Tablets, smartphones, online media and consumption.
Recent papers in Tablets, smartphones, online media and consumption.
The book addresses the relation between several social and cultural aspects of contemporary society and the digitization process, it debates new methodologies and approaches to the study of social media and digital networks. It examines... more
Resumo O ecossistema móvel faz parte dos processos de convergência multiplataforma das organizações jornalísticas. Dentre os dispositivos móveis, smartphones e tablets são centrais para a produção e o consumo de notícias em... more
El ecosistema mediático de la actualidad ha puesto en jaque conceptos centrales de la comunicación tradicional, tales como “medio” y “audiencia”, entre otros. El concepto “contenido” de la era del broadcasting suponía un paquete cerrado... more
The concept of " leisure time " originally refers to times that one does not work, but mentally improves themselves. Reading, is the primary activity that helps people to improve themselves in this way. However, today, most of the youth... more
The objective of the present study is to develop a pharmaceutically stable, cost effective and quality improved robust formulation of Valsartan Immediate Release tablets. The aim of work is related to the formulation and... more
Anacardiumgum derived from the edible seeds of Anacardiumoccidantale(family Anacardiaceae) was evaluated for its binding properties at a concentration of 5 % w/w and 10% w/w in Ibuprofen tablets with official... more
The technological development and growing consumer needs influence both the dynamics of launching new mobile devices with the access to the internet and introducing into common parlance terms describing these devices and activities... more
The main focus of this report is on children’s experience of mobile media and the mobile internet, with an emphasis on smartphones and tablets. Ultimately the project is interested in risk and safety issues, but to contextualise this, the... more
In the upcoming years, younger adults will become increasingly important in the promotion of older adults’ health and well-being in both personal and professional aspects. However, negative attitudes about the elderly often harm... more
The mobile phones are becoming now an irreplaceable utility of every household. It serves as wall clock, alarm clock, calculator, calendar, timer and many more, but have this multi-functionality overloaded the interface of the new... more
Mobile phones and, in particular smartphones, suppose new devices to accede to digital contents. The most recent devices are the tablets which generate new forms of consumption by the technology, usability and interactivity of the format.... more
Vor ein paar Jahren habe ich bemerkt, dass sich die Leute um mich herum anders bewegen.
(for an open Access journal article to this presentation see:; "A Question of Commitment, Attention and Trust The Role of Smartphone Practices for Parent-Child Relationships in... more
Smartphones, tablets, and touch screen laptops, are powerful tools capable of accommodating hundreds of specialized, complex operations and applications to anyone, seemingly anywhere in the world. As close to all tertiary students own... more
The current study aims to investigate the effect of smartphones usage on the upper extremity performance among Saudi youth. A goniometer to measure the Range of Motion (ROM), the Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS), McGill Pain scale and... more
Formulation research is oriented towards safety, efficacy and quick onset of action of existing drug molecule through novel concepts of drug delivery. Orally disintegrating tablets of sumatriptan succinate were prepared by direct... more
Uno de los elementos característicos del escenario comunicativo actual es la sobreabundancia informativa. Constituye un rasgo distintivo de nuestra era, junto con la cultura de la velocidad. La creciente implantación de las tecnologías... more
Resumo Foi na década de 1990 que os celulares tiveram penetração no mercado de bens de consumo, oferecendo demandas na produção, circulação e distribuição, tanto dos aparelhos, quanto da consolidação da telefonia móvel no Brasil.... more
Interested in connecting users with the latest resources aimed at advancing intellectual inquiry and discovery, researchers from Texas Tech University Libraries decided to embark on a study to explore the practicality of the latest... more
Recent research in ubiquitous computing uses technologies of Body Area Networks (BANs) to monitor the person's kinematics and physiological parameters. In this paper we propose a real time mobile health system for monitoring elderly... more
As an emergent hybrid form that challenges and extends already established 'fine art' categories, augmented reality art deployed on portable mobile devices ( tablets & smartphones) fundamentally eschews models found in the conventional... more
The following paper proposes the design and creation of a mobile smartphone app – Healthy MSM – for enhancing the health and sexual practices of men who have sex with men. The app design process will be delineated in the following... more
New technological improvements and rapid development in smart devices occupied every instance of daily living. Business world using these systems since 80's. However future users of these systems nowadays students continued to educated by... more
Daftar harga handphone 1 jutaan dengan spesifikasi RAM 2 GB dengan OS Lollipop dibulan Juni - Juli 2016
This poster presents a review of most useful mobile Apps for learning chemistry. Our objective on this ongoing research program is to examine the implementation of smartphones Apps for improving learner outcomes. It was applied to a... more
Developing a new broadcast approach
L’analyse de la dimension temporelle des usages du smartphone d’une population d’étudiants révèle l’incorporation de l’objet connecté à la vie quotidienne. D’une certaine façon, le smartphone disparaît en se banalisant dans les pratiques... more
STRESZCZENIE Artykuł prezentuje media mobilna znajdujące zastosowanie w przestrzeni miejskiej: media i gry lokacyjne, mobilne sieci społecznościowe, mobilne lokacyjne sieci społecznościowe itp. Koncentruje się na komunikacji za... more
Modern mobile devices are replete with advanced sensors that expand the array of possible methods of locating users. This can be used as a tool to gather and use spatial information, but it also brings with it the specter of... more
A inquietação e as diversas necessidades de ordem social e dialética dos educadores no século 21 favorece um olhar sob a perspectiva do uso e seleção de aplicativos (Apps) para tablets e/ou smarthphones. A percepção dessas articulações e... more
"his paper proposes a model for new evaluation tool specially designed for tablet publications. The need for a new set of heuristics is three fold. Firstly all old heuristics are built for software which relates to the WIMP (Window, Icon,... more
El actual ecosistema mediático está reconfigurando el lugar de los medios tradicionales, particularmente en el modo en que se consumen las noticias por parte de la audiencia. El objetivo de esta investigación, de carácter cualitativo y... more