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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Jewish - Christian Relations
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    • Roman Catholic Church Dogmas and the Councils
In this paper the author tries to show that the introduction of Roman Catholicism to the Philippines has effected two fundamental influences, viz., Westernization (in terms of Hispanization and later Americanization), which enables the... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionSoutheast Asian StudiesReligion and Politics
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      Historical TheologyTrinitarian TheologyBasil of CaesareaArianism
SUMMARY: The recent proposal to admit divorced and remarried Catholics living in more uxorio to the sacraments of Penance and Communion presents itself as a merciful solution to a very painful situation. But this pastoral course of action... more
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      TheologyMoral TheologyHistory of Church CouncilsMarriage and Divorce
Nachdem im römischen Umfeld der Jesuiten ab den 1580er Jahren die Darstellungen massenhafter Folterungen und Exekutionen sowohl frühchristlicher als auch zeitgenössischer Märtyrer und Märtyrerinnen im pädagogischen Kontext en vogue... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMartyrdomRenaissance RomeCounter-Reformation
Dogmatic difinitions can be kerygmatic formulas, doxologies and polemics. Despite some appearances, the dogmatic definition is not a homogenous literary form; the relation between its form and contents, its “genre”, can vary quite... more
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      Systematic TheologyEcumenical TheologyHistory of Church CouncilsDogmatic theology
Quando, nel giugno 1960, Giovanni XXIII nominò il cardinale Augustin Bea a capo del Segretariato per l’unità dei cristiani, molti, come il domenicano Yves Congar, restarono sbalorditi da quella che ritenevano una singolare scelta. Cosa... more
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      Church HistorySecond Vatican CouncilPope Pius XIIEcumenism
This essay explores Yves Congar's approach to interpreting the Second Vatican Council. It contributes to the contemporary debate over whether Vatican II is best implemented by a consideration of its finished texts, or of its dynamism as... more
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      Systematic TheologyCatholic TheologySecond Vatican CouncilRoman Catholicism
A number of national episcopal conferences and individual bishops and theologians are depicting Pope Francis' teachings contained in his Apostolic Exhortation _Amoris Laetitia_, to the effect that some married couples in irregular unions... more
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      Catholic TheologyRoman CatholicismRoman Catholic EcclesiologyEastern Orthodox Theology
There is an Italian song by Andrea Boccelli named Vivo per Lei, "I live for Her," that is, for Music. The song says beautiful things about music, as if music was a Lady. At one moment he confesses: If I had another life, I would also live... more
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      MariologyRoman Catholic Church Dogmas and the CouncilsMariologiaCoredemptrix
The essay deals with the cultural and religious climate in Rome during the papacy of Leo X connected to anatomical studies of which Leonardo was an important interpreter. In particular, the article shows how philosophical research, during... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of MedicineChristian HeresiesRoman Catholic Church Dogmas and the Councils
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      Catholic Church HistoryHistory of the PapacyRoman Catholic Church Dogmas and the CouncilsGelasius I
Il volume ricostruisce la storia del santuario rupestre di S. Michele al monte Tancia (Rieti), e presenta l'edizione critica del testo di fondazione, con traduzione italiana e commento. The book reconstructs the history of the rock... more
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      Late AntiquitySanctuaryArchangel MichaelRoman Catholic Church Dogmas and the Councils
Du jansénisme au modernisme : La Bulle Auctorem fidei (1794), pivot du magistère romain ? Colloque international organisé par Jean-Baptiste Amadieu et Simon Icard, en partenariat avec République des Savoirs (USR3608), le Laboratoire... more
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      Canon LawJansenismPort-RoyalCatholicisme
Javno vodenje v izzivih 21. stoletja: analiza inspirativnega voditelja papeža Frančiška Duhovniška pot Jorgeja Maria Bergoglia je strma in navdihujoča. Že kot nadškof Buenos Airesa je jasno izražal svojo skrb za revne in uboge ter osebno... more
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      LeadershipRoman Catholic Church Dogmas and the Councils