Analysis (Mathematics)
Recent papers in Analysis (Mathematics)
We extend existence and uniqueness results from Banach spaces over the real numbers to the more general context of locally complete spaces over the reals.
This book is intended as a text for a course in analysis, at the senior or first-year graduate level. A year-long course in real analysis is an essential part of the preparation of any potential mathematician. For the first half of such a... more
WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, Issue 3, vol. 4, pp. 133-142, ISSN 1109- 2769.
Seção retirada do livro "Números: O Império dos Irracionais'', escrito pelo grupo PET-Matemática da Universidade Federal do Paraná no ano de 2017, para o evento: "XIII Brincando de Matemático''.
It has never been accomplished to describe our behavior mathematically. Due to the fact that human behavior is highly erratic even the understanding of its causes are still sketchy. Assuming that we are all equal in our regulation of... more
Reservados todos los derechos de publicación en cualquier idioma. La reproducción total o parcial de esta obra mediante cualquier procedimiento, ya sea mecánico, óptico, reprografía o bien tratamiento informático, así como la distribución... more
Del libro J.Rogawski, Cálculo, Una variable, 2ª Edición. Dedicado a los alumnos del Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.
Introduced several new axiomatic systems, that are not less general than group theory, and discovered discontinuous analysis. In this work I introduce and study in details the concepts of funcoids which generalize proximity spaces and... more
In this paper, we prove existence and uniqueness of left and right Haar measures on a locally compact topological group, and show how one can relate left and right Haar measure.
Apresenta-se uma coletânea de exercícios de Análise Matemática com vistas ao estudo do Rn, dos espaços métricos, sucessões e séries. As demonstrações são apresentadas em listas ordenadas de proposições.
Incluye las demostraciones del teorema del valor medio para integrales, el teorema fundamental del calculo parte 1 y parte 2.
Definition of a non-degenerate function. This allows us to differentiate the direct and inverse functions at intervals.
Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ) aims to publish original research papers and survey articles on all areas of pure mathematics, theoretical applied mathematics, mathematical physics, theoretical... more
This paper deals with the symmetric space of functions and its subspace where continuous functions are dense is considered. Main properties of convolution which plays a vital role in harmonic analysis, as in other areas of mathematics are... more
The aim of this paper is to study the class of β-normal spaces. The relationships among s-normal spaces, p-normal spaces and β-normal spaces are investigated. Moreover, we study the forms of generalized β-closed functions. We obtain... more
Criterios de convergencia o divergencia para algunas series. No incluye demostraciones.
Link: Compactness is a generalization of the notion that a subset is both closed (it includes all its limit points) and bounded (All points lie within a... more
En este artículo examino algunas especulaciones sobre la representación formal de biografías e historias vitales, tal como aparecen en el MANUSCRITO ENCONTRADO EN ZARAGOZA, novela-marco de Jan Potocki (1804, 1810). En la persona del... more
Penemuan Operasi Matematika baru Laode (L) dan Operasi baru Matematika Jumadil (J), meneumukan Struktur dasar Alam Semesta.
Closed graph theorems of DeWilde, Grothendieck, and Saxon are proved in the context of spaces over non-Archimedean fields. The corresponding open mappings theorems are also obtained.
Misalkan K adalah ruang Hilbert. Operator dikatakan kontinu lengkap (completely continuous) pada ruang Hilbert jika dan hanya jika untuk sebarang barisan vektor dengan berhingga, berlaku memiliki subbarisan konvergen. Dan nilai... more
"This is an important and ambitious book. It will probably be influential not only in colleges and universities but also in the mathematical community generally, It deserves careful study. because it is an unusual book, it is fitting to... more
Οι 2 Εικασίες του Goldbach's με την Απόδειξη Κάθε άρτιος ακέραιος >2 είναι το άθροισµα δύο πρώτων & η Ισοδύναµη Κάθε ακέραιος περιττός >5 είναι το άθροισµα τριών πρώτων αριθµών Mantzakouras Nikos March 2015
Crater-like electrospinning is a novel and cost-effective method for the mass scale production of nanofibers. The gas channel in the polymer solution plays a key role to produce a bubble Taylor cone or a crater-like Taylor cone, which is... more
Από την Εισαγωγή του βιβλίου Σημαντικὸ εἶναι τὸ πρόβλημα ἀπροσδιόριστης ἀνάλυσης Α βαθμοῦ τοῦ κεφαλαίου 165. Τέτοιου εἴδους πρόβλημα ὑπάρχει στὸ τέλος τῆς ἔκδοσης τῆς Ἀριθμητικῆς Εἰσαγωγῆς τοῦ Νικόμαχου τοῦ Γερασηνοῦ (2 ος αἰ.). Μολονότι... more