Owl: Next Generation System Monitoring
Martin Schulz
Brian S. White, Sally A. McKee
Center for Applied Scientific Computing
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Computer Systems Lab
Cornell University
[email protected]
Hsien-Hsin S. Lee
Jürgen Jeitner
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Department of Informatics
Technische Universität München
[email protected]
[email protected]
As microarchitectural and system complexity grows, comprehending system behavior becomes increasingly difficult,
and often requires obtaining and sifting through voluminous event traces or coordinating results from multiple, nonlocalized sources. Owl is a proposed framework that overcomes limitations faced by traditional performance counters and monitoring facilities in dealing with such complexity by pervasively deploying programmable monitoring elements throughout a system. The design exploits reconfigurable or programmable logic to realize hardware monitors
located at event sources, such as memory buses. These monitors run and writeback results autonomously with respect to
the CPU, mitigating the system impact of interrupt-driven
monitoring or the need to communicate irrelevant events to
higher levels of the system. The monitors are designed to
snoop any kind of system transaction, e.g., within the core,
on a bus, across the wire, or within I/O devices.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.4 [Performance
of Systems]: Measurement Techniques
General Terms: Performance, Measurement
Keywords: Autonomous Performance Monitoring, Reconfiguration, Performance Analysis
As microarchitectural and system complexity grows, comprehending system behavior becomes increasingly difficult.
Users nonetheless anticipate future autonomic systems that
adapt dynamically to provide greater performance, avoid or
repair transient faults, intercept adversarial attacks, and reduce system management costs. A substantial gap remains
Copyright 2005 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored by a contractor or
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others to do so, for Government purposes only.
CF’05, May 4–6, 2005, Ischia, Italy.
Copyright 2005 ACM 1-59593-018-3/05/0005 ...$5.00.
between what system designers can now provide—in terms
of introspective data itself and the means of processing, analyzing, and visualizing it—and what users expect and will
soon demand.
A simple example of application memory performance
monitoring highlights the disparity between the current
state of the art, where probes report only symptoms of poor
performance, and the goal of a self-aware system that discovers the cause. Rather than placing the burden on a user
to query hardware registers or instrument binaries, a continuously monitored [1] system might employ a unobtrusive
background monitor that detects spikes in some metric, e.g.,
cache miss rate. The monitor then instantiates additional
monitors on the L1-L2 and memory buses to capture individual L1 and L2 misses, which can be correlated. For
example, thrashing between the caches for specific data indicates conflict misses. This more precise miss characterization helps in selecting an appropriate optimization, such as
cache-conscious data placement [4].
Monitoring is most often applied for performance considerations, but future systems will also demand it for security,
fault detection, and maintenance. Consider memory fault
isolation, where loads, stores, and jumps are guarded to ensure validity of the memory access or jump target. This
may be done by manual instrumentation [30] or by a logically similar hardware method that “macro expands” instructions into guarded equivalents [6]. An active monitor
can provide this functionality with no overhead. When an
access check fails, the monitor signals the operating system,
which might either terminate the process or decide to enlist
more monitors to sandbox the potentially malicious code.
Current monitoring facilities are ill-equipped to handle
the above scenarios. Traditional hardware monitors are restricted to a fixed set of events and cannot perform sophisticated, online analysis. Their deferral to software for processing comes at the expense of costly and frequent interrupts or
of loss of accuracy due to sampling. Further, they rely on a
proper handling of software events, which is clearly not adequate for monitoring software and system faults. Software
solutions [13, 17, 20, 35] rely on sampling, offline traces, or
heavyweight instrumentation resulting in high system overhead or loss in accuracy.
In order to provide the introspection necessary to understand and efficiently use future architectures, we need
new hardware solutions for system monitoring. In recent
years, several academic projects have focused on such hardware (e.g., solutions by Prvulovic and Torrellas [22] or Xu
et al. [33]). However, each of these approaches provides
specialized monitoring capabilities for specific problems or
questions. No general framework has yet been proposed.
