Sermons and Homilies
Recent papers in Sermons and Homilies
Augustine’s Sermon 4 on Esau and Jacob is long (860 lines) and consists of a complex division in 37 chapters. This division makes it difficult to identify quickly and easily the rhetorical arrangement which must have been an important... more
An investigation of Ælfric's shame-vocabulary allows us to divide his shame concept into three areas: being (a)shamed, active shaming, and the shameful. The prototypical scenario of shame is humiliation or exposure before others. However,... more
Проповеди, произнесённые за время обучения в Московской духовной семинарии 2013—2019.
В настоящем издании опубликованы проповеди на праздничных богослужениях и вечерних молитвах в храмах Московской духовной академии.
В настоящем издании опубликованы проповеди на праздничных богослужениях и вечерних молитвах в храмах Московской духовной академии.
This draft paper starts from Ælfric's Letter to Brother Edward, in which he expresses profound disgust against women who have beer-parties while sitting on the privy. It notes that when Ælfric depicts disgusting bodies they are usually... more
A translation of three homilies on the devil by John Chrysostom. Made in 2014.
Ce numéro a été réalisé par des théologiennes de l’ÉPUdF en Région parisienne, pasteures ou animatrice biblique. Une connivence s’est construite autour du geste de ratage du clown, évoqué par l’une d’elles. L’équipe s’est mise au travail,... more
Quatre théologiens de la région de Neuchâtel, en Suisse, se sont donné pour tâche de travailler sur des textes bibliques déjà « commentés » par de grands écrivains. Ils ont fait le pari que les œuvres littéraires en question permettraient... more
"Laodicea at Bethel" is a sermon delivered as part of the Dear Church Series at Bethel University, St. Paul, on Friday, the 19th of February, 2021.
Faith is an action. This 25 minutes sermon will help you to understand what faith mean based on Abraham's faith.
Masalah kehadiran umat katolik di gereja sudah terjadi sejak lama. Pada abad ke-19 diadakan survei nasional dan jajak pendapat di Inggris untuk mengukur proporsi penduduk yang datang ke gereja katolik pada hari minggu. Hasil survei... more
A twelfth-century manuscript preserves an English homily known as the History of the Holy Rood-Tree. In it, the three Rods of Moses perform a number of miracles, including turning the skin of several Ethiopian men and their sons white.... more
Książka zawiera teksty homilii, kazań i mów okolicznościowych, których autorami są misjonarze oblaci Maryi Niepokalanej.
¿Qué es la educación adventista? ¿Qué implica? ¿Cuál es su propósito? ¿Por qué es importante? ¿Sucede la educación adventista solo en las aulas de un colegio o universidad? ¿Cuál es el rol de la iglesia y el hogar en ella? ¿Es el concepto... more
La Biblia nos enseña que Dios estableció el matrimonio. Si el matrimonio es una maravillosa idea que nació en el corazón de Dios, entonces sólo el Señor puede mostrarnos cómo tener un hogar feliz. Nuestro Dios, el gran terapeuta familiar... more
À vous maintenant qui dites : « Aujourd’hui ou demain nous irons dans telle ville, nous y passerons une année, nous y ferons des affaires et nous gagnerons de l’argent », vous qui ne savez pas ce qui arrivera demain ! En effet, qu’est-ce... more
Trad. rom. de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2019. "Dumnezeu, ca să suprime păcatul, i-a făcut omului câteva daruri, pentru a-l face capabil să lepede păcatul. Unul dintre cele mai importante dintre aceste daruri este... more
Traducere din greaca veche de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2010
Predicar es un arte. Tan simple y al mismo tiempo tan complejo que, a menos que sea un experimentado predicador, después de una invitación es casi imposible no pensar: ¿sobre qué voy a predicar? Siete Columnas para un Cristianismo Exitoso... more
Sermons, one of the best-preserved genres of early Christian literature, circulated widely in late antiquity within biblical commentaries, catenae, and conciliar acts. But in the Middle Ages, homiliaries – sermon collections ordered... more
