Papers by Mohd Yusof Hussain
Akademika, 2012
Tourist-friendly destination is a destination where spaces, activities and products are able to g... more Tourist-friendly destination is a destination where spaces, activities and products are able to give maximum satisfaction to tourists. It can be executed at all levels of destination, ranging from small premises, a region, and to a larger site at the national level of the country. This article aims to evaluate to what extent the tourism policy and strategies at the national level planned and implement a tourist-friendly destination. The study reveals that although tourist-friendly concept is not explicitly mentioned in the existing tourism policies and strategies, it has been implicitly implemented through an amalgamation of tourism activities, products and spaces. These components are being implemented at the state level as tourism develops. This article concludes that tourist friendly destination needs to be clearly conceptualized and implemented as it ensures all tourist segments, international and domestic, likes to experience the real Malaysian hospitality. Keywords: Tourist friendly destination; tourism policy and strategy; tourism product; hospitality; tourist segmentation ABSTRAK Destinasi mesra pelancong merupakan sebuah destinasi di mana ruang, aktiviti dan produk yang ditawarkan dapat memberikan kepuasan maksimum kepada pelancong, sama ada di premis-premis bersaiz kecil sehinggalah ke skala wilayah, negeri mahupun negara. Artikel ini bertujuan menilai sejauh mana dasar dan strategi pelancongan di peringkat nasional dirancang dan dilaksanakan ke arah pembangunan sebuah destinasi mesra pelancong. Hasil kajian mendapati walaupun peletakan destinasi mesra pelancong di peringkat nasional tidak dinyatakan secara tersurat dalam dasar-dasar yang sedia ada, namun secara tersiratnya konsep tersebut telah dilaksanakan secara kombinasi dalam komponen-komponen dimensi aktiviti, produk serta ruang. Malah, komponen-komponen tersebut telah diimplementasikan dalam pembangunan pelancongan di peringkat negeri di Malaysia. Artikel ini merumuskan bahawa konsep destinasi mesra pelancong perlu diperjelaskan, agar perlaksanaannya dapat memenuhi harapan pelancong sama ada pelancong antarabangsa atau pelancong domestik yang menginginkan pengalaman sebenar hospitaliti di Malaysia. Kata kunci: Destinasi mesra pelancong; dasar dan strategi pelancongan; produk pelancongan; hospitality; segmentasi pelancong
Geografia: Malaysian journal of society and space, Sep 18, 2017
Kawasan perairan Mersing termasuk pulau-pulau di sekitarnya telah digazetkan sebagai Taman Laut p... more Kawasan perairan Mersing termasuk pulau-pulau di sekitarnya telah digazetkan sebagai Taman Laut pada tahun 1985 disebabkan oleh kerajaan ingin memelihara khazanah marin dan juga artifak bernilai yang terdapat di dasar laut. Sebagai kawasan terpelihara, namun Taman Laut sering menghadapi keterancaman disebabkan oleh tindakan manusia sendiri. Makalah ini bertujuan meneliti isu keterancaman keselamatan Taman Laut Mersing dan membincangkan usaha mengekalkan keselamatan serta pemuliharaan Taman Laut ini. Kaedah pengutipan data adalah melalui maklumat sekunder daripada Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia Jabatan Marin, Jabatan Taman Laut Johor, Jabatan Perikanan dan Polis Marin, akhbar serta data primer melalui temu bual bersemuka. Kajian ini mendapati, pulau-pulau di sekitar Mersing sedang menghadapi isu yang dikaitkan dengan ancaman lanun, pencerobohan nelayan asing, pelanggaran syarat menangkap ikan dan juga kecurian artifak bernilai di dasar laut. Makalah ini juga turut membincangkan beberapa implikasi ancaman tersebut dan mengemukakan beberapa cadangan yang perlu ke arah melindungi keselamatan perairan Mersing ini.
