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The Quasi-Poloidal Stellarator (QPS) is being developed to test key physics issues at very low plasma aspect ratio, 1/2-1/4 that of existing stellarators. Engineering innovation is driven by both the complex 3-D design requirements and... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials SciencePlasma Physics
Realistic simulations of electric current excitation in three-dimensional vessel structures by the plasma touching the walls are necessary to understand plasma disruptions in tokamak. In large tokamaks like ITER, the wall-touching kink... more
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      PhysicsMaterials SciencePlasma
The understanding of plasma disruptions in tokamaks and predictions of their effects require realistic simulations of electric current excitation in three-dimensional vessel structures by the plasma touching the walls. As discovered at... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsTokamakPlasma
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceMechanicsMagnetohydrodynamics
In this paper we present two equilibrium solvers for axisymmetrical toroidal congurations, both based on the expansion in poloidal angle method. The rst one has been conceived as a two-point boundary value solver in a system of... more
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      Moment methodCartesian Coordinate SystemEquilibrium Problem
The contents of this preprint and all other JET EFDA Preprints and Conference Papers are available to view online free at This site has full search facilities and e-mail alert options. The diagrams contained within the... more
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      PhysicsNuclear FusionTokamak
We present a detailed model describing the effects of wire corrugation on the trapping potential experienced by a cloud of atoms above a current carrying micro wire. We calculate the distortion of the current distribution due to... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceMolecular PhysicsPlasma Physics
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The photoabsorption cross-section of an ion immersed in a plasma is studied on the basis of the Thomas–Fermi approximation for the equilibrium electron distribution and Bloch's classical hydrodynamic model for collective motion of the... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsAtomic PhysicsPlasma
Hartree-Fock equations for plasma atoms are proposed and used in the superconfiguration method of photoabsorption calculation. They involve statistical sums, taking into account integer shell occupation numbers and finite temperature... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsAtomic PhysicsPlasma
Thin film technology for device applications are based on material structures created by thin-film deposition and characterization [1]. In recent time, there are growing demands for more efficient solar cell technology and also electronic... more
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Approved fr pW'!~ C I2L.
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsSimulationMathematical Models
Information Center is to provide broadest dissemination possiof information contained in DOE's Research and Development Reports to business, industry, the academic community, and federal, state and local governments. Although a small... more
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      PhysicsMagnetohydrodynamicsDynamical SystemsKinetics
This paper reviews the status of methods used to analyze local transport of particles, energy, and angular momentum in plasmas contained in toroidal fusion devices. The standard technique at present is based on determination of particle,... more
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      PhysicsComputational PhysicsPlasma PhysicsKinetics
The experimental results of electrostatic probe measurements on the LBL 10 ampere ion source are presented. Data is obtained via a pulsed acquisition system which digitally records a probe charac teristic and its firs;, and second... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisPhysicsPlasma PhysicsChemistry
Recently, Barger et al. computed energy losses into Kaluza Klein modes from astrophysical plasmas in the approximation of zero density for the plasmas. We extend their work by considering the effects of finite density for two plasmon... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsQuantum PhysicsElectromagnetic Radiation
Future in situ space plasma investigations will likely involve spatially distributed observatories comprised of multiple spacecraft, beyond the four and five spacecraft configurations currently in operation. Inferring the magnetic field... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsSpace PhysicsMagnetic field
Palavras-chave: plasmas não térmicos, plasmas em pressão atmosférica, diagnóstico de plasmas, espectroscopiaóptica de emissão, espectrometria de massa, teoria cinética, modelagem de plasmas, processamento a plasma, plasmas químicos vii viii
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By applying mass spectrometry techniques, we carried out measurements of ionic mass spectrum and their energy distribution in order to investigate an atmospheric argon discharge by using a surfatron surface-wave device. The mass and... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistryMass Spectrometry
Palavras-chave: plasmas não térmicos, plasmas em pressão atmosférica, diagnóstico de plasmas, espectroscopiaóptica de emissão, espectrometria de massa, teoria cinética, modelagem de plasmas, processamento a plasma, plasmas químicos vii viii
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A review of nonneutral plasma science issues for heavy ion drivers is presented. The requirements on transverse and longitudinal focusing at the target lead to constraints on the 6D phase space. Mechanisms which act to prevent... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringPhysicsPlasma PhysicsNuclear Fusion
A kinetic theory of the Debye sheath in the Tonks–Langmuir model of the plasma-wall transition layer with hot neutrals is presented. The plasma, consisting of Boltzmann-distributed electrons and singly charged ions, is in contact with an... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsAtomic PhysicsPlasma
The energy problem refers to the generation, distribution, and consumption of energy, particularly in the context of sustainability, environmental impact, and meeting growing global demand. In addition to the solutions offered by... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsRenewable EnergyNikola Tesla
We study the patterns observed in the vicinity of a Faraday instability, in the limit of a very thin layer of viscous fluid. We numerically solve our previous model [N.O. Rojas et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 187801 (2010)] and compare our... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceMolecular PhysicsPlasma Physics
We study the formation of slow-mode shocks in collisionless magnetic reconnection by using one-and two-dimensional collisionless MHD codes based on the double adiabatic approximation and the Landau closure model. We bridge the gap between... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsMagnetohydrodynamicsSpace Plasma Physics
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      Environmental SciencePhysicsPlasma PhysicsSpace Physics
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      Chemical EngineeringBiochemistryNeuroscienceBiophysics
The world was nothing in an infinity of space and time. Somewhere in this space of nothing, something dramatic happened: An energy discharge occurred. We call it BIG BANG. Only energy was created. Nothing more. Energy is force multiplied... more
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    • Philosophy of Science
The Budker Institute of N u d m Physics March 1993 ~iS'lRlBUTlfJN OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITUJ \ DISCLAIMER This report was .prepared as a n account of work sponsored by an agency of t h e United States Government. Neither the United... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsMagnetohydrodynamicsMagnetic field
The variational principle of barotropic Eulerian fluid dynamics is known to be quite cumbersome containing as much as eleven independent functions. This is much more than the the four functions (density and velocity) appearing in the... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsFluid DynamicsEquation of Motion
Significant advances in microwave and millimeter wave technology over the past decade have enabled the development of a new generation of imaging diagnostics for current and envisioned magnetic fusion devices. Prominent among these are... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsPlasma PhysicsMicrowave
This paper illustrates the genesis, space, concept and approach inspiring the Wisdom Dialogue movement - serving a light wave for a Consciousness shift.