Si propongono in questo contesto i 60 Sermones del corpus di Vienna ÖNB MS lat. 4147, che vari studiosi hanno collegato al donatismo, con una generale armonizzazione rispetto alle edizioni di cui sono stati oggetto fino a oggi (PL 39, PL... more
My Homilies for teh 6 Sundays of the Easter Season Cycle B)
Trad. rom. de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2016. Cuvintele Starețului Emilianos, adunate în volumul de faţă alcătuiesc o livadă duhovnicească cu mult mai presus decât cea pământească. Aceste cuvinte au fost rostite între... more
My homilies for the six Sundays of the Easter Season, Ascension Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi Sunday, with titles: Mystical Death and Resurrection (1st Sunday of Easter), Thomas(2nd Sunday of Easter), Secret... more
Sermon Transcript on the topic of The Gospel from Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians
Research into the Armenian reception of the Syriac non-Chalcedonian poet-theologian Jacob of Serugh (c. 451-521) and his writings is still in its infancy. At least fourteen of Jacob’s prose and verse homilies, possibly as many as... more
My homilies for the 5 Sundays of the Lenten Season, and Passion Sunday Cycle C, with titles: "Desert Temptations" (1st Sunday of Lent), "Pagsugot sa Disyerto" (1st Sunday of Lent (Cycle C), "TRANSFIGURATION 2" (2nd Sunday of Lent),... more
My homilies for the Sundays in Ordinary Time Cycle C Part 1( Ordinary Sundays 3-11).
Sermones 184 (SPM 1, pp. 74-76) and 185 (PL 38, are the first two of thirteen sermones in natali domini nostri Iesu Christi, or nativity sermons (ss.
Annoncer un Évangile de liberté et de pardon est un défi qu’ont à relever les aumôniers de prison. Brice Deymié, pasteur et aumônier national (Fédération protestante de France), et l’équipe d’aumônerie des prisons de... more
Voici la parole adressée à Jérémie de la part de l'Éternel, la dixième année du règne de Sédécias sur Juda, qui était aussi la dix-huitième année du règne de Nebucadnetsar. L'armée du roi de Babylone faisait alors le siège de Jérusalem et... more
My homilies for the Sundays in Ordinary Time Cycle B Part 1 (Sundays 2-14).
St Andrew the Apostle, seldom cited in the Canonical Gospels, is the main character of a large apocryphal tradition that probably spreads from his topic image as a former fisherman. A recent critical approach by MacDonald even considers... more
How does Matthew make use of Hosea 11:1. The words of Hosea refer to the past and not to the future. How can Matthew talk about fulfillment in the days of Jesus?
My homilies for the Sundays in Ordinary Time Cycle B Part 2 (Ordinary Sundays 15-24).
The Old Church Slavonic translation of John Chrysostom’s commentaries on Acts of the Apostles (CPG 4426) is attested in 18 ethica and fragments included in the Old Bulgarian collection Zlatostruy from the early 10th-century Preslav. The... more
This is an overview of the IMSSS gathering in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Augustine’s sermons 53 and 53A deal with the beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5). These texts are two different sermons with different emphases, preached on two separate instances for different occasions. In both sermons,... more
Ce numéro est consacré à la thématique du « Développement holistique ». Une introduction rédigée par le pasteur suisse Reto Gmünder et le pasteur camerounais Jean-Blaise Kenmogne, tous deux formateurs en développement holistique,... more
Don Bosco’s Marian sermon notes This is a critical edition of the seven sets of hand written sermon notes by Don Bosco preserved in the ASC and prepared on the occasion of some Marian feasts. Only two of them are dated (3 June 1842 and... more
Шестой том международной научной серии Monumenta byzantino-slavica et latina Slovaciae под названием "Dva uglianske rukopisy ponaučení a exempiel zo 17. storočia / Две углянские рукописи поучений и притч XVIII в." содержит текст... more
Contains a discourse analysis of John 5:19-47 for a better understanding of the words of Jesus (verse 16-18).
I have demonstrated in a series of articles that it is possible to uncover the arrangement of Augustine's Nativity sermons in a different manner than by looking at the traditional rhetorical rules. Thus the parts into which the texts of... more