Early modern board games
Recent papers in Early modern board games
Since before the beginning of recorded history, board games have been a constant source of fascination and entertainment for human beings. From 7000-year-old bone dice and the Ancient Egyptian religious game of Senet to the spread of... more
A webliography of digitized historical books on gaming and gambling from the 17th to the 19th century.
This is the English version of a two-part paper published in French. The Game of the Owl is a simple gambling game in which the players pay to or take stakes from a pool according to the throw of dice. The paper analyses versions of this... more
Glückshaus is a relatively modern version of the larger family of Games of Seven (games played with two six-sided dice and a stake board with fields usually numbered 2-12, often with an emphasized 7.). This paper looks at various... more
The Bodleian Library's John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera contains three examples of the early printed board game, The Royal Pastime of Cupid or Entertaining Game of the Snake. According to Digital Bodleian records, one was... more
Games were important to the Augsburg art agent Philipp Hainhofer (1578-1647) and this ludic category was included in most of his art cabinets. It offered amusement as part of an overall ambition for the cabinets to be of both service and... more
The John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera contains three examples of the early printed board game The Royal Pastime of Cupid, Or Entertaining Game of the Snake. While this paper will discuss all three examples, which are dated to... more