In this paper, we propose Owl, a generic and programmable monitoring framework. It consists of reconfigurable or programmable logic elements deployed throughout the system. The user can program these monitors to
acquire performance data without system interference, perform application-specific data analysis, and write results directly into main memory without interrupting the processor. The latter is necessary to minimize system perturbation. Owl’s programmability is flexible enough to encompass existing performance counters and extant or proposed
monitoring techniques, as well as new, previously infeasible
monitoring applications. The latter include monitoring addresses on memory buses, collecting a complete history of
individual cache replacement decisions, snooping I/O bus
activity, or checking assertions on all memory accesses.
As its key design principle, Owl differentiates between
user-defined analysis modules, which perform monitoring
and analysis such as data aggregation and compression, and
monitor capsules, which provide a standard interface between the module and the hardware. The programmability and autonomy of the modules support event processing close to the source, domain-specific monitoring, and the
ability to react or adapt to observed events or application
phases. Modules are implemented in reconfigurable or programmable logic, such as programmable microengines or
FPGAs, within capsules. This flexibility enables less invasive hardware implementations of existing software techniques and, ultimately, more sophisticated monitoring than
previously possible.
The pervasive deployment of capsules throughout the
system provides a user with alternate views of the same
event (e.g., following a page miss through caches to disk)
or simultaneous views of correlated events (e.g., declining
IPC and branch prediction accuracy). The capsules’ standardization allow the same analysis algorithm to examine
events throughout the system, despite potential dissimilarity among monitored devices. Flexibility in deploying capsules results from the simple assumption that they are only
able to observe system events in the form of transactions.
Thus, they may be attached to any transaction interface,
including memory buses, I/O buses, or network interfaces.
In Section 2 we describe existing hardware approaches for
system monitoring. In Section 3 we present requirements for
a next-generation monitoring facility and describe the design
of Owl, a framework leveraging autonomous, programmable
monitors to achieve those requirements. In Section 4 we
describe several sample applications for novel memory monitoring capabilities, including efficient memory access logging, memory access characterization, and dynamic pattern
recognition. In Section 5 we present results discussing the
small system perturbation caused by using Owl, and we
show the hardware complexity of a sample Owl module.
Most current architectures include at least rudimentary
hardware assists for system monitoring, usually in the
form of counter registers. The UltraSPARC IIi [27] is an
archetype of more advanced systems: it exports two performance counters that can monitor any of 20 predefined
events. Counters may be programmed to raise an interrupt
upon overflow.
Counter-based techniques suffer common shortcomings [25]: too few counters, sampling delay, and lack of
address profiling. Modern systems try to address these deficiencies. For instance, the Pentium 4 [15, 26] comes with
18 performance counters. In addition, it tags µops when
they trigger certain performance events. These events are
not counted until the µops are retired, ensuring that spurious events from speculative instructions do not pollute
samples. This microinstruction-targeted approach also overcomes sampling delay.
However, these mechanisms can only be employed to collect aggregate statistics using sampling. It is not possible to
react to single events or to collect additional data, e.g., load
target addresses of memory accesses. This prohibits a direct
correlation of observed events with the data structures causing the events. The Itanium Processor Family [14] and other
newer systems overcome this deficiency and allow the detection of such events, e.g., memory accesses or branch mispredictions. The access mechanisms provide microarchitectural
event data, but these data are delivered to the consuming
software through an exception for each event. The process
using the information experiences frequent interrupts, and
system perturbation occurs at many levels. Overheads costs
of these mechanisms, particularly with respect to time, limit
the extent to which software can reasonably exploit them.
Many academic projects have focused on novel
performance monitors for interconnection systems.
Martonosi et al. [19] propose using the inherent coherence/communication system in the Stanford FLASH
multiprocessor as a performance monitoring tool. FlashPoint is embedded in the software coherence protocol to
monitor and report memory behavior in cache miss counts
and latencies, inducing a 10% execution time overhead. In
the SHRIMP project [18], performance monitoring boards
allow each node to collect histograms of incoming packets
from the network interface. A threshold-based interrupt
is used to signal the application software and operating
system to take proper action in response to a specified
The SMiLE project [16] includes a SCI-based
hardware monitor to detect memory layout problems in
NUMA clusters; the monitored information helps to guide
data layout and transparent data migration.
