Radiation resistance
Most downloaded papers in Radiation resistance
Strain engineering based on either a global approach using high-mobility substrates or the implementation of so-called processing-induced stressors has become common practice for 90 nm and below CMOS technologies. Although the main goal... more
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) refer to a subset of tumor cells with the potential to self-renew and differentiate into different cancer subtypes, including leukemias and solid tumors. Dysregulated gene expression and alteration of critical... more
The conversion efficiency of InGaP/(In)GaAs/Ge -based multijunction solar cells has been improved up to 29-30% (AM0) and 31-32% (AM1Á5G) by technologies, such as double-hetero wide band-gap tunnel junctions, combination with Ge bottom... more
This paper introduces a modified enhanced transmission-line theory to account for higher-order modes while using a standard transmission line equation solver or equivalently a Baum, Liu and Tesche (BLT) equation solver. The complex... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
Electron microscopic studies of polymers are limited due to beam damage. Two concerns are the damage mechanism in a particular material, and the maximum dose for a material before damage effects are observed. From the knowledge of the... more
An accurate radiation degradation model, based on measured radiation damages to devices and physical principles on radiation-induced defects in Si, has been established to improve the radiation-resistance of the Czochralski (CZ)grown and... more
In this work, several "anti-rads" (highly conjugated aromatic compounds) were added to a commercial silicone sealant films as external radiation protective agents. This work introduces the use of protective agents against gamma radiation... more
Laser-produced plasmas (LPP) are laboratory-scale, table-top and high-brightness sources of partially coherent radiation that can be tuned between the extreme ultraviolet and the hard X-rays. A few LPP emission wavelengths find important... more
The safety of irradiated pork packed in 25% C02:75% N2 and stored at abuse temperature (10 or 15OC) was assessed by inoculation studies involving Salmonella typhimuriurn, Listeria monocyiogenes, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica... more
Matrix glass composition for a possible immobilization of radioactive waste is selected. Borosilicate glass is low-alkali and relatively low-melting. It has a sufficiently high initial chemical resistance. To improve radiation chemical... more
Low tissue oxygen concentration has been shown to be important in the response of human tumors to radiation therapy, chemotherapy and other treatment modalities. Hypoxia is also known to be a prognostic indicator, as hypoxic human tumors... more
Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an asbestos-related multi-resistant tumour with increasing incidence worldwide. Well-characterized snap-frozen normal parietal, visceral pleura and mesothelioma samples were analysed with Affymetrix Human... more
The radiation impedance of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (cMUT) with a circular membrane is calculated analytically using its velocity profile for the frequencies up to its parallel resonance frequency for both the... more
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly invasive primary brain tumour that has poor prognosis despite aggressive treatment. A hallmark of these tumours is diffuse invasion into the surrounding brain, necessitating a multi-modal... more
The effect of combining low-dose irradiation (1.75 kGy) with modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the microbiological and sensory quality of pork chops stored at refrigeration temperatures was studied. The microflora of irradiated MAP... more
The safety of irradiated pork packed in 25% CO2:75% N2 and stored at abuse temperature (10 or 15°C) was assessed by inoculation studies involving Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica... more
The Schizosaccharomycespombe radl gene consists of three exons and the cDNA sequence is partially homologous to the Ustilago maydis RECl cDNA (Nucleotide SUMMARY We show that the radl gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is comprised of... more
Dispersoid strengthening is particularly important for ferritic based structural components used in nuclear applications due to their superior radiation resistance and creep strength at high temperatures. Within nuclear technologies... more
In the silicon-on-insulator four-gate transistors (G 4 -FETs), the conducting channel can be surrounded by depletion regions induced by independent vertical metal-oxidesemiconductor gates and lateral JFET gates. This unique conduction... more
An accurate radiation degradation model, based on measured radiation damages to devices and physical principles on radiation-induced defects in Si, has been established to improve the radiation-resistance of the Czochralski (CZ)grown and... more
This paper describes various reliability concerns of the newly developed INGRID detector. This radiation detector is fabricated by waferscale CMOS post-processing; fresh detectors show excellent performance. Since the microsystems will be... more
A novel method of using artificial neural networks (ANNS) for the calculation of the radiation resistance of a coax-fed rectangular microstrip antenna is presented in this Letter. The network is trained with the results of three different... more
Dispersoid strengthening is particularly important for ferritic based structural components used in nuclear applications due to their superior radiation resistance and creep strength at high temperatures. Within nuclear technologies... more
Cell lines derived from human prostate cancer are regarded as relatively resistant to both radiation-induced clonogenic death and apoptosis. Here we attempted to modulate the response of LNCaP prostate cancer cells to radiation therapy... more
Radiation hardness is tested for 4H-SiC n-p-n bipolar junction transistors designed for 1200-V breakdown voltage by implanting MeV protons and carbon ions at different doses and energies. The current gain is found to be a very sensitive... more
RLIP76 is a stress-responsive membrane protein implicated in the regulation of multiple cellular signaling pathways. It represents the predominant glutathione-conjugate (GS-E) transporter in cells. We have shown that RLIP76 plays a... more
Germination and outgrowth are critical steps for returning Bacillus subtilis spores to life. However, oxidative stress due to full hydration of the spore core during germination and activation of metabolism in spore outgrowth may generate... more
RLIP76 is a stress-responsive membrane protein implicated in the regulation of multiple cellular signaling pathways. It represents the predominant glutathione-conjugate (GS-E) transporter in cells. We have shown that RLIP76 plays a... more
Updated information and services can be found at: These include: REFERENCES http://jb.asm.org/content/190/6/2031#ref-list-1 at: This article cites 34 articles, 17 of which can be accessed free CONTENT ALERTS more» articles cite this... more
The radiation impedance of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (cMUT) with a circular membrane is calculated analytically using its velocity profile for the frequencies up to its parallel resonance frequency for both the... more
A new theoretical model is presented in which the radiation-induced zero-resistance states and resistivity oscillations are analyzed. The basis of our model is an exact solution for the harmonic oscillator wave function in the presence of... more
Radiation hardness is tested for 4H-SiC n-p-n bipo- lar junction transistors designed for 1200-V breakdown voltage by implanting MeV protons and carbon ions at different doses and energies. The current gain is found to be a very sensitive... more
The goal of this study was to develop an assay that makes possible the assessment of the glioma cell response to single-fraction high-dose Gamma Knife surgery. In this assay, the isolation of radioresistant cell subpopulations facilitates... more
The radiation resistances of electrically small antennas are precisely measured on the basis of the Wheeler cap method, reducing drift error, which is due to thermal fluctuation of components of a network analyser, by using a double-stub... more