mujeres frente a la violencia. Distintas sentencias revelan una ruptura frente a los estándares de prueba... more
Abstract This paper uses the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, held in London in June 2014, as a window into the current wave of calls for action against wartime rape. The recent political attention to address sexual... more
The researcher is grateful to several individuals who shared their experiences and institutions for their generous help and assistance provided during the course of the research and field visits. Special thanks to Assam Police department... more
This thesis was presented to obtain the Degree of Law at the University of San Martin de Porres (Peru) 2012 – The international standards applied to the human rights, and gender analysis in acts of sexual violence against women as a form... more
In recent genocides and other conflicts—for example, the Sudan, Burma, and now Iraq—sexual violence and religion have received increasing but modest systematic treatment in genocide studies. This essay contributes to the nascent... more
El objetivo de este texto es analizar el trabajo y el informe final de la CVR de Sierra Leona en lo que se refiere a su consideración de la violencia sexual y, más ampliamente, a su inclusión de la perspectiva de género. Tras una breve... more
This thesis critiques the International Protocol on the Documentation and Investigation of Sexual Violence in Conflict developed in 2014 by the United Kingdom Foreign Commonwealth Office. I show the Protocol, despite being the largest... more
Women in Governance [WinG] is a unique network of women who are striving to be change agents in a world dominated by patriarchal traditions. The members of WinG are all women from marginalized communities who are working for women"s... more
Women, a girl, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, overall girl could be a key of a family. World will never be complete without a girl. Law is the set of rules implemented to govern the behavior of individuals. From the start of this world... more
La guerra contemporanea investe ogni persona e ogni cosa. Tra le vittime civili, le più esposte e vulnerabili sono le donne, incluse ragazze e bambine. IL presente articolo indaga come, in determinate guerre, il corpo della donna diventi... more
Over a million people were killed in 1994 during Rwanda's genocide and war, with many women compelled to 'offer' sex, raped, held in collective or individual sexual slavery and mutilated. An estimated 250 000 to 500 000 women still alive... more
“Why can’t people understand that we are victims?” asked us a young man born further to the rape of his mother during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. This is a cri de coeur that calls for unpacking, both in the assumptions that underly it... more
Der Begriff der Störung erfährt eine zunehmende Konjunktur in den Geisteswissenschaften und etabliert sich dort als epistemologische Analysekategorie. Diese Studie untersucht die Texte der Shoah-Überlebenden Imre Kertész, Liana Millu und... more
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "gender-based inequity is usually exacerbated during situations of extreme violence such as armed conflict." Women and girls in particular experience conflict and displacement in different... more
This analysis stems from a renewed sense of urgency to understand the roots of violence in Central America deemed critical by late globalization and migration. More specifically, this article utilizes the concept of impunity not merely as... more
The question of sexual violence in the context of armed conflict has been widely known; however, this discipline has not explored in depth how bodies of the victims suffer different effects in the midst of the power dynamics. Methodology... more
This paper will aim to look at the condition and the rights of women in conflict situations in light of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and some guidelines. It does so by recognizing... more