Ancient Greek Games
Recent papers in Ancient Greek Games
O acompanhamento musical das práticas esportivas é uma característica marcante dos jogos na Grécia antiga, seja nos treinamentos, seja nas competições. Este acompanhamento se dava com instrumentos de sopro, especificamente o aulos e a... more
In epoca greca e romana, i giochi rappresentavano una componente fondamentale della vita privata di adulti e bambini appartenenti ai ceti più bassi, così come a quelli più alti. Dei giochi atletici, tra cui i celeberrimi giochi olimpici,... more
Board games are often used as a plot motif in modern genre fiction, especially in detective and adventure stories. In these types of narrative a well-known pattern of storytelling or literary structure (e.g. the treasure hunt, the... more
Il est évident, en observant uniquement les Jeux olympiques et la fascination de certains empereurs à leur égard, que la venue de Rome en Grèce n’a pas entraîné la disparition des concours. Au contraire, ces jeux, que les Hellènes... more
In the beginning of the first Olympian ode, water is ‘most excellent’ rather than ‘the best thing in the universe’, the superlative being absolute, not relative. The sun, heavenly sign of Olympia, excels over water and gold, elements... more
C omme vous en avez l'habitude maintenant, vous allez découvrir grâce à ce nouveau numéro d'Archéothéma, combien l'Antiquité classique nous apparaît à la fois si familière et si diff érente. Par l'étude des textes et l'analyse des... more
La cité des spectacles permanents. Organisation et organisateurs des concours civiques dans l'Athènes hellénistique et impériale (SoPHAU Prize Award 2015) The place on earth where “spectacles are permanently held”: thus did the traveler... more
In 2000-2001, during a salvage excavation of the IV th Ephorate of Antiquities at Argos, a valuable and unexpected discovery came to light. Some 136 inscribed bronze plaques of the first decades of the 4 th century BC were found. They... more
Επιμέλεια Έκδοσης: Νίκος Δ. Καράμπελας & Michael Stork Διόρθωση Κειμένων: Αντώνης Μιχαηλίδης Νόμισμα εξωφύλλου και σελίδας τίτλου: Οπισθότυπος χάλκινου νομίσματος της Νικόπολης, εποχής Αυγούστου, με πυργοστεφή προτομή της τύχης της πόλης.... more
Intellectual puzzles have a tendency to intermix and accumulate in miscellaneous collections, as happens in present-day puzzle magazines. This phenomenon is already observable in ancient compilations (cf. Palatine Anthology, book 14) and... more
Teracotta figurines are common among the grave goods accompanying burials in Corinth form the end of the Classical period and almost throughout Hellenistic times. A striking example is also provided by a terracotta group of two young... more
Journée d'étude internationale, Paris, INHA, 27 novembre 2021
L' ancrage de nos équipes à Apollonia du Pont repose désormais intégralement sur le support financier accordé par le Ministère des Affaires Étrangères en raison de l' achèvement du programme ANR Pont-Euxin dont les derniers crédits ont... more
In Ancient Greece, the child’s game ephedrismos (piggyback) is well known as a sort of blind man’s bluff. According to literary sources and dictionaries such as Julius Pollux’ Onomasticon , a young boy rides a friend who carries him... more
The Paestan vase-painting of Zeus on a see-saw (from an unidentified mythological comedy) represents a type of comic scene known in ancient Greek theatre: erotic flirtation between two personages (an aspiring lover and his ladylove) is... more
Chair : Fabio Spadini (Fribourg) 9h00 Ulrich Schädler (Fribourg) Games for the dead : boardgames in tombs 9h45 Stine Schierup (Copenhagen) Boardgames in the National Museum, Copenhagen Chair : Hanna Ammar (Fribourg) 11h00 Barbara Carè... more
Platon, à l'occasion des trois réfutations de l'impiété insérées dans le livre X des Lois, fait de la justice la clef de voûte d'un ordre universel, placé sous l'égide d'un intellect divin. Il enrichit pour ce faire le modèle... more