Christian Heresies
Recent papers in Christian Heresies
In this volume, I tell the stories of the early Christians whom other Christians denied were Christian. the second century CE, many different Christian leaders and groups claimed to be the only or authentic version of Christianity. Over... more
Le eresie dei primi secoli sono quei movimenti dei primi secoli dell'era cristiana che, una volta raggiunto un certo grado di consolidamento e istituzionalizzazione, vennero giudicati eterodossi e considerati eresie dalla Chiesa Cattolica... more
Most studies of Donatism tend to focus on its seemingly binary struggle with the other major expression of the Christian faith in North Africa, the Caecilianist church. And for good reason: the majority of our surviving primary sources on... more
Who are the Muslims? What is the Qur'an? Who is Prophet Muhammad? How does the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad influence the everyday lives of Muslims? This paper will shed some light on those questions.
Sicut scriptum est». La parola scritta e i suoi molteplici valori nel millennio medievale PROSPETTIVE STORICHE Studi e ricerche collana diretta da «Sicut scriptum est». La parola scritta e i suoi molteplici valori nel millennio medievale... more
Esprit nomade, hérétique parmi les hérétiques, philosophe et poète...
Un portrait de Giordano Bruno à travers les opinions des éminents experts internationaux.
Un portrait de Giordano Bruno à travers les opinions des éminents experts internationaux.
This short seminar paper explores what Irenaeus meant by ‘the Rule of Faith’ and how he used this to defend the church against heresies?
Se il De haeresibus di Agostino può essere a ragione considerato il testo fondativo dell'eresiologia nell'Occidente cristiano, non è, allora, irrilevante notare che proprio nella praefatio di quella celebre opera l'insigne autore... more
Католики оправдывали жестокие гонения на катаров тем, что это не просто ересь (т.е. религиозные взгляды, расходящиеся с ортодоксальной догматикой), а "антиобщественное, негуманное и социально опасное явление". Анн Бренон, современная... more
Comment parvenir au trésor de la lumière, où nous pourrons atteindre le repos et chanter la gloire du Dieu inaccessible? Fascinants et déroutants avec leurs diagrammes et leurs puissances célestes aux noms mystérieux, les Livres de Iéou... more
It is a true but useless idea that Islam was at first a Christian heresy. Or as the academic study of Christian history would prefer to say today: Isalm was one of many "christianities" started throughout the ages. In this paper I... more
An ethno-historical perspective on the popular magic in Sardinia.
The definition of "theocracy" has perplexed scholars for many centuries. Some argue that theocracy exists only when religious leaders are also the actual, official political leaders and, as such, impose their particular theological views... more
Dans son Panarion, Épiphane dénonce un groupe gnostique pratiquant la manducation de sang menstruel et de sperme (26,3,3; 4,4–5,3; 8,4–9,6; 10,9-10; 11,1.10) et ayant composé plusieurs livres dont un est intitulé les « Questions de Marie... more
Монография посвящена исследованию русской религиозности конца XIV — начала XVI вв., понимаемой как область отношения народного сознания к догматам веры. На материале большого количества разнообразных источников, памятников оригинальной и... more
La Délivrance des emmurés de Carcassone, par Jean-Paul Laurens, 1879, Carcassone, musée des Beaux-Arts. La peinture montre, dans une mise en scène dramatique typique du XIX e siècle, l'Agitateur du Languedoc, Bernard Délicieux, emprisonné... more
Originally submitted: May, 2017. Last edited and expanded: November - December, 2024. In this research thesis we will discover that Augustine’s opinion that concupiscence was an evil, hereditary stain of original sin was not in line with... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
The steady stream of provocative and popular text-critical works by Bart Ehrman has been stirring the apologetic's hornet's nest for a few years now. There has been no shortage of responses to his claims about proto-orthodox scribes... more
Fourth Century A.D. has had a key role in the transformation of the ancient Greco-Roman world because of Christianity’s progress in the political arena. Paganism, persistently discredited in previous centuries by educated Christians... more
Arcontes y dicen que las cosas creadas han sido originadas a partir de ellos; pero también son culpables de cierta indecencia. Rechazan la resurrección de la carne y calumnian el Antiguo Testamento, pero emplean no sólo este sino καὶ Νέᾳ... more
Heresy had social, cultural and political implications in the middle ages, and countering heresy was often a central component in the development of orthodoxy. This series publishes work on heresy, and the repression of heresy, from late... more
An introduction to the research history of Austria´s early twentieth century racist religions and Walther Paape´s contribution
This paper discusses the use of the names of heresies: bogomilism, messalianism and the heresy of autoproscoptae in 14th century Bulgarian sources. The author underlines that the names of bogomilism and messalianism do not always refer to... more
Certains théologiens et certains canonistes considèrent qu'un pape peut tomber dans l'hérésie. Selon eux, il devrait alors être déposé par un concile général. Cette théorie remonte au Décret de Gratien (XIIe siècle). Elle a engendré les... more
A short essay examining the relationship between Gospel of John and Gnosticism through the lens of Temple Theology. This essay is a collection of excerpt from a longer paper on the Johannite Tradition submitted to the formation program of... more
La libertà di coscienza è il criterio principale per valutare la risposta delle società alle domande di spazi di autonomia degli individui. Il volume analizza le forme di repressione della dissidenza religiosa dall’Impero romano–cristiano... more
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier... more
Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences by specialty 07.00.03 – Universal History
Réflexion autour de l'actualité du diagnostic psychiatrique, comme identification d'une hérésie, et exploration de l'arrière-plan religieux, culturel et éthique de la pratique psychiatrique...
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier... more
La Charte de Niquinta, texte qui rapporte un grand rassemblement hérétique à Saint-Félix de Lauragais en 1167 et qui se réclame de la provenance dissidente, est un enjeu essentiel de la recherche actuelle sur le catharisme et le... more
This article studies the two earliest witnesses to the Apostles' Creed which have often been regarded with suspicion because they were written by "heretical" bishop-theologians Marcellus of Ancyra and Priscillian of Avila. Assessing the... more
In 1964, the remains of a large house were discovered in the Israeli city of Beth-Shean/ Beth-Shan (also known as Scythopolis). Once excavated, the mid-5th century CE house was found to contain many interesting artifacts, but none as... more