Poitical Science
Recent papers in Poitical Science
מאמר זה בוחן את המושג רפובליקניזם, בפרט אל מול המושג לאומיות, ומסיק שישראל זקוקה לתודעה רפובליקנית אך כזו המחזקת את הלאומיות ולא באה תחתיה. חלקו הראשון של מאמר זה (סעיפים א-ג) מתאר את ליבת העמדה הרפובליקנית ואת הגרסאות השונות לה זכתה... more
Mark Curtis is an outspoken British journalist unafraid of the disquiets of the establishment as he embarks on his goal to expose the fallacies of British foreign policy in the Middle East, especially during the twentieth century and... more
Political writing as a sub-theme in Indian writing has engaged to be the strongest soul of democratic system of the society for centuries now. Though it is a stylish form of area under literature which easily gains attraction from every... more
Коцюбинский Д.А. Думская монархия (1906-1917) в современной историографии: проблема переосмысления и уточнения понятийно-категориального аппарата // Таврические чтения 2019. Актуальные проблемы парламентаризма: история и современность.... more
Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kinerja partai politik Gerindra dalam kaderisasi politisi perempuan di DPRD Kota Yogyakarta serta kaderisasi politisi perempuan dalam keanggotaan dan kepengurusan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian... more
In the past few years, we have witnessed that many different types of innovative technologies, such as crowdsourcing, ridesharing, open and big data, have been adopted around the world with the aim of delivering public services in a more... more
Αριστοτέλους Αθηναίων Πολιτεία από τις απαρχές μέχρι το Σόλωνα: διαθεματική διδακτική προσέγγιση στο πανεπιστήμιο. Ο φιλόσοφος Ηράκλειτος η εποχή του: ο πολιτικός άνδρας, η πόλις και ο πόλεμος. Ιστορική προσέγγιση και διδακτική πρόταση... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Breves reflexiones sobre los tiempos a los que asistimos, trazando miradas a la educación ponendo en relieve lo imprescindible de la relación ética que se establezca en el acto de enseñar, en la que prevalezca el amor como valor, como... more
Machiavelli stated that "Princes should understand, therefore, that they begin to lose the State from that hour when they begin to break the laws and ancient institutions under which men have lived for a long time," This paper discusses... more
Un récit de voyage en Géorgie : luttes d'influence et géopolitique dans le Caucase.
En este trabajo propongo una interpretación de las obras de Pedro Ribadeneyra, Baltasar Alamos de Barrientos, Pedro Barbosa Homen, Diego Saavedra Fajardo, Baltasar Gracian y José Alfonso Lancina. En la primera parte sostengo que... more
Torture, tear gas, bird shot, electrocution, anal rape, and beatings are just some of the examples of state-sponsored violence undertaken by the Bahraini regime since 2011. This more commonplace 'state-sponsored' violence has monopolised... more
Los resultados de las últimas elecciones catalanas han corroborado la alta fragmentación partidaria del sistema político en el Principado. Y han visibilizado de nuevo el sajo en mitades entre las opciones secesionistas y no... more
Dirigida por Fabián Ludueña Romandini La pregunta por el sentido de la política, su alcance, su tradición y sus posibilidades ha sido fundamental en las más diversas culturas. La presente colección busca interrogarse sobre el fenómeno de... more
Esensi utama demokrasi adalah kedaulatan rakyat, yakni tata kelola pemerintahan yang berasal dari rakyat, oleh rakyat, dan untuk rakyat. Benang merah demokrasi dan amandemen konstitusi jelas, yakni amandemen konstitusi harus berpijak pada... more
Copertina del CD multimediale Napoli 1799 sviluppato presso il Dip. Aliotta in occasione del duecentenario
This presentation examines the psychology of dehumanization and its usage since World War I.
This article analyzes Roberto Esposito’s idea of the impolitico, with the aim of showing the relation between the impolitical and Carl Schmitt’s das Politische. Schmitt is examined in terms of the impolitical tradition reconstructed by... more
The debate on church and party politics is far from being exhausted in South Africa. Although the Methodist Church of Southern Africa discourages the participation of clergy persons in political parties, it is becoming critical that the... more
What has become of the cooperation of developing countries for a New International Economic Order, the ‘socialist globalisation’, as Johanna Bockman (2015) refers to it? To address this question, we focus on the way international crises... more
At that time, people like Nelson Mandela were imprisoned for their activism against apartheid. In some Western countries Mandela as a member of African National Congress (ANC) was considered a terrorist. However, the Canadian government,... more
Master Thesis tat covres Allen Ginsberg's beatnik writing and his political manifestos in poetry and prose. One of the most valued poet, Allen Ginsberg, provides us with perfect examples and commentaries of tensions and moods present in... more
Revolutions are arguably one of the most complex and intriguing events in history and what constitutes a revolution can be interpreted in different ways, varying from country to culture, from social class conflicts to religious and... more
Este trabajo plantea una perspectiva de análisis de la nación como resultado de una lucha hegemónica entre sujetos concretos que abanderan proyectos de nación diversos y antagónicos. En primer lugar analiza las prin- cipales formas como... more
Sputnik se pone En Órbita para acercarte las noticias internacionales más importantes. En este espacio te informaremos sobre los hechos relevantes, con las voces de quienes hacen las noticias y de quienes las analizan. Se transmite en M24... more
Liberalizmle ilgili tartışmalar, düşünce târihinde on sekizinci yüzyıla kadar uzanmakta. Bu tartışmaların bize gelişi, Tanzîmat dönemini buluyor. Fakat, 1980'lerden bu yana bu tartışmalar, daha fazla ilgi görmekte. 12 Eylül sonrasında... more
"Travail et care questions politiques" edité par Mathieu de Nanteuil et Laura Merla .
Mon chapitre pose la question de la vulnérabilité comme condition de la capacité dans le contexte du travail de soin notamment .
Mon chapitre pose la question de la vulnérabilité comme condition de la capacité dans le contexte du travail de soin notamment .
In the last 20 years, during berlusconismo period, a new form of politics and new reality of the " MoVimento 5 Stelle " , created by Beppe Grillo and Gianroberto Casaleggio (1954-2016), have risen in Italy, reaching an essential role... more
Parens (2015) defends a habit of thinking he calls “binocularity,” which involves switching between analytical lenses (much as one must switch between seeing the duck vs. the rabbit in Wittgenstein’s famous example). Applying this habit... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to examine the education-job match of political science graduates from Slovenia, as well as from selected EU countries, in the context of other disciplines. In the frame of contested theoretical... more