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This work is devoted to the thermodynamics of high-temperature dense hydrogen plasmas in the pressure region between 10 −1 and 10 2 Mbar. In particular we present for this region results of extensive calculations based on a recently... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsThermodynamicsPlasma
The semiclassical dynamics of a charged particle moving in a two-component plasma is considered using a corrected Kelbg pseudopotential. We employ the classical Nevanlinna-type theory of frequency moments to determine the velocity and... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsMolecular DynamicsDiffusion
An integrated modeling framework for investigating the application of solid boron (B) powder injection for real-time surface conditioning of plasma-facing components (PFCs) in tokamak environments is presented. Utilizing the DIII-D... more
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      Plasma PhysicsNuclear MaterialsDusty PlasmaPlasma Material Interaction
Submitted for the GEC09 Meeting of The American Physical Society How valid is the concept of a bi-Maxwellian distribution? N.S. BRAITHWAITE, R.N. FRANKLIN, The Open University-The sheath of a plasma with two distinct negative species was... more
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      PhysicsLow pressure
Recent aging studies performed on dilute and concentrated metal tritides are reviewed. Also, new results concerning property changes in metal tritides as a function of aging time are included. We mainly report on TEM studies of aged... more
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      PhysicsMaterials SciencePlasma PhysicsMicrostructure
Small quasi-two-dimensional (2D) dust clusters consisting of three to eleven particles are formed in an argon plasma under varying rf power. Their normal modes are investigated through their mode spectra obtained from tracking the... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsMolecular PhysicsAtomic Physics
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSecurityComputer Security
High-power debris-free vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light sources have applications in several scientific and engineering areas, such as high volume manufacturing lithography and inspection tools in the semiconductor industry, as well as... more
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      Materials ScienceOpticsPlasmaVUV
A simple model is investigated according to which the deformation of the vacuum corresponding to the localization of a particle is described by particular solutions of an appropriately rescaled Wheeler-De Witt (WdW) equation. The role of... more
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The solar wind interacts with planetary magnetospheres, generating plasma waves in both the upstream region and the magnetospheric environment. Mars, lacking an inherent magnetic field, has an induced magnetosphere formed through solar... more
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      Plasma PhysicsSpace Plasma Physics
We consider the interaction of subpicosecond relativistically strong short laser pulses with an underdense cold unmagnetized electron plasma. It is shown that the strong plasma inhomogeneity caused by laser pulses results in the... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsLaserAtomic Physics
It is shown that pair plasmas, through the new focusing–defocusing nonlinearity generated by an ‘asymmetry’ in initial temperatures of constituent species, can support multidimensional, stable, large-amplitude light bullets as well as... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsAtomic PhysicsAstrophysics
I have studied every discipline with an open mind. I have faced years of near mental collapse, perceived hardships to ow end, and have emerged with the answers I sought. I bring you all the keys to everything. To the Faith Equation. To... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyTheoretical PhysicsPlasma Physics
High-order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes [1, 2] are generated by multi-terawatt femtosecond lasers focused onto gas jet targets up to irradiances exceeding 10 18 W/cm 2. Possible applications of these harmonics range from... more
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      Materials ScienceElectronHarmonics
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United i.
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      Stochastic ProcessPhysicsPlasma PhysicsQuantum Electrodynamics
When an intense, plane-polarized, laser pulse interacts with a plasma, the relativistic nonlinearities fP induce a third harmonic polarization. A phase-locked growth of a third harmonic wave can tak; place, but the difference between the... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsLaserMedicine
A new nonlinear Raman instability in underdense plasma is investigated theoretically. Unlike the usual linear Raman instabilities which grow exponentially in time, this instability takes a finite amount of time to diverge. T h e explosion... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsRaman SpectroscopyInstability
Capacitive discharges have classically been modeled in the electrostatic approximation. However, electromagnetic effects become significant if the excitation wavelength and the plasma skin depth are not infinite. An electromagnetic model... more
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      PhysicsMaterials SciencePlasma PhysicsMedicine