3. Owl:
The research community’s shift from using simple aggregate metrics characterizing entire applications, e.g., cache
miss rate, to more advanced statistics such as reuse distance [34], periodicity [13, 24], and correlating multi-layer
analysis [31], signals that traditional hardware monitors are
becoming insufficient. Further, new goals such as security
and system health maintenance require monitoring different
classes of events and eliciting varied responses, including the
recruitment of other monitors to focus on specific symptoms.
Discovering trends in system behavior requires monitors to
be long running, and therefore unobtrusive, as well as capable of correlating events. The monitors must produce results
judiciously to avoid overwhelming the system with inordi-
nate amounts of data. These considerations point to an
autonomous monitoring facility that is flexible enough to
handle varied and evolving system behavior, leading to the
following requirements:
CPU chip
• Hardware assist for data aggregation:
Data probes have the potential to collect copious data,
especially when applied broadly to highly used resources, such as monitoring all L1 accesses. To manage such data, the monitoring system must be capable
of performing at least preliminary analysis online in
hardware. This can reduce data by using compression,
aggregation, or statistical analysis. Data aggregation
need not entail a loss of information, but rather can
remove obfuscating data to bring a trend to light.
• Domain-specific monitoring through programmability:
One type of monitor cannot address all possible
scenarios: some kind of programmability or reconfiguration capabilities are thus required. These enable
the system to retarget monitors to perform new
tasks or to gear to a specific device, application, or
application phase. For example, a programmer may
wish to monitor accesses to a specific data structure
to determine if it exhibits poor locality so that it may
be targeted by future optimizations, such as data
regrouping [11]. Such fine-grained monitoring would
be greatly aided by compiler support [12].
• Data delivery without process interruption:
To minimize system perturbation, monitors must deliver their output asynchronously and deposit it into
main memory. This contrasts with most currently implemented schemes, which either require a process interruption and event handler invocation for each observable event or are limited to sampling. The amount
of monitoring data injected into the system, and hence
the amount of system perturbation, depends on the
semantics of the analysis module. Designing moduleembedded analytical techniques therefore requires an
estimation of system perturbation. We study data injection rates to provide general overhead results intended to guide future designs and to allow early decisions regarding their feasibility.
3.1 Owl Architecture
The Owl monitoring framework is designed to fulfill these
requirements. As its key architectural principle, it splits the
monitoring functionality into two parts: programmable capsules, which are attached to the actual data probes or sensors; and analysis modules, which are loaded into the capsules to perform data aggregation and preprocessing. The
M Possible Location
for a Hardware Monitor
• Coordinated, cooperative system-wide monitoring:
Observation of a single data source provides a myopic
view, which may be sufficient to establish the symptom
but not the cause of a problem. For example, if a monitor detects declining IPC, it might spawn additional
monitors to examine branch prediction accuracy and
cache miss rates. Indication that the latter is a problem might lead to additional coordinated monitoring.
I/D Caches
I/D Caches
On−chip bus
Off−chip bus M
L2/L3 cache
To other CPU chips
✄ ☎✄✁✁
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✄ ✂✂✂ ☎✄
I/O bridge
To other memory banks
I/O bus M
Interface M
Figure 1: Possible monitor capsule locations for systemwide monitoring
capsules may be included in any component providing interesting data and hence can be located throughout the system,
as illustrated in Figure 1.
Each capsule is connected to one or more data probes
or sensors embedded within the monitored component (see
also Figure 2). These probes provide the respective data in
event form, e.g., memory bus transactions, coherence events,
disk accesses, accesses to the reorder buffer for out-of-order
microprocessors, updates to the branch predictor, or rollback events in case of misspeculation. The event, including
any relevant parameters such as addresses, values, or event
types, is received by the Architecture Hardware Interface and
translated to a standardized interface connecting the capsule
and the analysis modules, the Monitor Hardware Interface.
