Popular Culture and Religion
Recent papers in Popular Culture and Religion
Kultura popularna dekontekstualizuje elementy religijne, „wyrywa” je z podstawowego, pierwotnego kontekstu i tła kulturowego, a następnie rekontekstualizuje je (nadaje im nowy kontekst i znaczenie), tworząc z nich odmienne całości. Z tych... more
Till, Rupert (2006) The Nine O'clock Service: Mixing Club Culture And Postmodern Christianity. Culture and Religion, 7 (1). pp. 93-110. ISSN 0143-8301
Chłopski antyklerykalizm w Polsce to zjawisko znane i często opisywane dla drugiej połowy XIX i pierwszej połowy XX w. Zdaniem badaczy wynikał on z silnego antagonizmu klasowego na wsi, który przybrał formy krytyczne w okresie... more
Resumo: Neste artigo se argumenta a relevância do estudo da religiosidade popular para entender as novas formas da religiosidade contemporânea no contexto latino-americano. Diferente das posturas teóricas dos sociólogos da religião... more
Prince's few references to politics revolve around explicit—and cryptic—references to Communism and the Cold War in his lyrics ("1999", "America," etc.). This paper traces those references, showing how they track trends in his own... more
Bu araştırmada Türkiye’de geniş kitlelerin beslendiği dini bilgi kaynaklarının başında gelen popüler dini kitaplar ekseninde nasıl bir din anlayışının gelişmekte olduğunun incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çerçevede geniş toplum katmanlarında... more
Review of the movie "Ex Machina," dir. Alex Garland
While incarcerated on Rikers Island, Grammy award-winning rapper Lil’ Wayne posted letters to a blog to maintain contact with fans. The blog entries and comments from fans express gratitude, positivity, encouragement, and a pervasive... more
Sehwan Sharif and other shrines in Pakistan are being targeted for terrorist attacks because militant Islam feels threatened by the popular adherence to Sufi Islam and values.
Plus: Chronology of attacks on Sufi shrines in Pakistan
Plus: Chronology of attacks on Sufi shrines in Pakistan
The parish register provides a unique opportunity to understand popular religion in England in the period of the Reformation. It can provide evidence of popular practice connected to the rites of passage of baptism, marriage and burial,... more
Περιοδικό Θεολογία, 90 (3), Ιούλιος-Σεπτέμβριος 2019, σσ. 173-199
The first volume of this series has equipped us with the methodological tools for examining the occult and paranormal. The second has shown us that these themes have been present since the earliest times. This third volume of the... more
Religions, like the individuals who practice them, seem to be utterly singular. Indeed, the attraction of identifying with and practicing any particular religion seems to be its promise of uniqueness, its being completely unlike any... more
At a time when many in the U.S. and around the world encounter religion as a polarizing subject, one especially revered by some and utterly contested by others, this special issue of Reconstruction explores questions arising at the... more
Este artículo analiza las prácticas devocionales de algunos hombres de mar en los últimos siglos medievales.