Papers by Lubomir Stoytchev
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 2024
This piece of research investigates the determinants of ethnic Bulgarians’ attitudes towards inte... more This piece of research investigates the determinants of ethnic Bulgarians’ attitudes towards interethnic marriages with members of Bulgaria’s Turkish community. A statistical analysis was conducted to examine the role of socio-demographic factors in shaping these attitudes. It discusses many factors but focuses on the statistically significant educational attainment, settlement type, family status, and net income. Higher levels of education do not necessarily lead to more tolerant attitudes towards interethnic marriages. Settlement type and family status emerge as influential determinants. Income is important in shaping attitudes, with the better-off households exhibiting higher approval rates to interethnic mixed marriages. These and other findings contribute to understanding interethnic attitudes and provide valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders working towards fostering social cohesion and inclusion.
Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023
This study investigates the socio-demographic dimensions of Bulgaria’s NEET (Not in Education, Em... more This study investigates the socio-demographic dimensions of Bulgaria’s NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) population, focusing on poverty and ethnicity, particularly among Bulgaria’s Roma. The purpose is to explore how and to what extent poverty influences NEET status, with an emphasis on the disparities between Roma and non-Roma youth. The methodology relies on data collected through a survey conducted by NSI/FRA, employing a two-stage stratified cluster sampling of 15 thousand households. The data were processed using weighted percentages, direct standardization, and tetrachoric correlations to assess the associations between socio-demographic characteristics and NEET status. Results show that Roma youth aged 15-29 are disproportionately represented in the NEET population, with a NEET rate of 53.6%, compared to 19.3% for the general population. After direct standardization by poverty, the Roma NEET rate reduces to 36.2%, though it remains significantly higher than the national average. This finding underscores that poverty, while a key factor, does not fully explain the elevated NEET rates among Roma, suggesting other structural barriers also are in play. The study concludes that comprehensive policies targeting both poverty reduction and other social measures and interventions are essential to reduce the NEET rates among vulnerable ethnic groups. It also highlights the economic losses resulting from youth disengagement from the labour market, emphasizing the importance of integrated policy measures.
Nasselenie Review, 41(3), 485–513, 10.5281/zenodo.10160184, 2023
The article discusses results from a national representative sociological survey of persons of re... more The article discusses results from a national representative sociological survey of persons of reproductive age in the Republic of Bulgaria. The focus is on various aspects of the attitudes of Bulgaria's public towards immigrants. The attitudes towards inclusive education for the children of immigrants are also discussed. The analysis and interpretation of the results include important, in terms of inclusion, characteristics of reproductive age persons such as sex, age, education, family characteristics, place of residence, work and income. The results show that Bulgaria's society still is dominated by positive attitudes towards immigrants and the immigrant inclusive education, but among some social groups prevail the negative attitudes.
Население, 2023
In this article, we investigate income inequalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, with a specific ... more In this article, we investigate income inequalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, with a specific focus on the period from 2013 to 2021, during which the country recorded the highest disposable income inequalities within the European Union. We examine the genesis and dynamics of economic inequalities in the post-communist era and identify key factors contributing to the increase in these inequalities during the 2007-2020 period. Furthermore, we compare income inequalities in Bulgaria with those in other European countries, utilizing statistical data from Eurostat spanning from 2000 to 2020. The article also incorporates an analysis of results from the World Inequality Lab, which researches income inequalities in Europe from 1980 to 2017. With a particular emphasis on different social strata-the poor, the middle class, and the wealthy-we present an analysis of the dynamics of income inequalities in Bulgaria, including data from Eurostat up to the year 2021.
Nasselenie Review, ISSN 0205-0617 (Print); ISSN 2367-9174 (Online), 2022
Data from a representative sociological survey with persons of reproductive age in the Republic o... more Data from a representative sociological survey with persons of reproductive age in the Republic of Bulgaria are analysed and discussed in the article. The focus is on the attitudes and distances of ethnic Bulgarians towards the Bulgarian nationals of Turkish origin. Fifteen key attitudes towards the Bulgarian nationals of Turkish descent are analysed in addition to an age-related interpretation of the attitudes towards the mixed marriages between ethnic Turks and ethnic Bulgarians. From a social integration perspective, the analysis and interpretation take into account important characteristics of the ethnic Bulgarians such as their education, gender, place of residence, etc. The results show that among the Bulgarian community, the negative attitudes towards mixed marriages dominate, although among the different subgroups the attitudes are nuanced and ambiguous.
