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      Conspiracy TheoriesUrban LegendsRumors
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      Popular CultureFood HistoryDominican RepublicRumors
From the early 1430's, and during the course of the century that followed, Jewish society was rife with tales and reports of the rediscovery of the ten tribes. Rumor had it that the courageous and invincible tribesmen had departed their... more
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      Jewish StudiesTravel WritingEarly Modern HistoryJewish History
Désignée « mot de l’année » en 2017 par le dictionnaire Collins, la formule fake news, notamment en raison des usages qui en sont fait par le président Trump, n’en finit pas d’alimenter le débats et la chronique médiatique. S’agit-il d’un... more
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      Media StudiesPropagandaConspiracy TheoriesDigital Media & Learning
Bài viết này, bằng việc nghiên cứu lý thuyết “Vòng xoáy của sự im lặng” và hiện tượng “Tin đồn”, đồng thời phân tích các yếu tố nội hàm của chúng để thấy được sự đồng hiện và khác biệt của hai góc nhìn về công chúng. Việc chỉ ra sự đồng... more
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      Spiral of SilenceMedia AudiencesRumors
Qual è l’attendibilità storica dei vangeli? Come si sono formati e su quali informazioni si basavano? Come si è arrivati ai diversi racconti orali e scritti della straordinaria vicenda di Gesù? Per rispondere a queste domande, nella... more
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      Anthropology of spaceSynoptic GospelsOral TraditionsMemory Studies
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      Eastern European StudiesFolkloreBelarusian StudiesConspiracy Theories
Du 11 septembre aux extraterrestres, des camps de concentration américains à l'assassinat de Kennedy, cette thèse a pour objectif d'éclairer sous un angle sociopolitique les fondements, les mécanismes et les enjeux de la pensée... more
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      Political SociologyAmerican StudiesAmerican PoliticsPopular Culture
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      Visual AnthropologyGraphic NovelsEthiopian Orthodox ChristianityRumors
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Often reputation in ancient Rome has often been discussed in three interrelated spheres: a political, a social, and a military sphere. Politically, a person"s reputation could advance or damage their position. Caesar"s favorable... more
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      Reputation (Reputation)Latin EpigraphyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Rumors
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      Rumorsистория эмоцийHistory of Emotionsреволюция 1917
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      Urban LegendsRumorsOrgan Theft Legends
URING the Easter week of 1816, enslaved blacks in Barbados rose in revolt, catching the island's planters and authorities by surprise. The main incentive for slaves to take part in the rebellion was the rumor that a document had arrived... more
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      SlaveryHistory of SlaveryThe Age of Revolutions in the Atlantic WorldRumors
This paper intends to reflect on recent scare stories about children and adolescents noticed in Europe. It will first describe the pervasive anxieties concerning children present in today's societies, anxieties that are generally linked... more
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      Urban LegendsMoral PanicsRumors
The dissertation focuses on rumours and contemporary legends which are current genres in the present-day society. They are the subject of interest of experts from various scientific disciplines. I see these narratives as texts which can... more
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      HomelessnessGrounded TheoryContemporary legendsEveryday Life
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      Mongolian StudiesUrban LegendsRumors
Depuis décembre 2010 Bugarach (189 habitants), village de l’Aude marqué par un pic monta- gneux imposant, est devenu célèbre. Les habitants craindraient – affirme le maire – d’être dépas- sés l’an prochain par un afflux massif des tenants... more
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      New Age spiritualityUrban LegendsRumors
Slut-shaming" is the act of criticizing a woman for her real or perceived sexual promiscuity. Until now, much scholarship and journalism has focused on the slut-shaming of school-aged girls and young women. This article broadens the... more
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      SociologyGenderGender EqualitySexual Harassment
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      Public OpinionHistoriographyJurgen HabermasPublic Opinion (Political Science)
Through a synthesis of fledgling theories of post-truth (author, 2006, 2014, 2016, 2017) developing around Donald Trump and Brexit and theories of emotions in populism, I analyze the right-wing French movement La Manif Pour Tous, and... more
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      Social MovementsEmotionGender StudiesComparative Politics
During the first third of the 16th century there was a burst of messianic interest among the Jews of Italy. The messianic interest was fed by constant rumors suggesting that the ten lost tribes have been found, and are on their way back... more
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      Jewish StudiesEthiopian StudiesRenaissance HumanismJewish History
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      WildlifeSocial ConflictRumors
Esta investigación se propone analizar la confi-guración de espacios liminales en las ciudades del norte de México, a raíz de la propagación de narcomensajes como rumores de pánico en el contexto de la “guerra... more
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Los rumores son ventanas a un mundo poco reconocido, a los miedos y esperanzas de la gente, el lugar donde se vislumbran diferentes concepciones del mundo, de la ciencia, la fe, la salud, la enfermedad; son, en suma, el espacio en donde... more
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      América LatinaRumorsRumores
Considerando a realidade brasileira e os recentes dados epidemiológicos, verifica-se que, após a permanência de elevadas coberturas vacinais por mais de uma década, sete das principais vacinas do Calendário de Imunizações tiveram suas... more
