Runtime Analysis
Recent papers in Runtime Analysis
This article presents a thorough, step-by-step mathematical derivation of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) tailored specifically for solving Subset Selection Problems. ACO, inspired by the foraging behavior of ants, has proven its efficacy... more
Networks abstracted as graph lose some information related to the super-dyadic relation among the nodes. We find natural occurrence of hyperedges in co-authorship, co-citation, social networks, e-mail networks, weblog networks etc.... more
Networks abstracted as graph lose some information related to the super-dyadic relation among the nodes. We find natural occurrence of hyperedges in co-authorship, co-citation, social networks, e-mail networks, weblog networks etc.... more
Networks abstracted as graph lose some information related to the super-dyadic relation among the nodes. We find natural occurrence of hyperedges in co-authorship, co-citation, social networks, e-mail networks, weblog networks etc.... more
Networks abstracted as graph lose some information related to the super-dyadic relation among the nodes. We find natural occurrence of hyperedges in co-authorship, co-citation, social networks, e-mail networks, weblog networks etc.... more
This article is a supplement to our 2006 ICIP paper, "Dead-End Elimination as a Heuristic for Min-Cut Image Segmentation" [1], which we assume the reader has read. We summarize the proof of the dead-end elimination theorem (due to Desmet... more
In this paper, we reconsider the well-known discrete, round-based Go-To-The-Center algorithm due to Ando, Suzuki, and Yamashita [2] for gathering n autonomous mobile robots with limited viewing range in the plane. Remarquably, this... more
In this paper, we reconsider the well-known discrete, round-based Go-To-The-Center algorithm due to Ando, Suzuki, and Yamashita [2] for gathering n autonomous mobile robots with limited viewing range in the plane. Remarquably, this... more
Several new algorithms that utilize wmt-for relations mduced by processes are developed for deadlock avoidance in operating systems. One of the algorithms allows more concurrency than Havender's scheme and Habermann's algorithm;... more
The increasing complexity of embedded systems renders verification of software programs more complex and may require applying monitoring and formal techniques, like modelchecking. However, to use such techniques, system engineers usually... more
This paper presents the development of a new class of algorithms that accurately implement the preferential attachment mechanism of the Barabási-Albert (BA) model to generate scale-free graphs. Contrary to existing approximate... more
The presence of a universal machine model for serial algorithm design, namely the von Neumann model, has been one of the key ingredients of the success of uniprocessors. The presence of such a model makes it possible for an algorithm to... more
Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) employing hypermutations with linear static mutation potential have recently been shown to be very effective at escaping local optima of combinatorial optimisation problems at the expense of being slower... more
Previous work has shown that in Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) the best static mutation rates to escape local optima with the ageing operator are far from the optimal ones to do so via large hypermutations and vice-versa. In this paper... more
We present a time complexity analysis of the Opt-IA arti cial immune system (AIS). We rst highlight the power and limitations of its distinguishing operators (i.e., hypermutations with mutation potential and ageing) by analysing them in... more
We present a rewriting-based algorithm for efficiently evaluating future time Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulae on finite execution traces online. While the standard models of LTL are infinite traces, finite traces appear naturally... more
The model checking tools Uppaal and VerICS accept a description of a network of Timed Automata with Discrete Data (TADDs) as input. Thus, to verify a concurrent program written in Java by means of these tools, first a TADD model of the... more
This paper analyses a generational evolutionary algorithm using only selection and uniform crossover. With a probability arbitrarily close to one the evolutionary algorithm is shown to solve onemax in O(n log 2 (n)) function evaluations... more
The fitness-level technique is a simple and old way to derive upper bounds for the expected runtime of simple elitist evolutionary algorithms (EAs). Recently, the technique has been adapted to deduce the runtime of algorithms with... more
The majority of work carried out in the formal methods community throughout the last three decades has (for good reasons) been devoted to special languages designed to make it easier to experiment with mechanized formal methods such as... more
1 Introduction A program is typically tested by manually creating a test suite, which in turn is a set of test cases. An individual test case is a description of a test input sequence to the program, and a description of properties that... more
We report on a study to determine the maturity of different verification and validation technologies (V&V) applied to a representative example of NASA flight software. The study consisted of a controlled experiment where three... more
Recently, the first rigorous runtime analyses of ACO algorithms appeared, covering variants of the MAX-MIN ant system and their runtime on pseudo-Boolean functions. Interestingly, a variant called 1-ANT is very sensitive to the... more
