Roman marriage law
Recent papers in Roman marriage law
in P. DESIDERI - M. MOGGI - M. PANI (éd.), Antidoron. Studi in onore di Barbara Scardigli Forster, Pisa 2007, 281-304
Luxury grave goods in the burial of a 15-year-old wife or bride on the margins of the Roman Empire.
ДИГЕСТИ Римскиот цар Јустинијан I (527-565 г.) бил еден од најенергичните владетели, кој се покажал амбициозен во повеќе области. Но едно од неговите најзначајни достигнувања, со кое се зафаќа набргу штом доаѓа на власт, се однесува на... more
Il contributo affronta la ricezione degli elementi greci nell’ordine teatrale del Principato, la sua strumentalizzazione finalizzata all’indagine della società e l’elaborazione in chiave pubblica del diritto matrimoniale e di famiglia da... more
RESUMEN: El adulterio se consideraba un delito muy grave en la sociedad romana y fue duramente castigado por el Derecho. La legislación augustea constituyó un antes y un después en la persecución de estas actuaciones que atentaban... more
An examination of the ancient marriage contract and its relevance to Plautus' Menaechmi. Brief essays and a grammatical commentary for students.
Оваа книга е предвидена како "студија на случаи", бидејќи предмет на истражување се конкретни случаи преземени од правните папируси пронајдени во Египет во текот на XIX век, кои припаѓаат на птолемајскиот и на римскиот период. Имено,... more
RESUMEN: Este trabajo pretende estudiar la "infamia" asociada a la mujer romana durante el Alto Imperio. El análisis de las fuentes literarias, jurídicas y epigráficas es fundamental para comprender la situación de estas féminas. Aquellas... more
The subject of this paper is adultery in Roman law, which was considered as lawful cause (iusta causa) for unilateral divorce in all periods of Roman legal history. After his accession, Augustus enacted... more
This paper examines the Roman provincial law applied in papyrus BGU I 183. This is a double deed document which contains marriage agreement between full brother and sister, and property distribution made by their mother. The aim of the... more
The economy of ancient Rome, with its long-range trade, widespread moneylending, and companies of government contractors, was surprisingly modern. Yet Romans also exchanged goods and services within a traditional system of gifts and... more
The Council of Trent established the requirements that a marriage be celebrated by the parish priest and two or more witnesses be present at the marriage (1563), but neglected to specify who the parish priest was. The decrees provoked... more
The Emperor Justinian in Novel 154 addresses the inhabitants of Mesopotamia and Osrhoene in order to prevent and punish the unlawful marriages that were conducted there. This is not the first time in Roman legal history this problem to be... more
This paper collects unpublished manuscripts on Giambattista Vico and Friedrich Schelling by the German philologist Walter Friedrich Otto (1874-1958), most of which were written in the early 1930s. The manuscripts are edited in German with... more
The Rabbinical Jewish marriage procedure consists of two parts: Kiddushin and Nissuin. Kiddushin was understood in antiquity as a binding betrothal after which the wife was prohibited to live with all men, including her husband, and... more
An inscription recently published by Werner Eck throws new light on the timing of Ovid's exile. The exile can now be seen as part of Augustus' struggles to reform Roman morality at this particular time; the gap after the publication of... more
This essay deals with the marriage legislation issued by Augustus during his Principate, also known as lex Iulia et Papia. The recent discovery of an inscription containing the lex municipii Troesmensium together with some references to a... more
Tra la fine dell’età repubblicana e l’inizio di quella imperiale si ingenera la convinzione dell’importanza di una piena comunione morale e materiale tra sposi; è significativo come tale esigenza sia stata recepita anche nel pensiero... more
Classical and Hellenistic Greek laws and dowry practices were generally more progressive and provided more protections for wives than early Roman marriage law and practice. Roman dowry law then witnessed a series of significant... more