Home is a basic human need. Every year, the government is responsible for enacting a more sustain... more Home is a basic human need. Every year, the government is responsible for enacting a more sustainable and inclusive housing policy to ensure the adequate provision, quality and affordable housing to meet the needs of the growing sustainable communities. The aim of the current research is to analyse affordability as a mediator in the relationship between economic, social and environmental factors towards the need for home ownership among civil servants in Klang Valley. Path Analysis and Boostrapping through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) are used to see the relationship and influence between sustainability and affordability variables. There is a significant relationship between all elements of affordability with economic, social and environmental factors. Mediation effect (mediator) for the element of affordability that is tested in the construct relationship between economic, social and environmental factors on the need for home ownership. Finally, this study succeeded in formi...
Kertas bertujuan membincangkan tahap kesejahteraan hidup nelayan di Sedili, Kota Tinggi, Johor. O... more Kertas bertujuan membincangkan tahap kesejahteraan hidup nelayan di Sedili, Kota Tinggi, Johor. Objektif khusus kertas ialah mengukur tahap kesejahteraan hidup nelayan dan membuat perbandingan tahap kesejahteraan hidup nelayan pantai dengan nelayan laut dalam. Selain itu, hubungan antara tahap kesejahteraan hidup nelayan pantai dan nelayan laut dalam dengan umur, bilangan tanggungan, tempoh masa menjadi nelayan, pendapatan bulanan dan pendapatan keluarga responden turut dianalisa. Tahap kesejahteraan hidup diukur secara subjektif berdasarkan persepsi nelayan terhadap 10 pernyataan berkaitan kehidupan seharian mereka menggunakan 5-skala likert. Sejumlah 200 orang nelayan dianalisis dalam perbincangan ini. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tahap kesejahteraan hidup nelayan adalah pada tahap yang tinggi, baik nelayan pantai ataupun nelayan laut dalam. Meskipun begitu, penglibatan pihak berkuasa dalam meningkatkan tingkat kehidupan masyarakat nelayan amat penting untuk mencapai tingkat pendapata...
International Journal of Research, 2016
People around the world want development. Their development is much easier then. The government o... more People around the world want development. Their development is much easier then. The government of each country is trying to develop their respective countries. Then the approach adopted was community development. However the issue of development has always feared to be affected by the presence of poverty. Under the NKRA and this can be seen the launch of a program of development of poor communities AZAM Tani program. That this program is one program of four programs under the project 1 AZAM (end time of the poor). Batten (In. Yusof Bin Ismail, 2010) states that emphasize community development community efforts to pace themselves take action collectively to the problems and meet the needs of desperate. Bradshaw (2005) noted how every theory adopted poverty in policy discussions that regular and community development programs aimed at addressing the root causes of poverty. In previous studies, Haris B. Adb. Wahab (1996) in his study looking at the issue of involvement of participants...
The urban village is an area occupied by the urban community that lives and resides in the urban ... more The urban village is an area occupied by the urban community that lives and resides in the urban environment as a group or in certain group which was formed or naturally due to urbanization. The formation of the urban village concept is based on two circumstances, which is due to the effects of urbanization and the result of the urban village formation concept brought about by the planning and strategy of re-developing the urban area. Hence, the urban village formation concept must take into consideration the basic characteristics of the urban village environment, which consist of its geography, background of the village, type of village, the position or status of the village, traditional practices and culture, local organizations, certified status of the land title and the land, distance from the city centre and the community’s intrarelationship. Consideration to define squatter areas and settlement on government land or government reserve land were not included in the definition o...
Innovative work behaviour reflects the individual’s ability to adapt effectively to the job by mo... more Innovative work behaviour reflects the individual’s ability to adapt effectively to the job by modifying themselves or the work environment through innovation. In a work environment where innovation is encouraged and valued throughout the whole organization, employees will have plenty of possibilities to observe people that successfully engage in innovative work behaviour. In this regard, the work environment can support or discourage the employees to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills. This paper aims to measure the level of the work environment and innovative work behaviour of SMEs employees. The paper also analyzes the influence of work environment on innovative work behaviour. The result is based on data collected through selfadministrated survey of 254 employees (92.5 percent responded) at micro and small scale enterprises in the manufacturing sector at three selected cities in Malaysia. The results showed that the work environment is high. However, the level of in...
