Roma education
Recent papers in Roma education
This paper explores the development of the UK Gypsy and Traveller third sector and details factors which have impeded development. This includes a lack of resources and skills but also illustrates how in recent years important progress... more
Socialisation of Roma children which is related to education is one of the most important problems of Roma community. In the recent years an increasing number of Roma children have attended school but only a few Roma have completed the... more
Socialisation of Roma children which is related to education is one of the most important problems of Roma community. In the recent years an increasing number of Roma children have attended school but only a few Roma have completed the... more
The 'gender gap' in attainment is an issue in Scotland but is also an international phenomenon. In Scotland, this gap continues to be apparent as girls outperform boys in national examinations. This raises challenges for those working in... more
cuenta con diversos centros de actividad fuera y dentro de la escuela, en entornos con alto riesgo de exclusión social, y con participantes pertenecientes a minorías culturales entre las que predomina la de los gitanos. Desde una... more
Our paper is based on a study carried out among students of Hungarian tanodassecond chance educational institutions in Hungaryand their parents. The findings of the interview research did not support deficit models and suggest that... more
Psychological truths have their place in all kinds of practice: both in cognition and in action. They should make a difference in the world which is as much a duty of psychology as it is to create sophisticated theories.
Psychological truths have their place in all kinds of practice: both in cognition and in action. They should make a difference in the world which is as much a duty of psychology as it is to create sophisticated theories.
The book presents the authorial model of the psychologist's work at school which assumes that this work should include monitoring of the educational process taking place at school, followed by extensive promotional activities,... more
During the last years, in Romania and Bulgaria, an acceleration of existent disparities took place compared to the European Union countries as regards the occupational labor structures and an decreased evolution of the active population... more
Psychological truths have their place in all kinds of practice: both in cognition and in action. They should make a difference in the world which is as much a duty of psychology as it is to create sophisticated theories.
Auf einem Glückwunschtelegramm des Verbands der Deutschen Sinti e. V. vom 6. Oktober 1980 zur gewonnenen Bundestagswahl, gerichtet an den wiedergewählten Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt, hat ein unbekannter Mitarbeiter den Absender Verband... more
List of photographs List of Tables List of Figures List of Maps Bibliography Appendices Chapter One-introduction and background Introduction Rationale for this study-Why is Attachment to People and Place for members of the Traveller... more
This paper consists of discussion of findings from a series of empirical studies conducted in London and southern England. A central concern of these studies was to explore the collective responses and adaptations of Gypsies and... more
Armut und Ausgrenzung in Ungarn Was ist Armut? Vor einigen Jahren erschien in Ungarn in der Zeitschrift "Pedagógiai Szemle" (Pädagogische Rundschau) eine Artikelreihe, in der auszugsweise Gespräche in Klassenlehrerstunden veröffentlicht... more
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of its authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained... more
This article describes the basics of sustainability of Shere Rom's Project, a network of practice communities based on Fifth Dimension model. This network, coordinated by a service of Applied Psychology at Universitat Autònoma de... more
This paper is an attempt to offer a specific perspective on the interrelation and complex ity of the spatial and social mobility trajectory and its multilayered effects on habitus. This family case study is based on two semistructured... more
Verzeichnis der Abkürzungen BMFSFJ Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend ESF Europäischer Sozialfonds i. d. R. in der Regel inkl. inklusive insbes. insbesondere u. a. unter anderem vgl. vergleiche zzgl. zuzüglich... more
Transparent flexible capacitors are important in the development of advanced future electronics devices like transparent sensors, electronic devices, high pixel displays, thin film multilayer solar cells and transparent circuit.... more
This research question arose though the lead practitioner's professional practice, which is focused upon the transfer and retention of Traveller children from primary to secondary school. The research project involved two contrasting... more
School issues have become increasingly important in public elections and political debates, leading to increased focus on the results students achieve in international large-scale assessments and in the rankings of the involved countries.... more
The paper aims to contribute to the assessment of the contextual relevance of various educational policies through an analysis of three aspects of the performance profiles of European countries: participation, the quality of learning... more
- by Péter Radó
This chapter explores the upward social mobility trajectories, and the corollary prices of them for those 45, first-in-family college educated Roma in Hungary who come from socially disadvantaged and marginalised family and community... more
ii This report presents a more detailed overview of the analytical approach to be applied by thepro
Thema des Beitrags ist die Frage, wie in einer quantitativen Herangehensweise die Spracheinstellungen von linguistischen Laien erfasst werden konnen. Das IDS hat 2017/18 im Rahmen des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) des Deutschen... more
Seit über einem Jahrzehnt plädieren transkulturelle Arbeiten für die Einbindung von mehr-/anders-und fremdsprachiger Literatur in der Schule. Dennoch konzentriert sich die Mehrheit der literaturdidaktischen Forschung hierzu bisher auf die... more
- by Julia Podelo
Hinter der öffentlichen Debatte um die sprachliche Vielfalt in Deutschland verbirgt sich oft ein Sprachverständnis, in dem der Begriff Sprache anstelle von Inhalten oder ethnischen oder sozialen Zuordnungen verwendet wird, oder der Wunsch... more
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über more
The purpose of the paper is to enrich the policy discourse in Serbia on one of the most striking features of primary and secondary education: the high proportion of students who are failing in many different ways. The findings are mainly... more
- by Péter Radó
This chapter explores the upward social mobility trajectories, and the corollary prices of them for those 45, first-in-family college educated Roma in Hungary who come from socially disadvantaged and marginalised family and community... more
Dieser Beitrag ist ein Pladoyer fur die Aufnahme von Daten uber die Verwendung von Sprachen in schulbezogene Untersuchungen und Statistiken. Vor allem gilt diese Forderung dann, wenn in solchen Untersuchungen die Verwendung von Sprachen... more
This study’s purpose was to examine SES-related mathematics achievement gaps among Turkish middle-school students as compared to achievement gaps in the European Union (EU) countries. The data used belonged to 2007 Trends in International... more
Mentoring, Counselling and Mediator Models to Improve the Educational Situation of Sinti and Roma in Germany (zusammen mit Natascha Hofmann). In: International Dialogues on Education: Past and Present, 5/2018. Verfügbar unter:... more
Die historische Forschung hat der gesellschaftlichen Organisation des Aufwachsens und der Rolle von Heranwachsenden erst vergleichsweise spät Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten haben sich Jugend-und... more
... London bombs Robin Richardson ... The journalists and politicians mentioned above would maintain that they are poles away from the BNP. There was nevertheless an eerie similarity between BNP propaganda and the musings of certain... more
PISA or the Programme for International Student Assessment of OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) is one of the most famous educational events of the last decades. Thousands of students from sixty-two different... more
The aim of this paper is to define to which conditions Sinti and Roma in Germany are subjected to in these days. For this reason, the following guiding question is posed: in which way were the victims of the Porajmos denied the... more
The authors of this paper were participants in both the International Teacher Leadership project and the APREME (Advancing the Participation and Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Education) project from which research evidence is... more
Richard Florida, an American theorist has argued that in the future we need to develop three things: Talent, Technology and Tolerance. Using this framework to inform our discussion, we examine key issues concerning policy and practice to... more
Foster care institutions are badly understaffed and operate on the lowest expected standards in terms of human resources in Hungary. In many cases, child protection personnel working with children in foster care do not have the necessary... more
- by Judit Zeller