Displaced Persons
Recent papers in Displaced Persons
The global refugee crisis reveals refugees and other forcibly displaced persons (FDP) are uniquely vulnerable consumers on a dynamic pathway precipitated by trigger events that have disrupted or fractured marketing systems requisite for... more
Family Matters: The Family as a Resource for the Mental, Social, and Relational Wellbeing of Migrants, Asylum Seekers, and Other Displaced Populations Vincenzo Di Nicola and Suzan Song World Association of Social Psychiatry (WASP)... more
After the end of World War II, millions of people were uprooted all over Europe. After realizing that many of those people did not want to return to their former places of origin, the United Nations founded the International Refugee... more
This project will assess the instrumental role UNRRA played in the rehabilitation of displaced persons in the occupied zones of Germany after World War II. It will focus on the people and children worst affected and how they were capable... more
Between 1946 and 1951, roughly one million European refugees and Displaced Persons (DPs) – mainly survivors of the National Socialist (NS) terror and Eastern Europeans who feared persecution in or by the Soviet Union – were resettled all... more
Book Review of Ron Vossler. Hitler's Basement: My Search for Truth, Light, and the Forgotten Executioners of Ukraine's Kingdom Of Death. Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois: Green Ivy Publishing, 2016. In: Yearbook of German American... more
Following seven previous successful editions of this leading conference series on risk and resilience, held in different regions of the globe, this 8th edition of the International Conference on Building Resilience took place for the... more
Das Gebiet rund um die Möhlstraße in Bogenhausen in München entwickelte sich nach Kriegsende zu einem Zentrum jüdischen Lebens, da sich dort viele internationale Hilfsorganisationen ansiedelten, die für die jüdischen Überlebenden und... more
This article situates the experiences of Baltic, Jewish, and Polish Displaced Persons within the overlapping stories of occupation policy, refugee circumstances, the gathering Cold War, and the process of rebuilding Germany. Using... more
Zakończenie drugiej wojny światowej na Starym Kontynencie w pełni ukazało zbrodniczą działalność niemieckiego reżimu totalitarnego. W Europie Zachodniej przebywały miliony więźniów obozów koncentracyjnych, obozów pracy, robotników... more
An evacuation of about 350,000 ethnic Germans from Nazi-occupied Ukraine to the Polish Warthegau occurred between late 1943 and mid-1944. In an improvised response to the Red Army's steady, westward advance, the SS began to integrate... more
The book contains an unknown paper on the history of Friuli 1943-1960 approximately (in Italian language). There are many testimonies Julian Dalmatian exodus towards Udine, which was a safe haven for many exiles from Istria, Fiume and... more
Erschienen in: Boehling/Urban/Bienert (Hg.): Freilegungen. Displaced Persons -Leben im Transit: Überlebende zwischen Repatriierung, Rehabilitation und Neuanfang (Jahrbuch des Internationalen Suchdienstes, Bd. 3), Göttingen 2014, S. 228-240.
Resumo A partir de 2013 a Venezuela passou a testemunhar um movimento emigratório que tomaria grandes proporções nos anos subsequentes. Até recentemente, dentre os destinos dos migrantes venezuelanos o Brasil não figurava entre os mais... more
Presentation held at the 22nd Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Camps and Extermination Sites in Budapest Oct 21, 2017. The title and topic of this year was "Practices of Memory and Knowledge Production”. For... more
This report examines land access, disputes, and dispute resolution in Timor-Leste, using findings from the justice module included in an extension of the 2007 Timor-Leste Survey of Living Standards (TLSLS2) and a review of relevant... more
When Latvian-American psychologist David P. Boder published the first article on his 1946 interview project with displaced persons in Europe, he had to convince his American audience that his interviewees were “not the scum of humanity... more
N ota badak ida ne'e ezamina aspeitu entre jerasaun hosi involvimentu komunidade, konfiansa 2 no autoridade, no partisipasaun resolusaun/disputa iha Timor-Leste, uza rezultadus hosi modul justisa nian nebe inkluidu iha estensaun ida hosi... more
[Eng] The end of World War II polarized Europe into two opposite political blocks. Among the huge mass of displaced Polish persons who were present in the western occu- pation zones of Germany and then in the Federal Republic of Germany... more
in : Clara Lecadet et Jean-Frédéric de Hasque (dir.), "Après les camps. Traces, mémoires et mutations des camps de réfugiés", ed. Academia, 2019. "Par un voyage exploratoire sur les traces des camps de déplacés de l’après 1945 en... more
Der vorliegende Artikel untersucht die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschen und Displaced Persons (DPs) in der Nachkriegszeit. Ein Fokus liegt dabei auf ukrainischen DPs. Es wird gezeigt, wie die weitgehende Separation von der deutschen... more
AACRAO is a non-profit, voluntary, professional association of more than 11,000 higher education professionals representing approximately 2,600 institutions in more than 40 countries. Its commitment to the professional development of its... more
In 1944-5, the liberation of Europe triggered massive, irregular population movements on a scale the continent had never witnessed before or has seen since. With these movements, a radical change of perspective took place for those who... more
The refugee situation in Thailand has lasted for 30 years in a protracted situation. An encampment policy has been employed by the Thai state to deal with this protracted issue. In refugee camps in Thailand, special regulations related to... more
Forced migration has many causes and takes many forms. People leave because of persecution, human rights violations, repression, confl ict, natural and human-made disasters, and environmental hazards. Th rough most of the 20 th century,... more
Conférence : « Beyond camps and forced labour : current research on survivors of Nazi persecution. Fourth international multidisciplinary conference ». Imperial War Musuem. Londres (Grande-Bretagne), 4-6 janvier 2012.
In this research, the status of territorial adjustments and persons who will be potentially effected from these adjustments, are examined. With this point of view, the fundamental objective in this research is to demonstrate the problems... more
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