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Taken from my recent book “The De-Judaization of the Image of Jesus of Nazareth (the Virgin Mary) at the Time of the Holocaust: Ensoulment and the Human Ovum” (Thomas Blüger, Xlibris 2021). This paper follows the image of the Virgin Mary... more
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      French RevolutionConstantineParting of the WaysRudolf Bultmann
Naftali Rothenberg, “Rabbi Akiva, Other Martyrs, and Socrates: On Life, Death, and Life after Life,” in: olam ha’zeh v’olam ha-ba: This World and the World to Come in Jewish Belief and Practice, Leonard J. Greenspoon, editor; Proceedings... more
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      TheodicySocratesSoul (Humanities)Rabbinic Literature
Leiner had hidden in the folds of his text a great secret. Said simply, Leiner was the lineage heir and inheritor of the ancient Wisdom of Solomon. According to Leiner's hidden code, the covert teachings of the Wisdom of Solomon had been... more
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      Jewish MysticismBook of Song of SongsLurianic KabbalahWisdom of Solomon
The object of this study is the narrative genre of the parable in Jewish tradition -- a storytelling form of age-old roots, which developed into an emblematic expression of the spirit of Israel. In the entire course of the history of... more
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      TalmudFranz KafkaHasidismReligious Persecution
Η παραβολή (εβρ. mašal, στην κυριολεξία «ομοιότητα, παρομοίωση»), αν και έχει τις απώτατες ρίζες της στην πανάρχαια διδακτική γραμματεία της Μεσοποταμίας και αναγνωρίσιμες καταβολές στην πλατειά ελληνιστική μυθογραφία, εξελίχθηκε σε μια... more
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      TalmudFranz KafkaHasidismTalmudic literature
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      Jewish StudiesTalmudRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
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      RabbinicsRabbinic LiteratureRabbinic JudaismRabbinic thought
The Sages differentiated among sources of Halacha, the Jewish judicial system, in as early as the Talmudic era. The Sages mentioned different categories to describe the various Halacha systems: "Laws of Moshe from Sinai" (Halacha Le'moshe... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesTalmudJewish History
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      Rabbinic LiteratureTalmud and RabbinicsRabbi Akiva
Why did the Mishnah in Pirkei Avot transmit a teaching in the name of Elisha ben Avuyah when he was ostracized to such an extent that his name was erased from the tradition. He was to be always referred to as 'Acher' or the outsider.
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      Second Temple JudaismRabbinic LiteratureHeresyJudaism