OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), 1988
Information Center is to provide broadest dissemination possiof information contained in DOE's Re... more Information Center is to provide broadest dissemination possiof information contained in DOE's Research and Development Reports to business, industry, the academic community, and federal, state and local governments. Although a small portion of this report is not reproducible, it is being made available to expedite the availability of information on the research discussed herein.
2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), 2007
The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator was built over 30 years ago. It consis... more The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator was built over 30 years ago. It consists of a 800-MeV proton linac, a proton storage ring, and facilities for isotope production, proton radiography, ultra-cold neutrons, weapons neutron research and for various sciences such as materials, biological and nanotechnology using neutron scattering. For national security, it plays a vital role in stockpile stewardship by providing important data on dynamic events during weapons detonation using proton radiography. The aging components of LANSCE will be refurbished and modernized in the next few years and the LANSCE will continue serving as a prominent facility for both science and national security in the years ahead. After SNS comes on line, it will play a complementary role and will also serve as a staging facility for some experiments to be carried out at SNS. Interesting science being conducted at LANSCE and the plans for the refurbishment and future enhancement of the facility will be presented.
A steady state current drive concept applicable to reversed field pinch (RFP) discharges is prese... more A steady state current drive concept applicable to reversed field pinch (RFP) discharges is presented. The concept, initially proposed by M. Bevir and J. Gray of the Culham Laboratory, entails driving the RFP's toroidal and poloidal magnetic field circuits with low-frequency oscillating voltage sources. The steady state drive concept was examined with a O-D plasma-circuit simulation code presently employed to model the Los Alamos ZT-40 RFP experiment. Simulations indicate the drive concept is feasible provided its perturbative effect on plasma equilibrium, stability, and transport is minimal A summary of these results, along with their implications on present and future RFP devices, is discussed.
1990 Plasma Science IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts, 1990
Summary form only given. The energetic electron transport process and, hence, the associated plas... more Summary form only given. The energetic electron transport process and, hence, the associated plasma heat transport in the reversed field pinch (RFP) are not adequately represented by simple thermal conduction where Qe=-χeΔTe. A related effect is that the deposition of electron momentum in the plasma edge region can be directly correlated with an enhanced (nonclassical) plasma resistivity. Preliminary modeling of
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics, 1990
This paper reviews the status of methods used to analyze local transport of particles, energy, an... more This paper reviews the status of methods used to analyze local transport of particles, energy, and angular momentum in plasmas contained in toroidal fusion devices. The standard technique at present is based on determination of particle, energy, and momentum fluxes through analysis based on measured profiles of density, temperature and angular rotation speed and on calculation of all sources of particles, energy, and momentum. Recent experiments have also been done using perturbations of local density, temperature, or angular rotation speed caused by modulating the input sources. The local transport information is then extracted from the time history of the perturbations. These two techniques are contrasted and the strengths of each are discussed in this paper. Recommendations for further work needed to make progress in understanding transport are also given.
Fusion Technology, 1985
The present status of research on the ZT-40M Reversed-Field Pinch (RFP) will be described. RFP di... more The present status of research on the ZT-40M Reversed-Field Pinch (RFP) will be described. RFP discharges have been sustained for times (27 ms) >> the classical resistive diffusion time, implying the existence of a flux-sustainment mechanism (''dynamo''). This mechanism opens the possibility for a steady-state RFP reactor utilizing a unique form of non-inductive current drive. T /sub e/ > 500 eV has been obtained for 400 kA discharges with â»n /sub e/ about 4 x 10¹⹠mâ»Â³. Total energy confinement time /tau/ /sub E/ has reached 0.7 ms with a Lawson parameter of 5 x 10¹ⶠmâ»Â³s for discharges with â»n /sub e/ = 8 x 10¹⹠mâ»Â³ and T /sub e/ = 330 eV at a plasma current of 330 kA and 0.33 T total confining field at the wall. Reactor-like ..beta..theta about 10-20% is routinely obtained for plasma currents from 60-400 kA (..beta.. about ..beta..theta/2). Scaling of â»n /sub e/ /tau/ /sub E/ about I /sup 2.2+or-0.4/ is found, more than adequate for a compact RFP reactor.
Astron Astrophys Suppl Series, 1985
Presented at the 12th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Nice France 12 Oct 1988, 1988
Information Center is to provide broadest dissemination possiof information contained in DOE's Re... more Information Center is to provide broadest dissemination possiof information contained in DOE's Research and Development Reports to business, industry, the academic community, and federal, state and local governments. Although a small portion of this report is not reproducible, it is being made available to expedite the availability of information on the research discussed herein.
IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science
LANSCE's existing 1-MW, 0.8-GeV proton accelerator and experimental infrastructure can be leverag... more LANSCE's existing 1-MW, 0.8-GeV proton accelerator and experimental infrastructure can be leveraged to enable new science in support of the LANL mission. As a result of the investments in improving the performance and reliability of LANSCE through ongoing LANSCE Linac Risk Mitigation (LRM) projects, 120-Hz beam operation will be enabled in the next several months. This revived capability will allow for additional beam users. Until the 1990's, beam operations at LANSCE were focused primarily on supporting the US experimental nuclear physics program. Many of the experiments were performed in a highly-dedicated experimental area that allowed multiplexing of beams to many users simultaneously. This experimental area is the LANSCE experimental Area A. Since high-power operations were halted in 1998, a multi-year effort to clean out Area A has been underway and is nearly complete, making the area available for future uses. We are proposing a phased strategy to revive beam operations in Area A that will enhance existing capabilities as well as provide new capabilities that support ongoing and future LANL missions including providing a multi-probe capability in support of MaRIE science.
Journal of Fusion Energy, 2000
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Research chartered through the Fusion Energy Scie... more The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Research chartered through the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC) a panel to “address the topic of U.S. participation in an ITER construction phase, assuming the ITER Parties decide to proceed with construction”. Given that there is expected to be a transition period of 3 to 5 years between the conclusion of