Roma education
Recent papers in Roma education
(after the adoption of the Historical International Day of Rrage”, at the first – edition in Zagreb, on November 5 th ,2009, pp. 104-125), in “Veljko Kajtazi, Planirano i ostvareno: Desetogodišnji rad na međunarodnom pozicioniranju... more
This book resulted from the project: Functional Basic Education of Adult Roma of Roma Education Fund, accomplished within the global project: Education and Learning - Prerequisites for European Integrations financed by the Ministry of... more
Marcel Courthiade (p. 70-76) și p. 76-79 (Limba rromani Azi, în lume și pe înțelesul tuturor) în vol. “Gheorghe Sarău: Promotori ai limbii rromani în România. Confesiuni și biografii, București: Sigma, 2020, 256 p., ISBN:... more
Interkulturalni odgoj i obrazovanje u multikulturalnim sredinama pridonose smanjenju stereotipa i predrasuda, te međusobnom upoznavanju i uvažavanju različitih kultura. Interkulturalni pristup vrlo je važan u obrazovanju romske djece.... more
This chapter explores the upward social mobility trajectories, and the corollary prices of them for those 45, first-in-family college educated Roma in Hungary who come from socially disadvantaged and marginalised family and community... more
The recent flow of Roma immigrants to Western Europe has caused a lot of societal and political discussion. Initiatives and policy measures are introduced at the European and national or local level in order to deal with this situation.... more
This chapter explores the upward social mobility trajectories, and the corollary prices of them for those 45, first-in-family college educated Roma in Hungary who come from socially disadvantaged and marginalised family and community... more
Teachers are fundamental actors in education; without their contribution even the most progressive pedagogical ideas fail. However, few studies address how their individual biographies, community belonging, and intersectional identities... more
Este a doua variantă a paginii web gândită, scrisă şi alimentată de Gheorghe Sarău, cu ajutorul operatorului web, Cristian Panaitescu
This chapter explores the upward social mobility trajectories, and the corollary prices of them for those 45, first-in-family college educated Roma in Hungary who come from socially disadvantaged and marginalised family and community... more