Philosophy of physics & cosmology
Recent papers in Philosophy of physics & cosmology
Raymond Bates eight book on microvita. A comprehensive book on microvita theory of our universe with 32 drawings and introduction to Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti’s theory of waveform gravity. The book describes how and why the universe is... more
The development of the concept of space was an evolutionary process in early Greek history. Four major periods have been identified (historically and philosophically) by shifts in the way that the Greek Philosophers as a whole looked at... more
A new, consciousness-first scientific paradigm, incorporating Supreme Consciousness, Cosmic Mind and subtle sub-atomic cosmic intelligence agents called microvita, can replace the present materialist paradigm. The new paradigm can provide... more
The golden ring to which most physicists aspire is a unified field theory that incorporates all of modern and classical physics. Some scientists and others call this a TOE or ‘theory of everything’, but it is no more than false hubris to... more
Sudah ribuan tahun lamanya, banyak bangsa telah meneliti dan mengamati benda-benda langit beserta pergerakannya. Ribuan tahun lamanya juga banyak orang terkagum-kagum dengan keajaiban alam semesta yang penuh misteri dan teka-teki. Setiap... more
Since Einstein died in 1955, very few theoretical scientists have tried to complete his work because the pendulum of history has swung toward favoring field theories based on the quantum for the expected unification of physics. Nearly... more
This chapter addresses philosophical questions raised in contemporary work on cosmology. It provides an overview of the Standard Model for cosmology and argues that its deficiency in addressing theories regarding the very early universe... more
Science has an irrational fear to deal with some "non materialistic" ("Philosophical") issues. However, many modern results suggest that it is rather a self-limitation of Science to overcome. This paper proposes to do it through a model... more
Many scientists believe that any true unification theory of physics must include a concept of consciousness as well as a model for the mind that interprets our three-dimensionally biased and limited sensations of the external... more
It is felt by many that faster-than-light particles (tachyons) exist though none has been detected so far. Is it really possible to detect these particles? Some methods are brought up.
The Universe: Heart in the Moon. // Вселенная: Сердце в Луне.
Although the concept of absolute space was the product of Newton’s genius alone, it did have precursors in the philosophical concepts of space developed by Patrizi and Gassendi before him as well as a long history of changes, adaptations... more
An article by Sabine Hossenfelder and Stacey S. McGaugh, titled “Is Dark Matter Real?’, has just appeared in the August 2018 issue of Scientific American. Every physicist, astronomer, astrophysicist and cosmologist as well as everyone... more
A nagging problem has existed in the way we regard the local physical world around us and the non-local universe at large since the very beginning development of our philosophical and scientific attitudes toward the external world. That... more
The proposal presents the selection, organization, and analysis of fundamental concepts of physics to expand the standard cosmological model by defining the minimum and maximum expansion states of the Universe as momentary linear resting... more
Many scientists have come to believe that any true unification model in physics must include a concept of consciousness as well as a model for the mind that interprets the external physical/material world. And, that number is growing.... more
It is well known that soft iron owes its transformation into steel to the addition of carbon. Carbon is the hardest substance on Earth - diamond. Carbon is the mainstay of Life on Earth, since everything living on our planet is built from... more
In this two Gabriele Ghisellini’s lectures (in Italian, hoping Google can allow translation in your app) there are all the elements for a step forward in understanding the universe. Which is already hard enough of a task, without need to... more
Remote entanglement of quantum objects has been a point of contention for most of the last century. The most convincing evidence for the prevailing interpretation of such effects is believed to be that provided by a series of increasingly... more
The view that there must be an Unmoved Prime Mover (UPM) is at the core of Aristotle’s cosmology. Theophrastus was the first to object to this theory. He paved the way for the objections addressed by Pseudo-Justin, who devoted a whole... more
The founders of Greek scientific thought believed justice in terms of equality. Cosmic equality, in fact, was conceived as the guaranty of cosmic justice: the order of nature is maintained because it is an order of equals. That the main... more
This book builds on the work of psychiatrist Carl Jung and physicist Wolfgang Pauli on their ideas about mind and matter as being manifestations of a deeper archetypal reality. It builds on their ideas about numbers, ideas expanded by... more