Housing preferences among Malaysian youths are an important issue because the housing unit prices... more Housing preferences among Malaysian youths are an important issue because the housing unit prices nowadays are often unaffordable. Malaysian youths confront various challenges nowadays, including marriage, relocating away from home upon graduation, and finding new work opportunities. Youths have developed into the primary section of the housing market who are constantly faced with housing options and decisions. Besides, youths have different preferences for housing characteristics throughout their particular stage of life, which will significantly impact their future lives. Data was gathered from a survey questionnaire answered by 174 Shah Alam youths aged from 18 to 35. This research focuses on identifying the preferred types of houses chosen by youths, involving features such as location, housing price and type of house to live in. The results also showed that the highest-ranked preferred factors were the financial factors, followed by the neighbourhood, location, and design factors.
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2021
Rapid development in Ampang, Selangor area has a impact on the environment. The increase in the ... more Rapid development in Ampang, Selangor area has a impact on the environment. The increase in the number of immigrants from outside with food operators from neighbouring countries demands dynamic and quality food premise management. A total of 145 unregistered food premises were detected to operate without food hygiene monitoring by the Local Council and District Health Department in the study area. The quality of food presented to customers is plays an important role in curbing the spread of epidemics such as food poisoning, diarrhea, leptospirosis, salmonellosis and other foodborne illnesses. The analysis result of Pearson Coleration showed that all the variables between knowledge had a significant relationship with the attitude of the food operator (p <0.05). The findings showed a significant relationship between knowledge and attitude (r = 0.310, p <0.05). The results showed that the presence of unlicensed food premises would damage the scenery 71.9 percent and destroy the...
Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 2018
Recently, the governors of technology-driven smart cities have been criticised for ignoring their... more Recently, the governors of technology-driven smart cities have been criticised for ignoring their citizens and limiting the role of the general public to being passive users. Even though the goal of realising citizen centricity has been embodied in the visions of most smart cities, it has remained to be a rhetorical notion. This paper was aimed to understand the citizen participation and citizen centricity phenomena in smart cities. The research method of this review paper applied the literature review framework of vom Brocke et al., with modification. Salient features such as the domains of smart cities, state of citizen centricity, Arnstein's ladder of participation, characteristics of the citizens, and management of the associated challenges have been elaborated in this theoretical study. It is postulated that citizen and participation factors are essential to build the citizen-centric smart cities. This proposition includes the characteristics of citizens and co-production, whereby the former encompasses the behaviours and roles of the citizens, while the later entails the engagement of citizens in the upper level of public within the rungs of partnership and delegated power, building of trust-capacity relationships between public professionals and citizens, as well as understanding of deliberative democracy. This research agenda will serve as a basis for further empirical research.
Asian Social Science, 2013
Development process is a part of government and policy makers' agenda to introduce and implement ... more Development process is a part of government and policy makers' agenda to introduce and implement the policies in order to create wealth creation as well as to improve livelihood in both rural and urban areas. To avoid over-concentration of development in urban areas, new development schemes for rural area development are also ventured. As a result of this scheme, two strategies to occupy rural land often utilized by the capitalist ventures in collaboration with the private developers are the land purchasing from the native land owners and the land acquisition from the state authorities. The resulting effect of these actions has been the changing pattern in terms of land ownership to the land losing phenomenon. The aim of this article is to analyse the pattern and the mechanism underlying the lost of the Malay land ownership in the District of Larut, Matang and Selama, Perak from year 2000 to 2008 as a consequent of development process. Utilizing the data collected from Department of Valuation and Property Services, Malaysia, land transaction were recorded. The results of the aggregate land transaction between Malay seller vs non-Malay buyer and non-Malay seller vs. Malay buyer still show the huge differences in number of land transactions and land sizes. While there were 179 pieces with an equivalent to 204.79 hectares of land not returned to the Malay owners, however, the land transaction between the Malays vs. non-Malay buyer also decrease. Two major factors have been identified as the impetus of such undertaking, i) a rise of awareness of the Northern economic Northern Corridor Economic Region impact on rural areas and ii) the rise of awareness of land ownership as a source of supremacy. It is imperative more awareness programmes on the importance of land ownership and generating wealth commercially be given to the rural community to ensure the native land supremacy in the future.
