Posthumanist Ontology
Recent papers in Posthumanist Ontology
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
Most contemporary scholarly work on posthumanism and transhumanism rests on the idea that both perspectives are part of an ontological continuum. This article, however, acknowledges and explores the differences between them. In order to... more
This is the widget of Francesca Ferrando's monograph "Philosophical Posthumanism" (Bloomsbury 2019). Preface by Rosi Braidotti. Abstract: The notion of 'the human' is in need of urgent redefinition. At a time of radical bio-technological... more
Published in: Ranisch, R. & Sorgner, S. L. (2014) Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction. S.L. Peter Lang Publisher. Pages: 213-226 Abstract: The 21st Century has ushered in a redefinition of the body by cybernetic and biotechnological... more
The authors of this edition propose a novel and inspiring research approach to the subject of plants, which – being a form of life that is different, yet akin to us – is a constant source of nourishment and metaphors, decoration and... more
[This article is the ITALIAN TRANSLATION] 'Posthuman' has become an umbrella term to refer to a variety of different movements and schools of thought, including philosophical, cultural, and critical posthumanism; transhumanism (in its... more
The ontology of animality, starting from Derrida's writings, determines the reconsideration of the human being and his ontological condition within an environment (Umwelt) in which the anthropocentric point of view has hitherto been... more
özet: Posthuman (insansonrası), hümanizma karşıtı temeller üzerine kurulu yapısı ile türlerin ittifakının gerçekleştiği, normal bedenleri belirleyen normların bio-teknolojiler sayesinde yıkılarak, doğa ile barışık bir yaşamın paylaşıldığı... more
The so-called 'animal turn' of the past couple of decades brought about a new focus on animals and animality that traverses the whole spectrum of the Humanities and the Social Sciences. Certainly part of a wider cultural phenomenon – the... more
NOTE: This is the self-archive version of the chapter “Humans Have Always Been Posthuman: A Spiritual Genealogy of the Posthuman” In: Banerji, D., Paranjape, M.R. (eds.) Critical Posthumanism and Planetary Futures, Springer, October 2016,... more
This paper draws on political economic and psychoanalytic theories of the maternal to explore why comparatively advantaged heterosexual men across the US and China began investing in life-sized, heteronormatively configured, and highly... more
The subject of this paper it to discuss the motive of transhumanism, its ethical, psychological and sociological aspects in two English novels, Charles Stross' Accelerando and Peter Watts' Blindsight. The purpose of this thesis is to... more
In the emerging field of Posthuman Studies, extensive debate has been formulated on what is Posthumanism. The main focus has been directed towards the contents and meanings of a posthuman paradigm shift, while the methodology employed to... more
As post- and transhumanism have become ever-hotter topics over the past decade or so, their boundaries have become muddled by misappropriations and misunderstandings of what defines them, and especially what distinguishes them from each... more
Building from recent attempts in the humanities and social sciences to conceive of creative, entangled ways of doing interdisciplinary work, I turn to Braidotti's 'nomadic ontology' to (re)vision the human body without a brain. Her... more
David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas challenges the possibilities of textual (re)generation, problematizing archival practices in the posthu-man age through the multiplication of Sonmi’s (inter)faces from the subject interviewed by the Archivist... more
Ethical questions around war are often posed around notions of the human—humanness, humaneness, humanity—and its shadows: the inhuman, dehumanized, posthuman. There are two questions here, one metaphysical and one ethical. The first one... more
Through this research I attempt to answer questions about what it means to be human and how the human-robot relationship will alter how we look at humanity and human nature. This research is an attempt to explore and define the future of... more
This article is the Polish Translation of the article "Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism, Metahumanism, and New Materialisms: Differences and Relations" (2014). Originally published in English in the Journal Existenz, it has just... more
Awarded ‘Distinction’ for my BDes Honours Dissertation: ‘BEYOND THE HUMAN: SUBJECTIVITY AT THE TRANSITION OF OUR POSTHUMAN FUTURE’ which articulates the significance of philosophical ‘posthumanism’ within our ever-transient world; citing... more
Este paper del Rab. Dr. Fishel Szlajen, producto de su conferencia en el IV Coloquio Internacional "Bioética, Neuroética y Emociones", en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio Grande del Sur (Brasil), aborda desde la concepción... more
Öz Bu makale İngiliz yönetmen Yousif Al-Khalifa'nın kısa çizgi filmi End of an Era (2012)'yı insan-ötesi kuramcılık merkezinde incelemektedir. İnsan-ötesi kuramcılığın özünde insanı merkezden uzaklaştıran bir yapıya sahip olduğu ve bu... more
Le Temps Plié: Contemplating Temple Architecture (Anthropocosmogonic Vastupurushamanism): 2013.