The theoretical prediction of Higgs boson was arguably one of the most important contributions in particle physics in the 20th century, with significant implications for modern cosmology. Its reported discovery in 2012 was celebrated as... more
Why there's No velocity higher than Light Velocity C =300000 km/sec? Because • The Matter is created from light beams coherence (according to Young Experiment-The Main Hypothesis) • The Time is created as the Matter Changing measurement •... more
The life to Earth came from the Universe: the part is alive due to the Entire, this world is alive thanks to the Whole. The first tribe of our Earth w ere Scythians, people from the Moon; their selenic language was the root to earthly... more
This paper, written in 1977, presents a brief overview of modern physical cosmology which shows how some of its concepts parallel those of Eastern mysticism and mystical thought in general. The subject is treated within a historical... more
“Whatever we can think of and whatever we cannot think of in this vast universe, whatever we know and whatever we do not know of this vast creation, are all within the Macrocosmic mind. For Him there is nothing external – everything is... more
1. The Main Hypothesis: The Matter Is Created From The Light 2. The produced matter is created in motion, that means the solar planets are created in motions (regardless the motion reason) 3. The solar group are a group of motions... more
The founders of Greek scientific thought believed justice in terms of equality. Cosmic equality, in fact, was conceived as the guaranty of cosmic justice: the order of nature is maintained because it is an order of equals. That the main... more
This book is a completion of the thought that came to my mind recently about the changing the mathematical derivations by using it respect to the mass (M) instead of radius() and time() : I began with these equations which represent a... more
What was there first in the beginning of Birth of Universe. Let’s imagine complete Emptiness that was just that, and nothing in it. Emptiness which spared for ever and ever, called an Infinite Space in real terms. No Particles, Energy... more
У бренной Земли нашей, «могилы духа» — душ пойманных топки-темницы, — есть точный лик: двигатель внутреннего сгорания. Имя дизель, его явь, несет в себе тайну Машины как Блага и Зла.
The Moon as the only black hole in the Space. // Луна как единственная черная дыра Вселенной. _____________________ Теории нашей безбожной науки — намеки на Истину, сокрытую за ними. На Истину, которую сама она не зрит. Такова есть... more
In the framework of a cosmological model of the Universe filled with a nonrelativistic particle soup, we easily reproduce inflation due to the quantum potential. The lightest particles in the soup serve as a driving force of this simple,... more
Nearly three decades ago, a physical anomaly was discovered that should have shaken physics to its very foundations. That anomaly, called the galaxy rotation problem, resulted from the difference between the expected velocities of... more
The names of people as a signs of their Destiny. // Имена людей как знаки их Судьбы.
This work examines a question of a true place of Moon in the whole Universe. Meanwhile the contemporary atheistic per se science considers it as a lifeless Earth adjunct it is actually an axis of the Universe and the throne of God. Being... more
While the confirmed existence of Dark Matter (DM) and Dark Energy (DE) forms a serious and indeed revolutionary problem for physics, they are actually easy to explain if the reality of a fourth macroscopically extended spatial dimension... more
Neste trabalho analisamos atividades desenvolvidas durante um curso de história da cosmologia, cujo objetivo foi discutir relações entre ciência e religião na formação inicial de professores de ciências. Após terem estudado sobre a... more
We are taught to think that the description of relativistic phenomena requires distorted time and distance. The message of this essay is that, in a holistic perspective, time and distance are universal coordinate quantities, and... more
This book as a participation of Ali’s theory for the controversial debates that run recently to figure out if we could get information from the Black Holes (BHs) or not. There are two cohorts in that: the first calls for conservation of... more
It´s very interesting to follow the many scientific astrophysical and cosmological branches and their different approaches which don´t compute. It is no sense to smash atoms to *foggy clouds* as seen on this image below, from which NO... more
ACADEMIC PROOF OF THE CREATOR VISUAL/INTERACTIVE BOOK -New Perspectives from the Treatise of Nature- (An imaginary and mental journey of discovery in the depths of divine technology) Providing academic proof of the truth of the Belief in... more
This paper is excerpted from a prepublication copy of my upcoming history book Phallacies in Fysics: Volume 2 Modern Physics: A fresh look and reappraisal of the Second Scientific Revolution Einstein and his colleagues developed... more