Politik alam sekitar melibatkan isu alam sekitar yang dijadikan isu politik dan menjadi pertimban... more Politik alam sekitar melibatkan isu alam sekitar yang dijadikan isu politik dan menjadi pertimbangan kepada pilihan politik di sesuatu kawasan. Isu alam sekitar dijadikan isu politik dalam kempen politik dan pilihan raya untuk meraih sokongan pengundi. Ia juga melibatkan pembentukan dan pengimplimentasian dasar alam sekitar yang merangkumi peranan pihak berkuasa dan sikap orang ramai terhadap isu-isu yang berkaitan alam sekitar. Pihak berkuasa/Kerajaan terlibat secara langsung dalam merancang dan menangani sebarang isu dan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan alam sekitar. Isu politik alam sekitar tersebut dikaitkan dengan governans dan pelaksanaan dasar dari segi kelemahan dan ketidaklaksanaan dasar atau peraturan alam sekitar seperti isu kutipan sampah sarap, isu bekalan air, selenggaraan kemudahan awam, isu pembalakan dan pencemaran serta kemusnahan alam sekitar. Kajian ini dilakukan di Negeri Kedah Darul Aman bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan alam sekitar dalam mempengaruhi pendapat dan pilihan politik responden/pengundi di beberapa kawasan terlibat. Kajian yang menggunakan metod temubual bersemuka ini melibatkan 600 orang responden terdiri daripada pengundi di Negeri Kedah di 16 Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) terpilih yang dijalankan pada 6 April 2012 hingga 9 April 2012. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kebanyakan responden di Negeri Kedah mengharapkan kerajaan negeri memberi perhatian yang lebih kepada persekitaran setempat mereka. Responden juga sangat mementingkan alam sekitar untuk memastikan kehidupan menjadi lebih selesa. Justeru mereka mencadangkan agar wakil rakyat kerap turun padang untuk mengatasi masalah alam sekitar di kawasan masing-masing.
‘Abqari Journal, May 14, 2019
Poverty eradication programs are often seen concerning helping to increase the income of poor Mus... more Poverty eradication programs are often seen concerning helping to increase the income of poor Muslim households. However, how about from aspect the competitiveness of the participants. Therefore, in this paper, the writer wishes to see whether the AZAM Tani Program can develop the competitiveness level of Muslim participants in the Seberang Perai area of Penang. The method is quantitative and the census is used to collect 54 samples using the survey form. The results of the analysis show that competitiveness is indirectly obtained through the implementation of this program. It is acquired through knowledge and skills. This can be seen in the Spearman correlation test. It also shows a significant relationship between program implementation with knowledge, knowledge with competitiveness and skills with competitiveness. Abstrak Program pembasmian kemiskinan sering kali dilihat dari aspek membantu peningkatan pendapatan isi rumah miskin beragama Islam. Namun begitu, bagaimana dari aspek daya saing pesertanya. Oleh itu dalam makalah ini, penulis ingin melihat adakah Program AZAM Tani dapat membangunkan tahap daya saing peserta beragama Islam di kawasan Seberang Perai, Pulau Pinang. Kaedah adalah kuantitatif dan bancian digunakan untuk kutip 54 sampel dengan menggunakan borang kaji selidik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan daya saing tidak diperoleh secara langsung melalui perlaksanaan program ini. Ia diperoleh melalui pengetahuan dan kemahiran. Hal ini dapat dilihat dalam ujian korelasi Spearman. Ia juga menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan di antara pelaksanaan program dengan pengetahuan, pengetahuan dengan daya saing dan kemahiran dengan daya saing. Kata kunci: AZAM Tani, kemiskinan, pengetahuan, kemahiran, daya saing.