A module loaded into the programmable part of a capsule
uses this interface to receive monitored data. This use of
a system-wide, standardized interface allows the execution
of any analysis module in any capsule, independent of its
location and concrete data source, and thereby enables the
reuse of analysis and aggregation techniques.
Analysis modules are loaded and instantiated from a
system-wide library of modules. This library can be dynamically extended and can contain application-specific modules. Library management and concrete module selection is
left to the system components or tools using Owl for their
monitoring purposes. Once loaded, a module may further
be customized through memory-mapped configuration registers in each capsule. When activated, the capsule directs
the probed data to the module, where it is preprocessed,
analyzed, aggregated, compressed, or even sampled, which
may be the desired functionality, rather than a limitation
imposed by the monitor framework. The results of this analysis step are forwarded to the capsule for storage.
Due to Owl’s programmability, each module contains
application-specific data aggregation and filtering tech-
Monitor HW Interface
Network ✄✁✄✁✄✁Cache
Bus ✆✁✞✁
TLB ✞✁✞
✄✂✂✂ ☎✄✁
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✠✠ ✡✠✠
✡✠✁✡✁✠ ✡✁
✡✁✡ Monitor Repository
✌✌ ✍✌✌ Reconfigurable
✌✌ ✍✌✌
✌✌ ✍✌✌ Module
✌ ✍✌
✌ ✍✍✌
☛☛ Output
☛☛ ☞✁
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☛☛ Interface
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☛☛ ☞✁
☛☛ ☞☛☛
☞☛✁☞✁☛ ☞✁
Software Infrastructure
for Evaluation and Reconfiguration
Figure 2: Architecture of a monitoring capsule
niques that are uploaded directly to the location of the data
probes. This enables the modules to acquire and process every individual event without system perturbation. Only the
results of the data aggregation are written to main memory, and the total size of these results is usually significantly
smaller than the total size of all observed events. Further,
the storage of the monitor results is initiated autonomously
by the monitor module: it hands any data packet containing
monitor data to the capsule through a standardized interface. The capsule then generates a memory packet, injects
it into the memory system, and stores in a contiguous area
of main memory organized as a ring buffer. Consumers of
monitor data can then read the data from this memory region and process it asynchronously. The ring buffer itself is
reserved by the operating system, and its size depends on
both location of the capsule and the expected event rate. In
order to avoid buffer overruns, each capsule has the ability
to signal consumers using interrupts when a ring buffer is
about to become full.
3.2 Providing Programmability
The programmable nature of the modules is the key to
their flexibility and filtering capabilities. Several means of
achieving programmability exist, e.g., dynamic selection of
predefined components, use of microprogrammable processing cores, or use of reconfigurable logic in the form of FPGAs. We consider the first option too restrictive, since only
a predefined set of monitoring modules would exist. The
latter two options provide similar capabilities, and we will
explore both avenues. Here we focus on FPGA-based solutions, since they provide a low-level and direct interface to
the hardware. Furthermore, any concurrency expressible in
hardware designs is directly exposed to the analysis modules
and thereby permits an easy and efficient use of pipelining.
This can be used to ensure a high event handling rate despite
complex analysis operations for each event.
Reconfigurable hardware is increasingly used in modern
architectures to complement general-purpose processors. An
industry trend towards hybrid-reconfigurable systems indicates the potential and viability for architectures like Owl.
For example, SRC Computer platforms are architected with
Direct Execution Logic (DEL), comprised of dynamically
reconfigurable functional elements (Multi-Adaptive Processors) intended to maximize parallelism of a given application code. OctigaBay Systems (now part of Cray, Inc.) uses
one Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA per node as an applicationspecific accelerator to perform vector operations. In the embedded market, several chip manufacturers provide singlechip solutions combining processor cores, such as PowerPC
or ARM, with FPGAs enabling easy and efficient customization of processors [2]. In general, we see a trend towards
faster and more efficient FPGAs, and recent studies have
shown that some FPGAs can compete with the clock frequencies of most modern microprocessors [28].
