Russia's foreign policy
Recent papers in Russia's foreign policy
The paper studies Russia’s Ukraine policy since the Orange Revolution. Russia’s policy toward its western neighbor has evolved from unhappy relations with Victor Yushchenko to rapprochement with Victor Yanukovich and then confrontation... more
დამოუკიდებლობიდან თავისუფლებისკენ არის ესსების კრებული რომელშიც ავტორთა ჯგუფი აანალიზებს დამოუკიდებელის საქართველოს გავნითარების სხვადასხვა ასპექტს.
The book provides an insight into the dilemma of the "true right-wing position". It makes an attempt to describe the rightists' journey from conservative and religious universalism to narrow-minded ethnic nationalism by means of the the... more
This paper intends to answer the question of how Sino-Indian controversies, specifically relations between India and the US, and Sino-Russian cooperation influence the ties between Russia and India. The paper offers an analysis of the key... more
Russia has not only violated numerous treaties, especially with Ukraine. It has also devalued important networks and organizations it had been integrating or cooperating with for years, if not decades. While most of these international... more
The paper argues that the Kremlin will look more at Russia's foreign policy as a tool to reassert the country's grandeur than a resource for the modernisation effort.
This paper attempts to advance the neoclassical realist framework by elaborating on the interaction between system-level and unit-level factors in the formation of states' behavior. With an empirical focus on post-Cold War China-Russia... more
Post-Cold War China-Russia strategic cooperation has displayed significant development and become an increasingly important factor in contemporary international politics. However, there has been no theory-grounded framework and... more
The collection of essays provides an analysis of the dynamic changes of the contemporary world order and Russia’s role in these transformations. The interplay of domestic and foreign policies is considered.... more
Post-Cold War China-Russia relations have always been a matter of debate. Since the end of the Cold War, the China-Russia strategic cooperation has progressed consistently, showing immunity to exogenous shocks. This paper explores the... more
АННОТАЦИЯ: Российско-турецкие отношения – один из наиболее сложных вопросов внешней политики Турции, равно как и Росси. К настоящему времени в отношениях Москвы и Анкары накопилось достаточно проблем как экономического, так и... more
In the international framework India is finding a larger position for itself. This hope is focused on the belief that India is a prosperous democracy with substantial human and material resources; it is an increasingly strong economic... more
This paper explores the correlates of Russia’s aggressive international policy and argues that rising oil revenues increase the aggressiveness of presidential foreign-policy rhetoric. Using content analysis and machine-learning... more