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There is increasing awareness of the damage caused to valuable and often unique sensitive habitats by people pressure as degradation causes a loss of plant species, disturbance to wildlife, on-site and off-site impacts of soil movement... more
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      GeographySoilEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental Monitoring
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      Program EvaluationEnvironmental EducationNatural ResourcesOutdoor Education
This case study involved 3 middle school students in an assessment of the influence of self-reflection on general academic performance. It was hypothesized that increased self-reflection would have a positive influence on academic... more
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      Case StudiesVideo GameTelevisionAcademic Performance
Despite emerging evidence that access to greenspace is associated with longer life expectancy, little is understood about what causal mechanisms may explain this relationship. Based on social-ecological theories of health, greenspace has... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPhysical ActivityHealth
We aimed to assess the impacts of recreational trampling on rare species, plant communities and landscape structure in the Iroise Biosphere Reserve (western France). Focusing on coastal grasslands, we first identified indicators... more
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      Environmental ManagementMultidisciplinaryTourismRare species
The aims of this research were to describe Finnish adolescents' different motives for digital game playing, and to examine relations between digital game playing and parent-child communication, school performance, sleeping habits, and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceInterpersonal CommunicationDigital Games
This guide is based on the work of a team of landscape and educational consultants led by Keith Funnell, and comprising Valerie Alford, Don Denegri, Sally Johns and Bob Young. There was also a substantial input by the Learning through... more
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      Outdoor EducationMedicineRecreational Activities
This study examined the concurrent relationship between participation in extracurricular activities and externalizing and internalizing problems and social school behavior in a Spanish community sample, separately for boys (n 5 439) and... more
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      PsychologyCommunity PsychologyEducationRisk
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      Environmental EducationTeacher EducationHigher EducationEducational Development
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      Mechanical EngineeringSports MedicineQuality of lifePhysical Activity
... Baggrund og perspektiver [Curricula in day care centres. Background and perspectives] , Edited by: Ellegaard, T. and Stanek, AH 165–84. ... [Taylor & Francis Online] View all references, 379) still seems to be a challenge for... more
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      Early Childhood EducationInclusionInclusive EducationRecreational Activities
An amusement park is a large physics laboratory, full of rotating and accelerated coordinate systems. The forces are experienced throughout the body and can be studied with simple equipment or with electronics depending on age and... more
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      PhysicsMechanicsSocial SciencesPedagogy
A Nemzeti Táncszínház és az ELTE PPK Egészségfejlesztési és Sporttudományi Intézete között évek óta fennálló, sikeres működő kapcsolat alakult ki, amelyben óriási szerepe volt Kovács Tamás Attilának (a „hazai rekreáció atyjának”) és... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesCultureTheatreRECREATION
Habár a szabadidő eltöltés története az őskorig visszavezethető, az ettől tartalmában eltérő rekreáció viszonylag fiatal tudományként definiálható. Általánosságban a rekreáció, s hangsúlyosabban a nem-mozgás-dominanciájú rekreáció... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesCultureRECREATIONRecreational Activities
When considering the obvious risk of a dangerous recreational activity defence, under section 5L of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW), the ACT Court of Appeal has taken a narrow view of the risk of physical harm
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      Insurance LawRecreational ActivitiesCivil liability
Every summer more than 10 million children attend day or resident (sleep-over) camps sponsored by churches, not-for-profit youth agencies, and independent operators. This study explored the outcomes of a 1-week or longer camp experience... more
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      SociologyDemographyChild DevelopmentFamily
Mobile gaming has become immensely popular with the growing ease of access and the variety of inexpensive options now being offered. Pokémon Go, a cellular phone game that combines augmented reality (AR) and global positioning system... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor RecreationMobile TechnologyVideo Games
Vélhetően az a legjobb a szabadtéri programokban, hogy a természetben zajlanak. Ám vajon mi lehet ez az ösztönös vonzódás a természet iránt? Miért szeretünk jó időben a szabad levegőn időzni, s ott akár mozgásos, akár a szellemet... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesCultureOutdoor EducationRECREATION
The Hatirjheel-Begunbari canal project was initiated in 2007 and completed on late June 2010. Hatirjheel has become a recreational zone for the city people. Due to various activities of people in this place a large amount of waste is... more
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      Recreational ActivitiesWater Quality Assessment
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      DemographyOutdoor RecreationEthnicityPlanning
There is a growing body of evidence indicating that exposure to, and activities in, nature have beneficial effects on human health. Since a majority of people in many countries live in urban areas, availability and use of urban green... more
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      DemographyPublic OpinionUrban ForestryEcology
It has been argued that visitors' pre-visit “agendas” directly influence visits. This study attempted to directly test the effects of different museum visit agendas on visitor learning. Two new tools were developed for this purpose: (1) a... more
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      TourismRecreational Activities
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    • Recreational Activities
This study explores the determinants of tourist satisfaction and dissatisfaction with recreational services typically offered by sun-and-sea resorts, using the case of a large Croatian chain of hotels and resorts in the coastal region.... more
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      MarketingTourism ManagementCase StudiesCustomer Satisfaction
Background Even though there is research demonstrating a positive relationship between leisure participation and the two constructs of quality of life and stress reduction, current conceptualisation of leisure as a contributor to quality... more
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      EducationAutismQuality of lifeTreatment
© Mišljenja smo da je “TRIM staza” izuzetno korisna i podesna za masovnu aktivnost. Lako se održava, izrada i obnavljanje sprava ne traže puno vremena i sredstava. U trasiranju, konstrukciji staze, postavljanju sprava, obezbeđenju staze... more
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      Outdoor RecreationTherapeutic RecreationSports ManagementFitness
Complete conference proceedings for the II Brazilian Congress of Leisure Studies that took place September 2016 in the city of Belém, Brazil. Anais completos do II Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer, realizado em setembro de 2016 na... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyGame studiesTourism Studies
The purpose of this work is to create a mathematical formula that allows to generate Harshad numbers in base 10, that are positive integers (written in decimal form) divisible by the sum of their own digits.