3.3 Design Considerations for Modules
Monitoring efficiency depends on a module’s ability to intelligently preprocess and “semantically” reduce data traffic,
i.e., to extract the essential information before injecting the
result into the memory system. Further, hardware complexity limitations restrict the nature of the analysis techniques
that are loaded into reconfigurable logic. The design of each
module must reflect this balance between traffic reduction
and hardware complexity.
In general, modules are not intended as full-featured analytical engines, but as semantic preprocessors and partial
data analyzers. As a result, the data stream will be reduced by filtering interesting events and aggregating data
as needed by the consumer. This contrasts with traditional
compression techniques or static aggregation steps, which
do not make use of semantic information. As a consequence,
they either push the processing completely into software or
potentially lose interesting events. Recognizing the power
and flexibility inherent in preprocessing data close to the
source within the computational and memory constraints of
the capsule are, as yet, a subtle art. Future work must systematically address the division of labor between an analysis
module and high-level software analysis tools.
3.4 Programming Monitoring Modules
Programming FPGAs using low-level hardware description languages is a complex task often only accessible to the
advanced hardware designer. In order to make Owl accessible to a wider range of users, we must take further steps.
While not part of the initial design, we present a few directions we are pursuing in ongoing work.
For the common user, we will provide a comprehensive
module library containing common analysis modules. Users
can extend this library at any time with new modules developed by any programmer. The result is similar to kernel
modules, which can be loaded into the kernel at runtime
to extend the system’s capabilities without the user having
to know details about the kernel itself or implementation
details of such modules.
In addition, we will work on high-level abstractions to design or compose monitoring modules. As a first step, we
are developing a toolset that enables users to combine monitor submodules (e.g., histogram generators, counters, compression algorithms, or pattern detectors) into new modules.
Once composed, the toolset generates and compiles the new
hardware design as specified by the user and adds it to the
module library. As a next step, we will investigate highlevel programming approaches, such as C to HDL compilers,
L1 Cache
L2 Cache
Cross Capsule
Figure 3: Multi-level Monitoring in the Memory Hierarchy: Location of Monitoring Capsules
to make Owl’s full flexibility available to the user. Several
projects and products already address such compilation approaches, and we plan to build on top of them. So far,
these approaches have had limited success when applied in
a general scenario due to inefficiencies when compiling arbitrary algorithms into hardware. In Owl, however, we are
faced with a less complex problem, since all modules will
naturally follow a given pattern—they target online event
processing. We expect such compiler solutions to be more
efficient when used to generate Owl modules.
Owl provides a versatile and highly flexible monitoring
infrastructure that can be used for a variety of scenarios.
It can be used to implement existing hardware counters as
well as most hardware monitors currently proposed in the
literature. Owl is therefore downward compatible, providing
a true superset of extant monitoring functionality. Further,
Owl allows users to transfer hybrid hardware/software solutions into a single hardware module, eliminating the often
costly software component. For instance, sampling and profiling based on performance counters can be implemented
inside the capsule connected to the associated data probe.
In addition, Owl can be used to implement previously
infeasible or overly expensive analysis techniques. In the
following we describe three such examples that aggregate
and pre-analyze memory traffic: the creation of memory
access traces for logging and debugging, the generation of
memory access and cache miss histograms for memory performance tuning, and data structure access monitoring and
pattern recognition. These represent three typical classes
of algorithms, namely classic filtering and compression; partial, custom aggregation for the creation of histograms; and
pattern detection and extraction.
For these examples, we assume Owl capsules are distributed in the memory system. More specifically, we assume a three-level memory hierarchy and attach a capsule
between each level, as illustrated in Figure 3. We focus on
monitoring the memory system initially, since it remains one
of the most significant performance bottlenecks in modern
architectures. The overall Owl architecture, however, can
be deployed system-wide, and modules similar to those described below can be used in other system components.