This article makes the case for addressing nonhumans as actors in geopolitical processes such as boundary making and enforcement. The challenge of this line of argumentation is to account for nonhumans as actors without enacting dualistic... more
This essay, focusing on Taiwanese visual artist Huang Zan Lun (黃贊倫) and poet Ling Yu (零雨), explores the role of minutiae in material configurations that delineate our ethico-aesthetically engagement with environmental issues such as the... more
The emphasis in much of the present volume that any given actor (even the individual human being) is always a nexus of interacting and nested systems, a multifarious assemblage of heterogeneous components, is certainly a step forward for... more
My purpose for this paper is to investigate contemporary Internet projects that examine a particular glitch in the relationship between human and machine, focusing on the schism that occurs when neither can seem to understand each other.... more
In the framework of contemporary ecocritical and posthumanist theories, this comparative analysis of works by Paolo Mantegazza, Ouida, and Vernon Lee focuses on the conflictual relationship of proximity and differentiation at stake in the... more
The present paper, drawing mainly on the findings of Rosi Braidotti, Donna Haraway, and Richard Kearney, aims to explore the complex framing as subalterns undergone by Spike, the obscenely beautiful Robo sapiens of Jeanette Winterson's... more
Globalization via the digital age is upon us, demanding a new ethics and an intercultural awareness while the dialectics of globalism and cyberspace mandate a committed reflection on what the synthesis between the digital realm and global... more
Transhumanism is a means of advocating a re-engineering of conditions that surround human existence at both ends. The problem set before us in this chapter is to inquire into what determined its appearance, in particular in the humanism... more
Dr. Ferrando's book "Philosophical Posthumanism" is being released by Bloomsbury Publishing in May 2019. For more info:
This online course on the Philosophies of the Posthuman is conceived for anyone who is interested in the topic of the posthuman and wishes to access a basic understanding of the different movements that are addressing the topic of the... more
"Starting from Heidegger’s claim that “animals are poor in world”, this paper/talk explores the idea of Dasein as not being specific to the human, but rather a quality of being that may be shared among species. Joseph von Uxkull’s work on... more
Although trauma studies and critical posthumanism have simultaneously developed, only in the last few years have critics started to see the imbrications of both disciplines. Trauma studies and critical posthumanism acknowledge that the... more
Este paper del Rab. Dr. Fishel Szlajen, producto de su conferencia en el IV Coloquio Internacional "Bioética, Neuroética y Emociones", en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio Grande del Sur (Brasil), aborda desde la... more
This online course on the Philosophies of the Posthuman is conceived for anyone who is interested in the topic of the posthuman and wishes to access a basic understanding of the different movements that are addressing the topic of the... more
1) “Posthumanistic” 2) “Divorce in the Cosmos: A Complaint” These two poems were published in _Elohi Gadugi Journal: Narratives for a New World_. (Winter 2016). Copyright granted by the publisher back to the author. Both of these poems... more
Offers a theory of communication and media studies (and other academic fields) as gendered work, drawing upon feminist and posthumanist social theories, and putting forth the framework of "figures, formations, and flows" to make sense of... more
I possess a wide range of experience critiquing and editing academic literature including abstracts, articles, book chapters, proposals and thesis drafts. I have edited ESL work from international scholars and international PhD students... more
Drawing from Agamben’s The Open and the works of other scholars, DREAMING HUMAN BEING ANIMAL 2 - the confounding of language reconsiders language as shared among all animals, rather than as a point of division between human and non-human... more