Recent papers in Prosociality
An anthropological perspective on disaster survival and emergency preparation.
The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary empirical results of qualitative research that examines the junior-age-children´s understanding of a prosocial behavior present in fairy tale characters. The reasons for this research... more
Prosocial behaviours (providing benefits to a recipient with or without cost for the donor) have been found to be highly influenced by sex and by hierarchy. Rodents, in particular, are good model for studying prosocial responses , as they... more
The emergence of pro-social behaviors and social interaction skills is a major focus of research on children's development. Here, we consider one important feature of human social interactions, interpersonal movement synchrony, and... more
The role of school as an educational-upbringing institution has to change in the 21st century. One response to the current problems of education is a broader definition of literacy. The author of the article focuses on moral literacy as... more
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
Estrategias, instrumentos y materiales para el diagnóstico y formación de docentes en prosocialidad aplicada El presente volumen es una recopilación de materiales útiles de tipo metodológico, desarrollados a lo largo del proyecto SPRING... more
The paper reports on an educational experience conducted in preschool setting in order to improve children's proocial orientation. The prosocial behavior story-completion task is presented. See:
ABSTRACT The concept of inclusion, centered on the value of development as a systemic contextual process, is reflected in the didactic perspective of the flipped classroom (Bergmann et al., 2011). This methodology focuses on overcoming... more
Elucidating how inequity aversion (a tendency to dislike and correct unequal outcomes) functions as one develops is important to understanding more complex fairness considerations in adulthood. Although previous research has demonstrated... more
Social scientists and folk views have long had it that there is an association between religiosity and prosocial behaviour, but hard evidence for such a relationship is limited. Studies show that religiosity is correlated with... more
Kapitola sa zaoberá rôznorodými prístupmi k skúmaniu fenoménu prosociálnosti a odôvodneniami tvorby jednotlivých výskumných nástrojov. Diskutuje všeobecné otázky a problémy výskumu prosociálnosti, špecifické otázky výskumu prosociálnosti... more
Many sociologists have attributed several negative characteristics to the contemporary period.The child of 21st century is lost in this postmodern society, so it needs, more than ever before, a beacon – a prosocial role model. Several... more
Nel quadro normativo dei programmi educativi Europei relativi all’integrazione di individui con esigenze speciali, il provvedimento KA1 focalizza l’attenzione sulla popolazione Rom e la loro prospettiva sociale di divenire parte del... more
Des études récentes indiquent que des précurseurs de la morale humaine pourraient exister chez les animaux non humains. Parmi ces précurseurs, la prosocialité (comportements produisant un bénéfice pour un receveur sans nécessairement... more
On the term and concept of " prosocial " a remarkable range of topics is being investigated. On the contrary, about prosociality in form of communicative interpersonal interaction (prosocial communication), the bibliography is less... more
The association between attachment, parental competence and behavioural problems in two year olds Abstract This study investigated the association between attachment, parental competence (including its components parent satisfaction and... more
In Grutter and Gratz (2003), the twin cases that challenged the University of Michigan’s affirmative action programs, corporate America praised educational diversity as a compelling interest. But as is well known, it did so not on social... more
Reconciling competing viewpoints suggesting that power helps and hurts perspective-taking in close relationships, in two experiments and two daily experience studies we tested the hypothesis that power's effect on perspective-taking... more
The present longitudinal study examined the development of self-reported prosociality (i.e., the tendency to enact prosocial behaviors) from adolescence to early adulthood and its prediction from teacher-reported effortful control (i.e.,... more
The school is a Community consisting of teachers, pupils, administrative personnel and naturally parents. All of them have a role in education. What does it mean to be an educator and why pro-sociality plays a role in educational process?... more
On the term and concept of “prosocial” a remarkable range of topics is being investigated. On the contrary, about prosociality in form of communicative interpersonal interaction (prosocial communication), the bibliography is less... more
Un programa que busque incidir eficazmente en la motivación de los estudiantes, en reducir los índices de abandono, o quiera disminuir el llamado fracaso escolar, no puede olvidar al docente y sus necesidades personales y laborales. El... more
This study, which was based on the General Learning Model, examined the effects of prosocial gaming on girls' thoughts about perceived justified and unjustified aggressive attitudes as operationalized by 4 scenarios. The process was... more
Organizational scholars have vigorously and long studied being prosocial in defining ‘prosociality’ as motivation, behavior, and impact to help or benefit others. This study attempts to provide an overview of previous studies that have... more
Last two decades, various studies have been carried out to examine virtues and their relations to religiosity and positive health appearances such as happiness, wellbeing and life satisfaction. The emerging of positive psychology has... more
The present experiment (N = 95) investigated the relations of narcissism with social value orientation under façade conditions of testing communal or agentic traits (or none - in a control condition). The results indicated that narcissism... more
Despite the widespread convention that a community of supporters is important to the success of crowdfunding campaigns, a closer look at donation-based crowdfunding platforms and campaigns, suggests they have not fully incorporated this... more
Рассматриваются особенности проявления социального поведения в новых условиях виртуального пространства. Противопоставляются три формы характера отношений человека и киберсоциума - просоциальная (взаимодействие), асоциальная... more
Individuals acknowledge the importance of engaging in virtuous behaviors, but find them difficult. Past research suggests that a distant-future focus may result in more commitment. This research demonstrates that, for certain consumers,... more
There exists no individual who does not exhibit prosociality in one or the other situation of their lifetime. But the argument is, to what extent? Whether it arises spontaneously out of true empathy and compassion for others or it is... more
The debate about the desirability of using drugs to enhance human skills encompasses cognitive abilities such as memory and attention, and moral capacities such as emotional empathy and a sense of fairness. These two strands of literature... more
The present research tested whether an Anti-Mafia experiential education program would influence self-reported prosocial motivations in a group of 79 Italian participants. The Caprara Prosocial Questionnaire was used to evaluate prosocial... more