Papers by Hysmir Idrizi LL.M.
Vendimi i Qeverisë Greke për të zgjeruar deri në 12 milje detare (nm) ujërat territorial më shumë... more Vendimi i Qeverisë Greke për të zgjeruar deri në 12 milje detare (nm) ujërat territorial më shumë se ushtrim i sovranitetit, është cënim i sovranitetit territorial të Republikës së Shqipërisë. Nisur nga pozita gjeografike midis dy vendeve, zgjerimi deri në 12 nm i detit territorial, është në kundërshtim me kushtet e zbatimit të kësaj të drejtë të garantuar nga Artikullin 3 të Konventës së Kombëve të Bashkuara mbi Të drejtën e Detit (UNCLOS). Në këndveshtrimin ligjor vendimi dukshëm në kundërshtim me të drejtën ndërkombetare nga Greqia, në mbështetje të Artikullit 15 të UNCLOS është objekt kundërshtimi në Gjykatën Ndërkombëtare të Drejtësisë nga Republika e Shqipërisë në mbështetje të Artikullit 36 të Statutit të kësaj Gjykatë. Megjithatë duke sjellë në vëmendje Vendimin e Gjykatës Kushtetuese Nr.15, datë 15.04.2010, interpretimi i marrëveshjes midis dy Shteteve, bëhet në raport me pacenueshmërinë e ushtrimit të plotë të sovranitetit mbi detin territorial. Në vazhdim të analizës, Gjykata Kushtetuese elaboroi gjithashtu çështjen e pajisjes me plotfuqi të ekipit negociator nga Presidenti i Republikës, si e drejtë ekskluzive kushtetuese. Mbi titullin e marrëveshjës palët kishin përcaktuar si zonë objekt delimitimi shelfin kontinental, hapësirë në të cilën Shtete fqinje ushtrojnë të drejta të natyrës ekonomike. Por, që në analizën e Gjykatës Kushtetuese u konstatua që zonat objekt delimitimi i përkisnin detit territorial, hapësirë e cila integrohet në teresinë në sovranitetin territorial të Republikës së Shqipërisë. Megjithatë problemi me të cilën përballet Shqipëria sot, është mos konstituimi i Gjykatës Kushtetuese dhe si pasojë pamundësia e kësaj të fundit për të vlerësuar pajtueshmërinë me Kushtetutën e Republikës së Shqipërisë në mbështetje të Artikullit 131/a e Kushtetutës së Repblikës së Shqipërisë.
The major technological developments in recent decades have led to a significant increase in the ... more The major technological developments in recent decades have led to a significant increase in the role of multinational companies (MNCs) in an international framework. This episode has been accompanied by debates about the status that these entities have in international law. Among the most frequent discussions between scholars is their legal personality. Therefore, this research paper focuses on an overview of the literature on the State as a subject of international law and the status of MNCs in international law.
The Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice on Territorial Disputes - HYSMIR IDRIZI, 2020
The Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is important in the context of maint... more The Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is important in the context of maintaining international peace and security. This is also the primary purpose of the United Nations (UN). The ICJ is the principal judicial institution of the UN which has jurisdiction to settle disputes between States that have consented to such jurisdiction. Therefore, this paper aims to shed light on the legally-binding character of the ICJ’s jurisdiction. In addition, it examines the role of the State’s consent in relation with ICJ’s jurisdiction. This research also explains the ICJ’s approach to the principle of uti possidetis as one of the nine categories on which the ICJ bases its arguments in its decisions for the recognition of a new independence State. By applying this approach, this paper analyzes the case of Kosovo in the light of the principle of uti possidetis
Thesis Chapters by Hysmir Idrizi LL.M.
The Article 10bis of Paris Convention for Protection of Intellectual Property and Albanian Law no.9947 ‘On Industrial Property’ Approaches on Trademark Infringement and its Protection Against Unfair Competition, 2021
Imagine a trademark you are obsessed with. When you finally get to buy that product and realize t... more Imagine a trademark you are obsessed with. When you finally get to buy that product and realize that it is not authentic, you get disappointed. This creates a situation in which both the consumer and the trademark proprietor are damaged. Therefore, States members of the Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property (PCPIP) design their legislation for the protection of industrial property. This protection encourages both intellectual creators and a fair and free market.
The protection of industrial property begins with its registration. Trademark registration defines the value of the company. After it is registered, the trademark proprietor can either sell or license them, or it can be used as a collateral for the next business plan.
This thesis analyzes provisions of the PCIP and Albanian Law no.9947 “On Industrial Property” and its protection against unfair competition. This research focuses on the comparison between legal approaches of PCIP and Albanian Law no.9947 “On Industrial Property”. Consequently, it aims to answer the issues including the definition of the trademark and how it is related to its legal protection, the importance of trademark registration and if such a registration is necessary to ensure the legal protection of the trademark.
Additionally, it brings to attention another controversial issue such as the intellectual property rights and the competitive market. This is an issue translated into a social and economic costs since, the enforcement of intellectual property rights might be evaluated as anti-competitive. Therefore, this thesis gives a view on to what extent the enforcement of intellectual property rights and establishment of a fair and competitive market may be in conflict or complementary to each other.
Papers by Hysmir Idrizi LL.M.
Thesis Chapters by Hysmir Idrizi LL.M.
The protection of industrial property begins with its registration. Trademark registration defines the value of the company. After it is registered, the trademark proprietor can either sell or license them, or it can be used as a collateral for the next business plan.
This thesis analyzes provisions of the PCIP and Albanian Law no.9947 “On Industrial Property” and its protection against unfair competition. This research focuses on the comparison between legal approaches of PCIP and Albanian Law no.9947 “On Industrial Property”. Consequently, it aims to answer the issues including the definition of the trademark and how it is related to its legal protection, the importance of trademark registration and if such a registration is necessary to ensure the legal protection of the trademark.
Additionally, it brings to attention another controversial issue such as the intellectual property rights and the competitive market. This is an issue translated into a social and economic costs since, the enforcement of intellectual property rights might be evaluated as anti-competitive. Therefore, this thesis gives a view on to what extent the enforcement of intellectual property rights and establishment of a fair and competitive market may be in conflict or complementary to each other.
The protection of industrial property begins with its registration. Trademark registration defines the value of the company. After it is registered, the trademark proprietor can either sell or license them, or it can be used as a collateral for the next business plan.
This thesis analyzes provisions of the PCIP and Albanian Law no.9947 “On Industrial Property” and its protection against unfair competition. This research focuses on the comparison between legal approaches of PCIP and Albanian Law no.9947 “On Industrial Property”. Consequently, it aims to answer the issues including the definition of the trademark and how it is related to its legal protection, the importance of trademark registration and if such a registration is necessary to ensure the legal protection of the trademark.
Additionally, it brings to attention another controversial issue such as the intellectual property rights and the competitive market. This is an issue translated into a social and economic costs since, the enforcement of intellectual property rights might be evaluated as anti-competitive. Therefore, this thesis gives a view on to what extent the enforcement of intellectual property rights and establishment of a fair and competitive market may be in conflict or complementary to each other.