Население, Том 39, Книжка 1, 2021, 103-122 ISSN 0205-0617 (Print); ISSN 2367-9174 (Online), 2021
Data from a representative sociological survey with persons of reproductive age in the Republic o... more Data from a representative sociological survey with persons of reproductive age in the Republic of Bulgaria are analysed and discussed in the article. The focus is on the attitudes and distances of ethnic Bulgarians towards the Bulgarian nationals of Turkish origin. Fifteen key attitudes towards the Bulgarian nationals of Turkish descent are analysed in addition to an age-related interpretation of the attitudes towards the mixed marriages between ethnic Turks and ethnic Bulgarians. From a social integration perspective, the analysis and interpretation take into account important characteristics of the ethnic Bulgarians such as their education, gender, place of residence, etc. The results show that among the Bulgarian community, the negative attitudes towards mixed marriages dominate, although among the different subgroups the attitudes are nuanced and ambiguous.
Papers of BAS. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2016
The influence of income inequality and youth unemployment on the expansion of the higher educatio... more The influence of income inequality and youth unemployment on the expansion of the higher education in Bulgaria is analysed and interpreted. Bivariate and multivariate linear regression models are calculated and discussed. Quantitative evidence about an association between income inequality and the growing percentage of higher education graduates is presented. The youth unemployment perspective to higher education is also modelled and explored as a context and as a predictor. Data analyses confirm the theoretical assumption that increasing income inequality in society can lead to more higher education graduates, especially among the 25-64 age group. Youth unemployment proves to be an important contextual setting for the income inequality–higher education relationship.
Nasselenie Review, 2013
Pilot survey results concerning the Roma representations in the district of Razgrad are presented... more Pilot survey results concerning the Roma representations in the district of Razgrad are presented and discussed in the paper. The survey was conducted in late 2012 and the results show that for the last few years ethnic relations in the district of Razgrad have normalised and eased. The proportion of those who perceive as a problem the percentage of the minorities in Bulgaria has decreased since the early 1990s. First signs of a transition from traditional to modern forms of racism (e.g. the latent racism) were detected in the study.
Население, 2013
НАСЕЛЕНИЕ NASSELENIE REVIEW Списание на ИИНЧ-БАН Review of the IPHS-BAS Департамент Демография De... more НАСЕЛЕНИЕ NASSELENIE REVIEW Списание на ИИНЧ-БАН Review of the IPHS-BAS Департамент Демография Demography Department Българска академия на науките Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 3-4/2013 3-4/2013
Nasselenie Review, 2013
The paper presents the qualitative research results on the impact of gender in the Roma community... more The paper presents the qualitative research results on the impact of gender in the Roma community. Issues concerning to the place of Roma women in the family and community, traditional practices with respect to Roma women and their social status and the opportunities they have are in the very focus of the analysis. Opportunities through which Roma women can improve your life choices are also examined. The study discusses practices, status and opportunities of representatives from four types of groups that vary in their degree of economic, social, cultural, etc. development and integration into the Bulgarian society.
Nasselenie Review, 2012
In this article, I have explored the effect of two macroeconomic processes on the volume of Roma ... more In this article, I have explored the effect of two macroeconomic processes on the volume of Roma content in six Bulgarian daily newspapers. Using Eurostat macroeconomic data and press monitoring results produced by an independent nonprofit, I test for the presence of a significant association between the volume of content of Roma related articles and the movement of prices – in particular, the food and non-alcoholic product prices, and the diesel and unleaded 95 fuel prices. Further, the association between the unemployment rate and the volume of content of Roma related articles is tested. Interesting results show that the overall movement of prices is not significantly correlated with the volume of Roma content in the dailies. On the other hand, the unemployment rate and the price of diesel and food products appear to be in a strong and significant association with the volume of Roma content. A similar type of association though cannot be proved when it comes to a nationalistic daily.
Nasselenie Review, 2009
The paper discusses specific delinquency and deviance issues concerning Bulgaria’s adolescent and... more The paper discusses specific delinquency and deviance issues concerning Bulgaria’s adolescent and minor offenders. Through profiling, ethnic Bulgarian and ethnic Roma offenders in correctional institutions are compared for similarities and differences. Twelve social-demographic traits are statistically analyzed and interpreted to answer the question if there are significant differences between the two ethnic groups. Similarities outnumbered the differences which fact puts the two groups in analogous vulnerable situation in case there is a link between persecution and the social and demographic traits of persecuted underage offenders. Special attention is paid to offenders’ age,
education, families, substance use and abuse, length of stay and previous institutionalization.
Nasselenie Review, 2008
The article discusses a topical issue in contemporary Bulgaria: the crime among the underage offe... more The article discusses a topical issue in contemporary Bulgaria: the crime among the underage offenders aged 14–17. National Statistical Institute data for a 17 year period is reconfigured, analyzed and then interpreted from the standpoints of sociology of delinquency and criminology. As a result a quantitative generalized profile of the juvenile offender is constructed and presented both in short and in detail.
The article also traces the structure and dynamics of the convicted underage offenders throughout the period. Using the correlation method of statistical analysis, the author offers a periodization of the transitional period. The periodization emerges on the basis of changing dynamics explained by the finding that the convicted criminal activity of underage and full age offenders is determined by different factors during the sub-periods. A number of hypothetical explanations, pending verification, are offered in relation to the changes in convicted criminal activity in Bulgaria. The periodization is exclusively based on data and statistical coefficients provided and estimated by the National Statistical Institute.