4.1 Memory Access Logging
Software-based memory trace facilities [10, 21, 29] are
heavily used for workload characterization and simulation.
In most cases, however, they are implemented based on architectural simulation and hence are limited by high simulation overhead and by the fact that they fail to capture
complete system-level behavior.
These limitations can be overcome using a monitoring
module designed for trace generation. To avoid excessive
memory traffic induced by full logging, monitoring modules
can perform loss-less compression, ranging from well established schemes, such as run-length encoding, to more sophisticated approaches including semantic trace compression [7]
or load-value predictor-based compression [3]. All these can
be implemented in hardware to reduce traffic significantly.
The modules can also be used to perform aggressive filtering, logging only accesses corresponding to particular code
or address regions or occurring within a given time window.
In the extreme case, a module only maintains a short time
access log in the form of a ring buffer. Triggered by certain
events, e.g., illegal accesses, this log is written to memory
and delivered to a corresponding tool for further analysis.
This mechanism provides new means for debugging at all
system levels, e.g., through transparent assertion testing or
value inspection. It can also be applied for security tests,
e.g., detection of buffer overruns. In the latter case, the
monitoring module is provided by the operating system as
a system component to transparently and non-intrusively
control any running application.
4.2 Memory Access Histograms
The ability to monitor addresses of memory accesses allows the creation of memory access histograms, as depicted
in Figure 4 (left) for a sort algorithm (RADIX of SPLASH2 [32]). These histograms show the number of accesses per
address or cache block to each level of the memory hierarchy over a period of time and thereby enable observations
on individual data structures. In the example, the different
access behavior for the two main arrays (cache block 2008500 and 8500-16500), as well as to the global configuration
data (cache blocks 16500-17300), are clearly distinguishable.
Furthermore, the availability of histograms for each level of
the memory hierarchy enables the computation of cache miss
rates on a per address basis, as shown in Figure 4 (right).
The example shows that both arrays are faced with high
L1 cache miss rates of around 30% interleaved with regular spikes to particular blocks with almost 100% miss rate.
Through reverse mappings of addresses to data structures,
this information is used to identify data structures with poor
cache behavior and hence focus performance analysis and
4.3 Dynamic Pattern Recognition and Reduction
Periodic program behavior presents a rich opportunity for
program characterization and optimization [13, 24]. Loops
involving non-affine iterative steps or indirect accesses are a
barrier to static periodicity detection, and long-range correlations may be obscured by procedure boundaries. Online
approaches are attractive in combating these limitations and
can be implemented within the proposed framework in the
form of analysis modules. They are capable of detecting
periodic behavior and delivering these observations for con-
Number of accesses
Number of cache block
Number of cache block
Figure 4: Memory access histogram (left) and cache miss rate diagram (right) for sort algorithm (radix sort)
address (bytes)
time (instructions)
time (instructions)
address (bytes)
address (bytes)
sequent system optimization, such as prefetching. At the
same time, the repeating character of detected patterns can
be used for “semantic” data reduction, since each pattern,
once recognized, can be represented by a single data point.
Such aggregation is significant, as it reduces the amount of
data that need be communicated by the monitor, visualized
by the user, stored on disk or memory, or analyzed by a tool
or algorithm.
A pattern detection module first recognizes arbitrary, repeating memory patterns and then performs a semantic data
reduction, representing each complex pattern as a single
point. We apply this technique to an off-line Alpha 21264
trace of ammp, an n-body molecular dynamics code from the
SPEC 2000 suite. More specifically, our study focuses on
the mm fv update nonbon function, which dominates computation time for many inputs, including the SPEC reference
input set used here.
A monitoring module first extracts repeating subsequences from a stream of load target addresses by applying
a standard longest common subsequence algorithm. Assuming generous 32-bit table entries to record distances between
load addresses, a module implementing such a pattern detection algorithm would require a pattern match table with
200×100 entries (approximately 80KB in raw form). The
elimination of dead table entries, the application of partial
evictions, and the use of width-adaptive registers will decrease this space requirement.
