Most downloaded papers in Preamble
In the last of a series of experiments 48 3-5-year old children were tested on an alternative naming game with "synonyms," e.g., if puppet calls the depicted item a "rabbit" the child has to call it a "bunny," or the child has to judge... more
Underwater Communication has been a thrust area for researchers and engineers. The major challenges faced in this underwater acoustic channel are due to multipath, frequency selective absorption, noise, and the Doppler Ef ect which is... more
Compact Cinematics challenges the dominant understanding of cinema to focus on the various compact, short, miniature, pocket-sized forms of cinematics that have existed from even before its standardization in theatrical form, and in... more
In this paper a two-step method for designing multi-tone preambles is proposed and its performance in the frequency-selective fading channel is optimized. The first step is to find an analytical solution for obtaining the optimum... more
Konkordat między Stolicą Apostolską i Rzecząpospolitą Polską z 1993 roku 1 składa się z dwóch części: 1) preambuły i 2) zasadniczej części, którą stanowi 29 arty-kułów. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wyjaśnienie "znaczenia" pierwszej... more
Underwater Communication has been a thrust area for researchers and engineers. The major challenges faced in this underwater acoustic channel are due to multipath, frequency selective absorption, noise, and the Doppler Effect which is... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Underwater Communication has been a thrust area for researchers and engineers. The major challenges faced in this underwater acoustic channel are due to multipath, frequency selective absorption, noise, and the Doppler Effect which is... more
Artykuł ma na celu poszerzenie wiedzy czytelnika na temat preambuły. Jego wprowadzenie opiera się na etymologii słowa „preambuła”. Pozwala również zapoznać się z podstawowymi cechami i funkcjami preambuły. Kolejna część opisuje... more