Roman board games
Recent papers in Roman board games
"Még a kockajátékból származó nyereséget sem vetette meg, hanem akár hazugsággal, sőt hamis esküvel is igyekezett többet nyerni. Egyszer átadta a játszmát a mellette ülő játékosnak, kilépett az atriumába, és két gazdag római lovagot, akik... more
Since before the beginning of recorded history, board games have been a constant source of fascination and entertainment for human beings. From 7000-year-old bone dice and the Ancient Egyptian religious game of Senet to the spread of... more
In the rescue excavation project, conducted in 2001-2002 at the private property plot K. Diakogeorgiou at the city of Rhodes, an incised board for the nine men’s Morris game was discovered. The board game was clearly incised at the lower... more
Several artefacts related to gaming were unearthed in Apulum, coming from the civil areas, the fort or the necropolises. Their majority is represented by bone or antler counters and dices. Our paper focuses mainly on the game supports,... more
In epoca greca e romana, i giochi rappresentavano una componente fondamentale della vita privata di adulti e bambini appartenenti ai ceti più bassi, così come a quelli più alti. Dei giochi atletici, tra cui i celeberrimi giochi olimpici,... more
Both literary and archaeological evidence indicates that the playing of board games was a widespread and culturally significant phenomenon of the Roman world. In spite of their common presence, ancient board games have been paid little... more
Board gaming has to a large degree, been studied based on historical sources. Ironically, this is true even for prehistoric games, where the Icelandic sagas have been used as a starting point for a deductive hunt for the mysterious game... more
Digital Ludeme Project
First Workshop on Digital Archaeoludology:
Modelling the Evolution of Traditional Games
April 10 - 12 , Schloss Dagstuhl, Saarbrucken, Germany
First Workshop on Digital Archaeoludology:
Modelling the Evolution of Traditional Games
April 10 - 12 , Schloss Dagstuhl, Saarbrucken, Germany
We discuss in particular the "game boards" inscribed into the roof of the Seti temple at el-Qurna, the problem of the "dux" piece in the Roman Latrunculi game, the presumed Roman origin of hopscotch, and the identification of those... more
Two ‘duodecim scripta’ boards have been found in the on-going excavations of the ancient city of Kibyra, located in the city of Burdur’s Gölhisar district. The first one is of limestone. Like the other examples, this board was curved as... more
In 2010 a Roman token was discovered in the mud of the Thames near Putney Bridge in London. When the token was discovered to have an erotic image on one side and a Roman numeral on the other, and was identified in a Museum of London press... more
Firmamentum autem stabilitatis constantiaeque eius, quam in amicitia quaerimus, fides est; nihil est enim stabile quod infidum est.
"Playing at the frontier – on two Roman gaming boards from the limes hinterland The gaming board from Nassenfels (Lkr. Eichstätt) can be associated with the ludus XII scriptorum. In view of the execution of the triangles on the playing... more
In the evolution of game diagrams and rules boardgames have come to mirror not only cultural aspects but also the transformations in the collective psyche. The boardgame portrays the collective psyche in the form of mandala shapes... more
در این مقاله تخته بازی سنگی با نقش مارهای پیچان در جیرفت مورد تحلیل و بررسی قرار گرفته و با قیاس آن با یکی از بازی های باستانی در اروپا، به این نتیجه می رسیم که جیرفت خاستگاه این بازی در اروپا بوده است.
Dieser Artikel ist eine Weiterentwicklung und Ergänzung zum ersten Artikel im Archäologischen Korrespondenzblatt
In this article we present a group of circular and spherical pieces from the Roman "villa" o El Saucedo (Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, Spain). They consist above all of ceramic tokens for gameboards, marbles, weights, anphorae lids and a... more
Grosse Haustiere dank den Römern
VITA ROMANA: Eine lateinische Führung durchs Römerhaus
Bärenjagd in Augusta Raurica?
Vermitteln – Eine Aufgabe mit vielen Facetten
VITA ROMANA: Eine lateinische Führung durchs Römerhaus
Bärenjagd in Augusta Raurica?
Vermitteln – Eine Aufgabe mit vielen Facetten
in L'Antiquité Classique 85 2016, p. 603-604.
"Suntuosos palacios o tabernas de mala muerte acogían
partidas de dados en las que se apostaban enormes sumas."
partidas de dados en las que se apostaban enormes sumas."
Report on a group of Roman coins found near Raveglass and a tile gaming board
In 2010 a Roman token was discovered in the mud of the Thames near Putney Bridge in London. When the token was discovered to have an erotic image on one side and a Roman numeral on the other, and was identified in a Museum of London press... more
The firts comprehensive book of Merels Board. From its origins through the history and geography of one of the most popular board games in the world, who took powerful magic and symbolic meanings over time. The essay also contains the... more