The results of pattern detection and aggregation of
ammp are shown in Figure 5. The top pane of the figure shows a trace of addresses from the execution of
mm fv update nonbon. Applied to this data, the monitoring module captures a number of recurring patterns. The
most interesting one is shown highlighted in the middle pane,
which is a blown up section of the top band in the original
trace. These patterns iterate over a larger address space,
interrupted by gaps. These observations can be related to
dynamic control flow such as if statements (i.e., the gap in
addresses) and loops (i.e., the repetition of the pattern).
Having recognized the pattern, little additional information is gained by the inclusion of every one of its constituent
accesses in a trace. Rather, the aggregation of the entire pattern to a single point reveals the underlying periodicity (as
shown in the bottom pane of Figure 5) and at the same time
significantly reduces the amount of data transfered from the
monitor to the ring buffer. In this example, the 72 individual accesses comprising the pattern are reduced to a single
time (instructions)
Figure 5: ammp substructure: trace of mm fv update nonbon
(top), trace restricted to address range of top band with
repeating access pattern highlighted (middle), extended
trace with access pattern aggregated to a single point
representative access to the base address of the pattern, resulting in an injection rate of 1/72.
The behavior so exposed indicates that a second round
of pattern matching should be applied, which would distill
the entire loop body to only a few points. Applying this
multi-resolution approach recursively allows users to expose
higher-level program structure and periodicity without the
usual attendant increase in data.
In order to be successful, a reconfigurable monitoring infrastructure, like Owl, must facilitate the implementation
of monitoring modules with low hardware complexity and
guarantee low system perturbation. In the following, we
present experimental results showing that Owl satisfies these
5.1 Hardware Complexity
To study the complexity of monitoring models, we implemented a VHDL version of the histogram module described
above. Memory histogram generation conceptually requires
an individual counter for each memory location. We use
an associative counter array to avoid maintaining a large
number of counters. The module contains a small set of
counters that are dynamically associated with observed addresses. When the number of observed addresses exceeds
the number of available counters, the module frees the least
recently used counter, writes its contents to main memory as
a partial result, and reuses the freed counter for new events.
This drastically reduces the required frequency of writebacks
to memory, and ensures low system perturbation. The concrete number of counters used within the module depends
on the capsule location and the observed traffic patterns.
Across a range of applications, our experiments show that
32 to 128 counters are sufficient to achieve an injection rate
of less than 1/8 [23].
Using a Xilinx XC4085XLA with 40K gates, the analysis logic in its current version consumes about 66% of the
available resources. Considering that modern FPGA chips
contain up to 8M gates, this monitor can be realized with a
modest chip real estate budget. Furthermore, aggressively
pipelining the design of the analysis module enables the
monitor to execute at the maximum frequency of the FPGA.
5.2 System Perturbation
To characterize perturbation of monitored applications we
implemented the Owl framework within the memory system
of SimpleScalar (SimAlpha version 4.0) [9] and varied injection rates to simulate different monitoring modules. We implement capsules at each level of the memory hierarchy using
two different techniques for injecting the recorded data into
the memory stream: the first simply injects the traffic into
the memory system at the location of the capsule as regular memory packets, while the second ensures that monitor packets bypass all on-chip caches and uses a separate
off-chip memory controller to store the monitor data. The
former minimizes the architectural impact when introducing
Owl, and hence is a suitable solution for commodity systems,
while the second results in less perturbation, but comes at a
significantly higher implementation cost, and hence is only
an option in specialized high performance systems.