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      RumorsSocial Media and Fake News/Propaganda
"Slut-shaming" is the act of criticizing a woman for her real or perceived sexual promiscuity. Until now, much scholarship and journalism has focused on the slut-shaming of school-aged girls and young women. This article broadens the... more
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      GenderGender EqualitySexual HarassmentRumors
The article deals with rumors about the death of the Archbishop of Riga, Wilhelm of Brandenburg-Ansbach, which disseminated during July 1556, in the beginning of the conflict called the Coadjutor’s Feud (1556–1557). As the Archbishop had... more
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      XVI centuryTeutonic OrderRumorsLivland
Hawk on a Strange Trail: Folkloric, mysterious and fortean motifs and inspirations in the life and works of Jaroslav Foglar. Jaroslav Foglar (1907–1999, nicknamed „Jestřáb“ — „Hawk“) was a Czech scoutmaster and a prolific and influential... more
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      EducationCzech LiteratureContemporary legendsUrban Legends
Free spaces are arenas insulated from the control of elites in organizations and societies. A basic question is whether they incubate challenges to authority. We suggest that free spaces foster collective empowerment when they assemble... more
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      Collective ActionOrganizational FailureNatural experimentHistory of Indian Mutiny 1857
Rumors are claims about events or situations that are passed primarily outside official channels and are not based upon substantiated facts. Urban legends are a sub-genre of rumor with a more complete narrative. Rumor research in social... more
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      FolkloreFolk legendsRumorRumours, Panic and Paranoia
Francisco javier cortaZar roDrígueZ 1 Universidad de Guadalajara. Correo electrónico: [email protected]
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      IMAGINARIOS URBANOSUrban LegendsViolência UrbanaRumors
This experimental study was carried out by semi-structured interviews, based on a case of the rumors about Ajinomoto seasoning in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa. It reports that guiding messages are the most effective strategy to... more
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      ManagementStrategic ManagementInternational MangementMarketing Management
This research tries to show that information about COVID-19 affects market arousal indicated by the frequency of transactions, and the market performance shown by Jakarta Composite Index (JCI). The theory used for analysis is the prospect... more
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      FinanceAccountingProspect TheoryRumors
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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This paper hypothesizes that conspiracy theories and rumors are an act of social conformism. The evaluation of their plausibility, and their success, is collectively determinate regarding the established values of an in-group and the... more
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      Functional AnalysisLeadershipFrench RevolutionConspiracy Theories
As in the present day, fake news and rumors were among the issues that could threaten peaceful relations between countries during the Ancient Ages. This could have serious consequences for international relations. This paper aims to... more
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      Ramesses IIAmarna LettersHurrianAmarna Studies
News is useful in a situation of disaster for communication, announcement, and request for rescue and so on. Alsoit causes a negative by-product which is spreading rumors. This paper describes how rumors has spread after natural or... more
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      Seismic data processingRumors
The journalistic story of Pope's election is complex task for journalists because of information's control. This article analyzes the publication of candidacies and its evolution in the days before the conclave that chose Benedict XVI,... more
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      SilenceInformation SourcesRumors
Social representations of anti-science amongst Greek Facebook users: the transmission of conspiracy theories as rumors (MSc Thesis) Η ανάδυση της αντί-επιστήμης είναι ένα φαινόμενο που έχει οξυνθεί τα τελευταία χρόνια και η έκταση που... more
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      Social PsychologySocial RepresentationsConspiracy TheoriesPseudoscience
Queda claro que cuando se habla del nuevo coronavirus hay más dudas que certezas. Se sabe que la enfermedad se contagia con gran facilidad y rapidez; que, a pesar de que hay gente asintomática que no requiere hospitalización, también... more
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      RumorsPsychology of GossipFake News
Nuestro capítulo del libro consiste en una exploración de la lógica de la expansión de rumores y teorías de la conspiración, con atención especial a las surgidas en el contexto de la pandemia del Covid-19 en México. Combinamos... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesRacismo y discriminaciónCass SunsteinAntropología simbólica
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      TechnophobiaUrban LegendsRumors
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Jornadas Virtuales de Historia del Grupo de Estudios Histórico Sociales (Perú). Conferencia del 28 febrero 2021
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      Public OpinionPolitical communicationOralityPopular Politics
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      MusicMusicologyMedia StudiesCelebrity Culture
Hawk on a Strange Trail: Folkloric, mysterious and fortean motifs and inspirations in the life and works of Jaroslav Foglar Jaroslav Foglar (1907–1999, nicknamed „Jestřáb“ — „Hawk“) was a Czech scoutmaster and a prolific and influential... more
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      EducationCzech LiteratureContemporary legendsUrban Legends
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      Urban LegendsWolvesRumorsVipers
These are just the presentation slides from #SSSP17 in Montreal. Draft paper posted separately.
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      SociologySocial SciencesHistory of Social SciencesRumor