Recent papers in Refrigeration
The heating load calculation is based on peak or near-peak conditions, which normally occur early in the morning before sunrise, in addition, in cold countries, the ambient temperature variation during the winter months is not... more
Survey Modelling Simulation a b s t r a c t Computer simulation has become a required tool in the design phase of vapor compression systems; however with relatively few exceptions most simulations focus on the basic four component... more
The safety of irradiated pork packed in 25% CO2:75% N2 and stored at abuse temperature (10 or 15°C) was assessed by inoculation studies involving Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica... more
Arterial grafts and experimental soft tissues are commonly preserved using refrigeration and freezing. The present study was designed to investigate effects of common storage protocols on arterial mechanics. Porcine aortas were axially... more
A new device for storage and shipping of cell cultures -the Petaka G3 cell management device -was tested for its applicability for cooled-storage of equine semen. Semen from three stallions was processed with EquiPro extender either... more
Natural refrigerants, such as hydrocarbons, have been renewed in recent
Today, over-consumption, pollution and resource depletion threaten sustainability. Waste management policies frequently fail to reduce consumption, prevent pollution, conserve resources and foster sustainable products. However, waste... more
This study answers two questions about power sector reform in Moldova. First, did reform affect the poor and the non-poor differently? Second, are household consumption patterns different for private and public distribution networks? The... more
The genus Hebe is mainly native to New Zealand, and a number of species and cultivars are used as ornamental garden and balcony plants in many countries. The ornamental value is increased by controlled flowering. In this experiment... more
Exploitation of solar energy is becoming increasingly popular thanks to the potential saving on energy costs and to widespread environmental friendly policies. In this context, solar cooling is particularly interesting since greater... more
We have conducted a study to analyze monitoring of the cold chain of 674 OPV field samples collected at four different levels of vaccine distribution viz., immunization clinics, district stores, hospitals and Primary Health Centers (PHC)... more
In arsenic-endemic and other areas, food is an important path of exposure to this contaminant. Food is generally consumed in processed form, after a preservation treatment or cooking, which may alter the concentrations and chemical forms... more
Objectives: To report results on coverage, safety and logistics of a large-scale, school-based Vi polysaccharide immunization campaign in North Jakarta. Methods: Of 443 primary schools in North Jakarta, Indonesia, 18 public schools were... more
The formation of frost causes a decrease in the heat exchanger performance because of increased thermal resistance. In this study, the performance of a refrigeration system in a refrigerator truck with frost growth was determined and the... more
Vapor absorption refrigeration system is interesting to be developed in advance due to prospect of this system that could be operated using lower temperature heat source. Two fluid types are normally used in the systems, i.e. one fluid... more
Improving thermodynamic efficiency for refrigeration cycles is one of the key elements in conceptual process design activities for achieving cost-effective and sustainable production of liquefied natural gas. Various structural and heat... more
A conceptual trigeneration system is proposed based on the conventional gas turbine cycle for the high temperature heat addition while adopting the heat recovery steam generator for process heat and vapor absorption refrigeration for the... more
Liquefy Natural Gas (LNG) is the liquid phase from the Natural gas that extracted and purified. Natural Gas manufacturer turns gas to liquid to make more storage space and to make transportation easier. To turn the natural gas to liquid,... more
A total of 26 Lactobacillus strains were isolated from various mild yoghurts and novel-type probiotic dairy products and from a starter culture preparation and were identified by using DNA-DNA hybridization technique. The species present... more
Routine immunization is a key child survival intervention. Issues related to quality of service delivery pose operational challenges in delivering effective immunization services. Accumulated evidences suggest that "supportive... more
Temperature Air a b s t r a c t Efficiency of forced-air cooling processes is measured by process time and product temperature uniformity. Ventilated packaging is required to achieve a rapid and uniform cooling process. Product type,... more
High-pressure supported freezing processes need a more efficient refrigeration technique to be applied at industrial level. A cooling method consisting in the circulation of a refrigerant in ebullition around the product in the vessel has... more
Fucus spiralis 4 and sorbic acid) on quality properties of refrigerated megrim 5 (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis) 6 7 8 9 10 SUMMARY 31 32 The effect of replacing the on-board currently employed polyethylene film by a novel 33 type of... more
Minichannel Aluminium Experiment Heat transfer Water Refrigerated Flow Laminar Nusselt a
The performance of a twin screw compressor operating under wet (two-phase) compression conditions in an ammonia-water compression absorption heat pump cycle is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The paper reports on the... more
The density of 11 refrigerants (hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbon (HFCs)) in the extended ranges of temperature and pressure has been calculated using GoharshadieMorsalieAbbaspour equation of state (GMA EoS) and the... more
Performance Comparison Experiment a b s t r a c t The Robur absorption-refrigeration water-ammonia (ARWA) system is analyzed using Aspen Plus flowsheet simulator. The results are compared with experimental and some manufacturer data... more
Heat transfer simulation within heating furnaces is of great significance for prediction and control of the performance of furnaces. In this paper, a set of models is proposed to solve heat transfer problems in a loaded furnace.... more
Estimates are provided for R-1234ze(Z) of its: (1) critical temperature, pressure, and density, acentric factor, and ideal gas specific heat at constant pressure, and (2) various thermodynamic and transport properties, which are used to... more
Compression system Process Detection Fault Steady state a b s t r a c t This paper presents a general methodology for developing a steady-state detector for a vapor compression system based on a moving window and using standard deviations... more
Several phenomena that affect energy consumption, noise level and reliability of compressors are associated with transient effects that occur during the compressor startup and shutdown. This paper presents a simulation methodology,... more
1Department of Mechanical Engineering & Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Rangareddy, Telangana 2Department of Mechanical Engineering & Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Rangareddy, Telangana 3Department of Mechanical Engineering &... more
The EU Directive on energy labelling of household appliances (Directive 92/75/EC) and its revision (Directive 2010/30/EU) are quite successful in helping households choose energy efficient products... more
Colour and the composition of folate, ascorbic acid and anthocyanin of strawberry cv. Camarosa was monitored during refrigerated storage at 4 C each day for 6 days. Folate, anthocyanin and ascorbic acid compositions were determined using... more
PurposeTo evaluate the compliance of private pharmacies to good pharmacy practice (GPP) in an urban and rural district in Sri Lanka and identify deficiencies with a view to improving supply of safe and effective drugs to consumers.To... more
As per the Montreal Protocol, CFCs and HCFCs are being phased out. HCFC-22 is used in window air conditioners. This paper presents the experimental performance study of a window air conditioner with propane (HC-290), a natural... more
Rosemary essential oil (REO) contains bioactives having antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. This work investigated the effect of REO combined with modified atmosphere packaging conditions (MAP), in our case, aerobic, vacuum or high... more
The mechanical properties of solid foods have not been extensively studied. This is due to the fact that most foods behave as viscous fluids or viscoelastic ''solids''. In the case of freezing of foods or by considering solid foods (i.e.... more
Theoretical analyses of subcritical/transcritical heat pumps using four natural refrigerants, carbon dioxide, ammonia, propane and isobutane have been carried out for high temperature heating applications at different heating outlet... more
Supermarket Open display case Air curtain Experiment Air distribution R-507 a b s t r a c t This paper presents some of the results derived from extensive experimentation on display cases for supermarkets and derives some possible... more
Radial clearance OileR134a mixture Refrigerant leakage a b s t r a c t In this paper a non-isothermal two-phase model for oileR134a refrigerant mixture flow is presented to predict the R134a leakage through the radial clearance of rolling... more