Geografia: Malaysian journal of society and space, 2018
Geografia: Malaysian journal of society and space, Sep 20, 2017
Dalam sebagai negara yang multi etnik, usaha pembinaan negara bangsa menjadi agenda utama kerajaa... more Dalam sebagai negara yang multi etnik, usaha pembinaan negara bangsa menjadi agenda utama kerajaan. Selepas Malaysia mencapai kemerdekaan, usaha pertama ke arah perpaduan ialah membentuk kerjasama antara parti politik United Malay National Organization (UMNO), Malaysia Chinese Association (MCA) dan Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC). Namun, perkembangan politik Malaysia menunjukkan banyak pergolakan terutama dalam parti politik Melayu seperti UMNO, PAS (Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party) dan PKR. Konflik politik ini sudah tentu memberi cabaran besar terhadap usaha pembentukan negara bangsa. Oleh itu, Kajian ini berkaitan krisis politik Melayu dan pembinaan negara bangsa di Malaysia selepas Pilihan raya Umum (PRU) 12. Dalam perkembangan politik Malaysia mutakhir ini, media juga turut memainkan peranan penting yang kadangkala turut merumitkan lagi krisis yang wujud. Kaedah pengumpulan data adalah daripada sumber sekunder dan temubual dengan pemimpin politik. Katakunci: etnik, keistimewaan orang Melayu, krisis politik, Melayu, negara bangsa, parti politik In a multi-ethnic country, nation building becomes a crucial agenda. After Malaysia gained independence, the first effort towards national unity is to establish cooperation between the dominant political parties, viz. the United Malay National Organization (UMNO), the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC). However, the political development of Malay political parties viz. the UMNO, PAS (Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party) and PKR is beset with crises posing a major challenge to the nation building agenda. This paper elucidates Malay political crisis and the issue of nation building in Malaysia after the 12th General Election using secondary data sources and filed interviews with relevant political leaders. The findings pointed to the conclusion that the failure to unite was at the root of the Malay political crises and Malaysia’s nation building challenges. Keywords: ethnic, Malay, Malay privilege, nation building, political crisis, political parties
Geografia, Aug 27, 2021
Malaysia dijangka mendapat status negara tua pada tahun 2030. Penuaan penduduk berlaku apabila pe... more Malaysia dijangka mendapat status negara tua pada tahun 2030. Penuaan penduduk berlaku apabila penambahan jangka hayat penduduk dan berlakunya penurunan kadar kesuburan. Peningkatan jumlah warga tua adalah hasil daripada perkembangan kemudahan kesihatan, kemajuan teknologi, kesedaran penduduk terhadap kepentingan penjagaan kesihatan, peningkatan taraf pendidikan, dan pekerjaan. Artikel ini membincangkan tentang kesedaran kesihatan mempengaruhi kadar penuaan di Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur. Kajian ini memberi fokus tentang penggunaan kemudahan fasiliti awam kesihatan penduduk di kawasan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur. Kaedah kuantitatif telah digunakan dalam kajian ini dan populasi kajian adalah warga tua yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas berdasarkan takrifan yang dibuat oleh Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat. Persampelan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah persampelan bertujuan. Kriteria penerimaan sampel warga tua yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas, mampu memahami dan melengkapkan borang soal selidik. Analisis deskriptif iaitu peratus dan min telah digunakan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kemudahan awam, amalan kesihatan dan kesihatan umum merupakan keperluan utama bagi warga emas bandar dalam memastikan mereka dapat menjalani kehidupan seharian dengan baik. Oleh itu, kajian ini boleh dimanfaatkan oleh semua pihak bagi tujuan memperkasa pembangunan fasiliti awam mesra warga tua bandar.
