Felice Corona
Full Professor of Special Pedagogy and didactics at the University of Salerno, Italy, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
PhD in Pedagogy and learning processes of knowledge construction with
particular reference to the disability.
He studied at the State University Sophia Antipolis of Nice. In the year 2011 participates in an international cooperative programme on cultural exchanges between Scientists and lecturers through the Organization of seminars, Conferences, Simposyum and Visiting Professor at the University de Itaperuna, Fondaao Funita, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Between 2007 and 2008 he was also a Visiting Professor at the West-Ungarian University Campus of Szombathely, Savaria Hungary, where he gave courses on Teaching, sports and disabilities. In 2008 he could join the team directed by Professor Mike Hughes of the University of Cardiff to study the possible application of the methodology of Performance analysis in the education sector with particular reference to the context of disability.
PhD in Pedagogy and learning processes of knowledge construction with
particular reference to the disability.
He studied at the State University Sophia Antipolis of Nice. In the year 2011 participates in an international cooperative programme on cultural exchanges between Scientists and lecturers through the Organization of seminars, Conferences, Simposyum and Visiting Professor at the University de Itaperuna, Fondaao Funita, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Between 2007 and 2008 he was also a Visiting Professor at the West-Ungarian University Campus of Szombathely, Savaria Hungary, where he gave courses on Teaching, sports and disabilities. In 2008 he could join the team directed by Professor Mike Hughes of the University of Cardiff to study the possible application of the methodology of Performance analysis in the education sector with particular reference to the context of disability.
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Papers by Felice Corona
intersubjective relationship. In essence, the skills involved in reading maps and in developing strategies for spatial navigation are skills that allow us to see the world from different points of view,
abandoning the egocentric perspective (Berthoz, 2000). To get out from egocentrism means being able to see the reality (not just the spatial reality) from several points of view, however other than our own.
In this perspective, the work develops describing orienteering as a sport, and facing a review of scientific literature on the cognitive processes involved in spatial navigation and management of spatial reference systems, in light of the contribution made to this specific field studies from
neuroscience. The work thus illustrates the spatial theory of empathy and concludes with a proposal for the spread of orienteering as an effective teaching practice in inclusion-oriented education contexts and as a powerful learning resource for Special Educational Needs.
The software records in xml format the drawing made by the user and the time taken, and verifies what points are adhering to the proposed route and which ones differ significantly.
reclaiming body in digital storytelling, unraveling the complexity of the narration and, as such, a simplex way (Berthoz, 2011) to learning with the awareness that “the degree of physical involvement is the measure of immersion“ in a digital context (Krueger, 1991).
The objective of the research is the reinstatement of the body to digital storytelling, knowing that the gestures made by the weather person are embedded in a narration (Poddar, Sethi, Ozyildiz & Sharma, 1998).Based on a theoretical framework that integrates the concepts of embodied cognition developed in the context of cognitive science, the contribution of phenomenology (Dourish, 2004) and the new forms of HMI developed in the User Interface Design, this project aims the development of a gesture recognition software to allow authors to create effective, interactive gesture-driven stories, using Natural User Interfaces.
resulting in forms of learning that we find in design situations related to our field of research which precisely Literacy Motor.
The objectives of proper physical activity should stimulate reflection in relation to the techniques of sequential design and monitoring in the education and training of the individual mobility from a young age already. The contents and functions of these proposals can not be separated from issues related to education motor according to age and the context of reference, media and materials are available and finally the impact factor generated by the direct experience of the subjects involved.
The pilot project "Literacy motor" in the Primary School - Directions to the organization of motor activity in primary school, promoted and wanted by the Minister of Education Mr Gelmini, started earlier this year and has school year 2009-2010 CONI seen as involving the organizer responsible for this project, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the contribution of the Italian Paralympic Committee.
Everything converges in a single priority: the safety and prevention, healthy lifestyle, health and wellness. In this way they have been achieved milestones in the development of skills at the end of primary school. The details and the positivity of the data resulting from surveys made clear continuation of experience also allowed the start of this school year 2010-2011 with a possible implementation involving time in new school buildings.
La differenza, in questa luce, appare come sintesi risolutiva della complessità. Questo volume, che inaugura una collana dedicata alle differenze, nasce dalla necessità di fornire ai professionisti coinvolti nei percorsi di formazione legata ai BES un punto di vista internazionale sugli indirizzi attuali della ricerca, un contributo che vada oltre la compilazione in formato tascabile di teorie che non sempre si sono rivelate adeguate a fronteggiare la complessità delle concrete situazioni educative.
ISBN: 978-88-6152-167-4
Il tirocinio costituisce un'attività continua, connessa alle attività della teoria e dei laboratori.
Si sviluppa sia con il supervisore che con l'insegnante tutor della scuola di accoglienza, valuta i risultati dell'intervento in relazione a situazioni al contorno, rielabora elementi deboli del progetto, riflette sul modello didattico immaginato e realizzato a scuola.
Il testo si propone come un primo itinerario di ricerca che esplorando la mente e percorrendo le vie dell'apprendimento contribuisca ad arricchire il patrimonio culturale e scientifico della didattica, favorendo l'accesso alla sperimentazione educativa.
Nel gioco si incontrano modelli, teorie e disposizioni ministeriali, alimentandosi nella concretezza di una pratica didattica che consente la funzione didattica ed integrativa del gioco nelle esperienze educativo-sportive destinate ai disabili proponendo indicazioni metodologiche e quadri operativi.
Il testo citando modelli teorici, esperienze sul campo e metodi di lavoro, offre spunti per la progettazione e la realizzazione di percorsi metodologici-didattici per l'infanzia centrati su attività motorie e ludico-sportive.