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This study aims to investigate the effect of good characters of managers on organizational trust in Tamin Ejtemaei in Kerman based on the Islamic hints. This research is descriptive-applicable in terms of objective. Population was 400... more
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    • Public Trust
Abstract: A deaccession crisis confronts the American Museum community. Deaccession of art occurs when a museum decides to dispose of a work of art. The crisis stems not just from the practice itself-though there are indications... more
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      Art LawDeaccessioningPublic Trust
Permendiknas No 27 Tahun 2008 Tentang Standar Kualifikasi dan Kompetensi Konselor Sosok utuh kompetensi konselor mencakup kompetensi akademik dan profesional sebagai satu keutuhan. Kompetensi akademik merupakan landasan ilmiah dari kiat... more
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      CounselingGuidance and CounselingPublic TrustAnalisis Kebutuhan
This article adds nuance to current understandings of the relationship between the populist leader and the public by using the concept of trust. Merging the literature on populism with the growing scholarship on trust from philosophy,... more
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      TrustAuthenticityPopulismPublic Law
Recension de l’ouvrage de Yann Algan, Elizabeth Beasley, Daniel Cohen et Martial Foucault, Les origines du populisme : Enquête sur un schisme politique et social (Seuil, 2019)
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      PopulismPublic TrustConfiancePopulisme
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      Business EthicsMedical EthicsProffesional EthicsPublic Trust
Citizens' trust in government worldwide has been declining over the years though not in a uniform pattern. Nigerians' mistrust in government has been accumulating over the years by range of disappointments from the past and present... more
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      NigeriaE-GovernmentPublic TrustNigerian Government and Politics
As information and communication technologies (ICTs) have diffused throughout the customary forms of works and services, various models, theories and approaches have emerged and been developed to measure how and to what extent people... more
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      Public AdministrationTrustE-Governmente-Participation
The primary purpose of this study was to examine the role of good governance practices on public trust in local government. In this study, a conceptual model was developed and tested empirically in Ethiopia by selecting Bahir Dar City... more
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      GovernanceLocal GovernmentFederalismDecentralization
Resumen: Se hace una evaluación de la figura de la revisoría fiscal como una institución de vigilancia y control, con la idea de llegar a entender la caracterización de la responsabilidad social de la revisoría fiscal en las... more
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      EthicsAccountingStakeholdersSocial Responsibility
This study set out to understand the role of tabloid news content in establishing public news trust in Zambia. The study compared tabloid news stories (usually frowned upon as unprofessional by most African journalists and scholars) to... more
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      Public TrustMedia trust There has been much well-deserved praise for the technicalities of the South Korean response. But the basic... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologySouth Asian StudiesEast Asian PoliticsDemocracy
Employees in the remote Tembe Elephant Park – a nature reserve in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa – created an open-air place of worship by clearing natural vegetation. Whilst it may be argued that the damage to the protected area is... more
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      Protected areasEnvironmental Law and PolicyPublic TrustNature Reserve
In February 2020 Croatia was affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic. A challenging task of communicating the pandemic was assumed by the people associated with the Headquarters of Civil Protection of the Republic of Croatia. The goal of... more
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      PersuasionMedia and CommunicationsPublic Trust
The objective of this paper is to examine empirically the influence of good governance practices on the public trust in Lebanon. It presents a theoretical research framework to understand this relationship supported by literature... more
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      LebanonGood GovernanceDemocracy and Good GovernanceGood governance in practice
Carrasco-Villanueva, M. & Sánchez-Mejía, R. (2022, Feb). The importance of Public Trust and Policy compliance among Chinese citizens in times of crisis. TI Observer, Vol. 17, February 2022. Beijing, China: Taihe Institute. [English]
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      ComplianceChina studiesPublic TrustPublic Policy
Scholars have argued that racial policy beliefs contributed to a decline in public trust among white-Americans, but this effect waned over time as racial policies left the agenda. We theorize that beliefs about racial policies may have... more
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      PoliticsPublic TrustRacial Stereotyping & Prejudice
Two approaches to the nature and sources of public trust and police legitimacy can be distinguished: the instrumental and the affective. On the first account, people trust in police when they judge it effective in enforcing the law and... more
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      Political SciencePolice and PolicingPolice Decision-makingPublic Trust
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      TriageHealth Care RationingPublic Trust
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      Ethics & Social SustainabilityDisaster risk managementLand managementVulnerability
Extended Abstract Linguistic Justice is one of the emerging concepts in the field of social justice and organization justice. This concept emphasized on the necessity of having justice on in all Verbal and Linguistic tools. When the... more
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      Social CapitalLinguistic justicePublic Trust
This interim report provides a framework to understand local communities’ trust in public authorities. Phase 1 of the project reflects a review of the academic literature and a set of interviews with senior leaders. Phase 2 – to come –... more
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      Public AdministrationRegulation And GovernanceConfidenceEnergy and Environment
19-ethics-framework-tohelp-guide-decision-making.html (accessed April 8, 2020).
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      Applied EthicsTriageHealth Care RationingPublic health systems and services research
Public trust is one of the social capita als that can lead to integration in social systems. Trust linnks the citizens to organizations and institutions whic ch are representing them and in this way it increases s a government’s... more
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      Iranian StudiesMediaPublic Trust
This study assesses citizens’ trust in local government in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. A questionnaire was administered to a cross-section of society and the data obtained through convenience sampling with 357 valid responses analysed. One... more
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      EthiopiaLocal governancePublic Trust
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      International Marine Environmental LawPublic TrustInternational Law of the Sea