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryAlgebraic Number TheoryApplied Mathematics
Employee is considered as an essential part of business for building an optimistic image. The objective of this research was to identify the impact of recreational activities on the employee productivity and for this the total of 350... more
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      HRM and KnowledgeHRM & Organisational BehaviourRecreational ActivitiesThe correlation between effective measuring of HR practices and organisational performance
EDİTÖRLER Doç. Dr. Betül BAYAZIT Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Ercan KARAÇAR Uzm. Ozan YILMAZ Bölüm 1: Dünyada Rekreasyon Eğitimi - Öğr. Gör. Yusuf ORMANKIRAN Bölüm 2: Rekreasyon ve Motivasyon - Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Mihraç KÖROĞLU Bölüm 3: Rekreasyon ve... more
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      Sport PsychologySports HistorySports ManagementSports
Paneurhythmy is an exercise of low to moderate intensity for people in good health. Paneurhythmy is a system of outdoor exercises performed to special music and verses in pairs, in a group. It has strong philosophical foundation and is... more
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      Health PsychologySpiritualityRecreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor Recreation
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      Social WorkPublic OpinionSocial Work EducationReputation
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      Teaching MethodsRecreational Activities
A B s T R A c T It has been argued that visitors' pre-visit "agendas" directly influence visits.
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      TourismRecreational Activities
Turizm ve açık hava rekreasyon faaliyetlerine olan ilginin artmasıyla birlikte milli park alanlarına olan talep de artış göstermektedir. Milli park alanlarında yapılan rekreasyonel... more
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      Outdoor RecreationNational ParksRECREATIONRecreational Activities
ÖZET Sanayileşme ve otomasyonun gelişimiyle birlikte çalışma saatlerinin azalması ve boş zamanların artması, rekreasyon faaliyetlerinin çeşitlenmesine neden olmuştur. Böylece günümüzde boş zaman etkinlikleri serbest piyasa ekonomisini... more
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      Boş zamanı değerlendirmeRekreasyonel Etkinliklerüniversite öğrencileriMaking use of leisure time
training in a recognised training college became essential for appointment as a principal teacher in a national school. 9 18 The hopes of Bryce and Wyse that Chairs of Education would be established in Irish universities had not... more
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      Higher EducationEducational ResearchHistoriographyHome Economics
Rekreasyon alanları, modern teknolojinin gelişmesine ve kentleşmeye bağlı olarak son yıllarda adından sıklıkla söz ettirir hale gelmiştir. İnsanoğlunun doğal hareketlerinde meydana gelen azalmalar, yoğun çalışma saatleri ve bunların... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor RecreationLeisure StudiesLeisure
The 12 brief articles in this "feature" or theme issue tescribe successful approaches to development of outdoor education programs which successfully integrate individuals with and without disabilities. Titles and authors are: "Outdoor... more
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      Outdoor EducationRecreational ActivitiesImpact
In this research, the relationship between recreational activity participation and technology addiction within the scope of social media and gaming activities and their effects on daily life is examined. This study analyzes data collected... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesOutdoor RecreationTherapeutic RecreationLeisure
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      Physical EducationRecreational ActivitiesPhysicalMainstreaming
The growing popularity of activities such as hiking, climbing, skiing and snowboarding has ensured that the number of visitors to mountain environments continues to increase. Since such areas place enormous physical demands on... more
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      Outdoor EducationInterpersonal RelationshipQuality ControlYoung Adults
The aim of the current study was to establish norms for the Eating Disorder (ED) Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) among competitive athletes and to explore the contribution of level of athletic involvement and gender to ED... more
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      PsychologyEating DisordersAdolescentSport
This descriptive study determined the exercise motivation and exercise attribution of recreational athletes in one of the major cities in Panay Island. A total of 75 purposively selected respondents who are regular members in a particular... more
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      Attribution TheoryCorrelationRecreational ActivitiesExercise
Background People with developmental disabilities are at high risk for a limited participation in leisure activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the participation in, preference for and interest in leisure activities of... more
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      EducationStatistical AnalysisAdolescentIntellectual Disability
The promotion of renewable sources for electricity production, independent of carbon fuels and nuclear power, is a priority in the energy policy of many countries all over the world. The European Union has launched an ambitious program to... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergy PolicyPublic HealthLandscape
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      Environmental EducationTeacher EducationScience EducationScience
While Eton College and Westminster School have both made claim to have originated the sport of rowing at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the lineage of the sport as we know it is complex and sits uncomfortably with such ambit... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesSports History17th-Century Studies18th Century
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      SociologySocial WorkPhotographyMethodology