Several research works have shown that the process of Internet routing configuration is error-prone. The primary method used by operators to determine whether their routing configurations are correct is to try them out in operation. A... more
We describe Cactus, a framework for building a variety of computing applications in science and engineering, including astrophysics, relativity and chemical engineering. We first motivate by example the need for such frameworks to support... more
This paper presents a framework for confirming deadlock potentials detected by runtime analysis of a single run of a multi-threaded program. The multi-threaded program under examination is instrumented to emit lock and unlock events. When... more
Despite great efforts on the design of ultra-reliable components, the increase of system size and complexity has outpaced the improvement of component reliability. As a result, fault management becomes crucial in high performance... more
MegaM@Rt 2 Project is a major European effort towards the model-driven engineering of complex Cyber-Physical systems combined with runtime analysis. Both areas are dealt within the same methodology to enjoy the mutual benefits through... more
MegaM@Rt 2 Project is a major European effort towards the model-driven engineering of complex Cyber-Physical systems combined with runtime analysis. Both areas are dealt within the same methodology to enjoy the mutual benefits through... more
As microarchitectural and system complexity grows, comprehending system behavior becomes increasingly difficult, and often requires obtaining and sifting through voluminous event traces or coordinating results from multiple, non-localized... more
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Dynamically optimizing programs is worthwhile only if the overhead created by the dynamic optimizer is less than the benefit gained from the optimization. Program trace se-lection is one of the most important, yet time consuming,... more
In the past, program monitoring often operates at the code level, performing checks at function and loop boundaries. Recent research shows that profiling analysis can identify high-level phases in complex binary code. Examples are time... more
Runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms has become an important part in the theoretical analysis of randomized search heuristics. The first combinatorial problem where rigorous runtime results have been achieved is the well-known... more
This research studies the characteristics of field usage patterns in the SpecJVM98 benchmarks. It finds that multiple object instances of the same class often exhibit different field-usage patterns. Motivated by this observation, we... more
Fig. 1. Parallel volume rendering examples using Vivaldi. Simply changing split execution modifier will generate different parallel rendering results. (A) is sort-last parallel rendering that the input data is split into four pieces along... more
Cyber-physical systems are usually subject to assurance and certification processes, including thorough requirements engineering tasks, to ensure that they are acceptably dependable. The underlying activities can be complex and... more
Modern benchmark suites (e.g., SPEC CPU2006) take months to simulate. Researchers and practitioners thus use partial simulation techniques for efficiency, and hope to avoid sacrificing accuracy. SimPoint is a popular method of choosing... more
This paper proposes, for the first time in the literature, the use of hypergraphs for the efficient formation of effective coalitions. We put forward several formation methods that build on existing hypergraph pruning, transversal, and... more
A simple algorithm for computing the larger positive integer powers m (>n) of an nxn matrix is discussed in this paper. Most recent algorithms are mentioned, and comparison data on the theoretical complexity of these algorithms, and the... more
Topological predicates between spatial objects have always been a main area of research on spatial data handling, reasoning, and query languages. The focus of research has definitely been on the design of and reasoning with these... more
MegaM@Rt2 project is a collaborative initiative of the ECSEL Joint Undertaking under Horizon 2020 EU programme. The project regroups 26 partners from 6 different European countries who jointly address challenges of engineering modern... more
Runtime Verification is a lightweight approach to systems verification, where actual executions of a system are processed and analyzed using rigorous techniques. In this paper we shall narrow the term's definition to represent the... more
We report on a study to determine the maturity of different verification and validation technologies (V&V) applied to a representative example of NASA flight software. The study consisted of a controlled experiment where three... more
Software testing is typically an ad hoc process where human testers manually write test inputs and descriptions of expected test results, perhaps automating their execution in a regression suite. This process is cumbersome and costly.... more
We present an algorithm for e ciently testing Linear Temporal Logic LTL formulae on nite execution traces. The standard models of LTL are in nite traces, re ecting the behavior of reactive and concurrent systems which conceptually may be... more
Computing has recently reached an inflection point with the introduction of multicore processors. On-chip thread-level parallelism is doubling approximately every other year. Concurrency lends itself naturally to allowing a program to... more