Recent papers in Pieds-Noirs
In commemoration of the 45th year of their exile, 500 pieds-noirs and their families gathered in Toulouse, France in May 2007. During their meeting, the Amicale de Saida viewed the film Saida… On revient! sur les pas de notre enfance,... more
Publisher: One World Publication (US) Winner of the Prix Goncourt du Premier Roman Winner of the Prix des Cinq Continents Winner of the Prix Francois Mauriac Longlisted for the FT/OppenheimerFunds Emerging Voices Award Published: 2013... more
This is the front matter for an anthology I edited for Greenhaven Press that was published in 2001 and is, as far as I know, now out of print (though copies are still floating around on various used-book websites). What is included here... more
Entre autres services rendus à la domination française par Ahmed AI-Mokrani, père du futur Bachagha Mohammed Al-Mokrani, et ennemi irréductible de la résistance algérienne à la colonisation, le plus important a été de prendre fait et... more
S’agissant de juger les effets de la colonisation, cet historien universitaire rigoureux a dressé des tableaux précis. Hostile à toute lecture manichéenne, il montre que la colonisation européenne fut une immense révolution aux effets à... more
Le 13 avril 1847 le Cherif Boumaza s’est rendu au colonel de Saint-Arnaud après avoir soutenu dans l'oasis des Ouled Djellal son dernier combat contre le général Herbillon, le bourreau des Zaatcha (Biskra). C'est le capitaine Richard,... more
«Algeria. The War of Independence Fifty Years Later» Andrea Brazzoduro (ed.) Contributors: Roberto Bianchi, Giulia Fabbiano, Julien Hage, Jim House, Nicola Labanca, Amar Mohand-Amer, Irene Mordiglia, Gian Paolo Calchi Novati,... more
Despite its association with social criticism, the road movie genre frequently privi- leges a western, male subjectivity and presents unquestioningly his right to travel into the other’s space. The films of Tony Gatlif frequently depict... more
Marseille s’est toujours présentée comme la ville française d’accueil de l’immigration nord-africaine. Aussi différents auteurs, à l’image de JMG Le Clézio, Michel Tournier ou Yasmina Khadra se sont-ils appropriés dans leurs œuvres ce... more
While Algeria has long been a popular subject for travel writers, since its decolonization in 1962, the travelogues documenting journeys to Algeria have predominantly become returns and reunions with the homeland. Immediately after their... more
Zohra Drif, one of the notorious heroines of the Front de Libération Nationale’s independence movement during the Algerian War, has in the last fifteen years been frequently recreated in literature and film. Drif, who is now a retired... more
Talk given in the School of Languages and Cultures, Culture Seminar Series, 18 March 2022 at the University of Queensland. France's colonial history in Algeria has been the subject of "Memory Wars" since the end of the 1990s. Culminating... more
Morgane Delaunay is a French historian specialized in European colonial and post-colonial history. She dedicated the last four years working on the repatriation of Portuguese and French settlers during the decolonization process of... more
This manuscript has been reproduced from the microfilm master. UMI films the text directly from the original or copy submitted. Thus, some thesis and dissertation copies are in typewriter face, while others may be from any type of... more
This book examines the written recreation of Algeria in the literature from the Pied-Noir community from 1962 to present. Through an examination of nostalgic returns, both real and imagined, I demonstrate that repetition attempts to work... more
Morgane Delaunay, Université Rennes 2 / Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
"Portugal e a chegada dos 'retornados': políticas estatais de alojamento numa perspetiva comparada com o caso francês dos 'Pieds-noirs' da Argélia"
"Portugal e a chegada dos 'retornados': políticas estatais de alojamento numa perspetiva comparada com o caso francês dos 'Pieds-noirs' da Argélia"
Between June 1990 and June 1992, I managed to spend as much time as possible in Oran on six successive Algerian cultural visas. Much of the time I stayed in the hostel attached to the Cathedral of Sainte-Marie, the seat of the diocese of... more
Laurent Mauvignier's novel about the legacy of the Algerian War.
This volume is the first consistent effort to systematically analyze the features and consequences of colonial repatriation in comparative terms, examining the trajectories of returnees in six former colonial countries (Belgium, France,... more
Journaliste et chanteur engagé à droite, Jean-Pax Méfret traduit en chanson les tensions idéologiques et géopolitiques des années 1980. Son univers politique est typé : anticommunisme et antisoviétisme, rejet de la gauche au pouvoir après... more
The Pieds-Noirs, or former French citizens of Algeria, are a diverse community brought together not as much by their common experience in Algeria as by their common exile from their homeland during and after the Algerian War for... more
Jacques Ferrandez, born in Algiers in late 1955, spent only the first three months of his life in the capital before moving to France. His illustrated travel writing project, Retours à Alger [Return journeys to Algiers], closely tied to... more
France’s former French citizens of Algeria, the Pieds-Noirs, include one of Europe’s largest diaspora communities in the twentieth century. Because of the traumatic conditions of their departure and arrival, two types of remembrance arose... more
From 2012 to 2016, three French women published autobiographies about surviving bombings as children during the Algerian War (1954-1962). Danielle Michel-Chich who survived the Milk Bar bombing in Algiers in 1956 published an open letter... more
ono… sono belle… Queste scarpe, sono mio padre… Queste scarpe sono davvero mio padre, sono davvero lui. Quando penso a lui… Era buono… era come Van Gogh!" Così un bambino di dieci anni della provincia marocchina del 1969 si lascia... more
book abstract: Cette collection d’articles retrace les différentes facettes de la mobilité inhérente à l’écriture migrante au féminin dans différentes aires géographiques, tels le Maghreb, l’Afrique sub-saharienne, les Caraïbes, le... more
In 1957, the French-Algerian writer Albert Camus wrote a collection of short stories entitled " Exile and the Kingdom " , composed during the Algerian struggle for independence, which culminated in the displacement of around one-million... more
... Dual, Divided, and Doubled Selves: Three Women Writing between France and Algeria.Hubbell, Amy (2010). ... Author(s), Hubbell, Amy. Title of chapter, Dual, Divided, and Doubled Selves: Three Women Writing between France and Algeria. ...
Il 23 febbraio 2005 l'Assemblea Nazionale francese ha approvato la legge n. 158 «portant reconnaissance de la nation et contribution nationale en faveur des Français rapatriés», presentata da un gruppo di deputati dell'UMP (Unione per un... more
In his polemical 1961 text Les Français d’Algérie a young Pierre Nora argued that class distinctions in French Algeria were of little importance to the European settler population. He stated, ‘Du grand colon capitaliste au petit tailleur... more
Célébrée en grandes pompes à la cathédrale de la Major à Marseille, l'Assomption donne lieu à une grande procession, le 15 août, à travers les rues du quartier historique du Panier. C'est l'occasion pour les « Siciliens de Tunis » de se... more
“(Dis)integrating Roots in Ken Bugul’s and Marie Cardinal’s Autobiographies: A Return to the Baobab fou.” Emergent Perspectives on Ken Bugul: From Alternative Choices to Oppositional Practices. Ed. Jeanne-Sarah De Larquier and Ada... more
À bien voir, l’originalité majeure de l’approche qui caractérise From empire to exile est déjà clairement annoncée dans son sous- titre : History and memory within the pied-noir et harki communities, 1962-2012, où le mot-clé est bien sûr... more