Geografia: Malaysian journal of society and space, Sep 18, 2017
Dalam dunia tanpa sempadan, penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris amat penting untuk mahasiswa bukan sahaja ... more Dalam dunia tanpa sempadan, penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris amat penting untuk mahasiswa bukan sahaja sebagai bahasa ilmu tetapi juga sebagai bahasa untuk memasarkan mahasiswa itu sendiri sebagai gunatenaga mahir dalam sektor pekerjaan yang diceburi. Oleh sebab itu, objektif utama kajian ini ialah untuk meneliti pandangan mahasiswa terhadap facebook dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris. Kajian ini menggunakan strategi penyelidikan abduktif di mana pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris dalam facebook diukur berdasarkan pada fenomena, pengalaman dan pengetahuan mereka sendiri sebagai ahli facebook. Pendek kata, fenomena, pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang hendak dikaji mestilah yang dialami dalam kehidupan harian dan bukannya fenomena yang dicipta oleh situasi eksperimental. Data telah dikumpul menggunakan temubual mendalam. Saiz sampel dalam kajian ini ditentukan oleh ketepuan data. Oleh itu, sejumlah 30 orang mahasiwa telah dipilih sebagai informan dalam kajian ini menggunakan persampelan bertujuan dan persampelan snowball. Kesahihan dan kebolehpercayaan data kajian ini ditentukan menggunakan pendekatan member checked. Hasil kajian mendapati pandangan mahasiswa terhadap facebook dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris boleh dibahagikan kepada enam tema utama iaitu penulisan, perbincangan, mempelajari perkataan baru, panduan tatabahasa, kemahiran mendengar dan bertutur dan akhir sekali kemahiran menterjemah. Keenam-enam tema ini dilihat telah meningkatkan keyakinan mereka menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantaraan sama ada dalam situasi formal dan tidak formal.
The International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Nov 7, 2018
Innovation is an important factor for a successful and sustainable business. Hence innovations ne... more Innovation is an important factor for a successful and sustainable business. Hence innovations need to be implemented in every enterprise regardless of its size. This research aims to identify types of innovation strategies by small and medium halal enterprise in Malaysia. 12 halal enterprise owners were interviewed and the interview narrative were analyse using thematic analysis procedures. Seven basic themes have been identified that represent types of product innovation, organisational innovation and marketing innovation. However, service innovation does not obviously observe from the interview narrative analysis. This study helps to understand the three types of innovation strategies by the small and medium enterprise and also the types of innovation effort that need to be further emphasis in the innovation strategies by the small and medium enterprise.
The International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Nov 12, 2018
To have a safe city to live in is the utmost prerogative of its community. Living in a city with ... more To have a safe city to live in is the utmost prerogative of its community. Living in a city with criminals freely roaming is not an ideal of living condition. Thus, safe city programme was invented to overcome the fear living condition in many cities throughout the world. Similar condition applies in Kulaijaya, Malaysia where such a programme was implemented through crime prevention measures using environmental design approaches. To strengthen the programme, public awareness is adopted together with the encouragement to involve the city communities in the programme. In 2004, Kulaijaya has slowly started to implement the programme and it has significantly provided relief to the urban dwellers since the statistics on Kulaijaya's crime index for the year of 2005-2009 shown an alarming rate. This paper is to investigate if the programme has shown the positive outcome gauging from the measures used within the programme and they are evaluated through perceptions by the community that were gathered via questionnaires. From the analysis, some of the measures used in the programme are not doing well enough in reducing crime as expected. Further refine on the measures used to suit particular city is required to fully ensure the safe city programme is workable programme in crime prevention.
Geografia: Malaysian journal of society and space, 2015
Papers by Mohd Yusof Hussain