Our simulator is configured as closely as possible to the
validated model of a Compaq DS-10L Alpha Server, as de-
Table 1: SPEC benchmark parameters
baseline: no monitoring activated
1/1 injection rate; naive injection (naive)
1/8 injection rate; naive injection (naive)
1/64 injection rate; naive injection (naive)
1/1 injection rate; separate off-chip memory (sepmem)
1/8 injection rate; separate off-chip memory (sepmem)
1/64 injection rate; separate off-chip memory (sepmem)
Table 2: Test cases
scribed in previous studies [8, 9]. The memory system is
a 64KB, two-way associative L1 cache with 64B lines and
three-cycle latency followed by a 2MB direct-mapped L2
cache with a 13-cycle latency. The benchmarks are selected
from the SPEC 2000 benchmarks to achieve a broad coverage of behaviors and they use the SPEC reference input
sets. In order to achieve reasonable simulation times we
rely on SimPoint [24]. More specifically, we use SimPoint
in the original version with multiple simpoints per code [5]
to guarantee the highest possible accuracy. The complete
configuration of the benchmarks along with the input sets
for the cycle-accurate simulation are shown in Table 1. In
case of multiple possible input sets, we choose the one with
the lowest error rate under SimPoint execution.
The discussion of modules in Section 4 reflects the dependence of traffic injection rates on the analysis technique
employed by the module: 1/1 for full address logging, 1/8
as an upper bound for the memory access histogram generation, and 1/64 for pattern matching. The configuration
space is shown in Table 2 and the results in Figure 6.
Most codes are capable of hiding injection rates of 1/8
and less without system perturbation, while some of the
more memory intensive codes require rates as low as 1/64.
However, these codes can be executed at higher injection
rates if the user can tolerate higher system perturbation.
Similar to the selected results above, introducing a separate
monitoring memory could eliminate most perturbation for
higher injection rates.
This overhead is still orders of magnitude lower than any
software scheme. In addition, as described in Section 4, most
applications of logging schemes do not require full logs over
the application runtime, but rather concentrate on specified
subregions. This will reduce the amount of traffic the system
has to deal with, enabling full access logging in these cases.
Researchers have proposed myriad analysis techniques,
and practitioners have made efficient use of these for sys-
no monitoring
ir=1/1, L1-L2, naive
ir=1/8, all, naive
ir=1/64, all, naive
ir=1/1, L1-L2, sepmem
ir=1/8, all, sepmem
ir=1/64, all, sepmem
me n
ith mea
Figure 6: IPC across several SPEC benchmarks and with varying configurations
tem adaptation and optimization. Nonetheless, the capabilities of current systems fall far short of what is needed
and expected for reliable, efficient, complex computing systems. Most existing approaches suffer from the inflexibility
and limitations of the monitoring hardware or rely on purely
software implementations with extreme overhead costs. All
of these techniques would benefit from the existence of a unifying, general-purpose monitoring architecture that allows a
better balance of functionality between hardware and software, and even allows the user to configure each technique
to the scenario at hand, to be activated on demand.
In this paper, we propose such a flexible, general infrastructure for reconfigurable monitoring, and we illustrate how
it can be used for understanding memory behavior to optimize access patterns and data placement. Further, we
show that such monitoring can be implemented with very
low overhead, causing little or no system perturbation, and
thus minimal observable performance penalties.
The framework itself is novel: it separates system probes
from data analysis functionality, allowing the latter to be
dynamically controlled by the user in the form of analysis modules. For instance, in the memory monitoring examples, these modules perform online preprocessing of the
observed memory addresses, and deliver results to the consumer for post-processing—without necessitating any process interruptions. Our results show that a monitoring system with autonomous data delivery has a relatively small
impact on system performance and that with lower injection rates the overhead becomes negligible.
The feasibility study performed in the course of this work
demonstrates the viability of the general approach. As the
framework was designed as a general monitoring facility, we
believe its success in the specific context of memory analysis
will extend to more pervasive system-wide monitoring—and
towards better understanding of system behavior in general.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under award ITR/NGS-O325536 and by a DOE fellowship, provided under grant number DE-FG02-97ER25308.
Part of this work was performed under the auspices of
the U.S. Department of Energy by University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract
No. W-7405-Eng-48 (UCRL-CONF-209855).
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