Furthermore, the article discusses the structure and dynamics of convicted underage offenders by a number of demographic and social attributes, e.g. sex, age, education, ethnicity, type of crime, family type, situation in the family, physical and mental health, and all types of inflicted punishments. As a result of all analyses and interpretations based on the available data it is generalized that there are approximately 190 underage (aged 14–17) offenders per year whom can be referred to as dangerous offenders active in Bulgaria.
Социологически проблеми, 3-4, 2006,, 2006
The paper studies mediation in conflicts related to crimes and transgression of the law. The app... more The paper studies mediation in conflicts related to crimes and transgression of the law. The approach adopted is sociological, and more concretely that of the branch of sociology dealing with crime, deviation and rehabilitation justice. The main characteristics of mediation are described, defined, and analyzed in the paper. The paper analyzes the mediation principles and traces the projections of certain theoretical postulates of sociology into principle statements of mediation. Data was collected by means of text and document analysis. Content analysis was used for processing the data.
Books by Lubomir Stoytchev
Настоящият доклад обобщава резултатите от мащабно проучване,
проведено в рамките на проект „Нови ... more Настоящият доклад обобщава резултатите от мащабно проучване,
проведено в рамките на проект „Нови подходи за събиране на данни за труднодостъпни групи от населението, изложени на риск от нарушаване на техните права“. Проектът е финансиран по програмата на Европейското икономическо пространство и Норвежкия финансов механизъм в рамките на покана BGLD-3.001, програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и засилено включване на уязвимите групи“.
This report summarises the results of the large-scale survey conducted as part of the project ‘No... more This report summarises the results of the large-scale survey conducted as part of the project ‘Novel approaches to generating data on hard-to-reach populations at risk of violation of their rights’. The project was funded under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 under call BGLD-3.001, programme ‘Local development, poverty reduction and enhanced inclusion of vulnerable groups’
Мерки за преодоляване на демографската криза в България, 2020
Reports by Lubomir Stoytchev
Papers by Lubomir Stoytchev
education, families, substance use and abuse, length of stay and previous institutionalization.
The article also traces the structure and dynamics of the convicted underage offenders throughout the period. Using the correlation method of statistical analysis, the author offers a periodization of the transitional period. The periodization emerges on the basis of changing dynamics explained by the finding that the convicted criminal activity of underage and full age offenders is determined by different factors during the sub-periods. A number of hypothetical explanations, pending verification, are offered in relation to the changes in convicted criminal activity in Bulgaria. The periodization is exclusively based on data and statistical coefficients provided and estimated by the National Statistical Institute.
Furthermore, the article discusses the structure and dynamics of convicted underage offenders by a number of demographic and social attributes, e.g. sex, age, education, ethnicity, type of crime, family type, situation in the family, physical and mental health, and all types of inflicted punishments. As a result of all analyses and interpretations based on the available data it is generalized that there are approximately 190 underage (aged 14–17) offenders per year whom can be referred to as dangerous offenders active in Bulgaria.
Books by Lubomir Stoytchev
проведено в рамките на проект „Нови подходи за събиране на данни за труднодостъпни групи от населението, изложени на риск от нарушаване на техните права“. Проектът е финансиран по програмата на Европейското икономическо пространство и Норвежкия финансов механизъм в рамките на покана BGLD-3.001, програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и засилено включване на уязвимите групи“.
Reports by Lubomir Stoytchev
education, families, substance use and abuse, length of stay and previous institutionalization.
The article also traces the structure and dynamics of the convicted underage offenders throughout the period. Using the correlation method of statistical analysis, the author offers a periodization of the transitional period. The periodization emerges on the basis of changing dynamics explained by the finding that the convicted criminal activity of underage and full age offenders is determined by different factors during the sub-periods. A number of hypothetical explanations, pending verification, are offered in relation to the changes in convicted criminal activity in Bulgaria. The periodization is exclusively based on data and statistical coefficients provided and estimated by the National Statistical Institute.
Furthermore, the article discusses the structure and dynamics of convicted underage offenders by a number of demographic and social attributes, e.g. sex, age, education, ethnicity, type of crime, family type, situation in the family, physical and mental health, and all types of inflicted punishments. As a result of all analyses and interpretations based on the available data it is generalized that there are approximately 190 underage (aged 14–17) offenders per year whom can be referred to as dangerous offenders active in Bulgaria.
проведено в рамките на проект „Нови подходи за събиране на данни за труднодостъпни групи от населението, изложени на риск от нарушаване на техните права“. Проектът е финансиран по програмата на Европейското икономическо пространство и Норвежкия финансов механизъм в рамките на покана BGLD-3.001, програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и засилено включване на уязвимите групи“.